- ��. , ,;4�. �r '- �:�.e+.
<br /> . '.}yN r-..,.ti:...
<br /> ,.�' _ ���.,:,....�..-A,:..� ..
<br /> � •• ' _ �► ./
<br /> i�._. -. - .. _ - ...
<br /> . -.� ,:;• • 17. Trand�r of th� Prop�rty or • �ndict�l InNr�at In Sorro+�wr. N.N a�n�r PMt a tM Propwly or =-
<br /> '':Y , • any ht�nat In k k�otd a v�nn�M�d(or N�b�nrtaW int�nst h 8anowrr M sold or tran�l�n�J�nd Barowu M not �n�Mr�l __
<br /> �. . �:'; i'�`:� p�nq�)without L�ndw's P�'wekt�n oonsm�Und�r�rY.�t ita option.n�+in i�r�diM�P�Y��In lur o1 M wnN s�a�r�d by —
<br /> 11�Maxity InrYunMM. Howwr.1hM opYon sh� nol b� aKaN�d h►UntNr M��M prohbit�d bY Mdu�l Irw M of tlM
<br /> - -- ---��;'r���" �M L �nrat�M Ihls aptton, Und�►shM phr�8amw�r noNo�of�rWon. Th�noqo�sh�M parid�a pMbd d nat � `�---
<br /> ., �"�.. : ` � Ma th�n 30 d�ys irom th� det�1ha notk� k d�Mvr�d or nwMd wNhN whioh Bor►ow�mwt WY� wnN s�a�nd b!+� �
<br /> .• . ; s.ou�y tn�wm.m. n sa►ow.wi.w p.y in... .wn�p�or�o u�..�v+�.aoo a uas p«�od, u�,dM m�y nvotc.r►r r«n«� '
<br /> '• , ,. .• � � pwn�lt�d by 1hN S�a�ifY ImWmmt wUhout IWth�r na9a a d�+n�nd oe Barowu. � r
<br /> � r 1�. oonow�r's Rlpht to RNn�tat�. M eomowr mMts arUM� aondwom, eorrw+�r shM hw�tIN dpMt b h�r�
<br /> . _� �nfarc«n�r►t of thu S�curNY M�trum�nt dhoontkw�al �t any tNm Piior to th� w1Nr of: (a) 5 d�ys (or woh athK p�rbd�s --
<br /> _ ;;y . �.� appMo�bN M�w nry Yp�oMy tor nfn�l�t�n�nt)bMon�w or tiw Rap�ty pursu�nt to sny power ol uM oonWned h this 9eauiH �
<br /> - '"_ . Inshui�nt; a(D) mtrY a a JudprtMnt�nlorcNq thls 3�a++kY InsUunw��Thos�co�dtion�w tMt 9ar�w�r: (�) WY� Und�r all
<br /> --;:�`�� ' ' y sun�wh{ch thm wouid b�duo widr this S�curtif► InMnurwit �nd th�Nob u M no �oo��tbn h�d aooumd: (bI a�ns mY � _
<br /> ---�, ' d.IM,R a any ou,w wv«+ane or.on�nmts: to) wr+�I .xp�+� Inaund In .nknoirw u�M S�arlly le��t� indu�w.but
<br /> not Mdbd to.rMSOn�bM atlomhra'i�t� and(� tak�t weh�dion as Lndn n►�y n�w�tdY nquk�W wwn th�t th�M�n of
<br /> Y'_� •, this S�curitY InalnHn�nt. L�ndu's dphts h th� RopMty and BarcrivK'a obliy�tfan to pay th�wm�s��d bY lhis 8�urMY --�.
<br /> '°�-� Inshwmnt sh�1 eonlinw unch�np�d• Upon ninsLwn�nt by 8arrowK, lhia 3�cwky Mstrumr►t �nd th� oblprtlons ��awNd
<br /> ``� ;.� � � h.nby�har r«n�tn 1uy �It�etiv�o N no acaNrauon had o«:�rr�d. Havww�thM�1pht w rMn�t�t��tiaM rat�pply h th�aw --
<br /> _ �•f
<br />_ ,:.;;.= � of aoc�nUon undu panpr�ph 17.
<br /> .. 19. 5a1� of Nob: Chanp� of �of�n S�rvlc�r. T1N Not�ar � • WrtiN int�ost tn th� Nat� popNhw wkh thil
<br /> S�curily Instrummt)m�y b�soid on�a mon Gm�s wqhout prior notMw to Bortoww. A s�b rrwry nsuit in a ah�n0�in tha rnti0l
<br /> (known aa th�'Loan S�tvia►')that eW�cts manthN WYR+enb due unda tho Nol�and thls S�cwity G�elrwn�it Thara�o m�y �
<br /> bY on�ar mon ch�npN W th� Lwn Swiur unnW�d to a �aN of th� Nott. If Ih� k +� ch�� of tha Lan 8M5riar.
<br /> 8ortow�wiY b�piv�n wdttan oot{ca of th�chinQe in�ccordence wMh pu�prrph 14 abov�and�ppArabls Mw. Th� natia wN� -- -
<br /> stat�th�nam�and addna of th�n�w Loan S�rvk�md Ua addrws to which payrn�nts shouW bt n►�d�. The natlw wl1�Mo ___
<br /> _ cq�l�in v►y oth�r intorrrwUon��+iwd bY appNcabt�law. —
<br /> 20. Ha�tafdous SubstanC�s. Borrowtr shal not awse or p�mft th�pnc�nce, ua�,dispoawt, stonpe,or t�M�s�of
<br /> any tiaiudous Substanca on or h th� PropKty. Bortoww shat not do. nar�ow �r►yom Nsn to do. anythinp�M�kW 1hp
<br /> RropKty that is In vldatla� ot any EnvMarna�U►1 l.�w. Th�pnc�dinq two sM►t�e�s sh�M not�pply to th�pnrsmoe,up,or
<br /> storay�on th� Rop�Ay ot sm�N qu�ntW�s of H�zWdous Substanc�s th�t art yen�raNy rwsopnitAd to W �PP��� W nam�l
<br /> r�sWeniW usa and to m�bhnanc�of tht Property.
<br /> Borrower ahaN promptly yiv� Under wriuen noUce ot any investty�dor►, d�fm. dan�nd, wwwk or oth�r adlon by any
<br /> yov�nnrntat or nyui�tory agency ot Wivat�pvty invoNinq the Prop�rty and sny Htzar��Su6��tatory�ut� h�o�Ny.th�t Y
<br /> wh�h gorrowx has actwl knowMdp�. It BortowK M�ms,ar is�otiWd by any yo
<br /> � ��ravai a oth�► r.am�di+lbn of any Ha�rdous Sub�ta�c� dledhy RoPertY is n�aswy. 8onowK shaM promptly takt W
<br /> - n�assary rame�.i�i:uunc in accatdancc wlth Er.siranmenlat lew. —
<br /> As us�d h this p�rayraPh 20. 'ti�zardous Subshnces'ue thoae aubstancts deh�ed as toxb or haz+�nkus wbat�naes by
<br /> ' Environmentai L+w �nd the foNowiny substances: yasd'ne, kroasne, oth�r Arrunable or toxb p�trd�w� produds. torlc
<br /> peaticid�s and habic�dee,volatib solvents.mituids eontwinhy asbestos or form�Wahyde,and adioacWe rt�tni�ia. As ue�d in �_
<br /> u�
<br /> p�tiyraph 20, 'EnvkonmenUl Uw' me�ns iedral iawe and Irws ot the Juri:dictbn whero tht Propedy Is bat�d th�t nMt�W
<br /> y hs�ltFi.�faty or anvMonmentat protecUon. -�.
<br /> i .�...
<br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANT3.Barower and Lender fuAhe�cov�nant and ayrou�s iolows: �:��-
<br /> „
<br /> 21. Accaloration; Remediea. Londar sh�ll yivo 110ZICY to Bo►row�r prlor to aacol�r�tlon �''-'
<br /> j. toilowin� Borrower's broach of any covonant or aqre4mo�t in this Socurity In�trum�nt � �;..r.;_.
<br /> '' prior to accoleration undor parayraph 17 unipss appticabto taw provides oth�rwis�). Th� nqtk� yA�;
<br /> � � shatl :pocify: (a) tha dofault; (b) tha action �aquired to curo th� defwlts (a) � dat�,not I�ss thon. :,�;•
<br /> � 30 days from tiw dato tho notic� is piv�n to Borrow�r� by which th� defvult must b� cur�d; �nd ���,•
<br /> (d) th�t fatlure to curo the dofault on or b�fore tho data specifiod in th� notica may rqsuk in
<br /> ' accoloration of tho aums securad by this Secu�ity Inst►umont and salo of th�P�op�rty.ThM noNa�
<br /> shall fu►ther i�torm Bor�owQr of the right to rQinstaRO Nter accala►ation �nd th� ripht to brieq a
<br /> � court action to assart tho non-axistQna of a default or any other defon�a of 6orrowav to ;..
<br /> •ccolaratton and sal�. If tho dafautt i� not cured o� or befora tho ddo sp�cift�d in thr no�tc�. 4 �
<br /> Londor at its option m�y require immodl�te ppympnt in futt of ali sums� socur�d by thle S�c�rity
<br /> ' ' � '� � � Inatrumo�t without further demand and may invoka tha powor of sala and a�y oth�r ram�ndi�s
<br /> ;_ ',,�-. pormittod by app�icablo law. Landor shatl be ontitlod to coltect all �xpenaos tnaurnd in ppr�utn�
<br /> .' � tha ramodios providod tn thts parayraph 21, i�atudiny, but not �tmited to� naaonabl� atto�n�ys'
<br /> ;. . . � fo�s �nd costs ot titlo evidonce.
<br /> i, ' ' I ff tho powar of �alo is invokod, Tructo� shsll record s notic� of default in �aah aounty in
<br /> ', which any part of the Property is locatad and shall mail coplQS of �uah notico tn th� m�n��r
<br /> ' ' , pro�cribod by applicabta taw to Borrow�r and to tho othar pa�aon� p�escrib�d by �pptic�bl� law.
<br /> `- ' ��� ' Aftor ths time roquirad by applicabie law, Tructea �hatl givo publto notic� of sal� to thr p�rsais
<br /> L�' � ' , and in thQ msnner prescribed by applicobte law.Trustea� without demand on 6orrowo�� shsll sdt
<br /> ;'•' � ;%,� � tha P�opvrty at pubtic auction !o tho hiqhest bidder at tho timQ and placo and undrr#t� torms
<br /> G.f : ;.'� . ' d�si�nat�d in the notic� ot salo tn ono or mora parcds and in any wdor TrustM d�t�rtnin�s.
<br /> �s• � � Trudao may podpono sale ot atl or any parcol af tho Proporty by pubitc snnouncan►�nt at tiw
<br /> '�. � � , tim� and placa of any proviously achadulod �ato. L�ndo� or Ita doslpnN �rwy purohas� th�
<br /> � ;, .. P�oporty at sny�ala.
<br /> ;_,,{ � • . Upon r�colpt of payme�t of tha pric� bid, Trusto� shatl daliv�r to tho purch�swr TrustN's
<br /> =-�.,� � .,� d�ed conv�yinp tha Proporty. Tho rocitat� in the Trustaa's dood :hsll b� prin�a factt �vid�ne� of
<br /> .'ttb,rsr��.�.�,ar:r __ ..._ ....u. ,.s ��� .�.i.....n�a Ms�1e fh�rotn. Trusto� shal{ aDDIY th• D�oC��ds Of th� sal! in tll�
<br />. . .._....� _ r:�:._'_--___,..___._"_- \t�t MM��• v� ���� .�w�.���.�..�� " "'._'_ _
<br /> Yt f.... ... _ .
<br /> followin� ord�r. (a) to all costs and �xpens4s of oxa�cisiny th� pow�r ot sal�, and th� sal�.
<br /> ''��: � � tnciudiap tf� paym�nt of tFw T�ust��'s f��s actuslir Incu►r�d� not to�xc��d
<br /> �- .
<br /> w:_ � •'.,.;�.s�;:�.�::�*..,._. _—_-------Ten----------�17)----------------- _% ot th� princtpal�mount af th�
<br /> :;.;.�. �. . .��.:.: not� st th�tim� ot tho d�claration of dotwR,And raasonabl� attom�y's f�as ss p�rtnilt�d by taw;
<br /> '' ...,��,��'' (b) to all wms s�cur�d by this S�curity Instrum�nt; �nd (c) any �xa�ss to tM p�n�n or p�na�s
<br /> : � ... .... .: ��h► �t�titl�d to R.
<br /> .�.��- ,.J �
<br /> �=r F1�1�.LRIf1(Wa3) P�pe!ot S
<br /> ,u
<br /> ., -___�s!��M'y`.,.`�
<br />�-"c"' �,�. ��. 1000002/ �
<br /> �� * �, �...........,
<br /> ��' --._. � __ , . --- --� _ - �.�ww.r.n.w,• .._. .
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