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<br /> wppiicable Iww may xpecify for reinstutement) before sale of the Property pursuant to eny power of sak cantainod in Ihis
<br /> � Security Instrumen�or(b)cntry of a judgment enfarcina 1hi�5ecurlty Inswmrnt. Thocc condiUonr arc that Bmrowor. (s)
<br /> pays Lender �II sums which then would bc duo under Ihis Securiry Instrument ond Ihe Notc as If no AccelerAdon had
<br /> xcumed;(b)cures ony defaalt of wny ather covenu�t��r a�rcementa;(c)pays u11 expensea incumed in enforcing this Security
<br /> -- - Inatiument,including,but not limited to, rcason�ble attomeys'fees; and(d) tekes such acUon as I.ende�may rcnson�bly
<br /> - requi�to a9sure that the lien oi lhis Securiry lnswrnent.Lender�s dghts in Ihc Praperty and Bormwer�obligation to pay�hc
<br /> �„ - aums securcd by thls Security Inatrument shaN canlinuo unchnnged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, thie Security
<br /> -- -�- --" Insuument and the obligaticrns Kcured hereby slull rcmain fully effective as if no xccleration had occurted However.this
<br /> d�ht to rcinstate shall not apply in the case oP accelerAtion under�wrograph 17.
<br /> '�' 19. 3sle of NWei Cbaa�e ot Loaa Servker. The Note or n partial interest in the Note ltogether with this Security
<br /> _ Instrument)may be sold one or more 11mes wilhout pr�or notice to Barrower. A sule muy result in a change in the entlty
<br /> �- (known as IUe"Loan Servia�")thut cnllects monthly puyments duc under the Noto und this Secu�ry Insuument. There ulso
<br /> -= may be one or morc changes of the Loan Servicer unrel�ted to u sale of the Notc. If ther+e is n chunge af the Loan Servlcer,
<br /> ___ � Borrower wlll be given written notice of the change in uccordance with puragraph 14 ubove und applicuble law. The naicc
<br /> -- •��-��,' will xtate ihe name and address of tho new Lo,v�Servlcer und tl�c wldress to which paymenla should be mnde. The n�tice will �
<br /> ,,.,.,�, �
<br /> _ , Qlro con�ain eny other lnformutian required by applicable law. _
<br /> - �� - -�:';;;�; 20. Haawrduus SuU�t�uces. earrower s6all �ot causc or pennit 1he pcesence.use,disposul.srorage.or releaxe of'rny �
<br /> °::�. Hazardoua Substances on or in the Properiy. Borrower shall nat do.nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting the
<br /> - Property that is in violatian of any�nvironmental Law. 71ie prereding two sentences shnll not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> �� storage on�he Property of smnll quantities of Hazardous Subslances that ar�e geners+llY recoBnized to be appropriate to no�mal `
<br /> - '- residendal uses and to maintenance of�he Properry. '
<br /> _ __.,�_. _,_ � Bcxrower shall�tamptly�ive lxnder written notice of xn�investigatian,claim.demand,luwsuit or other actlon by uny F_
<br /> _ __��,.,��E� governrnental or regulatory agency or private party invalving the Property a�d any Hazardous Substance or Environmental -_
<br /> -�_. Law of which Borrower has a�ctual �nowledge, lf Borrower Ieams, or is natified by any governmental or regulatory
<br /> ==w,�,;���`, authority,thut any removal ar other remedialian of any Hazarduus 3ubswnce aifecting the Property is aeca�sary,Borrower =
<br /> ""'�'�`'�'"`° �= shaU pcomptly tafco all necessory remediel ac�ons in accordance with Enviranmental I.aw. -�-
<br /> :_ As used in this paragraph 20."Hazardous Substances"are those substences defined ay toaic or hazardous substences by
<br /> ---° � Environmen�al L.aw and the following subsiances: gasoline.kerosene,other flummable or toxic petroleum praducis,toxic __.
<br /> - --�o�h� pesticides iutd herbicides. volalile solvents,materials containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde.and radiouctive ms�terials. As
<br /> __ ��
<br /> ;.��:°^�.�� � used in this paragraph 20."Environmental Law"means federal laws s�nd laws of Ihe ju�isdiction where 1he Praperry is located
<br /> _.�� t�u;'. —
<br /> --�_�.��� thet relate to health,safety or environmental protation. _..,,
<br /> - . NON-UNI�ORM COV�NANTS. Bortower und Lender further covenant and ugree as follows:
<br /> �-��'���::; � 21. Acceleradoat itemedies. 'Lender slull give notice!a Barrower priur to Acoeleration tdbwing Borrower's �°'-
<br /> _�-__�=��::° breach ot any covenant or agreement in tbis Securlty Instrument lbut nM prbr to acceleratbn under pan►grAph l7 --
<br /> - ,..{..,,,X.-�-- asl�appl3cabk 1p�pra��3des othescvi.se). '!'!se satltc�ss!!speclt'y: (s)!!se detse!!:lb!!�ec11a•��uired to cu�e the _
<br /> - "!�•`-;--:� r, default;(c)a date,not less than 30 dAys irom the dwte the noNce ix glven to Borrower,by wMkh the deiAUlt must be
<br /> - ��'" 4 fi cured;and(d)that f�ilure to cure Ihe detault on or before the date specified in lhe notke may result in accekmtton of
<br /> ---���L�:�=:.�• • � the sum9 secured by this Security Instrumenland s�le of the 1'�aperty. 7'he noti�e shall further lnfarm Borrower of
<br /> �- #- . the right to reinstate after accelerotion and tlie right to bHng a court actbn to usert the non-existence of a detault or
<br /> ---�'� y any other defense ot Borrower to accele�tioa wnd sak. If the default is not cured on or before the date specf8ed in
<br />- '�^°��"`��t� the notke.Lender At its option mAy require immediote payment in full of'all sums secured by this Secu�ity InvtrumeM .a...
<br /> -__- .'��,�..; � • without iuHher demand and mAy invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applkable law =
<br /> --:_.r��:�'�� r"�'� ` l.ender shall be enNtled to collect all expenses incu�red in pursuing t6e remedies provtded in this pa�rup6 21� ___-
<br />-��.:,;�,,,__,_. -_ including,but not Itmited to,reasonAble�ttorneys'fees and cosfs of title evidence. --
<br /> "��Yy . s� '. . It the power ot sWe(s Invoked.7lrustee shs�ll rea►rd a nodce of default in each couoty in whkh�oy p9rt ot the �-.
<br /> . •;� �• , � : Property(s lacated aod shall mafl coples ot such notice in the manner prescribed by applicable law b Borrower and to �`.
<br />� ' . �. ,. the other persons prescribed by applicable IAw. ARer the time required by applicable law,'I�ustee sha0 gh•e publk ��_-
<br /> - '.".�°::'�"•.;.' notke of sAle to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable luw. 7�ustee.without demand on Borrower. g�'
<br /> =W-- `.���'�'.:- sdall sell lhe PropeMy at public aecUon ro thehighest bidde�at the lime and place and under Ihe terms deaignated in ��
<br /> �•��� the aMice ot s�le in one or more parcels aad in r�ny order'IYustee determines. 'I�uslee may pastpone s�le of all or pny
<br /> �Y-=� ��� U psireel of the PropeMy by public announcement Al the Iime and place oP any prevtou�ly scheduled sale. l.ende�or its
<br /> -- ...��. �;;
<br /> ��`�` designee may purchasc the Properly al any sale. �`-"_
<br /> p4,i,•.,-. .
<br /> -- �..• n::• �
<br /> — � '�!�� Upon receipt oi paymenf ot Ihe prke bid. 7lruslee sh�ll deliver lo the purchaser'I�u.ctee's deed com�eying the i�_
<br /> � •• Property. The recitals in Ihe 71�uslee's deed shall be primu facie evidence oP thr truth uf the statemenls made therein. �_
<br /> _���,�,,�" 'i�ustee shall opply the proceeds ot t4e ss+le in Ihe following urder: la)b all cusls and expen5es oi exercL�ing the puwer __
<br /> .Y'a i��.:.w. `� �,..
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