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<br /> - ----._M- • �AOd Gf 1�'tlit
<br /> - :_�.=.._ - ' i�w.-�} _
<br /> y� 110138
<br /> � .
<br /> ---�;�H:�;�'°�'�i.�" Thb Ttuat DM�,rttecle thls day of �1� 93 •
<br /> '� Zl�t October
<br /> ��••
<br /> "'�'�Y�! � ��� Joan K. Bru�nia�aad Pr�d B. Bru�niaQ. vif� aod huaband. and Coil��a
<br /> - ��:
<br /> e :.:.,:::+���,f�- (�lao kao�n as Colit�a B.) L'H�ur�wc. �iagl�. --��-�--r �--��"""' =
<br /> ' •�.,, :.T��, . whose address Is 6k00 Suaatr St.. Liacoln. N�braska 68506 �T��+'•
<br /> _ . }�r..•:�:;i�:�.:�:�.�
<br /> : �.:�,;. y_'.,�krilr:t�
<br /> �-.---------.--� end Bruc� I. Ssith ,whose eddress fs P. 0. Boz 790 .
<br /> •�,�;�Y_��. Trustee. Grand Island. NB 68802
<br /> �,�:'�..�;. , „,,.�`�•
<br /> ,�-' �•, .�. Witn�th:That Whareas,Trusta has executed one certain Promissory Notebearing eve�date herewith and �" �"
<br /> = ',��� ~ ' drawn to ths wder af Meu �
<br /> opotit�n LBs Mwranw Comp�ny�hereinafter cailsd Benefictary,tor the princlpal ���,-
<br />_� ..� �,;.�....,�., : sum of -
<br /> � t;}; �. ;.��:
<br />_�.; � y.�� .�":�::•Y,"'� • �.
<br /> - =- , ,.�. . .:•.�� ----TWO H1II�IDRBD FIFTEEN THOUSAI�ID 00118rS -
<br /> ���'^��'''° 'yi��� ' (S 215.000.00 ),payaWe in Iawtui monay of the United States which shail be Iegai tencier in payment ot all
<br /> , �•'•`��' � '� '" '`�'� debts and duAS,pubiic and privats,at the Ume of payment,with exchange on the City of New York,payable in
<br /> h ��� ,with Interest thereon f�om the �`�"h'
<br /> �':.:.�:��::. • , installments,the ftnal instailment due December i. 2008
<br />' , ' �* � date thereof as therein provlded.
<br /> �' ��:•
<br /> kv,;,...,;...:.,r�t,.xc•rr r,�,, pnd Whereas,T►ustor is desirous of securing the prompt payment of sald Promissory Note and all interest and
<br /> ....,,... �•t�:
<br /> charges thereon,in whose handssoeve�the same may be. -
<br /> - , ;� � .�',�;; -_.
<br /> • . , :r Now,theretore, Trustor, in oonsidaratfon of the p�emises, and for the purpose aforesaid, hath granted, bar- _
<br />- gained,sold,and conveyed.and hereby does grant,bargain,seli and convey unto the Trustee,in trust,with _..
<br /> - ' • `�`�f power of sale,pursuant t�the Nebraska Trust Deeds Act(Section 76-1001 et.seq.),sil the toibwing described --�=
<br /> �� , °;Y� �ea1 estate,premises and property,situate in the County of Haii and State of Nebraska, ����
<br /> � �.�1= �.�-�._ to wit�
<br /> - —�
<br /> . The Nosth �alf of Seation 9� Townahip 9 North. Range 9 Weat of the Sizth
<br /> Frincipal tiQridian. Ha11 Countp, Nebraaka, ezcepting a certsfa tract more �e,c_
<br /> �, particularlq dQacsibed a.a Deed recorded ia Book 77. Page 357= ezcepting a �-°°
<br /> i • certair► tract mor� particul�rly deacribed in Cos��ctive Joint Tenancy Quit Claim ��'-'
<br /> �� Deed recorded ae Document No. 86-100082; and excepting a certaia tract more �"
<br /> ;r . „ � �•G'� :�.
<br />- „ partirularly deacribed in Warranty Deed recorded aa Docunet►t No. 79-002767. �_„
<br /> - . together vith ali cropa grvwn thereoa. -="='"
<br /> t ��•.
<br /> , �:�-
<br /> , �•ti_,,..•-..,.. ,. The Note aecured hereby expressly provides that tbe bolder therQOf may at ita �_;.
<br /> �' ' option ch�nge or adjust the intereat zates eet fortb tberein. '
<br /> 1 �'
<br /> *, . ...,
<br /> ' The Note Qeaured by this Deed of Truct ic further aecured by a Financiag ,;:,,
<br /> • � ' , Statement and Security Agreement of even date herewith. covering ail irrigation ` `
<br /> ,.,,
<br /> ` ���•:`':: pumpa and gearheade, all 3mprovementa. fixtures and appurtenancea aa deacribed ����
<br /> � � � in 4aid Financing 3tataa�ent aad Security Agreemeat. �+'
<br /> t,^-;'-
<br /> � . , , , :';;,� -
<br /> It ia agreed tbat all irrigation pnmps and gearheads together with all water and r�•'.�"�
<br /> �� watering righta of every kind and deecription, all improvement�. fi�ctureo and f=-��
<br /> '�"'' ",�� ' appurteaances. coanected tberewitb now or hereafter placed or installed on eQid ?n'�:.
<br /> �'��°,::.,� .
<br /> •1t,�• . _ :* premiaea ahall be construed a� aff3xed to and a part of the real eatate herein- �
<br /> ,�., ; . . �,•. � � :;��::,
<br /> ,, abovQ d�acrib�d and aubject to all of the provision� of thio Deed of Truat. v=
<br /> , , , °�,-.-
<br /> ��� �. � ,� Beneficiary shall have the right. pow�r and authority during the coatinuance of �.,
<br /> . �,'
<br /> � • ••�+ thia Deed of Truat to collect the renta. iaanes and profite of the property and ` •
<br /> �"" `''�'"'"'�""`�''• of aa eraoaal ro ert located thereon with or without takin o�seaaion of �;
<br /> :�•-: ;, Y P P P Y 8 P �-
<br /> ,� � •- � �. '. the propertq affected hereby. and Truator hezeby abaolutely pnd unconditionaily -'-"-
<br /> - �-��,<_. ._;;,,,.; ,� aaaigAa a11 such renta. iseuQa and profitc to Benefieiary. Beneficiary. '�,,-
<br /> " °��•r. • • bov�ver, herQby conaentc to Trustor'a collQetion pnd retQntion of cuch rQnta.
<br /> -` ia�ues and profita ar tbey acerue and become payabie, co long ae Truator ie not. � �
<br /> �{�°��'�� -�y,,*;.�'� at auch time. 3n defauit vith respect to payoeat of any indebttdaeaa aecured •
<br /> -� .# '�'•'�.-;;t bertby, or in xbe perforaanc• of anq agreemeat berQUnder. If any �veat o� ••
<br /> - �, ti�;:" default described hereafter in reapect to thia Deed of Truat ahall h�ve occurted , -
<br /> �� aed be continuing. Ben�ficiary, �a a sattez of sight and vithout aatice to
<br /> 7'ruetnr er �enon� cltitin¢ und�r Truttor. and vitl�out reaard to th� valu� of the �c�--•
<br /> _�� :� trust �atate ror the iatereot of tbe Tsuator therein, aball h�ve tbe right to �'�
<br /> ^� apply to any court having juri�diction to appoint a receiver of the proptrty. �
<br /> It i� furtbts agreQd that in case of default ia the paya�at of th� atid princi-
<br /> - pal Not• or int�reat. or any past thQr�of. as it oha11 sature. ox i� the c�se of �;�
<br /> failnr� to keep oz p�rfor� aey of tbe coveaa�t� or a�r�e�ents eoatained ia t6iv iw�.
<br /> Deed of Tru�t. tben tbe B�neficiary, it• succ�ssors os assigas. sha�ll bt aad is �,.;
<br /> hereby ant6oris�d aod eepotiertd to takt ia�ediatt pos�eessioa of tb� •aid . ,
<br /> prMise+� Ler�by coaveyed aad all crops thtreon. or to coilect the r�nt• tbere-
<br /> fra�, aad so apply the psoceeds tbersof to th� pap�eats of t1�e debt h�r�by _
<br /> secur�d. —
<br /> ,
<br />