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<br /> — - --- tb�rla��!�:o�!!x�ote et the tt�r e�!t!�!���++lMa ot d.fault,�ad raMOOa6k sttot�eYs't� r Penn(ttrd
<br /> by 4�wi(b)tn dl�um Meurad by this 9ecurity ladrua�a►i+u�d(c)�nJ'excw to tM per�an or perroa�MpYy�ati�Md
<br /> b k.
<br /> ?�. fteeouveyuwe. Upon p�Yment of dl sams secured by �his Socurity Imurument.Lender shNl)roquect 7Yurtoe to
<br /> .-- recc►nvey the Property�nd�h�ll surtrnder thir Socudty In�wnxnt and all noter evickncinR debt secured by this Securlty
<br /> Ia�wment to Thutee. 7tuuee�hs�lt reconvey the P[apcny witlnwt worranty�nd without chary�c to tlw per�on or P�r�on�
<br /> �__ - - - leg�lly eotilkd to it. Such person cx personr shA1!pay nny ra:octiSrd�n co�ts.
<br /> = 2�. Sub�tiWte 71w�tee. I.ender,at it�option,mry fiam t�mc tn timc rcnx�vc'IMurtec rnd A�oint u succcswr tiu�tee tu
<br /> any'Itusta Rppointcd hereunder by An inswment rocor+ded in the cuuney in which thie Security Instrument is recorded.
<br /> With�wt conveyance of the P�opccty,the succes9or wctee stwll tucceed to�11 the titk, power wid dutier•confemed upon
<br /> '[tustee hetein and by applicable law.
<br /> ?A. Requat fot Notk�. Botrower rcquests that copica of Ihc notice►of defnult and salc bc rent to�omowcr's•addrcss
<br /> whlch Ix the Prope�ty Address.
<br /> .,�:a _� 2S. Riden lo thie Sccurlty Instrumeni. If unc or more ridcrs sue executed by Barrawcr and recocded tagether with
<br /> this Security Instrument, the covenonts end agreemen�s of each such dder shall be incorporated into and shull cunend and
<br /> supplement tl�e covenants and s�reements of this Security lnsuument as if u�rtder(s)were u purt of this Security Insuument.
<br /> (Check applicable box(es)J
<br /> ___.:_�z-.�_— __---- �AdJustabk Rate Rider �Condominium Rider n 1-4 Family Rider
<br />-�r�
<br />_ �(iraduatod Payment Rider �Plannad Unit Davelopment Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> - �Ballaon Rider �Rate Improvement Ride� �Second Home Rider
<br />: `a' �other(s)IsPecifYl
<br /> �.,�.
<br /> :'a�.' BY SIGNI��io BELOW. Borrower accepts and agreea to the temu ond covenants contained in this Securiry Inswment
<br /> _ ,
<br /> and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> �,�; I��'
<br /> Witness: �tness:
<br /> �'.�� `
<br />. ,.. • . ��"a�:�' (Seal) lSeul)
<br /> <A «�;�;,�.. ` 's^: RI D B BIL�I •Borcowcr -earow�er
<br /> -•r •;
<br /> :'',
<br /> ;i . v'�': r:.�r,c, (Scaq (Seal) �
<br /> r �yv�
<br /> I.Sl ���R�"i,k�'•� 'Bnlfuu•M -BOfl'0�1Yf
<br /> 'y � ���� STATE OF NEBRASKA. County ss:
<br /> ' ' ', fa` :;::s?�..r� HALL
<br /> _...���� _ �,,, On tbis 17th d°y°f NoYember, 1�93 .�fare me,the undersigned,a Notnry Public
<br /> duly commisstoned and qualificd for said caunty,personut y came RICHIIRD B B I Lll
<br /> ��'�� ?��`•��� A S IN(iLE PERSON ,to mc known to be the
<br /> �:�..
<br />��- � ,, .,. ;. identical persons(s)whose name(s)ure subscrihed to the fomgoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to
<br /> -:• � a�r. st.� . . -
<br />-,�`T .� • be voluntary act and deed.
<br /> "��"�.'.'!"s%'. Wimess�hand and notarial seul at in said counry,the =
<br /> '".v:``.::��= � D ISLIlIID
<br /> ��•S-'�;;�. ;. date aforesaid.
<br /> _ � ��'� My Commission expires: � `
<br /> ��' n � l �
<br /> .`.�.:iu::: ��,•f� ��9� . ..._ . Na.ry Pubik
<br /> "ti, • � t ,.ts� . .. Yi::..i n_�..�... R�g R g L �gg�
<br /> "� .Comm Exp lui�3U.15r•�
<br />— V ` The unders�gne s t c o cr of the note or notes�ecured by this Dced of 7iv+t. Said note or notes,togcthcr with all
<br /> ,�.'^;'�;",;' ' other indelatedness secured by this Deed of'[i�uxt,have been paid in full. You arc hemby directed to cancel said note or notes
<br /> __ „ ;+��,:ti'�.; and this Decd of'I�ust,which are delivered hereby,and to reconvey, withcwt w�urunty,•rll the cswtc now held by you under
<br /> this Deed of 7ivs1 to the pe�son or persons legally endtled themto.
<br /> - -�.�� Date:
<br /> — .-.� ' Pac�3Y2i !V!r rpaK6ajbpageal
<br /> ,�,rt�,
<br /> .~'� ( ' ` �
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