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<br /> condemnation or othcr takin�of any part of the Property.w for conveyance In lieu of condemnWion.uc heroby�aei�ned tnd
<br /> - - shatt b:,pafd ta[.ender.
<br /> In the event of u totul tAking of the Propecty. the proceeds shall be applted to �he sumc saund by this Secutity
<br /> Instrument. whethcr or na thcn due,wlth any cxceas puid tu Borrower. ln thc event of a puctfut taking of the Property In
<br /> which the falr murkct v�lue of the Propeny immediatcly bcforc the taking is cquul to a grcater thxn tho Amount of the tums
<br /> _ - � e___. secured by this Secudty Instcument immediately before the tnl�ing,!►nless B�rrowe�nnci I.ender othervvise agi+ce in wrlting,
<br /> - the sums xecurcd by �his Security Insuument shall be reducr.d by the umaunt of the praceeds multfplied by the fallawing
<br /> --= fractlon: (o)the total amount af the sums securcd immediutely befare the taking,divideci by(b)the f+�ir market v�tue aP tho
<br /> _ - � -`"�----'"' Propc�rty immediutety beforc the tuking. Any butunce whal{ be paid tn t3arruwer. in thc event aF u p•rrtiu! �alcing uf tlte
<br /> -- --_"' Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately beforc the tulcing ix less than the amnunt of the wmc
<br /> --=- - - secured immedintety before thc taking, unlrss Barmwcr und Lc�xlcr dhcrwlse agrce in writing or unk�x upplicr+ble i�w
<br /> - otherwise provides,the proceed�:�iwll be npplied ta tt�►umx xecurcd by thi«Security Instrument whetl�r ur nut tix rums wru
<br /> then duc.
<br /> If the Pmpeay i�ubnndoncd by Barrower,ur iF,uRcr n�nire by Le�xlcr to Hum�wer that the c��nJrmn�N ol'fcr+tu mwko
<br /> nn uwurd or setde a claim for damuLez,Born►wer failr tu rc+�xN�d�n I.r�xlrr withln ill Jwy�uftrr thr dutr ttk�xNirr 1�gfven,
<br /> --"� °-°-----_"' Lender 1�umh��rizcd to collect und upply thc pnxrcd�,at it+�qNi��n.rither lu ro�t�K�tiun cK ro�wlr oi the F'n►�ny or ta ttu�
<br /> �ums recurcd by thi�Security In,iNmen4 whcthcr ur�HN tlicn dur.
<br /> Unics,l.cndcr und B��rrowcr athrrwiu ��nc in writinµ,u��y uf►pHrutl�Ni ol'pr�KC�J,�u prfucipul .rhall n�K cxtc�x!ur
<br /> — pn�t�x�ne thr dur dutc uf tlx�mnnthly puymems r�f�rrrJ hi in paruuru��l�e 1 uiKl�ur chung�tl�r wnuunt ul'wch�xyrnent►.
<br /> ll. Burrnwer NW Rekiwedt Fw'bewranrr By I.endet NW � 1Rrivrr. E?xtc�iwion of thc tink fur �wynwm ur
<br />- � mudilication�>f umortir.uti�N�of the�,ums.ecurcd by 11ii�tircurfty In�trumrnt �runtrd by Lcndnr t��any xuccer,wr in mtemtit
<br /> of gorrower shall not uperute to rcicu�c the liubility of tix or{ginul Burr��wcr or Burmwerk .u�crx�nrx in intcre�t. Lrndor
<br /> �.'` shuli nw bc rcquircd to commcncc procccding�uKuintit uny .ucccsxcir in intcrc�t or rcfu�c ta cxtend timc far payrtxnt or
<br /> otlx�rwise modify umortizution of the sum.,erur��d by thi,Security Ingtrument by rcacon of any demund m•rck by the originwl
<br />: Borrower or Bocmwer?�successon in intercst. Any forheunnue by Lender in exercising any right or remedy+hail nat be a
<br /> �, , waiver of or prcclude the exercise of uny tight o�remedy.
<br /> 12. Successurs aad Asstgns Bound;Jolnt�nd SeverAl I.tability;Caxtgnerri. The covennntx and agieements af thls
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successon and Ascign+of I.ender and Borrower,aubJect to the pravisians af
<br /> ' pnragrAph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shull be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs thls Security
<br /> Inawment but dces not execute the Nae: (u)is co-signtng this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey thwt
<br /> Borrower�interest in the Property under the terms of this Security lnstnimenr. (b)is not personally obiigated to pay the sums
<br /> �{;�y, secured by this Security lnstrument;and(c)ugrees that Lender and uny other Borrower may agrce to extend,modify,fnrbesu
<br />_ :;'��«:;_: or make any accommodations with regard w the tertns of this Security Instrument or tho Note without that Bornower'�
<br /> ti,.;t,
<br /> ,.,,��„ consent,
<br /> 13. Loan Ctwr.ges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to u law which sets maximum laun
<br /> . ,��,,r.���d {�4�;.. •� chsrges,and th�t!an•3:;fina!!y intc�rctcd sa that thc iaicrc;t or othcr loan charg�s callcctcd or ta bc ca!lcctcd in rann:csian
<br /> 4i,.tic;�,t:;.,+�s,;+�;,,.; with the I�an exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loun charge shall bc reduced by the nmount neces9ary to reduce
<br /> �� ti '��jv� `;, the charge to the permitted Umit;and(b>any sums almady collected from Bonower which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> , �` '���� �°•�; �.t• refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reduciug the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> p.,� �,,„,. ,� direct payment to Borrower. !f a refund rcduces principnl,the mduction will be treated�s a pu�ial prepsyment withaut any
<br /> vl:l
<br /> •,��'7,w'�,i,�..�ra� prepayment charge undcr the Notc.
<br /> ;,�'.b�i,��,h�.�.���.�; ' 14. Nottces. Any natice to Bonower provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> - "•�"�'�,''�`+'"�!`'" muiling it by first class mai!unle,s applicable law reyuires use of unother methad.The notice shull be directed to the Property
<br />- �r'�.";?��:cc�'''.�.!:`;'�� Addresti or uny other uddress Borrov.�er designutes by notire to Leuder. Any natice to Lender shnll be given by first class
<br /> `' i`YN:ti:-�' mail to Lenderk Addresti stated herein or s►ny uther addrexx Lender designutes by notice io Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> '�"`'y'����`'�'� in this Securft Ingtrument shall be dcemed to huve bcen rven to Borrowcr or l.endcr when p
<br />__ ,��,�Z�,�y,� y g' given as ravided in this
<br /> ";�,�,� puragraph.
<br /> ,�''���` `'.'`'`;' I5. Governing Law; Severability. This Secu�ity Instrument shull bc governed by fedcrul law und the luw of the
<br /> `":"����r�,v-�'�tl'�'�,'� ~�, jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event thut uny provision or cluuse of this Security instrument or the Nate =
<br /> ``��,�-°��'�`�r' conflicts with applicuble luw,such conflict shs�ll not uffect other provisior.x of this Security]nstrument or the Note which can
<br /> y ' !�"�����{`'i``'''� � be given effect without the contlicdng provixion. 'Ib thix end the provisions of this Security lnstrument and the Note are
<br /> "� "�� declured to be.everable.
<br /> ��'a� `' �.'•Lri•'�b?�:.�';�' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given one confommd copy nf the Note and of this Securiry Inwtrument.
<br /> ,���1 �,�� r"_��.`• 17. 7lransfer of the Property or n Beneficial Interest in Borrnwer. If ull or i;ny part of thc Property or uny interast in
<br /> � �;f�:�-_i.,� ..,..' it is sold or transfcrced (or if a bcneficial interest in eo�-rower is sold or tran,fcrced and Borrawcr is not u natural perwn)
<br /> �-• ' � � ;• without I,endert prior written consent,Lcndcr may,ut its option,reyuire immediutc payment in full of all sumx secured by
<br />-C,`:. ��,;`.;.,,...• �.-.
<br />,�;r . �.,;;vi.�:.�,;# this Security Instrument. Howevcr,this option.r•hall not l�exercised by Lendcr if exerci�e is pmhibited by federul law a,e af =
<br /> '`°�< ^' the date of this Security Instrument.
<br /> . 'i+H:.iY H,;
<br /> = r�_u_�'`_„ if Lender exercise�this optian.Lender shull give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shall provide a period of
<br /> '���«"�" � not less thnn 30 duys from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Burrower must pay aU sumti secured by thls
<br /> �°"'" ,.,��k.::,�'ri�!' � Security Instrument. If Bonower fails to pay thcsc sums prior to the explration of th is periad, Lender may invoke any
<br /> f' {��'� rcmedies permitted by this Security Instrument without furthrr noticc or demund on Borrower.
<br /> 't.�v�:,;.�.
<br /> --� _ - '.,.�;;�;,,� 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstvte. If Borrowcr mcets certuin conditions. Borrower shull huvc thc right to have -�-
<br /> -"J�— enforcement of this Secudty Instrument discontinucd ut uny time priur to the earlier oE• (a)5 dayx(or such other period as �
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