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<br /> TOOE"1'H�R WITH all ihe improvcmentc naw or here�►fter erected on thc property.ond ull e�scments,rppunenwx;ew,
<br /> — -- --- �3 fizturr naw ps hereaflcr a psrt af th�prc�r.rty. A!!replacarrecnla And a.cktiUc�nK+�h�il alicc�he covered by thir Sacurlty �
<br /> lasuument. All of the forc�oing ic rcferrcd to in thi:Secudty Jnswment s�s the"Property."
<br /> BORRQW�R COV�NANTS thwt HuROwcr 1�lawfully sei�ed of the estate hereby convcyed an�has the dght ta grant
<br /> _ — � and convey the Pmperty��d that the Propeny is u�ncumbcred,cxzcpt for cncumbrancex of recard. Bwrower wamu�W and
<br /> will dePend Eenerxily the t�Qe w Q�e Property Aguln�t afl ciaimr and dcmands,subject to�t►y encumbrances af reco[d. -
<br /> -r� ' THIS SF.CURITY INSTRUMF.NT cambines uniform covenants for nationul use And non-uniform covenants wjth
<br /> limited variations by jurisdicdon t�constitute a unifortn iecurity Instrument coverins rcel property. �
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAIVI'S. Bocrowcr and L.cnder covcnant and agree as follows:
<br /> - 1. Payme�t ot Princippl wt�d interest;Prepaymeat iutd LAte Charges. Borrower shall promptty pay when duc the
<br /> — principa1 of and interest on thc debt ev idenced by tha Notc and uny prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> . �' iK � 2. Flaadr[or'lyucea and lnsurance. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender,Boaower shall pay to
<br /> :�:��: ` ���'' �`'� Lender on the day monthly payments arc due under the Note.until the Note is paid In full,a sum("Funds")for. (u)yearly
<br /> �""'^-p•'�=�=--==== taxes end assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument as a ficn an the Property;(b)yearly Ieusehold _
<br /> _-;:;�� ' "°'" " payments or graund mnts on the Property, if any; (c) yearly hazard or praporty inaurance premiums; (d) yearly flood _
<br /> _- ,� insurance premiums, if any; (e)yearly rrtortgage ensurance premiums. if any; and (� any sums payable by 9orrower t�
<br /> � ,�,�' ������;� � Lender, in accordance with the provisiuns of paragrnph R,in lieu of thepayment of mortgage insuronce premiums. These
<br /> -�, ,. ,..;,i`:�%,s;�;;i,�, ,;� ' � „
<br /> ,�,,,,.,� ,,,,.�: �f- items are called'Bscrow items. Lender muy.at any time,coltect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the muximum —
<br /> .�t '�;�;�,� amount a lender for a federally related mortsnge loan may mquire for Borrower's eurow account under the federxl Reul
<br /> . �t Estate Setdement Proceclures Act of 1974 us u�»enJcd f�um ti�u�to Nme, 12 U.S.C.�2GQ1 rf�ry.("RGSPA").uai�ss anothcr -
<br /> � law that applies to the FWnds sets u lescer amount. lf so,Lender may,at any time,collect and hald Fundti in an wnount nat to
<br /> ��!"��`l�`��;:� � exceed the lesser wnaum. [.cndcr may cstimate thc amaunt af Punds duc c�n thc hu�is of currtnt dntu und rr,�umabie __
<br /> �z•°'� � �`='` •%- estimate�of expcnditures of future ficcrow Items or<Hhcrwi.re in urcordunrc with upplirrblc luw.
<br /> •• �����4��.� � Thc Funds shuil bc hcid in un i nctitution whosc ckpo�itx urc in.urrd by a 1'c�k�i �gency. in�trunxntuHry, �K �ntity
<br /> ',r.`'��;r���1Y llncludiny l.a�nckr.if Len�kr h�wh u�i In.litution)�rr in uny liderul Hunk L�►�i�Hunk. I.eiwk r�hull uppfy itk FunJr tu puy.
<br /> . ,,;'. •�• thr NKruw itcm�. l.u�xkr muy n��t�hur�;c Hunt�wer tirr hulding und upplyin� ihc i�uiul�,unnuully unulyiin�ihc c�rrow -
<br />� .�,��, ucci�unt. iK vcnfyin�t ttK I:Krow• Ur�n�. unlc�� I.cn�k� puy. N�xruwrr intrre�t un tlx I�urkl,und upplicuhic luw �xnnit�
<br />. l.cn�kr tu i�yvkc.u�h a cliurgc. Ituw�vrr.l.enikr muy reyuire Nnnowcr in�y u�nx�tink churgc GK un inik�xn�knt rcul
<br /> ��:..�.�•• ..;�, • e�tute Iux rc��lin��ervice uxd hy I.r�xkr in c�NUkction with thi�I�►un.unle.�u�licuMe luw provi�k�ottkrvvix. Unleti�un
<br /> . ��� ,, " .: uQn�enwnt i�. nwdc ur uppllruhle li�w r�yuln�int�rc�t tu Ix puid,Lc���kr.huii not i+c rcyuir�d tu pry HuRi►wcr uny imcrc�t ur
<br />_= � � curninyw��n thc I�und.. Hurrowcr utxl lAn�kr muy uERti in writing,huwcvcr.Ihut inter��t shull !x puid on►hc Funds. Lcndcr
<br /> +-'��;^•: �`�` '�'� ' �hull yivC U� Hom�wcr.with�►ut rhurg�,un annuul urr��unting�if thc Fund�,.ixiwing crcdit+und dcbitx to thc Funds und thc _
<br /> - " ' � � purpc►.�e for which eu�h�kbit to the Fund.wux muJa Thc hunJx ure ptedgeJ uy uJditionul xcurity for ull sum.r•secured by =-
<br /> �w„ . • I this Security In�trumcnt.
<br /> - '�'��'':`'�•"""�'�•. � ? !f s!u l=un�.� held by l.endcr r_ceed the :unnunt�: permltted tn tie heli! by :sgplicuble la1a. l.endcr sha!! ucco�nt t�
<br /> ,R,a:: •. � -
<br /> : ,,;�_. � � Borrower for the excesti Funds in accordrnce with the requircments of upplicable law. if ihe amount of the Funds held by
<br /> •• Lender at any time is not xufticient to pay the Escr�>w Itemr when duc,Lender may�notify Borrowcr in writing,and, in
<br /> such cuse Borrower shull pay to Lender the amount necess•rry to make up the deflciency. Borrower shall make up the
<br /> ' '` t�`�''` °'° � deficicncy in no mom thun twcivc monthly payments,at Lcndcr's�olc di�crction.
<br />�'�" . � � Upon payment in full uf all sumti secured by this Security In�trument.Lender shall promptly rcfund to Borrower any
<br />-- Funds held by Lender. If,under para�ruph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Property. Lender,prior to the acquisition or _..
<br /> � `'""�� ,'' " salc of the Property,shull apply any Funds held by I.ender ut the time of Acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums
<br /># sccurcd by this Security Inrtrumcnt.
<br /> 3. Applteatton of Puyments. Unless applicable law provides othcrwixe, ull payments received by Lender under ��_,
<br /> ����'•. ""`" "` ' '' �'`� pnragrnphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepAyment charges due under the Nate; sccood,to amount�puyuble under =
<br />�=.�:. � � . � ��t�-.;�� paragraph 2; third.to interctit due;founh,to principal due;:u►d last,t�any late charges due under the Nnte. -
<br />.�-�� . ; � ;, �.. 4. ChArges; Liens. Horrowcr shull puy uU taxcs, usscsxmentti, chargcs, fines und irnpositions uttributable to the s,-
<br />-z•�..' ' ' Property which may uttain priority uver this Securiry Instrument,and Ie.,sehold payments or ground rcnts,if uny. Bnrrower r.-
<br />,,.�. : ,�ik'.�;
<br />; ; . :,r;,;.4 _� shall pay thesc obligntions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thut manner,Dorrower shall pay them on �`
<br />+ !��'' • ^�' time directly to the penon owed payment. Borrower shall prompdy furni�h to Lender ull notices of umounts to be paid under E�
<br />`�� ��t • � ��� � � this ra ra h, If Borrower makes these a mcnts dimcd ,Borrower shall rom tt furni+h to Lender recei ts evidencin
<br /> •, .., Pa 8 P P'Y Y P p Y P S �G
<br />;�: � ,, the payments. ��
<br />�'• ;�: ,... Borrower shall promptly discharge nny lien which has prinrity aver this Sccurity lnstrument un(c+s Borrower.(a)agrces
<br />.,j,,, � , in writing to the p:�ymrnt of the obligation secured hy the lien in a manner acceptablc to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the �
<br /> ��" lien by,or detends against enforccment of thc licn in,legul procceding.which in thc Lcndcr+opinion operatc to prevent thc F�
<br />��,•"� .. �t - ` enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from thc holdcr of the lien an agrecment satisfactory to Lender subordin•rting the licn �_
<br /> `���� ���'�. � "''° � � to this Securiry Inswment. If Lender detcrmines that any part of the Property is suhjrc� toa lien which muy uttain priority
<br /> G;}e; � ,. � � -
<br />•�;��,�;4 • ,:�( � over this Securiry Instniment,Lcndcr rnay give Borrowcr a notice identifying the lien. Bonower�hall satisfy the lien or take
<br /> ��}�; , one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 dayc of the giving of notice. -
<br /> � • ���,;,��;�;`r,�,. .. S. Ha�ard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr shall keep the improvements now existing on c�reafter erected on the ���.
<br /> �1•:''�' Pro rt meurcd a ainst loss b fire,hazards inrluded within the term"extended covcra �'and an other h;u:irds,includin f
<br /> �.y,l . P� Y � � S Y S'' ' Y S
<br /> �� � ,�-�.�.�.,,� .• . . floods or floodin�,for which Lender requircs insurance. This insurAnce shnit bc� maintained in the amounts und for the �_
<br /> �� �.��:;�:, .
<br /> ,,.. , F`
<br /> °,„, ��;
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