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HOV-08-1999 MON 04; 18 PM LLG&H SLC FAX N0, 8013598202 P, 03/09 <br /> 99 111434 <br /> This Fifth Amendment is beiur iilecl to rcflect of re.cord thc suUstitutiun of the Faartl� <br /> Am��nclecl and Restatcd Rewolviiig Note for ihe Tl�ircl Amenticd and.Restated.lZevolving Nate and <br /> thc execution anet ciclivery of thc Term Note A and the lerm Note B, <br /> NOW, THERL"•Pt�RE, in consideration of thc �z-emises and tlie inutual pmrnises <br /> hrtcin conrain�;cl, the pai•ties hercto arree ;�s fotlows: <br /> 1. The D�ed oF Trust is h�reby amended to reflect of record the chaagc of�he <br /> namc of ttte 13cnci'iciary f'rom Norwcst Credit, inc. to Wclls rargo Crcdit, inc. <br /> Z. 'I�e Ueed of Trust is h�reUy fui-thcr ameiidcd eo reflccc of rcco��d the <br /> sul�stitution oF ihc: T�uurtii Amcnded and Rcstat�d Rcvolving Noie dated October 25, 1999 in the <br /> principal antount �1'$2,QOO,OOt) and maturing on OC�aber 31. 2002 tor the '1"I�i�cl Amcrided and <br /> Rcsiatcd Revolving Notr in thc amouiu ut$1,(XJ0,000, dated April H, 1998 and ma�.urin�on April <br /> 8, 1999, which 'T'hird Amendeci anc] ltestaced Nvtt was is�urtl in substitution for the Second <br /> A�i�cnd�-cl and Rrst�tod F�evolvi�g Nor�iu rl��princi�al amount of$7W,Qp0, clatcd May 31, I997 <br /> anil mai.urin�;on May 31, 1998, w�ich Second Aniendul a�id Restated RevolvYn� Note was i�su��t <br /> in sub�tiw�ion for ihe An�ndeci and Restaced Revolv'sn��ta�e in such amount dated llccember 27, <br /> 1996 atid inaturin5 un May 32, 1997, whiCh Amendtd and Restat�d Pevo;vi�g Nutc was issucd <br /> ii� s��bstirution fo�� tl�:: uri�inai prami�sory notc in sucli amoant date�i October 30, 199� and <br /> maturing an Octot�cr 31, 1996. The llc;u:d of Trust is hereby further amended to reflcct of record <br /> thc cRecution anci dclivery of tl�e Term Note A, in the principal aniount of $216,OU0, and the <br /> '1'er�n Nvtc R, itt thc p�incipal a�rtount of$250,000, ea�h dated as of t3ctober ?5, 1999 and each <br /> �naturing on Uctdber 3l, 20i12. The I�ourth Ameudecl and Resiated Rcvolvii�� No�e, thc Term <br /> Note A and t��c TeinY Note 1:3 shafl each bc sec:ured by rhe D�ccl. Uf T'rust. <br /> 3. Fxcept as arnencleil hereby, the Decd of Trust s1�a11 remain in full force a�id <br /> cffect. <br /> IN WfTN�SS W1ILItLOF, the parti�s hcreto havc caused this rifth Amendmcnt <br /> t� Uc duly cxec�iea as uf the date iirst above written. <br /> WFT,LS FARGO (�REDIT, TNC., f/k/a <br /> i�lorwc;i Cradit, Ir1c. <br /> gS, <br /> i� ssistant V ice President � <br /> TOI3A, <br /> $ ��U���,r-'C <br /> Y <br /> � Its Pce�sident <br /> :>c �a6sti.; s,la� 000ea <br />