.r�.:--�'�'47;..� � . - ^ . --
<br /> � �yy..
<br /> �` �. . ........... I "� tiw�i; ,4: . - :�..=.
<br /> �a i� ry :�L.. .i -
<br /> �.'S 1� �LL� . __ .... '—." _
<br /> ' ����.�.__.,:r:y�eW6� . ry
<br /> — — . ta �Onw�aro��oRl��U tiN TiuttwfPro�rty,a a�ny wpoMon fhNw/t w tfar tuch�Nu�Is rtow a bMw/hM M��
<br /> � ''(a) �tcc�pt a p�m�t wnY M�P�Yr►►M�,a+��ow»a.�►,+�c.p.r�r a�.�►r n�«��.xc.a a on.�a�,
<br /> �— !61 ����.»�r c x�N yii,am.��aw�m n�NOn�►no�r��,d►►�•ny•wnr ro occw whicn wu►rw
<br /> ' ' (c) Amw�d a modlN tM sanw ao as ro nduc�NN trrm tMr�ol, Nw rwKN pay�bN N�n�w►d�r.a ro chan0��Y ro►�wa!provl�lont
<br /> --- dNnfn contakMd.
<br /> •_-_�_._._ -�-- - {d) Wiiw any dM�ult fh�rwnd�►a bnach NNr�o%
<br /> (�) Qfw any cons�r►t.walver a�p �l M►rnund�r a taka any other actlon!n connec0ior►thwawlth.a wlth�1WaN dMnund�r.whtah
<br /> �" w�a,w navs ths.rl�cr aunp�m.v.r�.a dw Nuor,�r.nar eMr«,nc�.►a ur.pro,v.ny+uW+��a►a.to.a a Nnpa�drw tl►.
<br /> - ` --�-- -- - posltJon alnter t�+�et1c,(erylherWn,a .
<br /> (Q SW�a�siDn, .�►ap�arcllNi�dl+Poa�o/.or wrcumWr ps lMa�st!n�ny�ald Nas�a�ny�fs,ltaws.ProMls Itsufn0
<br /> , � ,M ` O aarisiny thsrotw�ds►. �• .. .. �
<br /> � �� ` f7. W�Ivsr ol Statut�OI tJ►r1KeCona•Tlrt�Js o►ihs essenc�!n all ot Trusta's oblipadans and duUss hsround�r.�nd to ths�xt�nt p�m�ftKl
<br /> _ � � , � by Nw.Tiutto►waivst aN pns�nt a lutun atetut�s ol IlmitaUa�s wKh naprct to any dsbt,demand a obI1��Uon secwrd Iwnby and
<br /> —_��� � 6a s
<br /> any acdon a procaedMp for thr purpos�ol anlacln�tNe Ooad d Tiust a any riqhts a rem�dl�s contaln�d Nsroln.
<br /> - 18. Assbnma►t ol Depos�te.ln d��vont co+tshucUa►ot lmpmvernents Js contempiAted by fhe loao evldonced by ths Nots s�cund
<br /> - - ... �� � h e�b y.a s a d d i tl o nal secud ty therefae.Tiusta hereby translera ar�d asslqns ta BeneNcluy,al!rlght,dde and lnterest to�ny�rnd+M �
<br /> ��� �..{ !'� ,nonls�deposttsd by a on behW ot Trusta w�th any cJry.ca,nry,pub►lc body a a�ency.sanua�y d�ar�cr,uarrry comp.nr.and
<br /> �' < � any othar body a eyency,lfor the Install�Uon a to secure the inifNlaolor►o/any uGllty by 7nuto+,penalntny to the Tnut Propaly.
<br /> �r�:� ` C� f g, Co►poridon a Parhie►sh1p Exlatonce.li Tiusto�la a caporadon,pene►aI partnersh/p,or timited pannership,it wilf do aH thlnys
<br /> ,;:.;�' ;.,�_;,;;:,,Q � � nscsss�ry to prese�ve Jts cwporate a partiiorahip exlatence,as the case may be,and all�lyhts and pdvilepea undo�thQ laws ot tha c
<br /> -� • '•i� ;� atate d lts incorporadon a orpuilzatlon.
<br /> 20. fabearance by BeneNclary Not�Wiivsr.My laboerance by 8enoflclaryln exerclslnp any dpht a remedy hereunder.a otMnws�
<br /> . ,,�.:_*_._.....;.._.. allonNd by applkabJe/aw,sh�i!not be a weiver of a proclude tbe exarcise of any such rlght or remedy. The procurement o/
<br /> � • • inswance a the payment o/taxas a the dischwye ol llans a ch�rpes by BeneNclary shaY not be a walvo�ol BvnalkJary's r►yhf to
<br /> '��":1� `•�� ����A:• �' accelerate the matudry ol G►e inosbtedness.
<br /> t ��` .�.:.�;
<br /> �� 1i�"'°"` 21. Remedlas CumulaUve.All remedles provlded!n thls Daed of Tivat are dlstinct and cumulaBve to any other dght a remedy undar d�lss
<br /> �.� a
<br /> :�..`�~��� • �•�:;� • ' Deed o/Trust a aNaded by law or equlry,and may be exe�clsed concunently,independently or successlvey.
<br /> �;;;;.�;:��.�.,: •;.• xt:..
<br /> . r,. ,,. � 22, guc�essas and Asslgns Bound;Jdnt and Several UablBfy;Gapibns.The covenants and agreements herelr+contalned shali Wnd,an
<br /> ' � the dghts hereunder shalllnure to,the respective successo►s and esslgns of BeneNctary,Trustee,and Trasta.A!1 covenants arid
<br /> }��s=�-''��1:,���;;�;r� �}! agreementa of Trwsta ah�ll be Joint and several.The captbns and headings ol the parayraphs o!thls Deed ot Tiust we!a
<br /> ��"� �' � convenfence onfy end are not to be used to lnterpret a deNna ihe provlslons hereof. -
<br /> : ��,'` . J . � �
<br /> , �.�;r��:.,;.�;-. -:�• 23. NoG'ce.Except fa any notice required under applkaWe/aw to be given in another manner,(a)any nodce M Tiustor provlded lor ln thla
<br />- •����,Y• `;'� Deed o/Trust shall be glven by mailinp auch nodce by certlfied ma!/,return�ecelpt requested addressed ro Trustor at!ts malllny
<br /> - '�.•t�.ti;i;;i%;;'.'����;� ... ' address set forth ebove a at such other address as Tiustw may deslynate by notice to 8enellciary as provlded herefn,and(b)any -
<br /> ..
<br /> �` ` � •�'� >� �' ' �wdce fo Benellclary.a 7rustee shall be pJven by ceAlNed mail,retum recelpt requasted,to BeneNclary's and Tiustee's mellfns
<br /> ;;`=;'�,�'�'',�=='=�j;`�'��"`�V addre:..°stated hsraln sr to�r1ch cNlw+r add�ess as 8eneflclary a lruatee may deslgnate by nodce to Trustor as provlded hereln.My
<br /> . ��'��+ �,,,. .: M:, � . �" notice provided lor!n thls Deed of Trust sha11 be deemed to have been glven to Tiusta,Benellc/ary or Truuea when p/ven rn d►�
<br /> C� manne►deslynated hereln.
<br /> � Z�, GOVeminy Law;SevereWliry.This Oeed ol Tiust shall be qovemed by the laws ol the State o/Nebieska. /n the event eny provislon or
<br /> clause o/thJs D�eed ol Tiust con///cts wlth appllcable lew,such conlllct sha�l not af/ect other provlslons o/thls Deed of T►ust which can
<br /> �:�`'I,',��; : � be 9Jven a/fect wUhou[the contllcdng pmvls(ons and to th/s end the provlsions o�thts Deed ot Tiust are declared to be sevaeble.
<br /> <�"' ' �•�•`� c� 2b. Ev�enis of Det�Wt Each olthe Id/owing occunencQS ahalf conatftute an evont of default hereuader,(he►alnafier callad an"Evont
<br /> ' , w o/Oelault'):
<br /> � .� , �
<br /> _ � ,. � (�) Tiusta shai!fall fo pay when due any princlpal,lnterest,or pdnclpal and lnte�est on the lndebtedness,
<br /> � _. , ,.,g,.� � (b) Any warranry ol Gtle made by Trustor herein shall be unhu9. -
<br />-�r; (c) Trasta ahall laf!to observe a pedorm any o/the covenants,egraements,or conditions!n thls Deed ot 7nst,
<br /> ,�' � � (d) My representaGon or wananty made by Tiusto►on any Nnancla/statements or reports submiKed to Benellclary by or on bahallo/
<br /> ,' • Tiusta sheil prove/aJse or matedally misfeading,
<br /> ' (ej Tiustor shall fall to peAam a observe any of the covenants,condltlons or agreements contelned In,a binding upon Trostor under -
<br /> • � �� ' any building loar►agreement,security agreement,ban agreement,tlnancing statement,or eny other agree►nant,Insbument or .
<br /> � •� ;�;, . document executed by Trustor in connection wlth the Joan evldenced by the Note,
<br /> ' .� � (Q A trustes,lecelver or!!quldata of the Trust Properry or of Trusbr shai!be appolnted,or any of the credJtors of Trusror ahall llle a -
<br />- . pedUon!rt benkruptcy apainst Tiustor,or for the reorgenlzatlon of Tiustor pursuant to the Federa/8ankruptcy Code,a any slm!!ar _
<br /> law,whether tedera/a state,and 1/such ader a pedf/on shall not be dlscharped or dlsmissed wlthln thlrry(30)days alter the date
<br /> ��� on which such ader apeNBon was liled, -
<br /> - �-��-�� �� � (Q) Trustor shalf Nle a petlUon pursuant to the Federa!8ankraptcy Code or any slmilar law,federat or state.a lt Tiustor shel!be =
<br /> u �i�-�.��.��-�� adJudged a bankropt,or be declared Insolvent,or shalf make an asslgnmenf/or the benefit ol credltors,or ahall admlt ln wdUnglts _
<br /> w•+�
<br /> _ �� ;�,�,.;� . lnadJlry to pay rts debts as they become due,or sha!!consent to the appalntment o/a recelver ol alt or any part o!the rust ropeRy, _
<br /> ' 'R•" ` � (h) Find Judgmeni fa the pa yment o/money shell be�endered aga/nst lrustor and Tiustor ahail not d/scharge the same,or cause it to _
<br /> ''�"�� �� ba dfschuyed,wlthln fhlity(30)days after the entry thereof,or shall not appeal the►efiom a lrom the order,decree or prxess upon -
<br /> '•��:?�. ;,:�',':' • -
<br /> -.�::•�•. .�'1��_ . which a pursuant ro which sald�udgment was granted,based,a entered,and secure a alay of execution pending suah appe�i, _
<br /> . ` (1) Trustor sha!!se!!a convey the Trust Prope►ry,or any part thereot,a any lnterest thereln,or shal!be dlv6sted ol!ts Btle,or any lntarost �
<br /> �="� � ' r'� therefn,!n any manner a way,whether vdaniarlly a lnvdunfady, wllhout the wridan consent of 8eneliclary belnQ tlrai had and _
<br /> �•. �anch'4;t,• J`a:_. obtalned,a =
<br />-- :: .. . . •�
<br /> "' � ��;,:.�;'k:,,�,�• Q) !f Tivatals a caporetlon a pa�tnershlp and more than filry percent(50°ie)o/the shares o�benellciallnterests In such corporattorr or
<br /> r '' �,,r'' '•" •.• arinershlp,as the cese may be,shall be bansferred o►conveyed,whether voluntaNly or involunterily, w►thout the wriHen conront ot _
<br /> �•�,r.;�,-r�t,;. .: p
<br /> '' r �,��y,. ;�;�.. Berwlkluy beinq flrsf hed and Obtelned.
<br /> _,�,,; ° ' 28. Accsleratlon d Aebt;Faeclosure.Upon the xcurrence of any Event o/Oe/ault,oi any tlme therealter,Beneliclary may,at!ts opNOa,
<br /> •• declare all ths Indebtedness secured hereby tmmedlately due and paysble and the same shal!bear Inferest at the defauk�ate,it eny,
<br /> ;p;., set fortirin ths Note,or othe►wise at the hfghest rate permltted 6y law,and,lnespecdve o/whether Benelictary exe�clses satd optlon,!t _
<br /> -- _- _ '• m�y,st ifs opdon and in its sole dlscretlon,without eny further►wtice w domand to a upon 7rvsto►,do one a more o/the Idbwiny:
<br /> -�— — (� BeriNiciary may ente�upon,teke possesslon o/,mana�a end opsrate fhe Trust Properry a any pa�t thereo%make iepairs and
<br /> dteratlons and do eny ects whlch Beneliciery deems prop�r to protect t1�e socurlty thereot,and either with or wlt►►out taking _
<br /> ppsaisslon,k►ita own nartw,sue/or a otherwlse coJlQCt and recelve rents,lssues and prolits,fnckxi�nq thaso past due and unpald,
<br /> wfv .�_ _�e_�.+..�_ ,.
<br /> . ..- -- �/1d�l^7�!Q Sillfi@.�@SS COS[$8110 6X�lY/IS93 O�O/!9►AIf01f AIIQ CON8CAa1.inciuvir"ry rtrofi3u�8urv anvrTroj rwb o....w��o.....�i�+ -
<br /> vosta,upon the Indebtedness secured hereby and In such ader as BeneHclery may date►mine.Upon request of BeneNclary, Trustor -
<br /> — shaN assembla and sfNl/mdce avellabla to Benelkiary eny a the Tiust Property whlcA has been�emoved.7he entedng upon and -
<br /> ttklrp possess/cr►of d►�Trust Property,the cdlecUOn olRriy nr►ts,Issues and profits,and the appucadon thereol as aforeseld,shalf -
<br /> not cure a w�fw arty det�Wt thenetofor+�or th�roatter occurdny,a af/ect any rwNca o/deteuR or noUce ot sale hereunder a
<br /> lm,aNdate�ny sct dorN purauant ro�ny such notica.Notwithstandlny 6�neNdary's conUnuonce!n possesslon a recelpt and -
<br /> y�pY��yon p/ronGy,/stuss or prohts,Ben�Nciary shalf bs enAded to exenclss evsry riyht provlded lor!n th(s Deod o�Trust or by/aw
<br /> upon or afhr fhe pccunenco ot an Event o/Del�uM,!r►cludlnp Me d�hf to exerclse the power ot sale.Any ot Me actlons referred to!n '
<br /> �!a P�►�Dniph may b hkm by Bw�llduy at wch Ohrn as BM�Nk.Iary may d�twrn!►N wilhout wyard ro uw�d�quacy o/any •
<br /> s.cwry b►m.a,dobndn.ss s.cured n«�r.
<br /> �b� .w�rsa,�bY�Y���lurladk��wIC o rt notk��t����o%�t and manape Hw Tius� _
<br /> prqpNry and ororraa ol�t�rr»arrd ooAwce tM nnts,rswss and pro�ir:m�rNiom.
<br /> ��� ��any�ctlon!n any coud of canpetrnf(wJsdlcUon to Ionclo=�tlds Dwd ot Tiwt a�nlorc��ny ol th�
<br /> _ _ _ _ __ '
<br />