<br /> . . .. ' .r�
<br /> � , � ,.. - .
<br /> ,t. . _ -------
<br /> �` � • �� � � � RE RECORDED �e�df Trust
<br /> : ��:,�� � 193 sto 93
<br /> _ ���::���� - i2!� - 10A96�
<br /> - . �---.��._. `
<br /> � �'�- `���� THISL�EEDOPTRUSTlamacNd�la is da d Octobsr .�p 93 ��y���,� Rob�rt C. Su�a�er� and .
<br /> . �i�� .lan� Pfeifer 3 •� n we..a e^a �afe whetfw►a»amo�,(MrNnahMCaN�d fM"Tn�sla'7.
<br /> F . :� � ••`�: whosemaflinp addnss ls� a,cha-Aaad; Graud--to land,—�1�bra oY�-ls88�� �
<br /> ,��'.`�;� .P.C'n�,�:..:' NQR yyfST BANx Nehraa- fca �at�n�1 Ana r�atien (hN�MMftYrCa111d thI"T►uatto!'7.wNOfIlIldUlr►y idd/W�ls
<br /> `.A �''� '"' Z02 W. Third St., Grand 7stand_
<br /> .�. _.�� . __., j�iiitd NORWEST BANK �(�^�
<br /> h' C�daN'��IIiHCIiIj��).whos�mailin�addnaais ��� t.� T�'��a CtreetF != a*+rl alanr�� NR f+RfiAl ' —
<br /> � �- ,:4•�.[•�rW.TC'�I
<br /> ,'�=-"-'"''`?'=� WITNESSETH:
<br /> - � � •• �; DESCRIBED HEREINBELOW.
<br /> �`��� '" �;.x ,:..� V' �I WHEREAS ru�1�is,,lndsbted to Bene/tc/ery ln tl�e pdncipal sum of�� ��dred Fortv Nine Thousand and No/10�----- —
<br /> �=° . � "'� � Octobsr 15
<br /> ��,:. �,'��h.�.atr�''k�:. . Odla►s(� 1 .uuu.uQ).wHlch fndebtedness is ov/damced by Trustor's prorMssory ooie dabd ,1�_.2�..,(Mr�JnalMr
<br /> r •• : �,.�.+. � caMsd th�•'IVot�).PaYeble to tha ader ol BaneNciary and havinp a matunry oJ�•, �,�—, �os .
<br /> --- • ' NOW,THEREFORE,la the purpose ot secudnp:
<br /> � t,.,�, � �...;'.o.�x�.. (� payment ol tha Note,together with interest therea►,late cherqes,prepayment penalUes,any/uture advances.and ail extenslons.
<br /> . r, •. . � ° modl/kadars,subttitudons and renewals thereot,
<br /> � ' � —
<br /> ,,�. (b) paymerrt o/all other sums,lees a clrarges,Mqetl►e�wlth lnierest thareo+�,advencod ro protoct tfN srcudry o/thla Da�d oi Trwt and
<br /> the perlformance ol the covenants and agroemenfs ol Tnraia�w�hetl�or not sot lbrth heroln, �
<br /> i (c) peNormance,dlscharpe o/and compJiance wtfh every t�erm,cov�enant,obHqatian and agreement of Tiustor corM�inad hsr�ln or
<br /> lncaporated by n/srence a any othe�socudry lnsdunwat at anyar�e ylvsn ro secure the Note,and
<br /> (d) Ihe repayment ol all other sums a future advances,wilh Mterest thQraon,whlch mry hareroMia havt b�an or harealtw bs advanc�d
<br /> � .. . .. by BenrNc�a�y to Tiustor a Tiusta's successa in lntarest a tlNe,
<br /> � all of whlch!s herelnaner collectivefy called tlw'Yndobmdness", 7rustalnovoc�bly pients�nd bw►shrs to Tiusta�,�r bust,WtTH POWER
<br /> , OF SAtE�the 1fo►bwln�descdb�d prope�ry:
<br /> � Lot Sixteen (16)� Momingnide Acres Subdiviaion in tha City
<br /> of Grand I�land, Hall County, Nebraoka.
<br /> _---_-- __—_-- foyetFrer with(ij dli buiWinys;�i�uciurasr,&�dldons.enj.ir9am8t1ts,modflfC�dotx:�t�p�fts�r�FlBCSmettts,Rnd Itt�.pl4l�eRMflt�?►�!�►h!+n!oN�►
<br /> ... ........
<br /> located thereon,(ii)a!I equlpment,machinery and fixtures(lnciudJny,wlt►xwt!lMtaUor►,alf llghtlng,headng,ver�a�ea�Q,coollnp,dr
<br /> condldoning,spdnkling and plumbing fixtures,water and power systems,en�lnos,6oBers,ranges,ovens,dishwashers,Mrrors and mantNt,
<br /> carpedng,lumaces,oll bumers,elevaiors and motors,reldgeratbn pfants a unlfs,commuMcadon systems,dynantaa,bans/amers,eJecdkal
<br /> equlpmont,storm and screen wlndows,daors,awnings and shades)now a herealter adached%or bullt!n, any buildinp a Improve+neM
<br /> npw orhereafter lxated thereon,(!i!)all easaments and nghts of way appurtenant therato.(!v),all leasehdd estato,,�Qnr,ara a�a rncw�aror
<br /> � Trustor in and ro a/l leases.whether now ar herealter exisiing a entered lnto(Includlnp,without Ilmltatlor►,N!cash and secuAty dspoaUs,
<br /> � advance renta/s end deposlts or payments o►a slmilar nah�re),peReininQ therero, (v)all rents.lssues,proNfs and lncrorne Ohenhom(subpct
<br /> � [o the dght ol Tiusta to collect and apply such rents,issues,prolits Rnd Income as they beco►ne du.a�v�y.�so ro►�g as r►o ew►►r a
<br /> deleaft exlsts hereunde�),(vl)al!royalties,minerai,oll and gas rlghts and profits,water,water dghts,and weter stock,(vli)all tenements.
<br /> �,', ��-,' hered(taments,prlvlleges and appurtenances belonging, used or enjoyed!n connection therewith,and(vIJ!)ail p►oceeds of conversion, —
<br /> ,r voluntery or lnvduntary,o/any of the loregoing into cash or Ilquidated cla/ms(lncluding,wlthout/lmitaN�on,proceads o1 Jnsurance and
<br /> a. � �' condemnaHon ewards),a!!oi which!s herelnaRer cdlectively catled the"Tiust Propetty".
<br /> �; � . 1. Tlt/e.Tiustor covenants,wanants and agrees with Benelicfary,its successors and ass►gns,that Tiustvr owns the Trost Property/rw
<br /> i . lrom any prlor Ilen or encumbrance,ihat this Deed ot 7rust!s snd will remain a valld and en/orceable flist ilen ort the Trust Propeiiy,
<br /> � � that Tiustor,at!ts expense,wl/I preserve such tltle snd wlii ma/ntaln thls Deed of Trust as a flrst and paramount llen upon the 7rust
<br /> � ' Property and wlll lorever wanant and delend the valldlry and prlorlty of the Ilen hereot agalnsf the clalms ot al!persons end partlos
<br /> � �• whomsoeve►. Trusta,at tts expense,wlil cause this Deed ot Trust,and each amendment or supplement herBto,to be liled and
<br /> recorded as a mortgage ol the T�ust Properry in such manner and in such place and will take such actlon as!n the opinlon of Tiustee
<br /> may be requlred by any present or tuture law in order to pedect,malntain and protect the!!en of thls Deed of Trust es the same may
<br /> be amsnded or supplemented hom time to time.Trustor wlll make such lurther assurance or assurances to peAect(ts NGe ta the Trust
<br /> Property as may be iequlred by 8eneficfary.Trustor hereby rellnqulshes af/right ol dower and homestead!n and to the Tiust Properly.
<br /> 2. Payment o/Indebtedness. Trustor sha!!punctually pay the princlpa!o/and lnterest on the Inde6tedness secured hereby.
<br /> � •=i . 3. ConsGtiCUon of Improvemonts. Trusta shalf complete in good and wakrrranlike manner any buildings,improvements a repairs relatlng
<br /> � : 'c'�:`.°'� thereto whlch may be begun on the Tiust Property or contempfated by the loan evfdenced by the Note secu�ed hereby,to pay whon
<br /> � ; due al!costs snd 1labilitles fncuned therelo�e,and not to permii any conshuction 11en against such Trust Property.In the evenf
<br /> construction o/buildings,improvements a repalrs are contemplated,Trusfor also agrees,anything in thls Deed o/Trust ro the conhey _
<br /> , notwithstanding;(a)to p►omptJy commence any such work and to comple[e the proposed improvements promptly,(b)to complete tha 6`
<br /> �, � same In accordance with the plans and specrficahons as approved by Benelic�ary. (c)to comply wifh all the terms of a bulldlnp loan �'
<br /> agreement,ll sny,between Trusta and Beneficiary.the te�ms o►which are mcorpo�ated hereln by reference and made a pari hereof, �.
<br /> ,:,., . -
<br /> -- ,. (d)to a!!ow Beneliciary to/nspect the Trust P�operty at all times during construction,and(e)to replace any wak a materlals _
<br /> _ � � , unsatistaCtory to 8eneliciary within fifteen(15)days aRer wnKen notice trorn BeneNciary o/such/act -
<br /> �. 4. Funds for Payment o/Charges.Sub/ect fo appliceblo!aw or to a wrilten walver by 8enellciary,Trusror shalf pay to Benellciary on Mw `
<br /> ' .� , Rrst day ot each month,or such other date each month as may be speclhed by Beneficlary,untif the Indebtedness is patd in full,e sum ;
<br /> • ! (hereinaRer caHed the"Funds")equef to t i l2th of the yearty taxes and essessmenfs which mey aKaln prtority ove►thls Deed of Tiust ,
<br /> ;�;. �. and ground rents on the Tiust Property,it any,plus 1�12th o/the yeady p►emium instailments ta hazard lnsurance,p/us 1�12th of the
<br /> .. . • . yeaNy premlum instalNnents lor mortgage lnsurance,i/any,all as reasonably esfimatedlni6ally and lrom time to tfine by Benefkfary a►
<br /> � .-r,•..• � - . the basis o/assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereot The Funds shaii be hetd in an institution,the deposlts or ;
<br /> = - accounls o/whlch are lnsored a gc:aranteed by a ledera!a state agency rncludinq Beneficiery.SeneBclary shad apply tne Funde to
<br /> �-- �� �i.�.� ...I.. ..d.en� O�wsl:n:ani�i��11 nnf hn snn�ilra�M nnv TnICIN JU1V I/fIOIqAl N .
<br /> • ' ��.'� ..�� �����Y.��w :��...�..............:.......e
<br /> ...:�:.__� . _�'._. 1+07 aw��ww�awwumanw.urov.a..uv�..v..n.....v«..v y.M.::.......................�.�.�...�...._.__._�_..__._�._� ..__"' _'• __'.'_' '
<br /> �;` ; samings on the Funds.BeneNCfary shall glve to Trusta,wlthout charge,an annual account�ng o/the Funds showir+g credits and
<br /> �'`�'�;°..,.. deblts to the Funds and the purpose�or whlch each debit to the Funds was made. 7he Furtds are piedged as addltlonaf security la
<br /> - � the Indobtedness secured by thls Deed ot Tiust.!f the amount ot the Funds heJd by BeneHclary,together wrth the luture monthly
<br /> �ti;,;�,,,,�. lnsta0mer►ts of Funds payabie pdor ro the due dates o/taxes,assessments,lnswance premJums and ground rents,shall exceed the
<br /> �1 c• • , ainount roqulred ro pay sald taxas,assessments,insurence premiums end ground rents as fhey fall due.such excess shaif be,at
<br /> ''��'' �� Tructor's optlon,eithei pramptty repald to Trusta a cradited to Tiustor eparnst tulure monthly lnstellments ol Funds.If the amount of
<br /> �r,•°��1 � � Ohe funds held b 8er►eNc! shall not be suNiclent ro a texes,assessrtmenfs,insurance remiums end round rents as the fe11 due.
<br /> „�,,�,�,.. .� Y efY P Y P D Y
<br /> ; ,�._�: Tiusror shall pay to Bw�tklary eny amount necessary ro meka up the deficiency withfn thlrty days trorr+the date notice�s ma�led by
<br /> BMNIiCIary to Tiustor requesiing pbyrrwnt 8wreo% Upon paymenf!n/ull or eil/ndebtadness,Beneliclary shal!promptly refund to
<br /> �ivator�ny funds hsld 6y Bw�eNclary.Il the Trosf Propartyls sdd under the power of sale or the Trust Property!s othenv�se acquired
<br /> by BNNNcIary.B�rw/klary shall appty,/mmedlately pria to the sde ol the Tiust Prope�fy or!ts acqWSit(o+r by 8enelic/ary,any Funds
<br /> — hNd by Bsrnlldary at ths Bme ol applicdofon es a credlt agdnst the Indabtedness. l/8enel%!ary executes a wriMen wa�ver of Trusror's
<br /> � -- __,�,;,�= r,�, . obYpaBons und�r Cxs panpnph�, Trustor covenants and aprees to pay,befiov+e the same become delinquent,all taxes,assessmants.
<br /> _�.`.,:::..%:.u„ f
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