j� .n,�` ..,�. .� I !!1 . ' J',l�i+,"`�al�f� rtul'�r 1� �r�ir .... .� ' �v+ fr' �7!K. -+��'"'---
<br /> - -S`` ��, �'- �`• a.':��;' ��7.�.'— ..�y - " df,v„'rtti.f.::S!��___.__�
<br /> � .� . i. �
<br /> � __' '_ _'__--_ — ��' _"" .__ _ _
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<br /> ' {.. . v�g���� ��� , . - _ _
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<br /> , ^�,;�y. '�� „ _.�,�'-
<br /> • ' � Ot dM poj�a.briry �o�a+�r 1°
<br /> ,� (b) E�o�ptrPo'YWdin(d)bdow'1Na4VarMlllm�iddw�ilt� (�) 7'� Powwl°�
<br /> �aoo�mw�do��adwrviou�v.ilabMa�ii�i6Moocupnr�tdurtM .ataaa►yd�wot�MoAiqairWr+insautotdrP�1���
<br /> ,-�'�—� rnbWb�d i��ooardrw��ilA��oh�duM w b��ppovd ia wridN b�r �d oqr+�M th►Pro1�ct in�°°�d+�"'ilh tIM t�r�otll�Ap�w�t
<br /> M1D.Sed��000�anwd�doa�ik�D not bs�ar�d 6or a pRbd MM�h�+ u�w�sueb daw r HUD in 1u di�aNian d�wn�w dw th�Mohi�ot
<br /> 30 d�y�nor ma�dua 3 yMn. Qonnn�cW fadlld.r,it rqr.�116� i�y�h in�paitjon w apwanl�M paol�ot i�+�ooadMa�rj1A dM wau
<br /> �ewdqdy in�om�d�no�wGh a�otd�a fl�d bY�he ot144Apw�wKwdiaoomOUrw��ilbl�wquir��uaflb�Nau
<br /> - °- �,�o�.,a�rea�.���Hw. s�ora�u� .�Ma�s•�•.
<br /> � . . �", .000nanod�tio�raroomrn�cWr.dutk..n.ubp.raa.amqrwwn
<br /> - .•:".� tL�urmsmdcondldaasipptovadbyHUDinwridn=. (b) ColNctdlcenu�ndduriaineauMCtbnwltA�Mopae�tio�ottM '
<br /> ° � projectadwewchoallactiauwp�ylheMatt�d�oblit+�onnadR
<br /> ��`. (a) Upon Pci��rtia��pR°vd by�he Sxteta�Y.Matt�ia�Y th4 A�eameat�nd unde��lw Noa�d Manpi�nd dr a�owNqr
<br /> - -- - ---'�=� du�.a.�a�axiv.r�om.nyunanc.ucnrnouu�rsrrantimecoam. a�pawsotpn�ninsd�.propenr.ndop�tth�rrol�el.
<br /> �-_�-,,,,�'�'--',+ �b�ailYiW'eedupan6stwMnthoaaartmd�htMatj�atiat
<br /> - -.r:`��-' �. �h�y���by tbs Mwtf�or (c) Declare�ha wlwk ot wid 6�debiebwa imn�diwly d�rd
<br /> '�` -'.�r:� " aipr fi�iliti�s�od/or�
<br /> .�;i:=�",�y;;��`� arodMes q a�ch ten�t uponhisraque�4 in�dditioa b th�t�ud pryabla�nd�pr000d wLh�he[anolosun ot�M anAt�e.
<br /> '��""-'a ' � jQ1�C�i�AG�O�i��Y 1�16�IGrOd fr1IV�C�M�.
<br /> -�,� `: �;,�. , (a) Apply to.nr anun,sac.or Peaerd.ta specifia pertarm�of
<br /> `'�,rT�',��"; :�:. aint aoy vtol�tlaa of J3s Ajtas-
<br /> "�• ,��°i�3r_'-. .. (d) 7t�sSec:ewYwWu�nytiaaeanoert�in�wriaenroquestforarau �hi�Airo�mm4fa�ntaj�a�ction4 _
<br /> -�_`�F.�" ,, �+�OP'�Pe�y�����e"�6adwG6in�rea- mrn6 for iho�ppoinanent of��eoelvR w pite orer�nd ap�rw�
<br /> '�'y �. �aa�ble dms th�U: peoparty in�oca�daic��rith�he romu af Ws A�aea�mK
<br /> "-'-='�='.... (1) Ai�pove�eenUlceheduledu[isneceauyaoomp�uePor aiwrrelis[om�y6a�p�prop�i�t�as�o��bsiqj�ybl�D�i�ai6om _
<br /> �~�"'':� ' �p►aetiaaewaoeu��t��etheUstappraved[antal�clv�dulRin �defaWt�u�da�nyofthetetm�otthisApea�tm�t ir�p�+�k
<br /> a�dm�ntaw�aeoo�twet �od tlu�t ot d�aqo w�ouW b difMa�it�o uouui.
<br /> ° ,�R ,;�;t ,.(, Wtes(Wherth�u�wooiuetues)wdo�paatini �
<br /> � ���:y:••!1 F'�},�,;�' �W�h��L+ta 1w no�R�odvs oontrol,ar 16. (�) Morti4or Iw ea�cu�tad m Ajreana�t a Eakr iNu m As�Ws� �
<br /> ,,y;�'.,i<:,.,,-" Ct) �4'���0�ib�wo�t�eta. Conu�ctThetaranoftheAui�w�ceCanaaet.abeneatecutad.�b�U6�
<br /> ��,����1:. •� in�o�porated bY rukrmio�iato this Rejulatory Apee�
<br /> _��'��;. ^.`�'i'~;` (e) The m�ximum tant that ra�y be cha�ed far oocup�a�ay of�n beoauhuedw�ond- -
<br /> !�` ' ��i i,�. .
<br /> .. .ws• ,... „ awbadu�ic�ullbab�aoeoidaneawirh�hepavlsiauofdnAs�taice N) AvblYfonofihaAanW�noeConor�ctauy
<br /> .'}�' � � ,
<br /> """w�� � Conuactad�djuammu�in:uchrenb vull ba m�de in waordmee aith wt�s dofwdt hemwKter in dM sola diiaedon of Hll� _
<br /> =r<°��x-r n. '^��e• We annt oP th�Msistmoe Contnct. _
<br /> th
<br /> _•.,�-��� � . � (c) Inthnavant:aidAcsisw�ceContnctenplraartamLu�ta6efote _
<br /> _ °i" +.�ry���: (� No�conuirod in thi�A�reaneat rh�ll be eauaued w rdt�va �ha eapiration ar tmmituition of ihis Aateana�t,ihe A'ovido�of tbit _
<br />_;:;��, ,,, ,...: _ ths Mat��a ot ary obUQuiant w�der�he Asd�tu�ce Caura�� Pra�r+ph ad any otf►ernfem�oe w wid Caaoiaa.md to u�ted�mits _
<br /> cantdned haein�h�ll be aelf�ca�cellin��nd shaq ro lan�v 6e atfxtivn
<br /> ��� � :f- '� ' ariA withthe i�ioroot�aryFedar+l.Stuaaclocal �of�Mdateoftlw��iraHanar�eratiwwioaaftho��
<br /> ,�i �i �r..,^,} , . ' 13. Mai�nYor comP�Y P�" _
<br /> t+�,' r�'•` Y.}�r� , .� ' lnvpohibiti�►�d4aiminationinMminaonthe�owd�ofraae.color.
<br /> `}� ":l�z�� �• creed.�i0.sex.fundiap.fanilial�Wus or rutiorul aci�in.includin8 17. A�uad in tht�Agroemant the term: _
<br />.":i;��� �• .• �•I,�,'�� � o inoludas"DeedotTnst".''Chaao1MoTti�a���"Y =
<br />-,.,,.;�•.. ��' •• .{,;,:- TiUe VI of the Civil Riyh�s Act of 1964(42 U.S.C.2000d•1�thc F+�ir (�) "Ma�tB Y " -
<br /> ' , • ` Houiing A�cc(42 U.S.C.3601�Seaion 304 of�he Reh�bUitubn Aet of o�r�oeuriry for the Note identified herein: -
<br /> .�`. ;� �� ,... � Iq73(29U.S.C.794�AgeDisaiminationAeeof197S(42U.S.C.6101) oe"rofonw�hnMiderofthematta�eidenutiedbmein. _
<br />.:,:: .,,:� . �• nd Facecutive Otder 11063(27 F.R. 11327�and dl requiranena (b) "Mort8�8
<br />"->"• ' iu wcceuon�ntl usi .
<br /> • �t:• .,r�. ':'� ° impotedbyarpicrwntwtherogulaHomot�hoDepazunantofHowi+�8 �� _
<br /> .". � `�, md Utb�Dovelopment(24 CFR)issued qusu�nt w Title V1.the Fair _
<br />���..: o • }{ouri�Act,the Reh�biliution Act,�he AYe Dkcriminadan Act or Fat. (c) 'Mortg�god Property'includes���P�°'���HUD; -
<br /> ., aanivs Ordm 11063. covmod by tha mortga4o a mortQa�
<br /> .--.h.
<br /> - ��tr ..�.. .: 14. No Ud�adon�eeldn�the rccovery of�sum in eRCOSS of 53,000 nor any (d) "Project"includei ihe mortg�ged pmpary and dl iuoidernatsor
<br /> _ . �.;, . , �ctjon for speciC�c perfatmwica or o�har equiuble relinf ehall be incti• whauonvc titusta�used in otowned by the businets conduotedon s�id
<br /> ,~_ •••r~' . ' ated nor�hap my cl�im for a�m in exoess oi 55�000 be seWed or moA��yed ProPnty.
<br /> 't,:�:. • .. ,, ,
<br /> compromisedbythe Mongagor unla:priorwriaen cau�entthaewha
<br />�`%;�;��.' ,;.`r.', " ^ been obub�od 6om HUD. Such coment may ba�ubject w�uch temn (e) "Dlstri6ution"mew�ny wi�hdrawd or uking ot ca�h or other
<br /> =,'iy� .?,;,;�n �, escribe. �setsoftheprojxtwhatha►famong�gop�ymenuorforp�ymentof
<br /> � tnd oondiNau a�HUD may pr
<br /> ?i. _ -a;^t�u; ma�on�bk exprnces incWrnt oo its cauutictiun.opar�on nd m�int°'
<br /> , ' �;��:� .'' . .
<br /> _ . ,�!Y .-.. . , • 13. Upon�vblallon of�ny of tbe above provi:ionc of this Agrusment by eo�cep
<br /> - .'•�" �ti��: ' • Motl��gor.1ND may�ive written noc6se,tNereof,tu Mong��or.by
<br /> �.~1:.'"J a:: . tegi�te�ed or cardfled mail, �drcsied b the addrcas �uted in thi� (� "Dcfoult"means�defaultdacluedbyHUDwhenavioluianof�his
<br />:_;r•;., >•�'•s•;`-s...:
<br /> :�.!'r,,•;� ij:;�,;, . pgteemen�or�uch other�ddtess 4+may subsequondy.upon appropri• Agreement ia not corracted m ita�atiiGcdon within the tLne tlbaed by -
<br /> ':••..� �S.�ij2,},'•.*..�;t.; . _
<br /> j . �te wrluenmtice there,of w HUD.be designuod by the Mongaga u iu ihis Agroement or wch furUk7 time u mar be�llowed by HUD
<br /> :°.i.,l
<br /> `"'}:',�` �+_. 1eg�1 businesa addreas.If such violadon is not oorrected to tha:ati�fac- writtrn notice:
<br /> �;;+�-� donof HUDwilhin 30days�fterthednto such notice is mnfled orwithin '
<br /> . , • tuch funher time�s HUD dettrmines ia necessary a correct tha viola-
<br /> " , t�on,without fimher notice HUD may dcclue� Dofuult undcr this
<br /> ° o � pgnemcnt effective on tha date of tuch declantion of def�ult�nd upon _
<br /> � � �uch default HUD mny: .
<br /> ,.�. � �
<br /> � ' bnn HUDA?A6bEF1
<br />: :�',:. ` ;} , Pape 3 of 4
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