- :� - .�r.... ��rr::i...: ��...�i�" • , _ --_
<br /> -- 47`� -i-•`?r::.. .. _
<br /> _ . � �1 ' '��~•�..F'.� . � .. . .
<br /> �.•
<br /> --..�_�.�_.��.�_. �.�� 93-it.c�1�.o -
<br /> _—"��� _-__ -- +1�.Tr�nr+fer of tik f�ruperty ar a li�t�e(kIAI Interert In�urrowcr.11'uU ur uny puil of Uu Pru�xrty ur uny Intcrc+t in it
<br /> i► Wdd��r�runr�tcrr�d lur if y Ixi�elirful intcrcu in&�rruwer iM W►W or tr�nrfcrr��l u�Kl li��rruwcr i��uH:��wwrul �xru�n►withuut
<br /> l.�:ixlcr'� priur wriucn r�mr�eni. l.r��lcr nwy. at it.r ��ptiim, rcyuirc inmwJiutc ��►ynknt ii� 1'ull uf ull rumti �ural by Ilif�
<br /> — — Sl4urit} tn:ts�sn�i�t.Hnu�rvrr, this cmtiw►stwll :iut tn rxerei�!by l.encleo 1(rxrrrisr i+pn�l�ihittr) by fr�lrrn!!aw ah t�f tltr�late �
<br /> _ ol'�hl�Scx:uriq•In�trunxm.
<br /> — — — If l.en�ler cxcrrlM�Ihi�u�li����. IA��Irr�hull}tive Fi��rruwrr�Hdirr��1'u.rcicrudrn►.7'lir iN►tice.h�ll pruviJe u�xrl��l af n�N
<br /> _--- -- - �, Ic,.Ihrn �11 duyK fnnn thr Jutc thc nuUcc i�dclivrr��l �►r nntilcJ within whici� Fl��rruwcr mu�t puy ull �utu� utiun�l by �hi�
<br /> : kcurity lmin�i�wn1 fl'FL►rr�►w��r ti�il�to pay QwK�.nm.prinr�o Ux�cxpiwUun uf tl�i�.�ri�xl. I.��kler nwy lnvuke any rcnkYlic�
<br /> ..;= � .� pertniite�i by tlii.Security In.rtrument with�wt furthcr iH�tice ar demuud�►n&►rruwrr.
<br /> �L 9�1�'!x� .. I8. �k�rrower'�: ItlRht to Rc(twtotc. If &►rruwcr mc�t� ccnain r�►nditiunr.. &nruwcr �hull buvc �hr right tu I�avc
<br /> ' �t enfarcement of this Sccu�lty ln+trunxnt discuntinucd at uny timc prlur tu thu rarlirr ul: tal 5 duys lur �uch i�thcr peri�Kl u� �
<br /> __ �� uppUcublc law nu►y specify for rcinstutcnxnU hcfi►rc tial� uf th� Propcny purtiuunt t�+ uny Ex►wcr �if wlc runtui�xtit ln thiti
<br /> Sccurity lnstrument;nr(b)entry of a judgment enfiircing thi�;S�tiurlty lnstrunknt.Tl�me ruixlitions urc thrt&�rrowrr:(u)puy+
<br /> � ��,*�� � Lcndcr ull xumti which then would t�c duc undcr thi.r S��:urity [nstrumcnt uad thc Nutc u+ if nn ucccicration hud iwcurr��i; (b)
<br /> __������� cures uny default af any nther rnvenunts or ugreement�;(c1 pays all expemes incurred in enli�rcing thiti Security Imtrum�nt.
<br /> _�_�;,��, including,but not limited ta, rcasonable auorney.v' fees;and(d) tukes such;�ctiun as Lx:nder may rea�onahly reyuirc tu u+wrc __
<br />____ �:�.,��:��$:-:.-„�� that the lien nf this Security Instrument,l..cndcr's rights in the Prapc;ny and &►rrower's obligati�m to pay the tiums scrurcd hy �
<br /> � ;P.:�:_`�Y'�-.,� this Security Instrument shall continue unchnnged. Upon reinstutemcnt by &irrower, this Sccurity In+trumcnt uixi the
<br /> - . ubligutions scxured hereby shall remain fuUy effective:�s iP no arcelerrtiun hud�xcurred.Howeve�, this right to reinxtute shall
<br /> � x ..;,;,s,:�';�;:: , not upply in the cuse of accelerution undcr paragraph 17.
<br />"'`„�� l9. Sale of Note; ChAnRe of Loan Servlcer. The Nate ar a purtial intcrest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> instrument)may be sold one or more times without prio�notica tc�&�rrower. A sale nwy result in a changc in the entity(known
<br /> -qrr[„ y '
<br /> �....� � as the"Loan Scrviccr")that c�i8ccts monthly paymcnts duc undcr thc Notc and this Security Instrumcnt.There altio may bc one r
<br /> ,,. ar mare changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to u sale of tha Note. (f there iti a change of the Loan Servicer,Burrc�wer will be __
<br /> ��%`.�:.;'"`, given written nouce of the chungc ln accordnnce with paragraph 14:�bove¢nd applicuble law.The notice will state the n�n�e and �--
<br /> °�+�:-�r'°' 'u:,;'�� address of the new l.aan SerNicer und the address to whicfi puyments should be made. The notice will also contain uny other
<br /> ,,,,';'';:;��i:;��_°' informution required by uppllcable law.
<br /> „�:;sk,�,•.'=���.�;.�r: 20. HaxWrdou9 Substunces. Borrowcr shall not cause or permit the prc.tience, use, (IISPOSAt, storugc,or relca�c of uny �
<br /> �} • ��,:..::���.;;:�:,����:,•. H:uardous Substances on or in the Propeny. Borrower shuU not du, nor allow anyonc etse to do, unything uffccting the �__
<br /> ',:r � .x��;ti.�:::y,lf�•:��`,�`. : Pr��perty thut is in violation of any Environmental Law.The preceding two sentences shull not apply to the presenre, use, or =_
<br /> ' o'�" -'•-: ,'^� ��: storage on thc Propctty of stnall quantities af Huzurdous Subetanccw that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal �_
<br /> `a f�:-;�,��:.;�;��lv�?;`� re�idential uses und to muintenunce of thc Property.
<br /> " `""' ��- •' �° • � ° Borrower shall promptly give Lender written noticc of any investigation, claini,demund, lawsuit ur othcr uction by any
<br /> ��"`�`;�'t"•'"'`��' govemmental or regulatory agency or privute pany involving the Property ond uny Haznrdaus Substs�nce or Environmental Law
<br /> {?�*�4�'�"::��;?;'� of whlch Borrower has Actual knowled e If Bonower learns, ar is notified b an ovemmental or rc uluto authorit that �`�`
<br /> �s, r 8� Y ' Y L� F TY Y•
<br /> � -""' �•:xr�..���: any removal or other remediation of any Huzardiws Substunce affecting tho Praperty is necessarv,�oROwer yh�ll pmmpqy tAke ��,�
<br /> • `�''��"-�`° "�;'� all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmuntal Law.
<br /> _-, � ' Ac uwxi in ihia QaFagraph 20. "Hwurd�ws Substan�s" ure th��ee substunces deflned u..toxic ar h�ardnus�ubstances hy
<br /> �''�" �� ;,?.�i:� Environmcntal Law and tbc follc�wing subtitances: gusotinu, kcrosenc, other fl•rmn�able or tnxic petmleum products, toxic
<br /> � r � ; . ,;,;;;yl pesticides and herbicides,volatile solv�nts, m:rteriuls cantaining usbestoti or ti�rinuldehyJe,arxl radioactive materiul+. As uticd in �
<br /> ' thit p•rragraph 20, "Envircmmentc�l Law" nxanti federul latv� and luws of the jurixiictian where the Prapen�• ic located that �'
<br /> :.,+.,,.,..,. :,
<br /> "• �" � � relate to health,wfcty or environmental protectiun.
<br />_ ' ' �.� ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und l.endcr furth�r c�rvcn�nt;�nd•rgrre as fiillows: -
<br /> �";;;,� 21. Acccler�tion;Remedies. Ixo�der�twll�;ive nuNce tu Bo�roHCr prior to�cceleration tutlowtn�&►rrow•er's bnach '°'
<br /> � �'��ti'±': ' " • - of any covenant c►r aKrcrment in thir Securtty Intitrunient (but �wt prinr to �cccleradnn under pum�rapb 17 unless __
<br /> • .:-• � . pppNcAble Iaw pr��rldeti otherwlx).'1'he nutice sh�ll np�rifj•: (�+l tlte defwult: (b) the wcqon reyulnYl to cun the drfWUlt;
<br /> '��•.. • • (c)A d�tr,nM le�s ttwn 30 ds�yn Inm�the d�te the m►dce is ui�en to fiorn►wer.b�•w•hich the default muxt I►e curcd;�nd �
<br />_'_ .�.•+�.s... ' (d)tlwt failure to curn tlx del'uuU on or befi�re the dute +prcift��l in the nodce muy nwult In ycceleration of the rums �.
<br /> v=� ��"�'•'• " �".�.�'� secured by thiw ticrurit�• Instrument und �.ule oi'thc {'ro�xrt�•. 'fhe noti�c shs�ll furtBcr infi�rm &irrv�wer of thc right to '--
<br /> ` °t< - �' reinctote ARer accrlerxtbn a�xl the right to brin�;u court urttun to ux+ert the non-axistence of�defi�ult ur an�• other —
<br /> " ',t • � detense of B�rower to accelet�tfon und �wle. If the deTwult f+ nut rund nn ��r tKfi►re thc datc speciflcd in the notice, �
<br /> �''"�"`' I.ender. at tts option. may rcyuire immedi�te pu}•ment In full of ull nums xrund b�• this ticcurity Inctrument without s••
<br /> : • . ' �`:I . turther demand and may�invoke thc power of tiulr and s�nv other rem�dir�pern�itted�b�•applirublc I�w•.Lendcr shyll be
<br /> ' •' ' entitled to colkrt all expencec Incurred In pur.;uin�;the rrmedltw pn�vW��d in this pars��;ryph 21. including. but nnt limited �_
<br /> l ,..,r';5�;` to,reasonable nttarneys'feec and custx of title evidcnce. '"-_
<br /> �•�:;�'"�t• . If the power ot'sule is im�oked,Trustee sh�ll rcrord a ��Nice ot del'uult in euch cnunty� in w�h6ch an�• part af the a=
<br /> �.r,;-: ':� . Property is loeated and shull nwil ropks ot tiuch notice in the munner pr��criFx�d b�•upplics�ble Is�w• to Borruw•er s�nd tu "
<br /> • •�f;:�� • � the other personR prescrif�ed b�applicnbte law.After the time reguireci by applics�hle 1�K,Tru.t�Y xhs�ll give publir n�►tice = "
<br /> ; '�`•' of sale to the rsons ond in the manner r�.wcrflx*d bv a licable ta«•.7'ruyt��c, «ithout demand on BorrnH�er,shull setl
<br /> • «..�...,: 1� p pp ���
<br /> �-��;� -,:.� the Property at public uuction to the hlghest bidder at the tiu�e�nd pluce end under the terms d�wigns�ted tn the notice ot —
<br /> . astle In one ur more parcels pnd ln an� nrder Trust��e dMern�in��c.Trust�r may pn�tp►ne�Ie of ull or any purccl of the -
<br /> - ����;�s�, Property by� public Ann�wncement ut the time und place of any prcviously �cheduled sale. I.ender or Its d�+ignee may "`
<br /> - � `,. purchase the Praperty at any salc.
<br />�w i�'�/�i�tl:+ft:T �
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