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<br /> ��THFR WITH dl the improvema�u now or heaeatta�erectod an the PropertY.and vl cas�muus.�pPanenu�oa.sad
<br /> fixtura now ar hercslk� a port af the propeKy. All cepl�ocma�ts and �dditiau �hall dw ba coverod by thi� Security
<br /> Itutrument. Alt of tlk f�ngAing is rcferrod to in this Security Imtrument u the'Propeny."
<br /> - -_—_ 't?R�OWith COS►S�iAI'tT�it�t Barmu;.r i^.la�sfit!!y seixc!of tltt+Mt�!�!�!�el+y c�xw�yaci and iw�the ri�ht ta arant aud
<br /> aonvry tiks Ptnperty ux!th�u the Propeny is unerxvmbecaf,exoept for encumbrynces of record. Borruwer warnuw �nd will
<br /> de!'erd�ener�lly the dtle tn the Prc�perty agajnst all cl�m�wnd denw�ds, subJxt w any encumbrwtices of reoord.
<br /> TH1S SECURITY INSTRUMENT cumbines uniform covenonts f�r natiorwl use wed non-uniform covenant�with limited
<br /> v�riatfonc by Juri�didion to constitute x uaiform secutity inatrument a�vering rcal property. -
<br /> ___ _-- _-_ 11NIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender rnveru+nt and agrce ac follaws: _
<br /> l. P�ymeet ot Priacipd aad intercat; Prcp�ymeet and I.ste Ch�rgee. Borrower ashwil prc►mpUy �ay when due the _
<br /> pdncipat of md interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any pr+epayment and late ctwrge�du�r ander the Note.
<br /> 1. Funds tar Taxet And Itwirat�ee. Subject to appticabl�law or to a wdtten w$iver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> Lendor on the d�y manthly puymenta arc duc under the Nnts,untll tha Nqte is pald•in fu[I.a sum('Funds')f�ars(�)ytarly ta�ces
<br /> and wssessmentc whieh mny uttain prlority aver this Securlty (nctrument us a Iien nn die Property;(b)yearly lea.�e6o6d payments
<br /> .� or gmund t�cniF on thc Property,if any;(o)ycarly ha�xrd or propeny insurence premiums:(d)ycarly tload insurance premiums,
<br /> if�ny;(e)ye�rly mortgugo inturance premiums, if any;and(�uny sums payahle by �rrower co Lender. in�co++dance with
<br /> � [he provisians�f pnrn�raph ti,in licu of the payment of mortgage insurarxe premiums.These iterns are�lled"fcscrow Itecns."
<br /> i.erxier may,ut any timo, catlect and hold Funds in an amount nat to exceed the ma.:imwn amount a lender for a federally
<br /> -- related rtx►rtguge loan may require for Ramower's esGraw account under the federal Real �state Settlement Pracedunes Act of
<br /> 197�ac Ammi+nde.A fmm time to time, I2 iJ.S.C.Soction 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unless anather!aw that applies to the Funds
<br /> -' -- seta a IesRar umount.If sa. Lender may. ut any time, collect and hold Funds m an amount not ta exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> -_ = I.,eixler may estirrwte the amount of Cunds duc on thc basis af cucrcnt data and reasonable estimates ot expenditures of tl+ture =
<br /> - _;�;� Escrow Items or otherwise in ectotdance with applicable IAw.
<br /> __ �'«?� The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insurod by a fedcral agency, instrumentality, or entity
<br /> ---— - --- (including l.ender.iE I.ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> __ Eserow Itoms. Lender t�y not et�arge Bottower for holding and applyin�the Funds,ennually anulyzing the escrow account,ur
<br /> !.�,�"��"�� verifying tho Escrow Items, unless I.erder pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make suc8
<br /> -�� a charge.However. i.e�der may requi�e Barrower to pay a one-time charge for un independent real estate wx reporting service
<br /> ���_�,� used by l.ender in conncetion with this loan, unless applipble law provides otherwise. Unless an ag�cement is made or
<br /> applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lendcr shall nat 6c required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on thc Funds.
<br /> Borrower snd Lender mYy agree in writing. however, that interest shall be paid on ihe Funds. I.cnder shaU givc to Borrower,
<br /> without chacge. an annual accounting af the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose far which each
<br /> `=-:- ;s,,,�;;m,,,;� dc�ii so she Fassds w�s made.The Funds arc pledged a:�dditiona!sxssdiy far a!I sums s�ated�+y�his Sc!�urtty inctn�ment.
<br /> �;'.`.�: '`�"s�'�'� If the Funds held by[..ender exceed tho amounth permittecl to be held by applicuble law.Lender shall account ta fiorrower
<br /> �,• � �'� �x''.::
<br /> , ��..��"�''f�`,; for the oxcess I�unds in accordance with the requirements of applfcable law.if tho amount of the Funds f�cld by Lender at anv
<br /> �" " � time is not sufficient to puy the Escrow Items when due,Lender muy so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such ca.se Borrawer
<br /> ,,.��+���=�'��:
<br /> , � , �Yr:�-._t stwll pay to L.ender the amount nece�sary to make up the deficicncy. Borrower Fhall make up the deftciency in no tnore than
<br /> �_ `,�'+'t�.��..�.,
<br /> :��w���. twelve monthly payments,at Lender's solc discretion.
<br /> ,.;�_-;.� .��_::�:' Upon payment in full of all sumc secural by this Security Instrumcnt, I.cnder shull prampciy refund to Borrower any
<br /> �� t Funds held by Lender. if,under parasruph 21.Lender shall acquire�r sell the Property. Lender,prior ta the acquisition or sale
<br /> ^"� �`� of the Property,shall upply any Funds held by I..ender ut the time�f Acquisition or sale as a credit again�t the sums securcd by
<br /> ����.
<br /> r ,� this Security Instrument. _-
<br /> '� 3.Applicatton oF Poyments.Unle�s applicable law provides otherwise,all puytnents receiveci by [.ender under paragraphs __
<br /> � Pp YP PY S' PY P' S P
<br /> ;��, , i�•.ei;: l u�d 2 shall be a licd:first,to an re a mcnt char �s Jur,under the Note; seconJ, to amounts a able under �r3 ra h 2:
<br /> �• "�"'`�'�'��i''� tbfrd.to interest due:fourth.to principal due:and last, to any latc churges due under the Note.
<br /> �,��-�i...:�
<br /> .,, l '��•'',,��`�., 4.Charges; Liens.Borrowcr shull pay all taxcs, asscssments, chnrges, fincv and impositions attributable to the Property
<br /> ,���;af�';�;•_�:*a which may attain priority over this Security Instrvnxnt,and Ie:�sehc�ld payment� or ground rentv, if any. Borrower shaU pay
<br /> � �•�,,�::,,.t:r�...��, 8 P p' S P p' P'Y Y
<br /> t �t�.�..._�, these obli ations in the mammr rovidcd in rra r� h 2,ar if not aid in that manner, Borcower shall d them on time directl =
<br /> � �'�'`.�".��:�" to the rson owod a tnent. Borrowcr�hall mm tl fumitih to Lcnder •rll notices of amuunts tu bc a�d undcr this ara ra h °
<br /> �' �'' A:;.� ...,.• Pe P Y P P Y P' P F P •
<br /> '°�-�"�"''- "•� • If Borrower mnke�these payment.directly. Borrower shall prompdy fumish tn I.ender reccipts evidencing[he payments.
<br /> ���`
<br /> '''`"-'��'`" Borrowcr ahall prompdy dixharge any lien which has prioriry aver this Sccurity In+trument unk.ti Bormwer:(al a�;rec�c!n -
<br /> ..____ e�+3.iF'``"�
<br /> —y��'� writing to the payment of the c►bligation ticcurai by the lien ia a munner acceptuhle to Lender,tb>contc�ts in good faith the lien
<br /> ���r,;�;:;�=u� by, or defends against enforcemcnt of thc licn in, legal prcxecdings which in the Ixndcr'+ �►pinion oper,►te t�� pn:vent the
<br /> --ry��:J��' enfocYxment of the lien;or(c)xecures fmm the hc�lder of the lien an•rgreement satinfartury to l.ender sutx�rdinating the lien to
<br /> ?�•�-�s%• this Socurity In�trun�ent.IP Lendcr determincs that xny part of the Prop�rty i�xubject ta a lien which nu�y attain priorit}� over ,
<br /> ���•,'-;,, this Security Mstrument,Lender nMy give&�rmwer u notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satixfy thc licn or ta{:e one or
<br /> ��: mor+e of the actions set forth obove within 10 days of the giving of noticc. r
<br /> �...,.,�_�'
<br /> � Fam 3028 91a0 `
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