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<br /> � Ad(IQONfLEDOMENT: �,�d urxMnq�nds tlu�t(�)Ilys�awN►r docurtMnt bNow to b��M�oubd h w Tivat OwO,endnot•
<br /> r��i� -- n�pp�pnd(b)tM powK ot�W Providad lor N tlw Trutl OMd p'ovkMa wb�tr�twYy d�IMrart�iphb�nd obMO�Mona lo k�Tnulort�)Mn•
<br /> -_��:,� Wo.wnt ot•d.aul�a en�en of oEYp.c�on. Tn.Tru�(�)�uMnr n�phant�and apr�t rut a++.o.ntAeallon nu bnn ha�
<br /> - �x�a+l�d N oonr�lfon wiN.bu�prior w.�M Tru�brs���auMon d 11M k�liowir►0 Teu�t DMd.
<br /> �.:=3=- - Dwd 1h1� 30th �y d Dec�musr .tA gl. � _
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<br /> J��Mm.�sy'��� � ;Thts Tnut Ooad and Assipnment ol Fi�nU mfartad lo in tlw above acknawlodpmont is mado Wt 30th d�y of
<br /> -- - - -='��=x• �' p��r .1� 91 ,by and amanp Enala�nd Far�os ina.. a Nebzaeke Corooration _
<br /> --- ��.•��T�.,�; .
<br /> •�.�:S.�lif_4zlls'•�r. �
<br /> -.���'z?-thy;�.• � : 1'Tnaqor(y'whoamdlinpaddrosfi� Route 1 Box 123 Doni�a„ N�' 68832 _ and
<br /> �:��i`"° � :Fum Cwdt Banlc of Omldui.'Tnislov: whosa m�lYnp addracs i�208 Soutfi 16�h Streat,Om�ha.Nabrapca 88102.+nd Farm Credit
<br /> __,._...� _�-�z�.
<br /> - _ ��,A�....., •Benaikttry'rhow mailinA�ddr�s fa 208 Soulh 191h Straet�Omaha,NpbmfW 88/ cansidaratlan of the advanoe by Bwielk4rY b TNNor(s)ot Y
<br /> -�'y�''�o.���c ,
<br /> ,,,�,�:.{r��., ' the prinofp�al sum�p�dtfad bWaw�Iha�eaaipt oi whbh is htxqby aeknawledDed•and mY�,axo.addqoml.o►protediw advanoea mde fo a on bah�M
<br /> ei . , af Ttusta►fs)at BeneActery'�opdon.T►ucla�{s}irrevoosbly translan.aonveY6 aiM afsipn�b Tnulao,IN TRUST.WITH POWER OF BALE,for th�
<br /> ;��''S' '��'�St��, '• ,
<br /> ,,y- t,,.,,. benefit and s�vatdty of Benalidary• ita w000�soro arM usiStm�under and cubject to the tarmt and conditio�s of tMs Truat . Prape � ; _
<br /> ';y� :.;`�'�?' �� Hal l County,Smte of Nobra� doseribod�M�aws: ��
<br /> ;�'',���"�`:„• 8�. I�tW 8�.
<br /> st-i�c.�,.,�-' , SW� -----------------------�------------------------- 2 9N 9W 6th P.!!.
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<br /> �vr�,,,�'� ' W�SE� ----------------------^--- 16 9N 9W 6th P.M.
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<br /> a , ropethor wifh all Tnistor's r19ht,tltle,and Interest in the prope►ry,now or heraalter acq�dred,lncludinp: all bulldlnps,�xtures,crops,an provomen s -
<br /> ^+-^ � now on or heroafterpIaced upon Iha praperty:all appurtenancec,water,kripedon,and drau�age riphls:ell renu,fesues,uses,ineortw,profits,and ripht� __
<br /> -..,,.;C����, ,r� .C' Ih aI T In ►aY
<br /> .,, .,��„�.. �+ to pc�seStlon;ail ofi,pas,yravel,rock.or othor m�nerei:of whatever nemre,induding peothermel retources:all personal properry ay te6 Y �°
<br /> - ' belonp to or hereaFter beoomo an Inteprel part of the real eslate whether ettaehed or dotathed,InGudfng any eppunenences and acooulrementt oi any �i
<br /> '� � �truqure a residence�ecured hereby;atl above and below pround irripa8on equipment end axesso►le�:and atl leaaee,permft�,licenses,or privUepe�,
<br /> .�;A1.� � , appurtenant or nonappurtonent to Ihe properry,now or hereafter fssued,extended a renewed by Truator{s),any Stete, the Uniwd States,or ony _
<br /> �;�.�� dopwtmem,buroau,in�wmanmliry,a apency thereof. The forepanp is eoltect(vaiy relerred to In thii document ac tho'propany' _
<br /> -- . . It Is und�ntood�rtd�prNd bdwNn Tastor(�)�nd B�rnflel�ry th�t Ihl�Tru�t Wed I�pivm to t�cur�: -_
<br /> ��� ,,•.., � e p►omisaory nota(o)oxacuted by Trustor(s)to Bonefiaary descnbad oa fdbws: j �
<br /> ( 1 ��'
<br /> - �,'r�';��.;;.•. Qple ot Nota Prinnloel Amount (�a1e°f,(�(g Prihelo 1 n+ount I --
<br /> � .�`'r�� � ,+. Oecember 30, 1991 S200,000.00 ; _
<br /> ,.t� i
<br /> - payab��acoording to the terms ot tho noto(e),and uny addondum�to,roomorti=atlon oc restruduring of tho noto(sl. � _
<br />_ , � (b) T��e repaymant in lull by Truator(s)of any and all futura and addioonal loans or adva�ces wh�h may be mado by BcnoLciary,at ita opuon,et the � _
<br /> ,,� ,, reque•t oi,and to or fav the account ol Trustor(s),or any ot thom,for eny purpoee,p�us intorest on all loans or edvanec;,under ar:y+mto�s)or other v
<br /> insWrnant(s)modityiny,ie6nancinp,oxtonding.ronowing,roemonizfnp,w restructunng,now e�istl�g,or add6onal IndeDtcdnoss or any oan thereof, �
<br /> ,,,,�;_�.�st;f,:�; aA payabb .�•�rcirg tothe term4 of 1he ooto(s)or other InstrumoM(s); provided, howevor,Ihat the total princ�pul indebledneu outslancli�9 end I �
<br /> ....,., r..,, win�tnn_ _ -_ ____ -
<br /> -- - seCUrod hereby at any onc time will not exceea mo sum ai --- -`v_��'�' �i�•• ------�-- --� - _ �
<br /> �� �• �-P� � ,' , ____._______________.._ -------0OLLARS(S �nn.nnn_o9 • •. ).exelus�veofinreroslandprotadive I
<br /> � � ,i,�':j�: :' edvancot autho►ized herein or In the loen agreement(s), p►ovided(urther,that THIS PARAGRAPH SHALI NOT CONSTI�'UTE A CaMIMITMENT Tp �
<br /> ' '• `' �+.' ABOVE HAS BEEN ADVANCED. '
<br />, 4'..`1�`,�; ,
<br /> _ - .• 1 � (e) Tho repa�^+ent fn h���by Trustor(s)ol all amounts advonced by Bonehcfary at fts option,to or on behall ol Trustor(s)as p�otrctwe edvancoa
<br /> •� 6uthoHzed herefn,in the ban apreement(a1.a��nther msuumem�s�wnkh�videaa+xol�ad.anius.pius interoct on a�l such advu��;.c:.,veyau:o ac
<br /> provlded In d�e notc(s),ban aproemenl►s),a othor matrument(a)
<br /> , • „ ' (d� The payment M tull ot any and aA other past,pre�ent.or future,direct a continpont,debtt and 1ab�t�oe:ol Tn�ator(s)to 8enoliciary of any nalura
<br /> . .5",• whatswver.
<br /> ',• ,:�;,• Thls 7Ntt Deed wdl be due Januarv 1, 2012 a upon the payment in tull ot alt sums socured � �
<br /> ':f`:'�' ' T�uata(��hereb�wanaMS�hat Tru�roqsl hoids hw flmp�Ddo ro tha pbova dQSa�bad Dropa�ry,that Trusror(fl haa nood a�d�awtu�amnor�ry ro tlae d a�d e�cumt�er i�o �
<br /> ' • i��y,����propary Is tro��nd e�ea�ol a�t lians o�d w�cumbrancaa.Qxtapt ancumb�a�as O�roead,a�d ti+at Trusto�151 w���wn��n�t anC Ee�eM the o�ope�
<br /> � Trustor(c)e�penso,apnmst all e,a�mants wromsoevar Trus�o�(a1 a'so haroby wa ves a�A m��na��snes on nQh�3 O�dOWBC h0'�' 4h'b�I�vO S"d•Q 0^d C�or^pU0•� ^
<br /> ,� erM ro�ha�bova tla�u�bed DroPQnN
<br /> - - - -- - --- - �
<br /> � -- — - --- ------'-- -- --- . -- - -
<br />