�I ,,.` ,'�,'►r �.. ,,,�h�, .���$!r�� q:. •:a� I h(.i '�.%'' :�;1`�.� -s��d-���L�.
<br /> r ��� r r a' �`�i_;' .4u.Y� � '��,.1 —
<br /> � �� �.�..- .L.
<br /> . 1 �•k �'�..�...�•v"�`� .-.
<br /> I� � ... .jf-• �i`lf ' �� ^ _._
<br /> , � ,:.l;'..L Ye1�fY...:.. _.�-:
<br /> �,; . .. . ...�.. . . . .'_:�ya .__— .
<br /> ' f � 91- 1UB750 ----
<br /> ii • '� I. a • �
<br /> ., _
<br /> .`"� ,:,�; of postpomm�nt�h�ll b��Iwn by publlo d�cl�ntlon th�r�of by�uoh p�rson at ih�tlme�nd pl�o�I��t�ppolnt�d for th�
<br /> � ':�.I s�l�;Provld�d,If th�s�l�Is postpon�d for lonp�r th�n on�(1)d�y b�yond th�d�Y d��lpn�tsd In ths notla�of al�,notla�
<br /> . ; � ,, �., • thaeof sh�ll be O��en In the s�me m�nn�r a�the oripin�l notlae of�d�.TrustN�hNl�x�oute and dellvsr to th�Duroh�ar
<br /> ;� ';�;��7,.� � it�De�d eonvsylnp th�Prop�My so sold,but wNhout�ny covenant or warr�nty,�xprs�s o�Impll�d.The rscltals In th�dNd ___
<br /> fi ,. • of�ny m�tt�rs or �ot��h�ll b�aonolu�lv�proof of th�truthluln���th�nof.Any psrson,inaludinp B�n�flol�ry,m�y pur-
<br /> :=''' ,,,�, chase at the aale. ��-==—
<br /> _».,;tiia�'��^ .�.�' .-
<br /> (B) When Trustee esll�punuanf to ths powe►s herain,the Truates shall apply tha prooeede of the�ple to payment o t e
<br /> -w`�-_�` � . co�ts and sxpenae�of sxerolelnq the pow�r of e�le and of the eale,lnaludlnp tha payment of the Truetee's fese aotu�lly
<br /> � Inourred,whlah Tru�tee'a feo��hpll nat In the�pprepate exoaed the followlnp amount baeed upon the amounf seaured �_;�.:;_,____
<br />' �' ��� � hereby and rem�inlnp unp�ld;5 percantum on the flrst 51,0001hereof.l paroentum on ths balonaa ttwroof and then to ths __
<br /> a�'.�.:� _
<br /> ;r ;r ;� � ' Items In subppr�9raph(C►In tha order lhero stated. 4`-
<br /> ,,. • (C) After paylnp the Iteme epaoNled In eubparepraph(B) II the eale Is by Trustee,or the proper coun and other coats of � �' l �ti °-_
<br /> forecloaure and sale if tha sAle Is pu�aupnt to�udlolal foreolaaure,tho prooeede of eole shall be appUed in the order atated ___
<br /> • ° '. to tho payment of:
<br /> . (q Cost of eny evidenoe of title prooured In oonneatlon with euoh oale and of any revenue at�mpa; c v��_
<br /> • ' ° � pi) All suma the aecured hereby; ---
<br /> (III)The�emalnder. If any.to the peraon lepally entltled thereto. ___
<br /> ;,�� " � 13.Dutlts�nd OWIONIon�o/TwstN�.(a)The dutlea and ablipatlone of Truatee ahall be determined eolely by the expreas t�w:_y_
<br /> . . provfatons ol this Deed of Ttuat,and Truatee�hall not be Ilable except for the performance of auah duflea and oblipatlona s►s �,r,_,:;•
<br /> � are spealflcelly aet forth hereln,and no Implled aovenaMs ar abllpatlons shall be Imposed upon Truetae;(b)No provislons of �:r:�:%a:_'
<br /> '_•>; ,. ----_
<br /> � :.�;i,:��• _"_�:�,'
<br /> � '�,,�,,,;�,� this Deed of T►ust ahdl requlre T►uetee to expend or rlsk Ita own tunds,or otAerwlae Incu�any tlnancial oblipatlon In the per• � ,�•:,;,: ::
<br /> � . •, , famanoo of eny of Ita dutlea hereunder,or In the exerciae of any of its ripfiis or power,I(It ahall hAVe graunda fo�believin� ��',y��� ..
<br /> '� '��.�,� �' that the repayment of auch funds or adequute Indemnity apalnat such Nak or Ilebllity Is not reasonably asaured to N;(c) ':'•-`;�,
<br /> a„..
<br /> '. Ivl�; . . .. ..
<br /> .,�, � "��` �. �.��' � Trustee may conault with counael of Ite own ahaoainp and the Advloe of euah oouneel ahall be full and complete authaizat o� ;�.y�:,,_
<br /> `•'' � '�'��' and protectlon In the respeat ot any oatbn tAken or su f fer e d by I t hereun der I n�o o d f a l t h a n d r e l l a n a e t h e r e o n;(d)Truetee ;�'��, �_ _
<br /> ,� :. _
<br /> � �'� �'• �� �b' eholl not be Ilable for any actlon taken by It In�ood falth and reaeonably believed by It to be authorized or withl�tho dl�aretlon n�;�;'`
<br /> 'Q'c� or�Iphta and powsrs conferred upon It by thla Deed of Trust. _�� ��'� �
<br /> �at,��},�:.
<br /> � 14.Additlon�l S�cwit�►instrum�nt�.Trustor,at Hs expe�ae,wlll exeoute and deliver to the Trustee,promptly upon demand, � �: �,_.
<br /> �.a�.: .
<br /> . .��� auch aeaurit �ur►�nls.a9.�L r by Trostee.ln form and subatance satlefectory to Truetee,coverinp any of the ____
<br /> ;:�,- Property con Ad'by thi!"D�ed�of 7li91�t+W h aeaurity Inatruments ehell be addltlonal eeaurity for Truetor's talthful perfor• �A""`""
<br /> ..r,;g�_-
<br /> '�'�'�i�•r> manca c,i�ii f the terrss,covsssAnt�and con itlane of!h!e[�eed ot Truet,the Loan Apreement,any promissory notes eeaured �,_;,�
<br /> .. j;...,
<br /> � ,,;,;�, hereby and any ather securtty Inet�u�i'ant�'e cuted In connectlon wlth thie transaatloo.3uch inst�uments shall be reaorded A;,--=
<br /> ''� ' or flled,and re�reca�ded�and re(Ila�,at Truator'e expense. �qL=
<br /> �- • 16.MI�cNl�n�ous. ,? . --r1,
<br /> " A In the event eny one or mo�e of the provialona aoMalned In the Deed of Trust,or the Loan Ayreement or any promisaory ���,�.`- �'`�
<br /> ����� ( ` .i1XG�fwt�c_-
<br /> '•"''�`'• � note,or any other security Inatrument piven fn conneatlon with thls trensactlon,shall for any reason to be held to be In• �.
<br /> ' ":�` valid, IIIeQaI or unenforceoble fn any reapect, euoh Invelldlty, illepaiNy or unenlorceabfi{ty shall, at tho optlon of � � �--_.-
<br /> .� BeneHclary,not atfeot eny other provlslan of ihls Deed of Trust,that thla Deed of Truat shell be construed ae if suah im 4 ,., . , .-•w•
<br /> valid,Illeppl or unenforceable provlalon had never been contalned hereln or thereln. f
<br /> „ � . ,
<br /> � ., (8) This Deed of Trusl ahall be conatrued aocordinp to the laws of the State of Nebraska. __,
<br /> '�' (C) The Deed of Trust ahpll Inaure to a�d bind the helrs, lepetees, devlaeee, adminlatratora, exeoutors, succeseors and k, . :--
<br /> ... ,ti :.. l;� . �,r_
<br /> . aealpns ot the porUes hereto. � ''�'• "`"'
<br /> �;.: ,
<br /> " � . (D) Truetor ehall pey all taxes levled upan this Deed of Truet or fhe debt aecured he►eby,topether wNh any other taxes or � ' . _
<br /> asaesamente which moy be levled egalnat the Trustee or Beneflclary or the 1e9a1 holder of the Loan A�reement on�c• __
<br /> �' � couM ot the Indebtedness evidenced thereby. � . . ` `-
<br /> �.�.• -
<br /> �;t�,<�;;. : (E� Whenever used hereln,the al��ular number shall Include the plural,the plural,the aingular,fhe uae of any pende�ahall be s: .;,;;!,��.:.�----
<br /> t �f',:� applicable to al l Qenders,and the term"Beneflclary"ehall Include eny payee of the indebtedneas hereby aecu►ed or any }' ���;;. ••�� •
<br /> �;,..�i.:•,:.,?;,;,-
<br /> _ transfer thereof,whether by aperatlon of law or otherwlae. ' , ��;r;,t•.'� _
<br /> ' '" 18.Suac�s�or Tru�tN.Beneflclary mey from time to tlme subatitue a successor or succesaors to any Trustee named hereln . c
<br /> ;,� , or actinp hereunder to execute thls Truat Deed.Upon auch appolntment and without convenyence to the succesaor T�ustee, f , �:�
<br /> the latter shall be veated wlth ell title,powers and dutles conferred upo�eny Trustee hereln named or actin{�hereunder.Eech � ��4�'A;; __�T.
<br /> � such oppolntment and subatltutlon ahell be mpde by wrNten Instrument by Beneticlary,contalnlnp reference to thle Deed of �� ��
<br /> • `�•'��' Trust end Its place ot record,whlah when recorded In the olfice of the Replster of Deeda of the county or countles In whlch i;.;���• ��
<br /> , � ' , seld property Is sltuated,ehall be conclusive proof of proper appolntment of the euccessor Trustee.The forepolnp power of �
<br /> .•�,� , subatltutlon and the procedure therefor shall not be excluelve of the power and procedure provlded tor by law for the substitu• t
<br /> tlon of a Trustee or Trustees In the place of the Truatee or Trustees named hereln.
<br /> ;:.:;, . 17.Forbau�nc�br B�nNicbry a Trus1M Not�W�ir��.A forbearance by Beneficlary or Trustee In exercisinp any rlpht or
<br /> remedy hereunder, or otherwiee alforded by appllCable law ahall not be a welver of or preclude the exerclse ot any ripht or
<br /> ' remedy hereunder.Llkewise,tAe walver by Benef iclary or TruBtee oi any default of Truetor under thfa Deed of Trust shall not ba
<br /> deemed to be a welver of any other or simller detpults subsequently occurrinp. �
<br /> � 18.Ttustor Not R�N�s�d• Exlenalon ot the time for payment or modificatlon or emortization of the sums secured by the
<br /> Deed of Trust yrented by Benellolery to any auccessor In Interest of Trustur shall not operete to release,fn eny manner,the
<br /> Ila�llity of the orlqlnal Truator and Trustor's succeesor In Interest.Beneflclary shall not be tequlred to commence proceedings
<br /> a�ainet such successor or retuse to extend tlme for payment or otherwlse modily amortizatlon of the sums secured by the
<br /> � Deed o}Trust by reason of any demand made by the oriylnal Trustor and Trustor's successors In Interest.
<br /> _ ; 19.Optlon to For�loN.Upon the occurrence of any default hereunder,Beneficiary shall have the optlon to foreclose thls
<br /> ^ Deed of Truat In the manner provided by law for ihe foreclosure ot monqayea on reai properiy
<br /> 20.Trustor's Riqht�,Abwnt D�f�uif.Untll eny default In the payment of Indebtedness hereby secured,or until the breach ot
<br /> any covenant herein contalned.the Truator, Ite succesaore and assiyns,ahall possess and en�oy the property and recefve the
<br /> rents and proflta therefrom. Upon pa�/ment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Beneflciary shell request Trustee to
<br /> �� reconvey the property and shall surrender thls Deed of Trust and all notes and Loan Agreementa evidenafnp Indebtedness
<br /> secured by the Deed of Trust to Trustee.Trustee ahall reconvey the property wlthout warranty and wlthout charyn to the per•
<br /> sons Ieyefiy entitled Iherelo.The Grantee In any roconvoyance may bs deecrltred as"thw pnrsen or peraons entitled thereto".
<br /> and the recitats thereln of any matters or facta ahall be conclualve proot of the truthfulnese thereof.SuCh person or persona
<br /> shall pey all coats of recordinp, if any.
<br /> 21.Tnnsl�r of tM P►op�rty;AssumpNon.II all or any part ot lhe Properiy or an Interest thereln fs sold or translerred without
<br /> Beneficlery's prlor wrltten conaent,exCept as otherwlee provlded by law,Benef{ciary may.at Beneliclary'a optlon,declare all
<br /> the sume aecured by thla Deed of Tn�st tn be Immedlately due and payable.Beneficlary ahall heve walved such option to ac•
<br /> celerate If. prlor to the sale or transfer, BeneflClary and ihe person to whom the Propeny fs to be sold or transferrgd reach
<br /> ' Mcsoy.►qo�
<br /> 1 � I
<br />