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<br /> -�•�Y Th�underelpned"Truetqr"�a idsntlfbd In th�followlnp D�sd of Trust,wh�ther on�or mors,underot�nd th�t tM docum�nt
<br /> _ __ °•bSS,y,� . thsy are about to ex4autq 1�a UeAd of Trust�nd not�mortWW�aed that the power of aal�pravlded far In ths W�d of Trust ��__
<br /> --- _ provldea eubetantially dIHBrAnt N�hts and obllpttlons to th�Bonow�r�lhan a mortp�pe�n 1hs evsnt of a default w brsacf�af �F,.
<br /> °� ,�, ,b, obllq�tlon under th4 Deed of.Trust,Inaludinp,but not Ilmlted to,th�Berwflcl�ry's rlpht to have th�Propsrly Id�nllft�d in tM
<br /> ,�., •• ���.�..
<br /> - followinp Deed of Truat eald by the Tnrstee wlthout any�ud�tal procesdinp.Trustor repreaents�nd war�nts that this �,�
<br />_ u�.,.•�,.`..� ^, Aeknowledpmsnf wee sxeautqd by them bsfo�s the exeeutlon of M�Dwd of T�ust h�rpfter set forth. �_ y_
<br /> ���—" � ' �� �_
<br /> t • (�,, --
<br /> W� '�� .� s
<br /> ��� vin d. Our �°===-
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<br /> ... . . 1 �(/i� IS,�� °—
<br /> ,� A�nette K. Duryee � _
<br /> � � ���. � HOME E�lU1TY LINE DEED OF TRUST � -'��-
<br />- THI�TRUST DH�L�mads thls day of �cember 1 9�19 91 ,b�1w�� "-""'.;^n a�� nmRtta K. ���•'`
<br /> m - � wr.x:z.
<br /> b�^ . H r,t,cr�ef ad Wife ____herelnafter eall"Truetor". whoee m�llinp addrees Is �+W. Qlvisim. C�and Is1b�'d+,l� �.
<br />' -'_� -_� � Arend R.�dc , Attomey at Law. whoae malllnp addess la P• 0• ��• �� ��• � � �
<br /> � �"�' aa"Trustes';and Home Fedaral 3avinps And Loen Asaociatlon of arand Island,who�a mmllfn�addnss Is 221 South I.ocusl,
<br /> _ ._ �• '� P.O.Box 1009,Orand Islend,Nebraeka 6880Z,as"8enetlelary".
<br /> �-�-
<br /> For valuebla conside�atlon,Truato�Irrevotably yraMS,tr�nafsra,convsya And�sslpns to Truetee,in t►ust,with powvr oi -�
<br /> eal�,to�tbe benefit and aecurlty of 6en�flalary,under and subJect to ihe terma end conditfone of thla D�ed of Truat,ths follow• —°-F_.
<br /> �`"�e ` Q"` : I�Ip deaCdbed�propsrty IOCated I� Grand Island. Ne�rn�ke ,Neb►aske,to wlt: �"'•
<br /> � . �._._
<br /> Lat Twenty-Faur (24) B1ockFifteen (15) in Ashtan Place, an Addition to the �','_�
<br /> .s,:5t�� —.
<br /> �• City of Grand Isla�d. Hall County, Nebraska. ___
<br />' 1
<br />. _ .. . �.'..�_.
<br /> l�R� —
<br /> � � ��r
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<br />. , , ;_{r11���-•�t --
<br /> • ::�5;;4':i�..;. —a
<br /> �� '� , ; `(y�':,�� . topether with all bulldlnps, fixtures, improvements and appurtenancea thereunto belon�inp, it beinp ap�eed that all of the ---
<br /> . , ,/�:��.
<br /> :;�;� forepolnp shall be hereinaRer referred to ae the"Property". ['.�'�
<br /> - FOR THE PUHP03E OF SECURINO perfor�r ance of each a9reqment and covenent o}Truator hereln contal,� t pay- "�'�
<br /> .r,+•,
<br /> ''� ' �� ment of the princlpal sumof Seventeen Thausand Five Hundred and no/100-----po��prs(S ' '+�•�a �, '�"���,;_:
<br /> � ea evldenced by a Home Federal Home Equlty Loan Ayreement belween Truetor and Beneflclary(fhe"LOan Ayreemant"),pur- r.�:.. '
<br /> , suant to whlch Beneticlary wlll adve�ce funda to Trustor from tlme to tlme at the Interest ratea and upon the te►ms provlded � �
<br /> � ' � therYln,to�ether wlth any sum or sums of money with Interest thereon which mey hereafter be pald or advanced under the
<br /> ,'., , terms of this Deed of Tru�t,both prl�clpal sum and Intaest thereon bein�payable eccordinfl to the terms set forih in lhe Loan
<br /> ,�'' . • �' Apreement, roferenca to whlch Is hereby mede,af the office of the Beneflciary in(3rend lela�d,Nebraeka,or at auch other
<br /> � • . , pince aa B�naflcinry may dealpnate In wrltlnQ.
<br /> ' •;�::�i:.
<br /> ? • ��"!"�'t` �i.W�n�nt�r of TNN.Truetor Is lawfully aelzed of the Property;has good riyht and lawful authority to sell and convey the Pro• �
<br /> • � �•..
<br /> �. .•,;,.•, perty;the Property la iree and clear of all Iiens and enaumberances except liens now of record;and Trustor wlll warrant end de- �,
<br /> ' � fend the tltle to the Property unto the Trustee and its succesaors end essiqns forever agalnst the claims of all peraons.
<br /> � ' 2.Parm�nt o1 PMnclpal�nd Inbr��t.Truetor shell punctually pay the principel of,and interest on,all advancea unde�the
<br /> i.,.�s�...�++wnt and wu�ounctun�Iv ne►form ell aoreementa. condltlons and provlslona of any other eecurity I�strument fliven ,
<br /> . T � In connection wlth this traneaction.
<br /> ; . � 3.P���rvatlon�nd M�Inbn�na�of P►opal�t.Truator wlll not commft any waste upon the Property at wlll,at all times,main•
<br /> • taln the eame!n pood order end conditlon and wfll make,lrom tlmeto tirt�e,all r�pelrs,renewals,replpcementa,addit�on8 and
<br /> Improvements which ere repeonably requlred to prevent weste,Impafrment,or deterloratlon of sald property.No bulldln�or
<br /> __ Improvemenf now or heraaft�r arected upon the Prooerty ahpll be altered,removed or demollshed without the prlor wrltten
<br /> • ' con�ent of Beneficlory.
<br /> 4.Imurr�.Truator,at Ita expenae,wlll melntaln wlth Insuiers approved by Beneficlary,Insurance wlth reapect to the Im•
<br /> � provoments and pereonal proerty eonsfltutlnp the Property agalnet losa by flre,llphtnlnq,tornado and other perlls covered by
<br /> atandard extended cover+�pe endorsement In an emount equal to at least one hundred percent of the full replacement velue
<br /> thereof,and Inaurance apalnst euah other hazards and 1�auch amount ae la cuatomarfly carrfed by owners and operatora of
<br /> elmllar propertles and aa Beneflclary may repulre for Ita p�otectlon.Truator wlll Comply wlth such other requlrementa as
<br /> � Beneficlary may from time to time request lor fhe protectlon by Insurance of the Intereat of the respective pahles.A11 In•
<br /> ' surance policlea maintalned pursuant to thla Deed ot Truat shall name Trustor and Beneflclary as Insureds,as their reapective
<br /> Intereata may appeor and provlde that there ahall De no cancellatlon or modlflcatlon without}Ifteen(1S)daya prlor written I
<br /> R
<br />