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4.t f '�'.� • �'3 �;�'. � . �' . � � ..��:ri�ts��_ <br /> :�h;;. .;�� �t'.� , • ,��,,' �ir�.. pyk; : .,;- c: .e <:t .. , .., N -�u6ri�ij'�t j ,�.��=�"�Sa'i,»�,s,`- - <br /> �'t �` ttk!.�,�,��d �C� k �� M �il� ���:�.–:.:t'. Y ..i1�U yr�y- ' �P�-����'�.: - __ __ <br /> - h PI ti �' f' �ns 1:q/K.�l►r .[-7�H�,.,�'2:.rr � <br /> ' I� y; _ � _ _ ,_ . ,�_�— � __ y+"-, . <br /> 1 f. � Y - <br /> . . <l.(�.y""iy;i�"�y�:F • . '�.+(� �. <br /> 1 I � _ — - _.— <br /> I _ <br /> � " <br /> . " <br /> Yu —»�`_ ..-" <br /> j ._.. w�_. . - - - . -_- - - ___ <br /> . � . , 91.,,_ 1 U g'7 4 8 �.��x <br /> �s._=—. <br /> ' � •'�}' �.r � ndtltlo�tlor+to?rus1M and Bmellal�ry.ln Ih��wnt any po11aY hs��und�r Is not nn�wed on or bdon flfls�n(15)d�ys prlor to <br /> � ;� fta��pir4tlon dats,Trusbs or B�n�ticl�ry may procure wah Insurme�In �ccord��cs witA 1M proviflone of P�ra�r�ph 7. — <br /> Truator shall dsliver to B�nsllcl�ry ths orleln�l poliol�s of Insunnas and nnsw�ls thereof or copl�a of auch pollclaa and <br /> '� �� �� ►dnpW419 th�reaf. Fallun to luml�h wch Insuranc�by T►ustor,o�nnew�U as rsqulred hereunder, ahall, at ths opdo�of _.;_,� <br /> ��y. ' 8eneflolwry,constltut�a dsiu�lt.All uneamed pr�mlums a�a hsrsby assl�n�d to Trsute�ae additlonal aeaurlty,and a sN�and �;��:;--- <br /> . ,.:: <br /> - - ,;� � can�6�Ance ot the Property by the Trustee ahell ope►ate to convsy to the purohseer the Trustor'a Intenst In and to all policl�s �_ ,, , _. ,.... <br /> "• of.lneuranes upon ths T�vst Prop�rty. <br /> rti: <br /> ,�, 9.Tucp�nd Ms�mmt�.T►uttor�halt pay all tucea and apacfol asseaementa Isvled ar aeeeaeed��dnst,or due upon,the —�"`��.:�;;--- <br /> �;' •r Prqperly befon dellnquenay ond wfH dollret to 8�n�flci�ry coplea of recaipte showinp payment of sueh taxo�and spsci�l ` <br /> Y� aasaaementa. <br /> � " 8.�ddition�l LNn�.Trueto►shall make dl payms�ta of Intereet and princlpol,and payments of any otMr char�ea,fsea,and _. <br /> .)'J. <br /> �;�:; ex;ieneee coM�pctsd to be pdd to any exlstlnp Ilen holdera or prior beneflciariee undar any prlor Deed of Truat,Mortp�pe or _ _ ��_ <br /> othar escurity apre�m�nt, b�fore ths date they aro dallnquent and to p�y any othe�olalm whlch�eopardlzes th�s�aurlty ___. _ <br /> ' ,j,.� prAntAd h��eln. ------- <br /> '�=��`� 7.P�aNatlon of B�n�lklary's S�cudty.Should T�uator fall to make any payment, fall to do any act aa h�reln provlded or If — <br /> � � �A��..� anp aation ar pracaedinp Is commenced whloh mate�laliy affects Beneficlary's Intereat In the PropeAy, Includinp, but nat . ___ �_ _ <br /> • ,�; ,: Ilmited to,eminent domoln,Insolvency. arraepements or proceedlnps I�volvMp o bankrupt or decedent, than 8eneflolary or �_�A� <br /> Truof�e,but wlthout oblipation to do so,and wlthout notice to or demand upon Trustor,and wlthout releasinp Trostor f�om any <br /> • .1 � Char e or ' <br /> • ,;7�. olblpetlon hereunder,may�ke or do the eame,and may pay,purchaae,contest or compromise any e�cumbrance, � �� <br /> � •;. Ilnn,whlch In Ihe judpment otaither appeors to affect aaid Property;in exerclelny any such powera,the Beneficiary or 7rualen __.. <br /> . c ��r.. <br /> 1�. -, mey inaur a Ii�billty and expend whvleveromounts„Inaludinp olabursements of re�sonable attorney's fees,which fn thel�ab� �;—° <br /> .,. �v�l�•..� �,:+.. ,.—., <br /> �. ;;, aaiute dleoretlon may be neceseory.In the event that Trustor shall fall to procure inaurance,fall to pay taxes and speclal ;�;-�;:�:;;�;, <br /> ����, aeaeeamenta or fall to make on a maMe to exisitn or prfor Ilen holders orbeneficlaries,the Be�eflclary may procure such <br /> : �•• i.;,`.. Y P Y � _�iitt�.,. .- = <br /> T!ti�• Innurance and make such poyrneMe.All eums incurred orexpended by BeneNclpry or Trostee in accordance wlth the provb °-- - <br /> , :s :���:� • slana of the Oeed of Truat are secured hereby and,wlthout demend,ahall be Immedlately due and payable by Trustor and ahall � �y:"...9• <br /> '���1�`' bea�intereN at the rate provided for advances under the Loan AQreemenC provided, however, that at the optlon of the "� � <br /> ,L:�:� � °�^� <br /> ,,;�-��.; Bert�ilclary or Truetee,auch auma may be added to the principel bal�nce of ony Indebtedneas aecured hereby and shall bear — <br /> i ���., <br /> tha�me IMereat ee auch Indebtedneaa and shall be payable ratably over the remalninp term thereof. ��i;�••,� .•:-.. _ <br /> ` �� 8.Afsiqnm�nt ot R�M�.Beneflclary aholl heve the rlpht,power and authority duri�p the continuvnce of thla Deed of Trus1 to <br /> - aollect ths renta, isauea and proflta of the Prape�ty and of any pereonal property loceted thsreon with or without taklap ,, <br /> ',T==_ poeseaslon of the Proparty aBeeted hereby.and Trustor hereby abaolutely and uneonditlonally paelpns aU eueh renta,lssuea .+•�--'�• " � _ _ t <br /> L�•.�(i. '�_ -- <br /> �t " • and profita to Baneficlary. Benellclary. however, hereby conaents to the Trustor's collection and tetention of euah ronts, i�su,. _ <br /> �. � leeuee and proflta ae they acc�ue and become peyable so lonq ae Trustor fs not,at auch time,In default wlth respect to pay- ��;;;�`: <br /> mant of any Indebtednese eecu►ed hereby or In the pe►fo�mancs ot any apreement hereunder. Upon any auch default, `��{,.����- <br /> . i , .,,.� <br /> ;., ; • BeneNalary mAy at any time,elther in pemon,by agent or by a recelver to be appolnted by a court,wNhout notice end without �w___,-�� <br /> • re ard to tha adequao of any securN for the Indebtednees hereb secured:(a)enter u and lake aeeasion of ths Praper• � �.��'.�� <br /> 0 Y Y Y P� Po ' ����.� �..• <br /> �r. :, <br /> .�' " ty or pny port the�eof and I n Its own neme sue for or otherwlae collect such rents,Isaues and proflta,Includlny thoae past due .•��,u•�r:�,-� <br /> • oncf uopaid, end i�pply the eome,less coats and expenses of operatlon end cotlectlon,Includlnfl reasonebte attorney tees, •`�'�. • �;:;��_ <br /> upon�ny Indebtedneas secured hereby and in such order as 8eneflclery may dete►mine;(b)pe►form euch acta of repalr or pro- �� ,. �:*:a _ <br /> � taatlon as may be neceaeary or proper to conaerve the value of 1he PropeAy;(c)lease tAe eame or any part hereof for such ren• .'�• � �� <br /> ' tal term and upon 8uch condltlona as Its�udpment may dlctate.Unlesa Truator and Beneficlary aqree otherwlse In writlny,pny f�:. ���� <br /> � applla�tlon of ranta,lasuea or protlts to any Indebledneas secured hereby aholl not extend or poatpone the due date of the in• ' "'"r�� <br /> 1� slallmant paymanta as provided In the Loan Apreement,and the applicatlon the►eot as aforeseld shall not waive or cure any �; . . <br /> _ �. �',;1�,.�;. defeult or notice of defeult hareunder or Invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice.Trustor also assipna to Benefiplary, . --_ <br /> • !;���.:�� as turther securlty for the performance of the obllqatlons secured hereby,all prepald renta and all monfea which may have �:y: <br /> •• � �� ' bean or moy hereafter be depoelted with sald Trustor by any lessee of the Property,to secure the payment of aoy rent,and . <br /> ' (��`. upon defAUlt In the perforamnce of eny of the provislons hereof, Trustor apreea to dellver auch reMa and deposlts to the � ' ' .., <br /> . .. �::';!-� <br /> 8ene8cipry. pelivery of wrltten notice of Benelflcary's exerclse ot the rlyhla flranted hereln to any tenant occupyin9 said � � '-f��PP� ,.- <br /> ' •� • qremiees ahall be autficlent to iequire seld tenant to pay sald�ent to the Beneticlary until further notice. 'r{`'�i'''" <br /> • 9.Cond�mnNlon.If tltle to any part of the Property shall be teken In condemnatlon proceed�nps,by rlyht of eminent domaln ' , � <br /> ` �%• or slmller actlan.or ahall be sold under threat of condemnatlon,all awerds,damages and proceeds are hereby asslyned and " <br /> � ehall be peld to Beneflolary who ehell apply auch award,damayes and proceeds to the sums aecured by the Deed of Truet, . <br /> � !� wlth fhe excasa, It any,paid to the Trusto►. �� `',���°'. <br /> �1 . 1'.�JV. � <br /> . 10.Futuh Advanc�s.The Loan Ayreement provides for advances from tlme to time to Trustor by Beneficiary as provided � <br /> : �.;�.. � <br /> thereln.In addition,upon�equest of Truator,Beneffclary,at Beneficlary's optlon,prlor to reconveyance of the Property 10 the • <br /> ��: Truator,may make additlonaf f uture advances to the Truetor.Such tuture advancea,with Interest thereon,shall be 98cured by � <br /> thla Deed of Trust when evldenced by promlasory notes stating that sald notes are aecured hereby;provlded that at np tlme <br /> shall the eecured princlpal and future adve�ces,not including sums advanced to protect the securNy,exceed one hundred per• <br /> ;�. cent(100%)of the original prfncipal amounts secured hereby. ., � <br /> 11.R�m�dl�s Cumul�tiv�.All remedies provided In this Deed of Trust ere dlstinct and cumulative to any other rlght or <br /> � remedy under thls Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity,and may be exercised concurrently,Independently or succesalve• <br /> ' �Y• , <br /> 12.Aac�t�ntlon;R�m�dlu: 5�1�.A detault shall exist in the event of: <br /> (A) Any}raud or misrepresentatlon by the Trustor In connection with the Ilne of credit whlch this Deed of Truat aecurea; . <br /> (B) Any fallure on the part of the Trustor to meet the repayment terms In respect to the Loan A�reernent end eny other ad• <br /> �� vancea under this Deed of Trust hereby secured;and, <br /> ' (C) Any oction by the Trustor prohlbited by the terms of the Loan Agreement or this Deed of Trust or any fallure of the Trustor <br /> ' � to act as required by the Loan Agreement or this Deed ot Trust,each of which Trustor hereby agrees nave an aave►se et• <br /> lect on the Beneficlary's securfty for the Ilne of credit established end the rlphts ot the Beneflciary In such securfty, <br /> end upon the happenfng of any such event of default,BeneNclary may declare all sums secured hereby immedlately due and <br /> I payable by delivery to Trustee of written declaratlon ot default.The Trustee shall hAVe the power of saleof the Property.and if <br /> BCn�!!^'4►y d9�i►es fhe P�ope�ty to be sold. It shA�l depo411 with Trustee thfs Deed of trust and atl promfssory notes and <br /> � � doCUmonts evidencfng expe�+d�turee s�r.u►ed hereby and shali deliver to Trustee a written notice of default and electfon to <br /> , Cause the PrnFerty to be sold.and the Trustse In turn shall prepare a notice In the form requ�red by la�nr.whlch sh811 be duly ffl• <br /> � ed for►ecord by Truatee. <br /> (A) After the lapse of such Ilme as may be requtred by law following the recordation of said notice of default,and not�ce of <br /> default and notice ol sale having been glven as requlred by law.Trustee.without demand on Trustor,shall sell the Prop@r• <br /> ty on the date end at t ha ti me and place dealynated In sald notice of sele,at pubuc auct�on to the hlqhest bidder.the pur• <br /> Chaee prlc�payeble In lawful money of the United States at the tlme of sale.The person conductfng the sale may,for any <br /> cause he deeme expedient,postpane the sale trom tlme to tlme untll It 9ha11 be completod and,in eve►y such case,notfce , <br /> HiM�t.f q, <br /> 4.J � <br />