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<br /> --- - - � 93-i10�93
<br /> _ 1-4 FAMILY RIDER -
<br /> ---- Aui�nnicnt or Rents
<br /> OC2002a786
<br /> .__—�— -�---- ''E'H[S 1-4 FAMILY RIDF.R i�made thic 18TH day of �g�q
<br /> �:�p ipcorporatod into und siwll be deemed to Amcnd rnd supplement the Mo�a�E D�ea7 ot Trou or Sacudty
<br /> Dqad,(thC "Security Inctrument") of thc s�une dAte Qiven by the undeni�nal t� "��wer") to cecuro
<br /> Bam�wr,r':Note to
<br /> Tho Equitabl• Buildin� and Lnan Association oi arund Istand,
<br /> __ N�braska� A F�deral Savi n9s Bank t�he��t.ender��)
<br /> of thA s�ne dua and ooverin�the Property dcscribad in the Secu�fty In�trument and laatod At:
<br /> 2404 N HUSTON, aRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68803�2148
<br /> - IPropctty Addrcssl
<br /> - -- — 1-4 FAMII,Y COVENANTS.In aJJitiun to Uie covenenu and agreen�ents made in the Security Insirutricnt,
<br /> Hqrrpwer and L.ender further covenant and agrce as follows:
<br /> Pmpetty described in the Security Instrument.the following items aze added to the Propeny description,and shall
<br /> - alsp cqnstitute the Property covered by the Security Instrument:building materialr, appliAaces and goads of every
<br /> -;�- natqrts whatsoever now or hereafter located in, on, or used, or intended to be us�d in connection with the
<br />= Propsxty, including, but not limited tu. those far the purposes of supplyjng or diuributing heati�g. cooling,
<br /> �' ettetricity, gas. water, �i� and light, tire prevention and extinguishing apparatus,security and aecess control
<br /> • �ppwrutus. plumbing. bath tubs, water heaters, water closets, sinks, ranges, stoves,refrigeraton:, dishwashers,
<br /> dicpcunls, washers, dryers,awnings, sturm windows, stornt doors,screens, blind.s,shades, curtains and curtain
<br /> rods„tutached mirrors,cabinets,panelling and attached floor rnverings now or Itereaftar attxhed to the Property.
<br /> --" __ — — e11 of which, in�lpd;n� Tr�laoementc and :iciditions thereto. shall be deemed to be and remain a Qart of the
<br /> Prnperty covered by the Security Instrument. Alt of the foregoing together with the Praperty described jn the
<br /> Sxuriry Instniment(or thc leacchold estate if the Security Instrument is on a le:�kh4kl) ure referred to in this 1-4
<br /> �,.
<br /> Fstimily Rider and the Security Instrument us the"Property."
<br /> II. USE OF I�ROP�RTY; COMPLIAIVCE WiTH I.AW. Borrower shall not seek, agree to ar make a
<br /> "- ct�e in the use of the Property ar its toning cla�si�ication,unless I.ender has agrad in writing to the change.
<br />., �ti� ar.v:
<br /> � ;•^.���'�"� . Bnrr4wer shall comply with ull Iaws, ordi�unces, regulatians aiui requimments of any governmental bady
<br />°' 'R"a"�'� ltcable to thc Pro n
<br />_ a•::. aPP� ' Pc Y•
<br />•. ,�:"��`�., C.SUBORAINATE LIENS.Ercept a,permittcd by federal law. Bormwarshall not allow any lien inferior
<br /> • ro,the Security Instrument to bc perfected aguinst the Property withcwt[.cnJer's pric�r written permission.
<br />.��� � �.a-�C;;�, D.RENT I.OSS INSURANCE.Borrower shall maintain insurance ugainst r�ru Ic�ss in additian to the other
<br /> =�'°� h�nrds for which insurance is requircd by Uniform Covcnunt 5.
<br /> ,. a
<br /> • -:-��-• `°- E.•'BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REINSTATF,^D�LETF.D.Uni(orm Cnvenant 18 is dcletcd.
<br /> '�'"'�"'r'��' " `' ' F. BORROWER'S O(:CUPANCY. Unless L.rnJcr •rixi &irmwer cxherx�ise ugree in w�iting, the fint
<br /> �j ir'�'=' � � � °'' sentence in Uniforn� Covenant 6 conrerning Borrowcr'ti �xcup:►ncy c�f�he Pru�x:ny is deleted. All �emaining
<br /> ' �..r.: • ,�-�^�.;�.
<br /> , • caven•ant�ond ugrcements.r-et fonh in Unifnrm Covenunt 6 shall renu►in in effa:t.
<br /> . ��y�`-'.. . .'`
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