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<br /> WY��Y ro lan�er be roquired. �t the op11w�of Lmder.if mon�aQo inwrsnoe wver�e(in thc anwunt Nnd tor Ihe pmiod
<br /> H+�t 1� requtra�Provided by�n Inwror approvod by l.enda awin becon�avdl�bk�nd I�obtaiaed. Bormwer�IWI P�Y
<br /> - tke p�tidm� re�etin�!�te melM�ia mnet�iva Imurat�oa fa aflect.ar to pnovldo a k�a t�ve,uptil t4e roWli�tilo0�lt fot WOtiWi
<br /> it�ur�noe aid�in accur+d�nce with�ny written y{rcetnetK betwern Barmwu rtid l�erkier or�pplicable law.
<br /> !. Ie�p�t{oq.l,ender or iu a�e�t nuiy mdte rcawtwble pnrie�upon ud in�pectlotu of tho Property.L.ende��hall jive
<br /> Horrower notia u the time of or prior to�n inipection�pecifyin�c+eawn�ble cau�c far the inspxNon.
<br /> _��_—__�__.__�. 1,. �����. .� �,�,�Y uP,u►y�w+uJ ur�I,Jui far d�u�e:, dir�ct or conzequenNV. in cannaUon with trty
<br /> _3 _� condemnatlon M cKher ukinQ of�ny put oP the Property,or fo�canveyaxx in liw of condemrution. arc hereby usiQned�nd
<br /> �lull be prid to Lender.
<br /> in the event of�total takin�of the Property,the praceeds slwll be�pliod ro the wmi socu�+ecf by this Seeur�ty lnitrument,
<br /> wheQur or not then due, wlth any exass paid to Borrower. In the event of a pwrtial takin� of the Property in which the fiar
<br /> mar�ct value af the Prnperty immediately beforc the tatcing is oqwd to or�re�tor than the�mount of the�um� secured by this
<br /> Socurity Instrument immediately before the taking,unleas Bormwer wid Lender otherwise�groe in wdtin�, the sum�iecurod by
<br /> this Saudry Instrument shall bc reducod by the a�rnunt of the proceods multiplied by the following frnctinn: (a)the total
<br /> Arrwunt of the wms secured inunediately beforc the taking, divlded by(b) the fair ma�ket value of the Pr�opecty immodiately
<br /> before the t�icing. Any baluice stwil be peid to Borrawer. In the evcnt of a partial taking of the Pct�erty in which the falr
<br /> market v�lue of the Property immediacely beforc the taking is leac than the amount of tht sums secural immMiately befon the
<br /> taking,unlas Borrnwcr And Lender otherwlse egra in writing or unless applicable!aw otherwise provldes.the procoais slwll
<br /> - be npplied ro the sums secured by this Security Jnrtrumcnt whether or not thc aums ue thcn due.
<br /> If tt�e Peoperty is abandoned by Borrower,or if,xfter notice by Lender to Borrower ttwt the condemrwr offers to make an
<br /> �`' award or settle a claim for damages. Borrc►wer failg to respond to Lender withi� �0 dayF aRer the date the notice is given,
<br /> - I.ender is authorized to collect und apply the proceods,at its option. either to restoration or rcpair of the Propeny or to the s�uns
<br /> -±� secured by this Security Instrument, wticthcr or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barrowcr athenvisc agrec in writing. any application of proccods to principut shalt not extend or
<br />--- postpone thc due date of the monthly payments rcferrcd to in parag�-aphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> • il. Borrower Not ReleASed;Forbexr�nce By Ixnder Not a W�iver. Extension of the time for payment or madification
<br /> " af amorti�ation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lcnder to any successor in intercst of Borrower shall
<br /> , not operate to release the liability of the original Boreowcr or BoROwer's successors in interest. L.ender shall not be requlrod to
<br /> commence pracedings against any succesxor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amorti�ation
<br /> of the stumu secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the odginal Borrower or Borcower's
<br /> - successors in interest. Any forbearance by L.ender in exercising any right or rcmedy shall not be a w�iver of or preclude the
<br /> .,.
<br /> - _ _ " exercise of aray right or cemedy. ,
<br /> l �,�"���''��"�"'"�' 12. Successors stnd Assigttg Bound; Joiat �nd Severa! Lis�bility;Casigoers. The covenunts und agreements of this
<br /> t�'�'�•���T�."�T' Securl I�.urument shall bind and benefit the successor� and assi ac of L.ender and Borcower, sub'ect to the rovisions of
<br /> ':.Y."';".�;� -,.._:.r •.a.. ZY S J P
<br /> ;���`���• �•f'�t��`�'"f paragrapfi 17. 8orrower's covenants und agreements shull lx: joint and sevcral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> 'r:�����r�`' `"��''�"�� lnstrument but dces aot execute the Note:(u) iti ro-signing thi�Sc;curity Instn�ment only to mc>rtgage,grant and convey that
<br /> ..,.w .�.,.,��•r��,-�:,
<br /> . .w�''' " �'��� � Banawer's interest in the Property under the terms of this Sei:uriry Instrument; (h►is not personally obligated to pay the sums --
<br /> :-�.a. • .�:� --
<br /> , �!�?:��:�= �Y ;�-�r secured 6y ih is Security lnstrument: and(c)agrees that Lcndrr und any other&vrowrr may agree to extend, modify, forbear or -
<br /> '?�. �• �. • �� make ony accc�mmalationti with rcFurJ to the terms of thi�Security Imtrunxnt or the Notc without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> " • ' � 13. l.awn Charges.If the loan sccurcd by this Security Instrumcnt is subjcct to a law which sets masimum loan charges,
<br /> u"�'-. ' �a:�'`,;,.: and th�t luw is finally interpreteJ.o thut thc intcrest ur uthcr toan rharges coUected or to be collected in conneetinn with the
<br /> � , , loun exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any,urh l�n rh�rgr,ha�ll be rcJured by the amount necessary to reduce the charge -
<br /> �•%+ • • to the permitted lirnit: and (b)any surns alrcady coUectcd fr��m Bor�owcr whicl��xcccJrd pern�ittcd limitti will be refunded to `
<br /> .;,
<br /> • • - Borrower, Ix:nder muy chaxc to mukr thi. rei'und by reduring thc princip•rl owed under the Note ar by mnking a direct
<br /> �'� - payment to Borrower. N' a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be tmatc:d a+ a partiul prepayment without any
<br /> •`"t"'"� � � `�`� - prepayment chor�e under the Nnte,
<br /> _,,..:; , -
<br />- �•;•�?^;'��• ''� �.`•^ Id. NMicer. Any natice to &ir�uwer pmvided for in this Srcurity in�trument sh�dl lx given by delivering it or by muiling
<br /> ~�•'�%�� �� • it by first class muil unles,upplirabie law reyuires use uf another nxth�xl.The notice shall tx directeJ to the Property Addmss
<br /> :4i�:�:"I: ,;,-•. or any other address Borrowcr designute� by notirc to L.endcr. Any natirc to Lendcr �hall be givcn by first class mail to _
<br /> '' "' '`�` � Lender's uddr��s st•rtod herein or uny other aJdress I.rnJer Jc�iFn:iteti by nc,tice ta F3�irruwrr. Any nutice provided for in this
<br /> � �;..
<br /> _ w'.�.� '. Security Inurument shall t►� ieemctii tu huve tx;en given ti�&�rruwer��r L�:nJer whrn given•r,pmviJrd in this puragraph. _
<br /> �:�°��.�.:,...: IS. Governin� Iaw; leverability. This Security Instrunknt +hall tx govcrncd by fecleral law and the IAw af the
<br /> �.��_-'=���� jurisdiction in which the I'raperty is IocutcJ. ln thc evrnt thut uny pr��vihion or cluu,r of this Serurity Instrument or the Note
<br /> - �_:�.,�_�•��7..
<br /> �Y.��...�;:':°; c�nflicls with applicablc law,sunc�antlict.hull n�x affcct uthcr pr��vi,ions of'this Srrurity Instntment ur thc Natc which ran br, �
<br /> '-�.�•�`���;i" given eft"�rt wilhout the conf]icting pruvi�iun. Tu this rnd thc pnwi�iim�of this Sccurity Instrument und thr Nc�te are declured �
<br /> � �r',r . . .
<br /> �.. : to be severable.
<br /> ;�j ' 16. Borrower's(:opy.&�rrower shull be given une�ontimneci rupy uf th�Note und�if this Security lmuument. _
<br /> .�'�:
<br />�_� Fam 3028 8/80 '
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