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<br />-�� -�,` �1�0093
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<br /> s � 'DOCiETHER WITH ali the lmQroveme�a row or ha+a�Rar erected on the p ,�.tnd dl aume�w.+ppurtenuyoa•a�d
<br /> tixture� now or hereaflu • pwt ot the property. All rnpl�r�aKs ud additk�a siwll dw be oovarod by thb S�aWity
<br /> � lu�trument.All of the foregofn�i�refernad ta in thi�5ocurity In�tnunent�s thr"Praperty.`
<br /> - St?i'.ROW.�!t nOVFNAN'!:�ihnt Ac►tt�►w!r is IawtWly ieised of tbe atue Itereby aot►veyed and ha�the rleht to er�nt aad
<br /> , oonvey the Propeny and tfut the Property i� uner�cumberod. exapt for encurnbranas of r000rd. Horrawer warnrM� and wW
<br /> — ' defead�ene�ally the tiUe to t1K Prapetty��ainst dl claims�nd dem�is.wbjact to�ny emumbnu�es of rxord.
<br /> i THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combinex uniform oove�uuuc fnr nrtiarwl uK xnd ncm-uniforn�covaunra with Ilmitad
<br /> — �-�' v�riadons by jurudiction co conatitute a unifarm�ocvrity iintrm�ie�U�xwerin�real prapcny.
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower�rd Lender mvenrnt ancl�roe ns followr:
<br /> - _. 1. Pl�y�aeat ot Prtacipal aad latere�t; P�'eP�ytnaK �nd i.ste CiyrRer. &xr+awer sfuill pru���l►��Y P�+Y wiwa� due the
<br /> psincipal of�nd inter+at on the debt evidenced by the Nae and any prepymenc and late chuQeu due under tt�r Nate.
<br /> 2. F�und� ior Taxes and Inwrana. Subjxt ta applicAblc liw or to�writtcn ws�iver by Lendcr. 8ormwer stuiil p�y w
<br /> L,etder on thc day monthly payments are due under d�e Note,unttl the Note is paid in full,a sum('Fuods")for. (�)ya�ly taxa
<br /> ' ind ascessrt�ents which may attain priority ovcr thix Saurity Inxtn►ment as a lien on thc Properiy;(b)ywrly tex+ehold pnymentr
<br /> or ground rcnts on the Prapeny,if iny:(c)Yearly Fwzard or property i�uurance premiums�(d)Yestrly flood insurance prendume,
<br /> s' If any:(e)Yarty mottgage insurance prcmiums, if any: and(�any sums payable by Horrowrr tu l.��r. in��oordance with
<br /> the provisiarw of paragr�ph 8. in lieu of the payment of mongage in:surance prcmiumc. These items aro callal "F.scrow Itenv.'
<br />-�_ . . Lender may,u any time, oollect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceod the moximum urtaunt a lender !or a federally
<br /> related mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Est�te Settlement Proca�ures Act of
<br /> 19T4 as amended from Ume to dmc. t2 U.S.C.Soctian 2601 a seq. ("RFSPA").unless another law that applics to the Funds
<br /> � sds a lesser ait�ount. tf so, Lender may. at any time, colloct and hold Funds in �n amount not to exceed thc lesser smount.
<br />= i Lender may estimate the wnount of Funds due an the basis of currcnt dt►tx and nasonable estirr�tes of exper�ditures of future
<br /> ' 8scmw Items or otherwise in accotdance with Hpplicable law.
<br />�v The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a foderal agency. Instramentality, or entity
<br /> �:,
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)ar in any Federal Home Loan Banlc. Lender shaii appiy the Funcls to pay the
<br />_ ,;k� t Eccrow Items.Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applylog the Funds,annually a yzmg t escrow account.or
<br /> .,,�,, verifying the Escrow I1ems,unless Lender pays Bonower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to malce such
<br /> ' A charge. Hawever. Lcnder may require Borrower to pay a one-time ciwrge for an independcnt rcal estatc taz reporting service
<br /> usai by l.endar in wnnection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is m�de or
<br /> ,�; applicable law requires interest to be paid,I.ender shall not be requirod to pay Borrower any interest or carninss on thc Funds.
<br /> Borrower and L.ender may agrec in writing,however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lendcr shall give ta Borrower.
<br /> without charge. an annual xcounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpase for which each
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as Additional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> � , ,.�• If the Funds held by l.ender exceect the amounts permitted to be held by upplicuble law. Lender shaq acmunt to Barrower
<br /> � for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lcnder at any
<br /> ��`� _ti: .,�:.�,�`r time is not suffcient to pay the Escrow Items when due, L.ender rtwy so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such casc Bonower
<br /> � �1�1� ��� ��•ss,�;.,, shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deticiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no morc than
<br /> ` �.., �
<br /> • :�►f:���.:��••�':,• twelve nwnthly payments,at I.ender's sole dixcretion.
<br /> ±:�?:�r�"':'� ' ��' ' U n ment in full of all sums secured b this Securit Instrument. Lender shall rom tl rcfund to Borrower An
<br /> _., !i�,�y,,•.._ ;,, ,. Po paY Y Y P P Y Y
<br /> :.;-.;•�..�'; � :�: - Funds held by I.ender.If.under paragraph 21,I.ender shall acquire or sell the P�operty,I.ender, prior to the ucquisition or sale
<br /> ,::w•":N•'•,�_�...�c.*r�- of the Property, shall apply sny Funds held by Lender at ihe time of Acquisition or sale ati a ccaiit�guinat the sums secured by
<br /> +ti'�'�'"�"`"'"'`'"`• this Sccurity(nstrument.
<br /> ,1:�P'.i✓.:,e�._ .:...f�(,,.`
<br /> '��• r�4_;� c•: 3.Applicatbn of PAyments.Unless applicablc luw provides otherwitie,all payments reccivui by I..ender under paragrnphs _
<br />���� r��,��� `�� ������� �� 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to Any prcpaymcnt churges duc undcr th�s Notc:�ecund, to amounts puyublc under parrgruph 2;
<br /> �'�'_,�1��`__-x-"`'�'`��. � third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due:and la�t,to any lute churgex due underthe Notc.
<br /> r•:tp���•�.• � •�'i► . 4.Ctwrges;Liens. Borrower shull pay all tuxes,us�cssrmnt�, charge,, fines aiul impusitiom attributable to the Pmperty
<br /> ,;.P.!":;`;'; ' '<''�-` which may attuin priority over this Security Instrument, and ieasehi�ld payments ��r gr�wnd rents, if uny. Borrower shall pay -
<br /> ' �•- ' •� � these obligatiom in thc manner provided in paragraph?,or if not paid in tNat manner,Borrower shall pay thcm on time direcUy
<br /> f�`s�,;�;•, tn thc person owed payment. Borcower shall proniptly furnish to l.cndcr ull notices of anxwntti to lk paid undcr this paragraph.
<br /> °� � • . If Honower makcs therc payments Jircctly.Sorrower sh�ll prompdy furnitih to I..rnder reccipt�cvidcncing thc payments.
<br /> �, °• ''. : ._ _ Borrowcr�hall promptly disrhurge any lien which hati prioriry��ver thi.Scruriry In,trument unless eorrower: (u)ugreeti in
<br /> -•x�� �''•• .t� writins to the payment of the oblig�tion secured by the lien in a manner ucccptab{�to Lcixirr:(b►contests in g�iod faith the lien
<br />,_ ���'�,;;;;,'f;.', by, ur defemis ugainst enforcemcnt of the licn in. Icgal prcxecdingx which in the [..�ndrr'ti upinion nperate tu prevent the
<br />---�� Y- :.• - enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from thc holder of thc lien•rn agrerment,uti,factary ta Lendcr subordinuting thc lien ro
<br /> ��� `� this Security(nstn�mcnt. If Lender dcterminrx that any part of the Pruperty is�ubj�tt t��a lirn which may attain priority over
<br />=:'� 7�'�� �.�`�``�� • ` this Security Instrument, l.ender muy give Eiorrowcr a noticc identifying thc lirn. &irc��u•cr shall ,atisfy the lien or tuke one or
<br /> •�.--�--_ __
<br /> ,-- .�,.., ,,,..•. . more of the actions set forth above within 10 duys of the givinb eit'nutice.
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