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<br /> DEED OF TRUST Page 2
<br /> (Coniinued)
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<br /> Deed of Trust. The words"Deed of Trust"mean Ihis Deed ol Trust amonfl Grantor,Lender and Trustee.
<br /> G�antor. The word"Grantor"means any and all persons and entities execuling this Deed o(Trusl. Any Granlor who signs this Deed o(Trusl,bul
<br /> does not sign the Credit Agreement,is signing lhis Deed ol Trust only to granl and convey ihal Grentor's iMerest in the Real Property and to grant
<br /> a secunty inlerest in Granlor's interest in the Personal Prope�ty lo l_ender end is not personally liable u�der the Credit Agreemenl excepl 8s
<br /> otherw�se pro�ded by coMrecl or law.
<br /> Improvements. The word "Improvemenls" means and �ncludes without limilalion ell exisling and future improvements, fix�ures, bulldings,
<br /> siruclures,mobile homes atfixed on the Real Property,facililies,additions and other construclion on ihe Real Property.
<br /> Indebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" means ali principal and inlerest payable under the Credit Agreement and any amounts expended or
<br /> advanced by Lender to discharge obligations of Grantor or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender to enlorce obligations o(Granlor under this
<br /> Deed ol Trusl, together with interest on such amounls as provided in this Deed of Trusl. Speclflcally,wlthOUt Ilmltetion, th18 Deed ol Trust
<br /> secures a revolving Ifne oi credlt,which obligates Lender to make advances to Granlor so lony es G�entor compllea wllh all the lerms ot
<br /> the CrMIt Apreement. Such advances may be made, repeld, end remede hom tlme to tlme, subJect to the Ifmltetlon thet the totel
<br /> outstandinfl balence owing et any one time,not including finence cherges on such balance et e flxed or vA�leble rate or aum As provlded
<br /> In the Credif Agreement,any temporory overeges,other charges,end eny emounts expended or edvenced as provlded In thls pereyreph,
<br /> shall not exceed the Credlt Llmlt as provided In the Credit Agreement. Notwlthslandfnp the amount outstandlnp et any perticular time,
<br /> thls Deed of Trust secures the total Credlt Agreement amount shown above. The unpald balance of the revolviny Ilne of credlt may et
<br /> ceAaln tlmes be lower then the emount shown or nro. A zero balance does not terminete the Ilne of Credlt or terminate Lender's
<br /> oblfpatlon to advance funds lo Grentor. Therefore,the Ilen o(thls Deed ot Trust wlll remeln In full force and ettect notwlthstandinp eny
<br /> zero balance.
<br /> LEbse. fihe word'tease°means eny lease between Granta and tY�e Lessor of Iha Proparty.
<br /> Lender. The word lende�'means NAFCO NE Federal Credit Union,its successors and assigns.
<br /> Persorai Froptrty. The rrords"P�:sonal ?ropeciy" mean all eq!!ipmeN, fixtures;and_olher ariicles o(personal property now or hereafler owned
<br /> by Granlor,and now or hereaHer etlached or attixed lo the Reaf Property;together with all eccessions,parts,and additions to,all reptacements of,
<br /> and all substitutions (or,any of such property; end together with all proceeds (including without limitation all insurance proceeds and refunds of
<br /> premiums)hom any sale or olher disposiiion of the Property.
<br /> Property. The word"Property"means collectively Ihe Real Properfy and the Personel Property.
<br /> ReN Property. The words"Real Property"mean the propeAy,inleresis and rights described above in the"Conveyance and Grent"seclion.
<br /> Relatetl Documents. The words "Related Documents" mean and include without timitation all promissory notes, credit agreements, loen
<br /> egreements, guarenties, security egreements, mortgages, deeds of trust, and all other inslruments and documents, whether now or hereaNer
<br /> existing,execuled in connection with Grantor's Indebtedness to Lender.
<br /> Trustee. The word'Truslee"means the entity shown at the top of page one of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> 3. PAYMEHT AND PERFORMANCE. Except as otherwise provided in this Deed ot Trust, Grentor shall pay to Lender all emounts secured by this
<br /> Deed of Trust es they become due, and shall strictly and in a timely manner perform all ot Grantor's obligations under the LOANLINER�Home Equity
<br /> Plan Credit Agreement and this Deed of Trust.
<br /> 4. POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Grantor egrees thal Grantor's possession end use of thb Property shall be governed by
<br /> the following provisions:
<br /> Posxsslon end Use. Until the occurrence of en Event ol Oefault, Grantor may (a) remain in possession end control of the Property, (b) use,
<br /> operate or manage the Property,and (c)collecl eny Rents from the Property.
<br /> Dury to Malntein. Grantor shall maintain the Property in tenantable condition and promptly pertorm ali repairs and maintenence necessary io
<br /> preserve its value.
<br /> Haznrdous Substances. Granlor represenls and warranls that the Property never has been, end never will be so long as this Deed of Trust
<br /> remeins e lien on the Property, used for the generetion, menufacture,slorege,treatment,disposel,release or threatened release of eny hazardous
<br /> weste or subslence, as those terms are defined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensetion end Liability Act of 1980, as
<br /> eme�ed,42 tJ.S.C. Seciics.i^"�vE'iT�+s�-("CE��L:Tr=t�.s-�aPsdun=-°raan�'.�a's e�d Reeuth��iaalion Act("SARA"l,applicable state or Federal
<br /> laws,or regulations adopled pursuent to any ol the foregoing. Granlor authorizes Lender and its agents to enler upon the Property lo make such
<br /> inspections end tests as Lender may deem appropnate to determine compliance of the Property with this seclion of the Deed ot Trust. Grantor
<br /> hereby (a)releases end waives any fulure claims ageinst Lender lor indemnity or contribution in the event Grantor becomes liable for cleanup or
<br /> other costs under eny such laws, and (b) agrees to indemnity and hold harmless Lender againsl any and ell claims and losses resulting hom e
<br /> breach ol Ihis paragraph of the Deed of Trust. This oblipetion to indemnify shell survive the peyment of the Indebtedness end the setisfaction of
<br /> thts Deed of Trusl.
<br /> Nulsance,Waste. Grentor shell nol cause, conduct or permit any nuisence nor commit,permit, or suffer any strippine of w wasle on or lo the
<br /> Property or eny poAion of the Property. Specifically without limilation,Granlor will nol remove,or grant to any other parly fhe right to remove,eny
<br /> hmber,minerals(including oil and gas),soi�,grevel or rock producls without the pnor written consenl of Lender.
<br /> Lender's Rlght to Enter. Lender and its agents and representalives may enter upon the Real Property a! all reasonable times lo fltlend to
<br /> Lender's interests and to inspect Ihe Property for purposes ol Grantor's compliance with the lerms and conditlons of this Deed of Trust. �
<br /> Complience wlth Governmental Requfrements. Grantor shall promptly comply with atl lews, ordinerxes, and regulations of all povernmental
<br /> authoriiies applicable to the use or occupancy of the Properfy. Grantor mey conlest in good faith eny such lew, ordinance, or regulation end
<br /> wit�hold compliance during eny proceeding,including appropriate eppeals,so long as Grentor has nctlfied Lender in writing prior to dang so and
<br /> so long as Lender's interests in the Property are not jeopardized. Lender mey require Grantor to post adequate security a a surety bond,
<br /> reasonably satisfactory 10 Lender,to protect Lender's interest.
<br /> Duty to Protect. Grantor agraes neither to abandon nor leave unatlended the Property. Grentor shall do all other acts,in addition lo those ects
<br /> sel forlh ebove in Ihis seclion,which hom the characler and use of ihe Property are reasonably necessery to prolect and presenre Ihe Property. �
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