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'•.T ...7?a:�li�` I i �"�� 1•t�t �t��;'��t�C�Y' i�.. ,.j •,ps`�7: ;..= � t i , �i � 1 -- <br /> ',�i. ' 1 �� g . ., t e d1 ` �t 'r_irt y, '_ - -- <br /> .: ,.�.a'' c � 'i il � M '�.�r �� , i�9 � { .r ., y., J�: <br /> ��" 5 � l��.• }.u� �y� ,E '`.:�iOC 4:,u.��..�..� <br /> '� ' �' ��� <br /> . �� — --..o,�,... <br /> � � , ' = -- <br /> , - �'�.,�-•. " <br /> :�.–: - <br /> i ,�I .. ,.:;�` . .. :�.,-. .r . _–- <br /> i _._ _ _. <br /> . , .. <br /> . . . ' � <br /> � 91� 1oa�42 -��-.�._ <br /> � ,, <br /> � oi One Huadred'I�venty-one and Fortythree Huqdradtl��t�et(��1•43 teet) <br /> � �. <br /> . _ _ to t6e polnt of begiuning; <br /> ��r��.—�.--- <br /> �'r.�, r..a �� -- <br /> � ,,� . Morc commoniy knawn as 922�liest Oklahoma Avcnua, Cir�nd Ialand�Hall � --- <br /> :. . ..,.� �. . - -- Couaty, Nsbraslca. <br /> �.-_ _ - . <br /> �. 3, LICEN5EE'S DUTiFS AND RISKS• It is uader$tood and agraad thst the -�,r, <br /> � d���° <br />�°. � ' Liceasee m�y construet� ma�ntain, repair and utiliu the above describad itnprcx►oment st <br /> ., ' ' ° tba Liccnsee's sole rjsk. The Licensee hereby waives aay claim for damagee against the ��. ---- <br /> � n� " � I.icun�or, its o�cers. emPloyees. agents and independent contractor� far any damage or __ -- - <br /> -� .•.��" ipJury t6at may result to s�id impravement If the Licensor. in ita sola disaret�on. s�.Y:�s:�.��=V:��;- <br /> ;,::� d���aines that any part or aU of the improvement must be remaved or ls damaged 5y the �,,,� <br /> `�� ��� I.icensor,itsemployees� agents.or iadependent contractors working for tba L3cansor during ��y:==-:_-_- <br /> , �� ' ��-' ' t6a couise of their employment or duties with the Licensor.the Licensee agrees W assume _�__ <br />: � and pay aU costs relatin8 to the replacement or repair of ths imgrwenneaL <br /> � a ` ' 4, y��'i'IyE DpTE. 'ILis license a reement shalt take effect an tha date <br /> $ <br /> f— <br /> � '� . � it is executed by the Mayor of tlte City of Graad Islaad as dated bekkMww. it sball aontinue ' _ _� <br /> „ ':.i� •� 'I�" � far au inde6nite term until such time as it is terminated as provtd�d her�aftar. •�-�;�:_=- <br /> f��'-- - <br /> �';,.-.. .�, ��� �._ <br />; I:��1A;�,�,:�. ' lfiis licease a eement sball tenuinate upon ona or mare �:���;�:...�„ _ <br /> r �r;��;,,;,, , 5. TERMAJATION. 8r �__ <br /> .";.. occurrences: '- <br /> of the foAowing ��a"- - <br /> , <br /> ' ;,ti����:; <br /> 6�•r....�_� <br />� ;�;.,., '� „ , � a. The servicc of sixty days wrinen aotice of intention to terminata by any _----_ . <br /> - � �:-` ��— PartY uPon the other pariy. __--_ � <br /> .. •;;r.,:'� ����� __- <br /> ��'��`�., � <br /> . �.,:,, <br /> , .� : t�., . � � b. The Licensee's application for a permit to a ter — �.� <br /> •�� said improvement or any part thereof, unless said permit is far work due to an ���,�� <br /> !, :;i,:,;' � . occurrence as described in Paragraph 3 above and said work has the pr�or wriUen �=d•� <br /> '�� ����y�f��•�� approval of the Licensor. ����-,-- <br /> , ,.. � � _ <br /> .��F;;;`' � <br /> c, The Licensee's conswctioa or installatjon of any structure or • <br /> improvement of any nature upon the real estate owned by the Liaensor except Wat ��`hm� " <br /> ,,' described in Paragrap h 1 a bove. ��"''"�--- <br /> i ���` _ <br /> . <br /> �� � �,,� ' Upoa the termination of this License Agreement,the Licensee sball be required,and ' ;"":�� <br /> hereby agrees, to remove said improvemeat from the Licensor's real eatate at its o�►n l , , <br /> � � ��,:�;�,;� ., expense and without cost to the Licensor. Said removal to occur no later than sixty days _-_ <br /> , , . ���'� potice of inten4ion to terminate or any of the otber occurrences set �` <br /> '. .,'���;:;�� after rece�pt of the • <br /> , , . .. �� � forth in Paragraph 5 above. Should the Licensee fail to do so, the Liceasor may remwe <br /> ° .. � or cause the removal of said improvement from the Licensor's real estate and the Licensee ,��_�w= <br /> ':� <br /> � ',;;. � �� agrees to reimburse the Licensor for all its costs. � � ;- :--_ <br /> ,�•;: ? � <br /> . r;.,. . . <br /> ' ,`` 6. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This agreement shall be binding upon the <br /> . �, �� pazties hereto� their successor and assigns. <br /> �. <br /> � . <br /> , <br /> . <br /> . ,• � . <br /> . <br /> f • <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ! <br /> T � � <br />