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<br /> ����'_ st the uptiun at I,end�r. if murt�Re inauro�ce cover�Re (1�� the �muunt �nd 1or th� port��ci t �t .en r reyuirex)
<br /> prnvid�by�n tnaun��rpa�vod by l.enJ�r��ain be�v�mM av�il�ble ind i�e�buliwd.Iiarn►we�ehell My the premlume
<br /> - _� .._�,.� rrQu;nd ta mdntain mongsge ituuracux► in attect,ur w provide� I�w raervd, until tho reyuiromont tur murt�e
<br /> ��`�-�l ,� imur+�m:e end�in u;cnrdance with my written�Qroement batween�k►rmwe�+�nd l.eoder�����licable I�w.
<br /> �..�.�-. . �
<br /> ����>.t,�.��. 9. In�paation. I.an�ler��r it,���ent m�y m�ke raaon�bie antria+u�m�nd inapeatian�uf thn 1 raparty,l.ender rh�ll
<br /> ` � s:`':°�'`V'"'"'` �ivo linrmwer notfco�t tho time nt ar priar to�n inepec:tian epecltyln�rae��n�hle c�iaw fnr thn in��ti�n.
<br /> � �„', t0. C�ndemn�tiun.Thn proca�dn of�ny�ward ar ol�im f�r dam�ga+,di ra:t��r canenquentid,in wnnxtion with _ _
<br /> ~! '�'�•ti����" any condcmn�tinn or��thor t�kin�ot�ny Mrt of tho Nroporty,or tor convay.nce in lieu oi c�ndemnacion,�re horeby
<br /> �,;:,X.:, ' �iYnnJ�nJ x1�wU be p+id ti�l.cnder. r- -
<br /> ,�,r,�''� , ln the event of�tc�tal takin�ot the Property�tha pracoedn ah�U bo appl�ed to the st►ma secured by th�s Soeurity
<br /> ' ' lnstrument,whether ar not then due,with any excess paid to Bormwer.In t he event o t a pwtt t�l u k in�o f t he Property in
<br /> � �'"'��r`'�'�� which the tair matket value of the Property immedirtely before the ukin�is equsl to or�reater than the amount ot tho W__,_
<br /> �—z-----...
<br /> --��,;� ��. ' ' ;, sume secured by this Sa:urity lnatrument immediately betoro the�aktng,unless Borrower and I.ender atherwir�e�groe
<br /> - . � in writin�,the aums sxured by this Sacurity Instrument ah�ll be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multtplied by
<br /> ----_= �'�� � the iollowing fnction:(a)the total amount ot the sums secured tmmedtiuly beforo the ukin�,divided by (b) tho fair
<br /> -� E`�``'� ' ' market value of the Property immediately bcforc the Ukin�. Any balance shall be psid to &�rrower.In the event of a "=:_
<br /> -- n• '�' pertiAl taking of the Property in whicA the tair market vdue of the Property irnmediitely before the taking is Irss than !' �
<br />-�� ,
<br /> the amount of the sume secured immodiately betore the tskin�,unless Borrower and I.ender otherwtse a$ree in wrlting
<br /> � or unless applicable ltw otfnerwise provides, the procecds shsll be applial to tia eums secured by this Security G?me���=
<br /> � ' Instrument whether or not the suma are then due.
<br /> b.. . . ..
<br /> � lt the Praperty is abandoneci by Borruwer�or if,sizer nosice by Lender co Borrowec that thr condemnor oitcrs to =__=-
<br /> . make an award or settle s claim tor dsmagea, Bottower fails to respond to Lender within 30 dsys after the date the R�`�-�`'`
<br /> notice is given,L.ender is�uthorized to collect and apply the proceeda,at its option,either to restotation or repair of the �--
<br /> ' " Property or to tho sums secured by thia Security Instrument,whether or not then due. "'"'.::
<br /> .• 't:!;,f;,.
<br /> �, Unlese Lender and Borcower atherwis�c agree in writing,any application of procads to prineipal shaU noc eh-tend or �`'``�''-
<br /> !'t. �. postpone the due date oi the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amuunt of such �•-=
<br /> " ''A �'-' � � ' PaYrr►ents. -
<br /> ' i. � I1, Borrower Not Released; Forbesrance By I.ender Not s �V�iver. Extension of the time for payrnent or ----
<br /> • moditication ot amortization oi the sums sxured by this Security Insttument granted by Lender to any successor in =`
<br /> interest of Bonower shall not operau to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's auccessots in �,�t?'�;;-
<br /> i . interest.Lender shall not be required to commence proceedinga against any successor in interest or refus�;to extend 1ti�'-_�
<br /> ` � ' w' if Amartization of the sums secured b this Securit Instrument b reason ot an �'"'�`x.
<br /> � time for payment or other �se mod y y Y Y Y
<br /> ' ' ���, �. demand made by th�ori�inal Borrower or Borrower'a succcssors in intetest.Any tortxarance by Lender in exercisinE 4,,,,,,�,,
<br /> _ 1=:._,.,.s.,.._� 1:����:,• any right or remedp shall nat be a waiver oi or precluda the exercise ot any right or remedy. = _ --
<br />"` � ' ' �''`'`"'� 12.Successars and Assigt�s Hound;Ioint and Several Liabillty; Co-si�aers.The covenants and agreements
<br /> • . : �;'�.:,i,,;� _�=�_�_
<br /> ' ''•'''•' " o f t h is S e curity Instrument shai l bind and bene[it the successors and asstgns of I.ender and Borrower,sub;ect to th� -�
<br /> �� � `' provisions o!paragraph 17.Eiorrower's covenants and agream�nts shall be joint end several.Any Horrow or who co'signs r:.��:;::
<br /> } this Security lnstrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Inetcument only to mortgage, �..`=="'
<br /> iva.�:_...
<br /> grent and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Socurity Instrument; (bj is not `�?;,;���
<br /> � personally obligatod to }�ay the sums sxured by this Security Inatruinent;and (c)agroes that Lender and any other f '..
<br /> " Borrower may agroe to extend,modlfy,forbear or meke any accommodations with rogard to thd urms of this Seaurity
<br /> _� .
<br /> � � I n s t r u m e n t o r t h e N ote without that Borrower's consent. 'r•-
<br /> 13. Loan Ch�rpes. If tha loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to s I�w which seu maximum loan �� '`=-
<br /> �� charges, and that law is tinally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collacted in � ""
<br /> �r connxtion with the loan exceed the permitted limits, then: (s)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount , .
<br /> �f necessary to reduce the charga to the permitted limit; and (b) any sums already collected from Bocrower which •
<br /> , excceded permitted limita wiU be refunded to Borrower. l.ender may chooso to mske this re4und by reducing the
<br /> . principal oaed under the Note or by making a direct payment to$orrowor.lf a rofund reduces prinoipal,tho roduction � ___
<br /> . . . will be treated as a partial prepeyment without any pnpayment chsrge under the Note. �::��%
<br /> ', 14. Notices.Any notice to Borrower providad for in this Security Instrurnent shall be givon by delivering it or by t� :::%:.
<br /> _ • mailing it by tirst class miil unless applicable law roquires use of another method.The notice shall be direeted to the i� �_
<br /> + ' Property Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to L.ender shaU be given by �
<br /> first class mail to I,enders address stated herein or any other address I.endcr designates by notice to Borrower.Any ' ';
<br /> � notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to $orrower or L.�nder when eiven ' „;r
<br /> - • "�'"" . as provided in this paregrAph. '� ��'^
<br /> 15. Governin� Law;Severability.This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the t .�.
<br /> � jurisdiction in which the Property is locatod.In the event that any provision or clausa of this Security Instrumont or the '
<br /> �,�'��� ,.��' Note conilicts with epplicable law,such conflict shall not atfect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note �
<br /> ` k�. • which can be given eftxt without the conflicting pravision. To this end the pro�•isions of this Security Instrument and
<br /> _�� the Note aro dectared to be severable.
<br /> s�-. . �
<br />' � .
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