<br /> ' � r..� �! �i.... .,_r"�'�'.r:��
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<br /> -_ __ _-- - --. ,� 93•'itoo�z
<br /> TOOE'THBR W1TH dl the �mprovemente now or heroatter erootad on the propaty� �nd all e�semena,
<br /> �ppurterunoes,and finturae noM or heroatter�p�rt af the property.All repl�cementi+and uid ti lons�il�1�o b�oovered
<br /> by thi�Secucfty Inetrument.Ali ot the Iore�oin�is roierred to In thi�Seau�ity Instrument ui the"Yropeny."
<br /> ° BORROWPR C�VBNANfS tl�t BorroMac is Iawtully�dei�ed ot the atata heroby conveyed�nd ha�the ri�ht tc�
<br /> -- -- -
<br /> �rant�nd co�vey the Praperty�nd tiut the Prvperty i�unenoumbered,excbpt tor encumbnnce�s ot rocord. HorwMK `-
<br /> rvamnta�nd Mill defend��erally thetttle to the Propeety a�ain�t all cl�fms atid demand�,subJect w any enuumbnncM
<br /> — ot rxord.
<br /> - ----- --- -�— THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMEN'I'combinas unifarm covonsnta tor nattonal we�nd non'unifurm cnvenanta with �
<br /> -,.� limited v�ristione by'ur�edictton to canatitutea unitorm�ecurity instrument oovedn�ral property
<br /> �,� UNIFORM CO�ENAN'T'S.Bocrower and Lender covenant tnd a�reo ns iollowe:
<br /> ;• l. P�yment of Prtnaipal and Iatoroat;Prep�ymeal aad I.ate Char��i. Borrower sh�l!promptly My when due
<br /> _ � the priacipd ot and interest on the debt evldenced by the Note and any prop�yment ind tate ch�r�es due under the Nou.
<br /> ��� 1, Funds ior Taxa��nd Insur�nco.Subject to�pplic�ble law or to a written wa;ver by Lender,Borroaer ahdl
<br /> �y tn Lender on the day monthly paymenta aro due under the Note,until the Note ia p�td in tull.a sum("Punds")for.
<br /> s,,�� (e)yearly uxes and sssessments which may attatn priority over thts Socurity Inetrument as a Uen on the Property; (b)
<br /> _����.}^J � yearly lasehold piymants ar ground rents on the Property,ii any;{c)yearly haz�rd ot property ineuranco premiuma;
<br /> --;-:�;.x� (d)yearly flcwd insuranco prem�ums,ii sny;(e)yearly mort�ago iasuance premiums,it any;md(f) any eums p�yable ----�
<br /> ��—��7;,�_ by Borcower to Lendrr.in�ccordance a'ith the proM isions ot pwr�gapt►8,in lieu of tho p�ymont ot mortQaQe insut�anco
<br />_ �'��(d�}k4 �� ��y premiums.These item�ate called Fscrow Items. Lender may,at any timr,,collect end hold Funds ir►an�mount not
<br />_�"�`i+;;�t;�• ;:' ' � � to exceed the maximum Amount a lender for a tederally related mortgage loan may requin for Barcower's escrow C"�:
<br />-�''`'_��'��..:..���:.;i account under the feden�l Real F�tate Settlement Procedurea Aat of 1974 as amended trom ttrne to time, 1x U.S.C. _
<br /> ._..:.. :,..
<br /> - ;�,� "" .., Section ?bUI et seq. ("R�I'A"),unlcss anoth�r la�v that applies to the Fssnd�aeu a lesser emo�nt.I�'�,i_*.n.i�r m+�y, ___.
<br /> � � Y ��"5;����� at any time�collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the Icsser smount.Lender mty estimate the amount�t �
<br /> •,�:�.,,"r,:��;:�: , •` • Funds due on the hasis of curnnY dau and re�sonable estimates of expenditurea of futuro Escmw Itema or othetwlBe in
<br />�".�� ' '�';''�`i.�•��c..w•..•. ��� accordance with applicablo l�w.
<br /> '�;�� ' �r'�3�;';:==' :�'r`�'' 'fhe Punda shall ba held in an institution whose deposits aro insurod by a federal agency,instrumentality.or entity
<br /> .. .t.��.;
<br /> f� '..s,.__.,.
<br /> ;,,.,. <<�,a (including Lender,if Lender is auch an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Landershell apply tho unds to
<br /> +::+.:.. :.. • ��.,. r z
<br /> __, ��;�,,,c�;,� pay the Fscrow Items.Lender may not charge Borrower tor holding and applying the Funds, annuslly analyzing the
<br /> .��"� escrow account,or veritying the Escmw Iums,unleas I.er�der paya Botrower inurcst on the Funds snd applicable law __.,._
<br /> `:::��.�:��::y.��'"' �'°__ permits Lcrider to make at�ch a ohuge. However, I.ender m�y require Bo�YOwer to pay a one-time charge far an �_�
<br />_ •• �� � � �ndepeadent reul estate tax rapocting servia used by I.er►der in connxtion with this loen,unless applicable law provides ���•.,,.-
<br /> ' ' �'.�� •.'� otherwise.Unless an agreement is mede or applicable law requites interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to ,•-,,
<br /> ������� �� '` � '� �' pay Borrowor any interest or earnings on the Funda.$orrower and L.ender may egrea in writing. however,thatinterest �?��'�
<br /> .. •,..;. .
<br /> ; ���;�. shall be potd on the Funds.I.ender sh411 give to$orrower,without aharg�,an ennual accounting af the Funds.showiog ;��=�,
<br /> ���`''' '� craiits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which aoh debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as ��'�
<br /> __ �a4'--;��. -:�_ sdditivn�l ea:uriEy Cut.alt auR�ic sixiucai by ii�i&�curtiy Insisu�:tat�t. P`"---
<br /> ' If the Funds held by Lender excoed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,L.ender ahall account to ��=
<br /> ' � �'� ' ` Horrower for the excess Funds in acwrdance with the te�{oirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held
<br /> - by Lender at any time is not su[ticient to pay the Escrow Items when due, I.ender may so notify Borrower in writin$, �_-
<br /> and.in such cese Borrower ahall pay to L.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiancy. Borrower shall make � '-
<br /> up the deticiency in no more than twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole dtscretion.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,L.ender shall promptly refund ta Borrower ai-;.,
<br /> any Funds held by Lender. If, w�der paragroph 21, I.ender shall acquira or scll the Propetcy. Lender, prior to the � �
<br /> ' acquisition or sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit �
<br /> " t�ainat the sums sacured by this Security Instrument. """'
<br /> ""'° ' 3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments roceived by L.ender under "-�
<br /> - ' , .t''``"• � patagraphs I and 2 shall be applied:fitst,to any prepayment charges due under the Notc;r,ccond,to amounts payable ���`��
<br />"� ••- under paregraph 2;third,to interest d��e;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late chargos due under the Note. �,
<br /> . 4. Char�es; Liens. Borrower ahall pay all texes,assessments, char�es,fines and impositions attributable to the ;�- T
<br /> � . � , Property a,hich may attain priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground nnta,if any. �.,__
<br /> ' • Borrower shnll pay these obligations in the manner provided in paregraph 2,or if not paid in th�t manner, Borrower `-:.:-
<br />- � shall pay them on time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices oi �
<br /> amounts to be paid under this paragnph. If Borrower makes these payments directly,Borroaer stull promptly furniah ��-��
<br /> i—'
<br /> . to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. �'�:,n
<br /> '••�-,,. Bonowcr shpll promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a) �,._
<br /> a roes in writin to the ment of the obli ation secured b tha lien in a manner acce teble to Lcnder; b�contests in �_"
<br /> :,, � -�_:.. 8 8 PaY B Y P � � ..
<br /> >�� •.•�•� ' good faith the lien by,or defends egainst enforcement of the lian in,legal proceedings which in the Lender s opinion �e:
<br /> operata to prevent tha eniorcem�nt ot the lien;or(c)secures trom the holder of the 1{en an agreoment satisfactory to ���"
<br /> "" I.ender subordinatin�the lien to this Security Instrument.If I.ender detarmines that any part of the Property is subject �.'_�
<br /> ,�b: �- ,�,.•, to s lien which may attain priarity over this Security Instrument,Lender may gi�•e Borrower a notice identifying the �H�,;s
<br /> ��. :_ '� lien.Borrower sh�ll satisiy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth abova withln 10 days of the�iving of ��F
<br /> � notice. •''�.
<br /> �: -�,,: . . �:....
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