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<br /> •l�
<br /> _ __. - .-� . �KME►��������� 93� ��i
<br /> • THiB A8810NMENT OF RENTS RIDER 1�msd�and�x�autrd thi� �rd dRy of �v�t,�a1c ��Q 93 �����,
<br /> incapont�d Into�nd shNl b�dMm�d to am«+d and ruppi�rtMnt th�Mat��or OMd ai Tru�t,h�lrnft�r nf�rnd to�;lh�.,
<br /> "�OY/Il�I IMi/Ylll�fll"�0� ��N�i11W ���Q�Wfl�l 11N Yfl�f{�Qfl�� fNh�llw���1 f��Nf��O#�,111� "SpIfOWrf"� !O i�CUf�
<br /> lkinew�r'�InA�1�dn�,l�ninatt�mP�r�d to u ih�"Not�",to NOME�EOBRAL 8AVINGB ANO LOAN A880CIATION OF _
<br /> QMND ISLAND,A�ntn�ft�r nf�rnd to as tlM"LMd�r",ot th��am�dat�and oarKlap th�prAplHty elMO�ib�d in tl+��ourity
<br /> ln�truftlN�t and IOOaf�d H:
<br /> 2211 W Charles Grand Island� Nebraska 68803
<br /> _—��.—_ � __...._....� I��r��,
<br /> _ .�.- �_��,� WITNE88ETH:
<br /> WHEREAS,Bor�ow�rand Lmd�r hav��prwd that any r�nts and profits attr�butabl�to thp,proparty�houtd constitut�
<br />- additional s�ourity to th� L�nd�r tor th� paym�nt of tM Not�;
<br /> NQW,TNEREFORE.it Is apr�sd that th�S�curlty Inatrum�nt�hall b�umnd�d Mr�by and deAf+ll�d to 1n�C�u�th�followlnp
<br /> provislon�: -
<br /> 1. �sai�nmsnt of iients ansl L�nrfer Rental SQ�JeGtlon R��„Borrower hereby abaoiutely and unaan�lit{pn�ity,aselqn01�11
<br /> �mta, isiu�� and profits of the property to Beneficlary. Lender shall have ths ripht, ppWer And authority durinp tM
<br /> continuance of th�Sacurity Instrument to cotlect the rents,Issues and profita of the property and of�ny person�l prppe�ty
<br /> loca�t�d th�roon with or without t�klop posseaalon af the property affeated hersby.Lende�,hawsver, hareby cOnaents to
<br /> _— _ —. 8one:�er's collactitln and retentlon oi auoh rente,leeuee�!nd(+►nfiM�w thpy�ncrua and�ecomt payabt�,so long�s Borrow�r �
<br /> Is not,at such tim�,In dofau�t wtth napeot to paym�nt of a�y i�d�bt�dn�ss eecured her�by,or in th�per(ormana of any
<br /> — aprament herounder. --
<br /> 2. eponi e j„Q� Becetver• If any event of detault in respect to the Svou�ity Instrument sh�ll have xcurred s►nd bs
<br /> _ continuinp.�ender,ts�matta of ripht and without notice to Borrower o�anyone clAlmin�under Borrower,and without
<br /> r�pard to the va�ue of th�trust estate or the interest of tho Bortow�r thenin,ahall hav�tha ri�ht to Rppiy tq s►ny coun h�vinp
<br /> _ Jurlsdiatlon to appoint�ncsiv�r of the propeny.
<br /> 3. Q�{,to Poasesalon.In coao of defautt In the paymsnt of the asid prinafpai Note or intereat,or any part thersof,as it
<br /> shatt mature,or In th�c��e ot isiture to keep or perform any of the covenants or ayreemo�ta contained In the Securlty inatru•
<br /> rtNnt, then th� Lender,fts euccessors or�►ssipnS,shait be and Is hereby authorized and empowe�ed to take immediats
<br /> — poss�ssion of the s�ld prsmis�s thertin describ�d and to co�leot the rents therofram,and to�pply the proce�ds ther�of to th�
<br />::� paynNnt of ths NoU,
<br /> 4. Acutication of Rents.leauss� rotits.Atl rents collected by Lender or the recatver ahatl be appited firat to pi�yment
<br /> of th�coats ot man�pement ot the prope►ty and coliection ot renfa,Inaludinp,but not Iimited to,receiver�s feea,premtume on
<br /> �eceiver's bonds��d reasonabis�ttornsy'a feea,and then to the aume seoured by the S4ourity Instrument.L�nder And tlu
<br /> r�c�tver shali be Iiabte to account oniy for those rants actualiy received.
<br /> _ 5. �onatruction of Provlslons.Each of the provisions contained in this Assfynmant of Rents Rider and the Security Inatru•
<br /> mont bh�lt, unieas otherwlse apeciftcaily required, be consttued In accordance wtth Nebraekp I�w,and in the event any
<br /> provision he�eln or the�eln contQined ahatl be determfned by a caurt of competent Jurisdictlon to be u�enforceabla,tht samR
<br /> ' ' � , �;C " shall be construed �s thouph such unantorceabie provision were not a part hereot or theroof.
<br /> ,,��,.' �'` 8. Efteat of Rider. Excopt ae speciflca�ly modlfied by or inconalstent with thfs Aselqnment of Renta Rider or by any other
<br /> •�.••:�- �• app l iea b le r i der,a l!o i t h e t er m a a n d p r o v i s t o n s c o n t a i n e d i n th e S e c u r l t y in e t r u m e n t e h a ll c on t in u e in f uli forc a and eff oct.
<br /> _� � IN WITNESS WHEFiEOF,Borrower has executed this Asaignme t of Rent Ider t date first noted above.
<br /> � W"�'��LY F� � �• —
<br /> •„r ";,��;:�;;�,: Fred oerin 8orrower +
<br /> `c!-;'; �:rhi�
<br /> ��1 •��h,�?`. T
<br /> :Fi;�i�.4.
<br /> .,.
<br /> Joan Goering eo�ro
<br /> _< (a8:
<br /> J_��I ..7,,,�'.,� COUNTYOFHALL )
<br /> �;'�'�� On thia 3rd day of November ,�g 93 �be}ore me,the undersiqned,a Notery PubHc duly eommlesior�!and
<br /> � 's '°•� quatlfl�d for i�id county,paraonally came Fred C Goerinp and Joan I� Goerinq
<br />_ �:.�.
<br /> �� k�s4�'4 , —
<br /> ,�y;,�,,,;,6;,.y ,to be the identical peraon(s)whose rwme(s1 is/are subacribed °
<br /> ��.�r,i�i6 �.r�;..f to th�forapolnp instrumont, and helehelthey acknowtedpe the executlon thereoi to be hlelherlthefr voluntary act and d�od. �
<br />��� 2 Witneas my hand and Notarlil Seat at Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> ��N p
<br />.- -_- �Wv� ._
<br /> '�� ,^ �.� in said c nt •d te a1 aid. _
<br /> I �q�KO0�1oNaR �
<br /> 1
<br /> — _ ��R���1� NOt�ry PubliC
<br /> My Commiealon sxpirer.
<br /> - Nr�ovophp
<br />