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<br /> ;,:_.: .k,.. .. ,:. .: woa��aE � i1ti4��'
<br /> �.1,L•• •.., 'AyMqlwlUOYMYbMt�11 �-�--•�•••• o•••�' a rinOLe�r �+n
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<br /> Kx:�al��{uf�: ��MYW rr����
<br /> h '=�..,�..y.i:=r�-=;{� ii�� o..tM�. tt..� r�..�..� t.t.�� N�hr�:�� - w�r.11�
<br /> " -:.-,,, . . •.. Moff�yor M hMM�d lo Maff�t fn tM/�i�ei�l aai ot i 1.�0=-��.�Nd��d bY�toe4�tor'�not� --
<br /> .�AEL.. .. ,�.. Q_._�—..-.--.
<br /> • �� • • . • .. �� Neven tiar�8=19A�.rt■•�It"1 I��K�a►OW��4 ot pt�J/�1�nd InitrKb�rf th{M b�ne�of the �._
<br /> x �r �---_«
<br /> irrel.iw,Ir�oe.00e.r to{a.aw.pa�a,y,el.a►.N�"'�L?3-�• -
<br /> ---,a� �::.:.. . �• �• , 'ib�We p�y�t�t t�e Nol�.�ftA Mtn�t�qoMded tlknln�tbe WYm�nt otal oth�r we�u�with MurKt� _-.--
<br /> ..--- airuad bY Ya1P��o�xoae111�e Met�tfq ol1Mk MafMp.wd tM/ttfona�t ot tb�co�n�n4�nd�{�etatn4 ot s•=_�a-'-'-
<br />— :6`;. . Me Moetp�or eoaWaM MtnU. MatM[«� ��' �0�° Nd�arey b �tott/��tA� tdlowlat dKC�ibed �.-.-----
<br /> �::;:�- --.
<br /> -�"�� poM�tY{oat�d lo H�t_�_. Oowi�Y�lkbtrb:
<br /> - ��-_
<br /> ..
<br /> ;z�'" � , � ' Lot Four (4�, of the CpJh3��5i�idlvision of the South Half of the Southeast _�
<br /> Quarter (S§S E�) o f Sec t iol�..,�u G t q i�r,�1 6 1. T o w n s h i p E l e v e n (1 1) North, Ran ge �
<br /> �?..� Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hdl County, Nebraska, except that part of �°`_
<br /> ,-�-
<br /> satd Lot Four (4), deeded to the City of Crsnd Island, which is recorded i�
<br /> �f.- ,. ."�. ` 8aal: fi5, of Deeds at Page 60/, Record� of Hal1 G�unty; Nebrssk� and also, .___-----
<br /> , ,. p�rt of Lot Five (5), County Subdivision of the South Hslf of the Southesst
<br /> �.--�---=__
<br /> Quarter (S'sSEk) of Section Sixteen (16), Township E{even (11l North, Rsnge - -- - -
<br /> Nine (9) West of the 6tt� P.M., more particularly described as follows: �'�'�',:'-�
<br /> , '�; ` �::;.�:.�.� .
<br /> � Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Lot Five (S), running thence i� a ;___�
<br /> � Southerly direction along the westerly line of said Lot, Forty (40� feet; thence ���y;�:--
<br /> " at rlght angles In an Easterly direction and pa�allel with the Northerly line �f -����---
<br /> said Lot, Forty-two (42) feet; thence at right angles i� a Nort}�erly direction '�` ;s-
<br /> and arsltel with the Westerly liqe of said Lot Forty (40) feet to the Northerly �, ."�'�-;,.
<br /> Itne of said lot; thence along the Northerly Ii�e of ssid Lot in a westerly ��,�,��}. +�
<br /> , direction, forty-two (4Z) feet to the place of beginning. 1�=�-��=-i1.
<br /> .. � �'=-,��;,;--
<br /> v Y p�a�eways, Nremenu. d�hfs,pdvile�es and � s.
<br /> Ta�ethe��!tth all 9uqdina,improvemenu,tfxtuees,�tr�ets� le i, �'�1� �
<br /> -_-_. ----. -- • se+�tranr.a.nd remainders !f�'.".•�.-�.��"._
<br /> ��� -- appurtenaeca loc�ted thereon or in anyw►se peruinin��►e�eio��ndt.�e�.�iu,iccnK aaE psa!!L. . • ��,`;;:,::--
<br /> tbereot;tndudin¢,but not IimRed to,M�tln�snd coolin=eqalpmmt�nd wch p�:son�l ptop�rty Yhic ie�tuebed to the � m. ,
<br /> �' i�prov�ments so�to constitute�tBcture:�l af which,indadin�rept�am�n4 md sdditions tAento,is henby declued �'."•"
<br /> W be�part of tb�rtd atau�ecurcd by tA�lien ot tAis Martp�e ar►d a11 of Ne tore�oin�belnt teiernd to berefn at tht „�,�.�;�._
<br /> ,y '
<br /> Mh����. ,"..�;.
<br /> � :�
<br />� Mort�a�or furtb�r eonvetur►4�nd yrces,with I�Iortp�ee.a�follown: e �"
<br /> ;..--
<br /> 1. hyment. To pay the iadebtedne�t and the intemt therton�ptovided in tAit l�ort�qe and tbe Note. � �.T
<br /> �� Z. Title. MottQ��or is the ow ner of tbe Property�hat the ti�ht and�uthority to mortQ��e the Ropert�•,and
<br /> ;Y, w�rran4 th�t the lien en�ud heseb3 i�a lfnt and prior lien or►the Property�excYpt as ma�otherwise be set torth hereln. _
<br /> �'lT�e Roperty is subject totbioet�a�e wrhetein rnlumhus Ferleral
<br /> • i�t1�e lrtort��ee,eecorded at Book .tqe of the Mott��e Records of Hall Count�•, .
<br /> � N�pr�sb.�hfch�tort�ap is a lien p�iot to tbe INn cieattd bereby. ,'� �
<br /> O Other prior Dens orencuenbru�ca: .
<br /> �
<br /> �+
<br /> :�'•
<br /> , , t. .�.� . $.Ta:K,Aswmenu. To pay when due all tuces,sp�cial a�essments md alt ot�er eMc�e:qainst the Ropetty ,
<br /> f, - �ad�upon weftLen drmmd by Mortp�ee,to�dd to the pay�oentt requlred under Ne Noie ueund henb�.tuch amount ac , ,
<br /> ry be wfAd�at to ta�ble tht bort��to p�y wch faxet��wwnen4 or other eharses a�Wey b�cane dua
<br /> ;� �
<br /> , _ • �. 16wQaaa. To kKp Ne improKm+nts no� or hen�ftrr loeated on the rev e�tate described heretn in:und .
<br /> ; . �pit�t dan�e bY�K'aad wch other eu�ards at l[ortt�i��Y iequSee.W�nounts nad with eompanks uceptable to the
<br /> ; , ,� : In �e of los�under ouch pnlides th�lloRp{ee b�uNodud to
<br /> 1(oet�ee,and witA lo� py�bk to Wc 31ost;a�e.
<br /> --' - �jutt,edl�ct �ud oompromi�e�in iq eiscretion,�Il daim�Ntrw,nder�t iu sok option, authoriud t,oettAer�pp►�tAe
<br /> u
<br /> ,,;�i •1 . po�a'�di to LM rustoratlon ot tlu irop�rtY oe a0on tA�iad�bkdneK�cund Mreby.�ut p�ymen4 her�uoder sA�p con•
<br /> �. }.,. tlaut �wtU the wm�Wcur�d Yreby�ee p�id in(WI.
<br /> :>',` .�°`. ;' . i. O Fierow Far Tn«s�nd Iiwr�nce. NoMtAtW�din�anythin�conlaSn�d iA pat�nphs 3and�Aereot to the
<br /> ';�� +�' . � epptrary.Ito�f�qor th�ll ay to 1Lt Alort�ee�i We fia►e of payfar t;ir rnonthly instalitnants of pdnctpal and intenst.
<br /> =='�•' • • ! ,' a�twtltrb oi tAt y�+�ely 4xa.wewmenk, lward ia�ut�nce peemiums.md poned r�n4(if�ny)rhicb may attain a
<br /> �m'�''' �• � owt tbit M W�i r�wna�ly�ttlm�ted hoe tlme to timt by the 11ort{qee.'me unounts�o patd�hvt De
<br /> ,'... `. . . .� IeiaritY crt�t[e,
<br /> - '`'- �� �' �� Mla We Mat�a�wfthwt iate»st and�pplied W tAe p�ynKnt of the Iteeu in nspect to which�ueh�mounta were
<br /> _ ',.�`.� �I' _._ ��_ .a�►�t�...t....�.����er tlr Indebtedne�t�tCUred by this
<br /> -...,, _ . -- wpoatei.i�e�aw�p� 's6 ii�w�sw..R:�.�.:..:�. _...,___.- --- --
<br /> - '�n a�cwar:o. 1�i�l�•�a�P�Y��tA��tnouat of any deticien�betwe�rt tAe�etn�taxK,auessmen c� �wstin
<br /> -,Y .� w�a rd p�o�wd rn�4� tbe 8pa+ia Mnuad�r withfa 10 d� s afttr Aem�nd b m�de vpon Ilostiqo n4 [
<br /> "�f�r�e�u�ic��:- �
<br /> ----- . n.b'nrr��,�:ii�• ����
<br /> : ,�r.. ,. .�.3�.
<br /> �'��?�"�^+ a improvement�now or
<br /> �',}�y;;'3., � , i.�t�Nvll{�OYI!!�uM. To P�'�P�Y*�PVr,!lf�01!Ot 1l�NiUd N}b0���
<br /> `'�'' ` Me�itK aa!Ae hop�ety:to IwP W��r�opeetY�p�oo�caadiltoa rnd r�ir��rlNout watte.sad ten It�om mecbanic'�or
<br /> `����-T
<br /> athrYn��ot acp�ly wbo�dia�t�d to tAe li�n benof:aot W wte,wKer or pendt any nuWnee W ex1�t,noc to dimin-
<br /> � {'�� M o�lap�ir eM wiue o!N��pnsy Mb�r wy�oc omMaoa�o�ce:aAd a eanay wlcb W�ea�meati of 1aw w�fen
<br /> N� b�r f.
<br /> 1�t b Nt hapettY.
<br /> �_� .
<br /> --• -- �
<br /> _ _�.;,rw� � � _
<br /> .
<br /> -- . .
<br /> _�,._ _:
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