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<br /> � d�poai��d, and •ith�r ��apioy wuch aaoney as he ■h+�li think
<br /> fit in th� paya�nt o! any d�bt�, or int�re�t, payabi• by �►�,
<br /> or taxe�, aa��s�n�nto, insurance, and expenees due and
<br /> payable or to becoma due and payabie on account o! my r�ai
<br /> :._-- ___— __ ___�.-. and pereonai estate, or in or about any af the purpcQes _
<br /> _ herein �entioned, or otherwise for my uoe and ben�efit�, or
<br /> to inveat such money in my name in any atocks, shares,
<br /> bonds, securities or other property, reai or personal, as
<br /> he aaay think proper, and to receive and qive receipts for
<br /> - any income or dividend arising from such investments, and to
<br /> _ , vary or diepose of aii and any euch inve�tmente for my use
<br /> and benetit ae he may think fit.
<br /> 10. To Vote at Stockhotdera� Meetin e Execute Proxies
<br /> 1�� ' and Otherrise Subst tute !or Owner. To vote at the me�etinqe
<br /> ��,;.�are�rra� of stockholdera or other meetings of any corpora�ion or
<br />-"-.�:;;;� company, or obhervise to act as my attorney or prvxy, with
<br />_ p: pawer of substitutfon, in reapect cf any stocks, sbares,
<br /> bonds, debentures, or other evidenc�s of ovnerehip, or
<br /> 1.'�� � securities, n�v or hereafter heid by me and fesued by or on
<br /> ,.`�' 1 ur e
<br /> �k:,�w�,� "�- account of said corporation or company and for that p po e
<br /> `'� to execute any proxles, lintited or general, or other =
<br /> t ij�� instruments. _
<br /> . ,
<br />• `��Fr 11. To Execute Deeds Biiis Notes and Similar -
<br /> �:y ,
<br /> Instruments. For all or any of the purposes here n atated to
<br />_ ;'� enter into and sign, seai, execute, acknowiedge, and d�].iver
<br /> � '����`�';, any contracts, deeds, or other instruments whatsoever, and
<br />- _ r�,,,�}� ;.,�. tn �rawj: ace-p�,t, �AkP! endorae, discount, or otherwise deal
<br /> ��.,�� �;p;•,•,;,;,•. .r, xith any biils of exchange, checks, promissory notes, or
<br /> �` ��'�• � other commerciai or mercanbile instruments.
<br /> r��... ._ . ',
<br /> .�:Lt;i"�.:::;;,. .. �::
<br /> 12. To Do Ali Other Thinas Necessarv in Connection
<br /> w''` ' Herewith. in generai to do all other acts, deeds, matters
<br /> • - • and thinqs xhatsoever in or about my estate, property, and
<br /> : • ° • aflairs, or to concur with persona jointly interested vith
<br /> � •• myself bherein in doing aii acta, deeds, matters, and thinga
<br /> _ �''.'""''". `"°,� � herein, either particularly or generaliy deacribed , as fnily
<br /> , �•� • and ef�ectually to ali intents and purposes as I couid do in
<br /> . =• -� � my own proper person if personally present, it beinq my
<br /> intent to grant to my said attorney a general poWer to act
<br /> •- for me and in my behaif, and not a limited or speciai poxer
<br /> ' ' �' limited to the specific acts herein described.
<br /> :\ ,,...��
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