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<br /> R�E.�STA�T��O,R�TGAGE 93• �004�
<br /> at W Cau�t��f HAI.I. aad 8t�t� ot NE9RASKA u...ie.h,..c�lltd tW puty o!tb� llrst pRrt,In
<br /> _--_� ��.� THIRTY TMOIJSAND AND 00 10D-----------------•--------------------�DOLt.AR&.
<br /> - ia 1Mat ytid,.eo 1�r a�t,�lµes�4a�,Mu aaa eos.a uwo w Hom.r.a.nt a..ta�.t�I.o.n�.00iaaoa�t ciraaaa Is1.aa. _
<br /> tiesid IaLn4 N�uiu�,aad W�u�a�raes aad a�it�„th� tollowtns rwl Mtah.aiput�d+s HRLL
<br /> ��,. g�q� NEpRASKA � ,towt�:
<br /> .� -:._A..��;,,
<br /> , • .��i` To�tethcur r►#b+�tl the.�pp�afi�nwca tLereunto belon�laII, aad �Il covenanUt in all the title deeds ruania�wlth aald setl est�te,
<br /> �nd all tha,rtat�l Usuta and Vrotib aHa7n�therefrom �fter d�fault !n P�ormance of aaY eovena►t or condi�ton herda coo-
<br /> ,. tain�d; and*�rtiab�•tbu title thereto Pertect and dear ezcept for th(s moitt+�e.
<br /> -.L , �1�`. Darin�,t�e tlme t61s moe�tjt+�e is in force tlu mortTai� +��
<br />- �2 ., Flsst Zb W41+�Il tuca and spedtl aua�ments levied ��ut s�td Pr�mlw�In�ludiaQ �ll tuat aad u�eaamaab lerled
<br /> 1 •. ��� upon this.mott��e. or ths debt iecarid by tW� morti�Ze.
<br /> .� .y��,� S�coad. To t�ep all bnildtn�s tboseoa inaured +[dwt lay by f�+e�11�htainit uid tornado in wane comp�ny� to be ap�
<br /> ' �"t�=t�Fy° 30,000.00
<br /> ---• ,�- ,:-v �,,; x°' pr�ved bp ttw s�ld Pia� F:dCld2 S!lYIII� �L�lSi Agw�clati0tl a[tinod Lland in the sum oi� , for
<br /> "'��r' We beneiit ot t�ae uid Assocl�tion,and•ita�ucce�soes or awl�ns: and to deposit raid poHoies with satd MsociaHon,�ad ihall not
<br /> w)tl�trorR,..��•. �ay� ��.
<br /> i„,t,.,:-•r. �.�,,. •� commit or aifer tay wsste on tald premites� and sh�ll put and keep �aid nal at�ts buWfinas and improvemeate in �ood
<br />- �'.•;• . "�b�:7l�,•'S_ Ol'dfL "
<br /> :;.�g`,•.;=.--•�� ;, �... Third. To pq or aiute to be paid to We Home Federtl Savinyr ic Iaan Anodntlon of Grswd Llaad�it� ruccasoes or �
<br /> ._,a.
<br />, :.;..,,,. • ---- --
<br /> . ,,
<br /> , :.�*- ..:;. . .. � '� THIRTY TH�USRNO ANO 00/100--------------------------- -- - DpLi.AR.S�
<br /> ;+?.'?-.� � � qsl�as.the tuat of ¢
<br /> '�'� • � p�y�ble �s follo�n: _
<br /> .�.�, . .
<br /> .cu��t-. ., .: •r —
<br />�'• t:�.. . . ri.:
<br /> - :�r��,r�: � . :��.`. DUE: IhAY 18, 1994 "
<br />�;;;,,. .,,._� _.
<br /> �F, -.A•• . .-
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<br /> �AUF1li�i�t�. .�':.• ��
<br /> ,�, . .��•:. -
<br />:�:,.� dGi�ti:�;: :..��s!�rr` __
<br /> r�;:, s;- • with intereat thereon p�yable, according to the tenor and effcct of the ane certaln first mortgaQe note of �aid mortBa�ors,
<br /> '•;".'�*, bearin� evea date vvith these preients. After m�twdty s+id bond druws intereet et the rate of niue per cent per annum. _,
<br />,_-, ,. If aald Wces uid usesfinents are.not paid when due,or if the buildings on sald premisea are not insured as above pro- =
<br /> ::;,. .:-y.« vided�or ii�nq ot�aid interat it not paid when due,then e�id whole debt shall become due immediately,at We option oi the � _
<br /> �,;�; �=��?':;:...: : �aid Auocl�tlon,md iLall thereaftrr draa intereat at We r�te oi n9ne per cent per�anum.
<br /> 'x'`� � ' The mortQaYor hereby iw3�a_ to aaid mort�a�ee all reats and income ulaina at any and all tlma frnm t�id �
<br /> . �
<br /> _±;� •� � property and hESnby �ut}�o►�e �aid mortga�ee os its sgent,�t ib optton, upon default, to take charge o! aaid pmpertY and ; R
<br /> ,_ — �"�"' ' ' collect all rants �ad iacome therefrom aad applq We same to the payment of interest. principal, imurance premtum�, tues, � �?�
<br /> �°��^!`•'�'' � wersments,rep�trs or improvemeata necewary to lceep s�td property in tenantable conditfon, or to other cbuQea or yay- _
<br /> '`� �� ��'' meub pmvided fx herein or in the aote bereby secured• This reat �asignment aLall conUnue in force untll the unpiid bal• �3
<br /> �a-��r �.�.'�,�y"L��!;;jt(�" mce o!�aid note is fully p�id. Tl�e takinQ oi pasestion Lereunder�hall in no manner preveat or retard atd mort�a�ee in =
<br /> h �
<br /> ��:G :.':,::.:;:�>. the coIIeetion oi uid:ums by lorecloeure or otherwlee. a
<br /> " 'N""� ' Whether said debt becomes dne by Inpac of time, or by reuwn oi the failure of the party oi We firat part to comply
<br /> , ; '�•.'i�•...: ' .
<br /> � L*� with any coaditlon berein,the eaid Home Federal Savin�s& Loan Aasociation of Grand Island, the succeuor�and aaaiQns.
<br /> � �'���r' �hill Lsve the rl�ht to be�ln the foreclaure of this mortQ�Se at once ott the whnie debt hereby eecur�d, and to incIude �
<br /> - � ti�w•�;..-.� -
<br /> f'°`�j,� therein �il ttucp,weatacnts. insurance pre�niums �ad cosW. Wdd by it or tl�em: or uid Auoci�tion, its �uccawrs or __
<br /> ' .r,�; �rai�os. may foeeclose only as to ffie 9um past due. withaurt iaiury to thii mort�a�e, or the dLpliClR1E0� or impairment
<br /> '�—��`-"��= o!We llen thereoL � -
<br /> "� And tb��aid firit paity and the m�kera oi �aid note.esped�lly aQa�ec and daclur that the �ep�rate estste of nch md
<br /> awry ow d tLem. indwsin� �oth tLat now owned and t�t Lereafter �l�d��P1edYed and bonad for tba payment oi
<br /> th�deM L�[eby iecvml. �
<br /> Aiter th� commenament ot aqY suit in foreclowrs t6e pWntlH therein�11 bs entitled to tbe immediate poa�e�sim a[
<br /> — ..0.�.�..�.i...�■a�.,nmtntmant ot a recetver ther�for.notwttbstwdin� they m�r be the homate�d of the occupant aad
<br /> - - ---�-�_ --- --
<br /> aot�lt6daadtn�tLe p�ctlat llable for the debt m4y be wlwnt. �ad the itrat part�r Lanbr uooaats to th�ippointment oI a _
<br /> �[we upon !h� pcadudion ot tht�ind�ntun,without ather avid�net. :
<br /> • T!w io[�Kda� eooditlonr �nd +�emenLr. �11 aod sic�ulu'�b�fn�fully PesEOrme�1.this eonvyr+ac�s1W1 D�rotd, oth�r
<br /> vlw to b�md t�o�ata fa tull tora�od�tt�et.
<br /> ��t,,,� 18TH ,�.� NOUEmBER ^ D.� 93
<br /> Ia p��ot
<br /> J. GAL N
<br /> T
<br />