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<br /> KNQd ALL !�N B'f 1HESE PRE3fNTSs
<br /> WiEREAS. pn�t of tha ind�b�scln�as sacursd by the Qeed of Truat exscutod�
<br /> = by RQBERT D, HERB�T AND OORDTHY E. H�(�B�T� husband and wife � �
<br /> � to AREND . , a i:orney �Trustee► for the benefit of Fiome Federa�s
<br /> and Loan Assoc iation. of Gran�1, Island. and recorded �rch 5, 198? , in
<br /> _ - the office of the Hegister of, peeds of H�11 Cwnty� Nebr�ica. a� nstrune�t
<br /> (�kmber 87-101�07 � has heen paid� and said boneficiary has requosted
<br />_= in Writinq that thi,s QeQd,Qf�Partial Recanveyat�ce be sxecuted and delivered�
<br />_- .
<br /> - NOW, TtIEREFQRE. in co�sideration of such payaent in accordance With the
<br /> request of the be�eficiary nartied therein, the undersigned. as Trustee. does
<br /> = by t�hese presents. grant. remise, release and reconusy to the person or persons
<br /> entitled thereto all the interest and estste derived to seid Trustee by or
<br /> __ thragh said Trust Qeed in the folloWing•described pranises. but only es to
<br />= auch premisea;
<br /> Part of the�5outheast Quarter of the Norhtwest Quarter (SE� NW�) Of Section 21.
<br /> in Township 11 North, RRnge 9 West of the 6th P.�I., described as follows: 8eginning
<br /> ,, a� a point on the South line of Anna Street in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> : :*: ' whqre it S.ntersects the East property line of the caunty road which is located on
<br /> • � , �,�., ,:,. � the�approximate narth and south centexline of the S� of the NW} of Said Section 21.
<br /> • �!'����,;"�`�i �. runnfng thence eastelry along the snuth line oP Anna Street 11� feet. thence souther-
<br /> • i' �v,�'a�°�'��%°'. ly at rigi-it angles to Anna STreet 132 feet� thence westerly parallel to the south
<br />� � � �'� '"''� �` ' line of Anna Street 180.4 feet to the east property line of said county road� thence -
<br />. . oYt�i'����"it����.� -_
<br /> North on said property line 149.7 feet to the point af beginning. Hall County,
<br /> --,�• � , . Nebraska.
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<br />'� � together with all buildings, fixtures, improuements and appurtenances belong
<br /> �_-�' �::���:
<br />__ r�,;��;,� , to such premises� it being the intent that the land hereby conveyed be discharged
<br /> — ;��;,..��;r�• from said Qeed of Trust and that the rest af the lend described remein as heretofore.
<br /> :�� ��,,�,,�... : i.. '
<br /> '°�� f,��.; Qated this 8th day of June , 19 93 .
<br /> .., �;:'-�;,�< <• '
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<br />-`.�,. 1'rustee � �
<br /> Arend R. 8aack. attorney
<br />:•1��
<br /> ss:
<br /> On this 8� day of June , 19 9� before me, the undersigned,
<br /> a Nota�y P�lico_duly carmissioned and qualified for in safc� County� personally
<br /> _ - C�� �aa�n� •�� voa�.i�� oo�.aia��c� � j�5t6e� LO (flB Kf10Ylf1 LO O@ 1 3 lOBf1L1CS1 (]tiT3tili
<br /> �ose name is subscribed to the foregoi�g 7rugtiee�s Deed of P.irtial Recmveyance
<br /> and acicauledyed the execution thereof to be his volur►tary ect and deed.
<br /> Witneas ry hend and Notariel Seal the dsy end year la�t above Written.
<br /> r �rr��
<br /> �u■r�aar
<br /> �ra J�a�1,M1� Y �
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