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<br /> i. Th+a r�al o�tate b�inq, or in�ond�d to bo, iaprov�d or
<br /> dir�ctly b�n�fitt�d is:
<br /> � 1► tract of land aoaprisinq a part ot Lot on� (i) on
<br /> Island and part o# tho Southuast Quarter of th� South-
<br /> east Quartor (SE1/48a1/4) �t�tuatod ia the Baat Half of
<br /> thQ South�aat Quartor (E1/28Eij4) of 34ation Tweaty-
<br /> �iqht (28), Towaship Eloven (11) North, Rauqe 2iins (9)
<br /> West af the 6th P.M. in the Ci�y of Grand ieland, 8a11
<br /> County, �Tebraska and sore particular�.y desaribed ae
<br /> followe: Heginning at a poiat on the West line at Aaid
<br /> East Ona-Ha�lf of the Southeast Quarter (B1/23E1/4)�
<br /> saidpo int beinq One Thousand Three Hundred Forty-Eiqht
<br /> � a�ad 8iqhty-Five Sundradtha (1,348.85) feet eouth o� thA
<br /> northwest corner of R. w. Rasmussen Subdivieion; thence
<br /> - - - �-� " �-�� ensterly a distance of Eight Hundrad �Tinoty-S�ven and ,
<br /> Fif�y-Six Sundrodtha (897.56) feet to a point on tbe , .
<br /> weat line of Wcodland Firat Subdivieion, said poin�
<br /> beinq Thirteen and Thirty-One Huudredthe (13.31) feet
<br /> north of the southweat corner of Lot Four (4), Woodland
<br /> First Subdivieion; thence southerly alonq and upoa the
<br /> West line of Woodland First 8ubdivision, a distance of
<br /> 3ix Hundrad ThirteQn �nd Thirty-One Hundredths (613.31)
<br /> feet to a point on the north line of Woodland Drive;
<br /> thence westerly alonq and upon the nortD� line of Wood-
<br /> land: Drive a distance of One Hundred (100.00) feet to
<br /> ---= zhe u�s�LYuwaa� co�n�r af �aad2anc3 8s�ond S�ivi�ion;
<br /> ��'�""° thenae southerly alonq and upon the wegterly line of
<br /> �,� Woadland 3econd 3ubdivfsion, a distance of 3isty (60.0)
<br /> �_, feet ta the northwest corner of Lot Seven (9) af Wood-
<br /> s--.�..-����— land 3econd Subdivi�ion, also beinq a point on the
<br /> '"' ' -'° south line of Woodland Drive; thence westerly along and
<br /> upon the pxolongation of the south line of Waodland
<br /> Drive, a distance of 3even Hundred Ninety-seven and
<br /> Sixty-Nine Hundredths (797.69) feet to a point an the
<br /> .r� west line of said East One-Half of the 8outheaet Quar-
<br /> '� �-�4��� �•• � ter (E1/2SE1/4); theace northerly alonq and upon the
<br /> '�� '��x�;: S West line of said Eaet One-Half of the Southeast Quar-
<br /> r`�"'� '•�'�` ter (E1/28E1/4), a distance of Sig Hundred seventy-
<br /> �i�`��°r�'� �` Three and Thirty-One Hundredths (673.31) feet to the
<br /> ���" �' point of beqinning.
<br /> .w�cet-��7.. � ` »'
<br /> �i.. • �
<br /> � 2. (a) The contractinq owners are: Eznest J. Thayer and
<br /> �g`a�j,.,�__�f �. JS1l1C@ M. Thayer, Husband and wife.
<br /> ___ _:..�'1, t,�..,:�.
<br /> �����'�-�r..�::�:�;• (b) The addre�s of the contracting owaers is:
<br /> ���..�,� 2307 Staqecoach Road, Grand Island, NE 68801.
<br /> * �- �' ,
<br /> �rE�.
<br /> �«��.' < ',' (c) The interest of the contracting owners in the real �
<br /> _:"'��ri��� estate is: Fee Simple.
<br /> ,.�1.�.,
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