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<br /> - ��,.,,�u�t�rr o� nssn � rms:
<br /> ,
<br /> 1C�tOW ALL MEII AY T�B� PRE8ENT8, that for and in coasidsra-
<br /> �v_ _ tion ot th� aums loanod to Brnes� J. Thayor a�nd �aaiao M. ThayQr,
<br /> .s� -- Huaband and Wifo, and the prior raleaso of cortain Bpacific col-
<br /> __ Iateral sarsuring suas then owing which permitted at ealo of Wadqa-
<br /> - �, wood Nureinq Somo to occur, and for the purposa af further soaur-
<br /> ing the obligatione of Ernest J. Thayer �nd Jauice M. Thayer
<br /> -- owing to 7lssiqnee �s evidencsd by a Construction Line of Credit
<br /> Draw Note datad Novemiber ly, 1993 3.n the oriqinal principal
<br /> "-�' =�=� antount of Three 1Killfon Three Hundred Fifty Thousaad and No/100
<br /> ��..��-��-, Dollars ($3,350,000.00), the ter�ae of which are incorparated
<br /> horein by this reference, WEDGLWOO�, INC., hereinafter referred
<br /> �= to as "AssignorN, hareby assiqas, tranefere and sets cver to HOI�E
<br /> --����°""'� FEDERAL SAVINaB 71ND LOAtT 11S80Ci�1TION OF GRAND i3LllND, a fedoral
<br /> • _ --�-„-- savinqs and loan association, hereinafter referrQd to ae
<br /> . �• �AesignneM, all of its riqht, title and fnterest in re�pect to a
<br /> .:,..._-�-; �._
<br /> ���*�'��� ��� certain Dee@ of Trust be�rinq the date of August 29, 1991 made by
<br /> �,:;;r�:�:�x Quality Care of Grand ielaad, Inc., a�s Truator, in favor of
<br /> �µ�'��-:�• • •:��' � Wedqewood, Inc., as Seneficiary, in respect to the followinq-
<br /> �te, „�, � ,�� ��� desaribed real estate in Hall County, Nebraeka:
<br /> �.�; -:��.`..:
<br />_ , �;�� ,,�;-� �'� � Paircel 1: Lot One (1), Wedqewood Subdivision, City of
<br /> "��' ���� arand Island, Hall County, Nebraeka;
<br /> ,. :. .
<br /> ��t.�'.�`"�x:� .
<br /> , / F��.� wi....,.. y.
<br /> - �'�t�� •- � _- ' Parcel 2 s A tract of land comprising a part of Lot One
<br /> _ ,i�;�-�?�•'��' •`� (1), Golden Age Vil laqe 3econd Subdivision and a part
<br />- _..;Nur.R�..R��_::..r. � of vacated Carey Avenue lying west of and ad jacent to
<br /> ����� eaid Y,ot one (1) , all ia the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br /> �' . County, Nebraska and more particularly described as
<br /> • follows: Beqinn3nq at a point on the west line of said
<br /> ' Lot One (1); said point being One Hund�ed Forty-One and
<br />� Siscty-Four Hwadredthe (141.64) feet north of tbe south--
<br /> ' . � west corner of said Lot One (1); thsnce westerly per-
<br /> �-���� � pendicular to the west line of said Lot One (i) a die- '
<br /> '� ! � tance of Eightp-one and R�,ro Tenths (81.2) feet to a
<br /> - ���"�^���-��; : . point on the west line of vacated Carey Avenue; thence
<br />_'.; ,� � . northerly along the west line of vacated Carey Aveaue a
<br /> 6` � distance of Two Hundred Ninety-Two and Three Hundredths
<br /> � (292.03) feet; thence deflecting right 90 degrees 00
<br /> „ minutes and runninq easterly a distance of Eighty-One -
<br /> � '�'°. and Two Tenths (81.2) feet to a point on the west lin� -
<br /> , � � of said Lot One (1) , said point being at the point of �
<br />_ ' � intersection of the prolongation of the southwesterly :
<br /> ' line of Stoeger Drive wa.th the west line of said Lot �
<br />_ � '�" one (1); thence southeasterly along t�aid prolonqation a �
<br /> • ���•��'� '"` distance of Two Hundred Thirteen (213.0) feet; thence �
<br /> � � �?: . running southwesterly, parallel to the prolonqation of `-
<br /> ���. `" the northwesterly line of Baumann Drive a distance of
<br /> ,-:",;. � Two Hundred and Fifteen Rundredths (200.15) feet to the '
<br /> �++rw�� � .:::; point of beqinning,
<br />'����!
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