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<br /> - XltAW 11LL llilT BY 'PSSBi PRE8E�1T8, that !or end in aon�id�ra-
<br /> - - tian of VA�LA r�c�iv�d, th� r�a�ipt aad ad�quaay ot v+hic�h is
<br /> _�= T----- horaby acknowledqQd, aad for ths purpoee o! �urther sacuring th�
<br /> _ __ -
<br /> obliqationa of Jlasiqnors owiaq to �s�iqa�� as �vid�nc�d by a Con-
<br /> �truotian Lins o! Crodit DraM �iot� datod Novo�r 19, 1993 a t •
<br /> oriqina�l prinaipal tu�ounx ot �hr�� Million Thro� Huadr�d Fifty
<br /> ____ Thousand and No/100 Dollara ($3,350,000.00), th� term� o! which
<br /> a�rQ inaorporatod horoin by this r�forenca, we, gRNE3T J. THUYSR
<br /> - � - -, aad J1►NIC� M. TH]►YLR, Nusband. and Wif�, hor�inattor rof�rrod to
<br /> as "AssiqnorsM, hor�by aasign, transfer and so� over to HOME
<br /> FL�DERl►L SAVINGS �TD LOAN 11380C211TI0N OF aR1�ND I8L�1D, a fedQral
<br /> - - savings end loan association, horeinaftar refRrr�d to as
<br /> MAsefgnee", all of ouz riqht, titla and interQSt in respeat to a
<br />�:�� cortaia Deod of Trust b�ari.nq the dato of ]►ugu4t 29, 1991 made by
<br /> Quelity Cara of Grand Island, Inc., as Trustor, in favor 6f -
<br /> � , ,�r�� Janice M. Thayer, as Beneficiaxy, in reagact to tho fallo�iaq- -
<br /> desoribwd roai astata ia Hall County, Nobraaka:
<br /> 11 -O M 7��Eu dY
<br /> �t° ;��-=�:+` ��� Parcel 1: Lot Oae (1), Wedqewood subdiwision, City of
<br /> A���� Qrend Islaad H�all Count Nobraska;
<br /> "'��; `•= * -.:� a.. i y�
<br />. "�• �;1;."�.'.
<br /> . ���"Y�Y+ .
<br /> ��C*;•���','�'� .'; Perasl 2: � tract of land comprisinq a part nf Lot Ons
<br /> `•`;:"`=n'�:�'' (1), Golden Aqe Village 3econd Subdivisian and a part
<br /> ` .�`� of vacatad Cazey llvenue lyinq west of and adjacent to
<br /> ��� �'�"�'`�'';�t.' � ' said Lot One (1), all in the City of Grand island, Hall
<br /> �� � "�z k` �� County, Nebraeka and more particularly described as
<br /> �'"��'�°' _ _ �a inn3n at a int c�a the �est Zine �f er��
<br /> --_ -��{.,�.—�::- - . � Ltrll��te. �3 g Pa .
<br /> `- " Lat One (i); said point being oae Hundred Forty-oae and
<br /> �''.�"' Sixty-Four Hund�edths (141.64) feet aorth of the south-
<br /> ��.�s�.. •. . wQet corner of said Lot One �1); theace westerly per-
<br /> ��>.:,._..-•..� pendicular to the west line of said Lot One (1) a die-
<br /> ., • tance of Eighty-one and Two Tenthe (81.2) feet to a
<br /> ���•=--���� point on the west line of vacated Carey 7►venue; thence
<br /> aostherly alonq the west line of vacated Carey Avenue a
<br /> ;� , , distance of Two Hundred Ninety-Two and Three 8undredths
<br /> � � �� m3nutes�anderunnin�ceaeterlct8ndistance9ofdEi hts-One
<br /> �� and Two Tenths (81g2) feet to a point on the west liae
<br /> ; .�,, . . � of said Lot One (1), said point beinq at the point of
<br /> � �. intersection of the prolonqation of the southwesterly
<br />: ' ,,;�,;;,.,. line of Stoeger Drive with the west line of said Lot
<br /> . � One (1); thence southeasterly alonq said prolongation a
<br /> � � � di�tance of Two Hundred Thirteen (213.0) feet; thence
<br /> ;�.,; � running southwesterly, parallel to the pralonqation of
<br /> � 4• �` the northwesterly line of Baumann Drive a distance of
<br /> !�y>�:� � �wo Hwndred and Fifteen Hundredths (200.15) feet to the
<br /> � point of beginninq,
<br /> ��:,�. � ���� + � which Deed of Trust was recorded in the Real Estate Reaords of
<br /> �� � Hall County on the 30th day of August 1991 as Document No. 91-
<br />-�^�� � ' 105798. Aseiqnors have further assigned, set over and trans-
<br />�
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