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<br /> ` "r "- - , perialr thu�Lrndcr rcyuirc.. 17ir in+urunrr curricr pruvidin�Ihc in,ur:utcc�hull Ix rh���ro hy HoRUwrr.uhjccl lu I.cndcr. �.�:�:`-=�,-°.°•---
<br /> ' � �',,�y� ':..�� upprovul which,hull n��t tk unreu.onuhly N•ilhheld. II'Surrow�rr li�ih lu muinluin covrr�i�r de.crilxd�iturve.Lender muy.at ,:?'i.��.r`i-'-�:
<br /> '1� �. , Lender.option.�htuin covrruFe�o protcct l.ender:ri�ht.in�hr Pro�xny in urrurdanre H•i�h parugruph 7. �?��:��- J� �
<br /> : `�` .,• � ...: All inxuruncc�x�licic+urn1 rencwul�+hull Ix��cccptublr�o L���dcr und.hull includr u��undurd mon�!���;e rlau�e. l.ender ��'^;-.:.�°.._..
<br /> , , . .hall huvc thc righi tu hold�hc p��liricr unJ nnrwul.. If l.cndcr rcyuirr..Nun•uwcr yh.�u rr�,�����iy������„�.���a«�n �«<���� `,,��';`.��_;�^�_
<br /> � �,f puid premium+and rrnc��•ul nwire+. In�he evrn�ol'lu,..SuROa•er.hull give pnanp�nutirr Io�hc in.urunre currier und _,_ ,t�:.�.,`_;;>�;.=:
<br /> ° . l.endcr. Lendcr muy mukr pnx►i'ui'In�.il'nui m�lc prumptly by Bum�H•rr. � _____�. .... .�,-
<br /> �.•_„- .. .t. .,.
<br /> Unle+,LrnJcr und Burrower��thrrwi�e:iErcc in u•ri�ing.in,urunrr pnx�cd.tihall Fx�npplird�u R,��uu�ian or repuir ol' � '.'°""r`��,-,
<br /> � ` . thc 1'roprrty dum�iged. if�hc rc+lorutiun ur rcpa�r i� ccunamic:dly f.ii.ihk :md l.ender'� �ecurity i� n�N Ic�,rncd. If�hc ���_T:;^-•°__�---`
<br /> • , rr.toru�iun or rrpuir i. nut rconomicully tca�ihle or l.endrr:,rcuri�y w•ould hr Ie..rned. tlx imurunce prixred. �hull lk .-.�°•��:��•
<br /> , �.�._
<br /> upplird�o �Ix .ums tircurcd hy �hi,Sccurit�• Inti�rument. whc�hrr or nut ihrn dur. with uny rxcr..puid io Bunowcr. If ;�^ �"~-
<br />_ , . .. a. '._.FSa, t-:
<br /> Borruwrr uhandun� thr Prn�xny�.or J�x+ ni�t uncwcr within �(1 da}•+ s� ni,�ire 1'rom l.rn�lcr thu� Ihr in+ur►mcr c;irrier hu. : .:s��'�?'��...
<br /> t. •-.;,,,.�.�,ti;��':
<br /> offerrd�o.etUe a claim.�hen l.rnd�r may c�,llrrt the in,uaince pr�xred�. l.rrxirr ma�•u.r dx pr�xrrd,�o repuir ur re,toro � . ,. ?�,c
<br /> • Ihc F'ro�rt�ur tu pay.um.scrured hy thi�Scrurity In.trunxm,w•he�hcr ur nut Ihrn duc. Tlx 30•duy�riixi will hrgin whcn ��::�ia�.
<br /> �; . the noticr is givcn. ' .i•'wK„,����.-
<br /> _.�Y--
<br /> • Unleti, LenJer und Burnu��er othcnvisc ugrec in wri�ing.un��+ipplir.nion ol'pnx:red, to principal,hall nol rx��nd or , ,
<br /> ' • por�pune�he Jue datr oi'Ihe moMhl�•p:tym�nl�rcfeRed to in para�ruph+ I und�ar rhun�e th� umaum uf the poym.�nts. II' .;r"� .� `:;
<br /> ° •, undrr purugruph �I �he Pn►�xny is�kNuirrcl by Lender. Rurn�w�r;right��► any insurancc �wlicir. imd pnKCed,�e�ultin� '''"s �.,�.�..
<br /> � ,, i'rum dama�tr tu tlx Pr��pehy priar 1��the t�cquisition +hall pa,.t��Lendrr tn thr rs�rm i�f�he sums,ecurcd hy�his Security --------
<br /> Instrument immcdiatcly prioriotlx iicqui�itian. :�.�y: _;. .:� I `:
<br /> �, � • 6. Occu ancy. PreRervalinn, Mainte�ance and Protectlon of Ihe Prn rty: B�Mruw•er'r I.oun A licaliun; ..�..a.;.� "'��a�'- �.
<br /> p � � <?�':����
<br /> • ' I.easeholdg. B�xrawcr�hidl�xcupy.��tablish.nnd u,c Ihr Proprny t�.Hurruwrr;prinripnl rc,idencr wilhin�ixty duy,uf�cr � "' . .
<br /> �' ,.' � the cxrcution ul'�hi+Srrurity Instrumcrn amJ�hull ron�inur ii�ixrupy�hc Pru�xny a�Burrou-r�:pcinrip�l residcnrr t'ur at � -='-=`'
<br />