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<br /> • 1�! .,�a�• i'tL'3 '�.ef� , � f..�p�:•;�� , 1�5�•,.ia��r �,,5'ti�Z�� `S'j�'" 'k':r���: :�f7., � ,-;�'� `:x.J�� �.- --
<br /> '"� ''?� � .. . a •„ .�.,• � � , . � . . . i'�': �i. " i*� ",.�:. ' ' '' •"— —
<br /> - •.wdbe��. � , . � ..•�+ii�a..-..'�� � �.�r. z._4µ..�.i:4 •�....�.ao..�t�7/"tsc _R ...
<br /> . ' .Ar`7Y!+�'�lrklkRSfK`° .
<br /> •,� � � 1,Mr.+.. ..... �.�. --•... . .,� .�., -
<br /> - { . . . .�P . . - - - �-:_-
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<br /> g1-- 1 usc"�i =�--�=-�- -
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<br /> � ' , �.�..:�.�asa���.,��_
<br /> i!1';� �:..;,..: �.`I':. � ..md:di cr+emrm.,uppunrnuncc,. —_ —-
<br /> .� .• T(�ETHER WI'I'N ull tix. imp�i►v¢mcm+now�x hcrcuticr�r�cled�Mi �hc pro�xrly ���."'�"'^.._
<br /> S urni tix�urca nuw or hereaftcr u puh��f ihe pra�ny. All rcplucemcmh und uJdi�ionr.hull alw� tx�a�vcred by ihis Security �`�'—`�,;:�.„,•� -
<br /> �,��.' Imtrument. AU�►f the foregoing iti rcterrcJ to in�his S�wuriiy In�irumcnt as thc"Pr�x:ny."
<br /> . " � �• --
<br /> •„ BORROWER COVENANTS Ihul Di�ROwer iy I��wfully ticiud uf thc e�w�c hun:hy rumeycd und hu,�hc ri�ht�o�r�nt __
<br /> � und ronvcy�hc F'n►peny und Ihm�hc Pn►�ny i,un�ncumlxrcd,crccpt for rtxumhr•rncc.uf r��.arJ. B�xrowrr wi�unts and �
<br /> ' • � will dcticnd gcner:�lty the�itlr tu Ihc Pro�xny uguinr�uU rluim�anJ Jrm:inds,.ubjurt tu uny�ncumbr�nc..��1��ti��rd. �,t��r�-'T''�°
<br /> . I I ENT combinrs unifurm r��vrnumti fnr nn�ional u� and nomuniliim� cuvenamc with �Y� ''4 : ....
<br /> j limucd vUnniium by jun,dictiun�u wn,ti�u�c a unif.�rm+rcuri�}�mtittumant ruti•rring roal propcn��. �=-_ _ -- - - ---
<br /> a. • �' UNIFORII COVENANTS. Bnrn►wcr unJ Lcndcr cuvcnan�und ugre�u+foll��w,: _-___
<br /> s ' I. Payment o�Princlpal and laterest:P�epaymenl�ad Late l'hargeR. &�rrou•cr+hnll pri�mptly pay w hen dur ih� • ��.,y-�---
<br /> �: . � prinripal af and intcre�t on ihc deM cvidcnced by�he Nutr und any prcp:+ymani nnd lutv rhurge�duc undcr�hr Notc. ! . t•�-,.��,,
<br /> � ,. . �...;. ._-...,a..' ._�
<br /> 2. Funds for 7'sixes pnd Insuroncc. Suhjcrt��►applic•rblc I��w or�u u wri�tun wuivcr hy L�mier.RU�TOWI'f lBBII F7Ay I�) ��>..,�.:,,,:,.-�
<br /> �� , Lendcr�m Ihc duy�momhly puymentti�re Jur undcr�Ixr Nutc,until�I� Nw�i,puid in full,a�um 1"FunJ�"1 ti►�: lal y'��rl -=--
<br /> `J ��::�,�,.
<br /> taxeti and ussc:ssm4nts which may auain prioriry ov�r ihiti Securiiy Inti�rum�nt u.u liun�►n�h¢Pn►�xny:Ibl ye�rly le•r��hi�ld :.t:;;',��;�,�;_�"T�`
<br /> puyrnents or ground rents on Ihc Pmpeny. if any; Irl )rudy h+uurJ or prupeny in�ur�nce premiumr: IJI yearl)• Ilax1 � > ,� ;:-c.
<br /> in�ur�ncc premiums, iF any; (el yearly mon�ugc in�urrrke prcmiumn, if any: :�nd Itl uny �um. payaM�� by Bnrrowcr u� ,.���,:��^w+,,;,,�.`•�::..•
<br /> � Lenckr, in uccardance with 1he pruvitiiuns uf pur�graph K.in liru uF tha puymcnt o!'mnrtguge in+urance premium,. The+e '
<br /> 4: itcm.are c•rlled"Escrow Item.r.' l.cndcr may,at any iimc,r��ll�rt und hc►Id�und�in:in amuunt nrn�o exrced thc maximum _ .:..-�=.�?•.-
<br /> . umuunl u Icnder for a fedcrully rclntcd mortgugc luan nmy rcyuirr fur Borrowcr's r��rvw u�roum under thc icdcrul Rcul ' '�;�•'
<br /> ! " �us�tc Setdemem Rcx:edure�Act uf 1974 as amcnd�d from timc lo limc. 12 U.S.C.�1Gl)t ��r��•y.l"RESPA"1.unlc„anuthcr ; � .
<br /> ' luw Ihut�+pplic.�o the Funds set.u Ie��cr umount. If��►.Len�ur may,ut uny time,co11��1 und hald FunJ.in:u�amoun�nat to • �;:::,.
<br /> .. �1�,`` exceed the le�aer amount. LenJer m�ry eslimnlc Ihc arrN►unt of Fun�i,duu�v+ d�r ba+i. uf currcnt d•rta and rea+onahle • • •.�,r-;'r�%�
<br /> a '
<br /> � '•�, eatirnatrs of expenditurr.of t'Wure E�crow hems nr utherwiw:in uccunlnnce wi�h;�pplicuhle law. ' "`:'"�`':;=,,
<br /> � ;''. .��, Thc Fund�sh�ll tk hcld in an instilutiun wh��k depu,itn an:insured by u federal ugency. ins�rumemulity, or cmitv ���
<br /> �.�.: � (including Lendrr,it'l.endcr iti,urh an ins�iiwian►ur in uny FeJer�l Hrme I.oan Bank. Lrnder,hall upply Ihe Fund.to puy � + �XT;:-_
<br /> thc E,craw It�m,. Lendcr muy na� chi►rgc Bnrro�wcr for holJin� and applrin� thc Fund,, unnually anuly�ing thc r.cn��� �-��
<br /> � acecwnt, or verif m the E+crow Itcmh. unlo+. I..rndar a . Burn+wer imrR.t on the Funds and appli�aMe luw �xrmit� : . `�V,�.
<br /> �;c;;;:";.' • � � Y F P�y :
<br /> '�r•::;., l.ender to muhe.uch a rhurgr. H��wr�rr.L.enJcr ma�y rcquirr Burruwcr w�ay :one-timc char�c fur un indepemknt Rul �
<br /> � '` c�tutc tux rcporling xcrvicr u,ed by L,endcr in connr�tiun with.thin luun, unlc.s applir�Mc luw providr+o�hrr�•i+r. Unlr,s un 4 • _=�:'�
<br /> ,'',,;' �� '. ' ugrecment is mudc or applicubl�law r�yuin:.imcrc�t lo bc pt�id,Lendcr.hull nat bc requir�d iu pay sorri�wrr any imerc+�or � � =
<br /> +�,•; eaming+on ihc Funds. Born�wer an�l LcnJer mny agree in w�iting,h��wevcr.�hAi imrre�t�hnll t►�paid on thr FunJs. LenJcr . ��"
<br /> :;���`'' ' shiill give to Borrower.wi�hi>u�rharse,an annuul acroun�ing uf thr f�unds,�haa:in¢rreJit+und debits to thr FunJti and�hr
<br /> �.� purpn,c for which cuch debi� �o�hc Funds wati mnd�. Thc Fundti ure pledged a.additianul uwurity for ull .um..ccured by : �
<br /> - � Ihis Securily Instrument. ��.:`��
<br /> - • � if titc Fund+ i�eiJ by I..cuJ�� r�a�rd iit� .+tii.iunls �s's�ti�i�.a. .o tse h�ld hy •spPlieablr l:t�+'. Lenler �hcdl iu'rount t�i _—.-
<br /> Borrower iur�Ix cxcrtis Fundz in acc�xdanre a•ith Ihc r�yu�remems of applicubk law. li'�hr amount of�Fk Fund.hrlJ by -�
<br /> ' i Lend�r At any timc is noi suffici�m to�a} the E�crow Items when duc.L�nder may .0 notify Bormwrr in w•ri1in�.anJ,in
<br /> � ,unc�a,a Burrower shall puy io LrnJcr the umount nece�.ary to make up ihc deiicirncy. Borrower shall m•rkr up ihr , .
<br /> • � deficiency in no more thun�welvc m�mthly puymrm,.at L�nder's�olc discrc[ion. � .��'
<br /> � Upim payment in full of'ull .umn +ecured hy thiy Securit}• Intiirument. l.ender .h�ll prompU��refund to Barrowcr uny� ,
<br /> � . , •�r
<br /> Fund�hcld bv I.cnder. If.undcr pnr:�rr:q.h 31. !:•tt�lcr�hnl� ���•�;n�r.•nr u�ll �i�• Pmnon�. 1�ndrr.nrior lo thc aruui.ritiun ur �
<br /> , � sale of�hr Pr��pcny. 4huU upply am�I�und, Ixld by L�n�kr al the limc ol'sicyui.ition i►r .ulc u.a rr�dit uguinx� �he .umti • „ �;
<br /> .ecured by Ihiti Security In:,�rumcnt,
<br /> � 3. Application of Paymantx, l4ik�. ;�n�i�.�ni� law pruvidc� utharwi��. all paym�nt� ceccivrJ by t.cnJrr urxlcr
<br /> • puragraphx I and 1 shall I�r uppliud: fir,�.tu any prrpuymcnl rharge,dur undcr�hc Notc: ,crnnd.lo amounts pa�•ahle unJcr
<br /> : parugr.�ph?:tt�ird,to int�rrst duc:tiiunh,t�►prinripal dur:•rnd la,t.w uny latr chargc+dur unJcr thc N��IC. • •,'-
<br /> 4. ChorgeF: Liens. R�►rruwcr ,hidl puy all taxr., a.��+snuntti. charEr,. finc. unJ im���iiium uurihuWM� ta thc
<br /> � Property wh��h may aftuin pn��riW u��cr�hi�,Scrunty In,trumcni.:roJ IeuuhulJ payment,ur ground ront,,if any. Burruwer
<br /> � � �hull pay thcve obligution,in thc mnnnrr pruvided in p;►r�graph'_.ar if�xN paid in Ihat m:►nncr.Bixruwrr,hall pay Ihrm on
<br /> � time din:rtly iu thc prr.wn owcJ ps►yirnnt. Burruwrr shull pmmpUy fumi�h t�►LcnJcr all nuiirc+��I'amoum>to i+r paiJ undrr
<br /> 't, , ' thi�.puragraph. If Burtowcr mnkea the�e puymcn�ti ducrlly. B�xr��wer.hall prumptl� t'urni.h�o l.ender receiptti evidencin�
<br /> • i thc paymcnlx.
<br /> ;,•,:� ' Burrmver+hull prumpdy dir�.hnrgr any licn which ha+�ri��ritc oe�r�hi,Srruri�y In,trum�nt unless Burrower:la1 a�:Rrti
<br /> i•��i,�.; ..�'.��:I, '. � in.vri�inN p�thc puymcn�i�f thc�►i�li�uiiun,crured li}•�hr hen in a mcinncr acccpwMc t��Lrndrr./hl c�imc+t.in g�xxi faith the ..
<br /> � lien hy,ur dci'und�uguinst enf'orcrmen�uf ihc lirn in,le�al pnw�rding. ahich m thr I.�ndrr',upimon�iprrulc to prcvcnt Ihe „
<br /> ., `. � entimemcm cif�hc Ifum.nr Ic 1+ecurc,fr�ini thc h��ldrr ul'ihr licn an:��recmcm .:iu,lara�ry�o Lcnder wM�rdinatm�:thr licn
<br /> • I w thi�:Security In�uvmrm. If l.�ndrr de�cmiinr.tha�•rny pan ut'Ihe F'rupen} i,,ub�ec� �o a fien a�hich may auain priority
<br /> over�hir;Security Inr:pumem.Lrndcr may�i�c H��rruwer a nu�icr identit}m�Ihc lirn. Horraw•rr.hull.au.t'y�hc lien or tukc
<br /> � onu ur mon�cif ihc actian�,et lixth atwwr within lo d:y.ol thc gi�in�ol�noticc. • .
<br /> I S. H�•r.ard ur Property In�arunce. BoiTUwrr tihall {.rep Ihc impm��rmrn�.nu��•rri.�in�ur hrr�uRrr rrrrted un thr
<br /> !'rapert!, in�ured uguinh!lo,.M� firc. h:vardti incluJrd��uhin thc temi".•�t�nd�d c���cra�r and am i�thrr huiard..inrluJin�;
<br /> '�: ; tluixl�. or tl�Midin�. t�ir whirh I.rnder rryuu��. m.ur:mr�•. 'ihn imur:mrr .hall Ik in:uni:unrd in ih� amount. :md ti�r ihc
<br /> � - I . ' �iRlll 111��1 7�411 �/•�iir=n�r�J4�pr�� •
<br /> ' I
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