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: • .. -� ' �,':k�7.1,`jy4��..�. . �';:`��y�� i•� V., .jF��cf,},�lq' �rv+.... ••"' ' � (}i�ft`�y/�- --- ------ <br /> �'1 I Y�%'i�W:.Y�w . . ,.i��:� � ''' . .. �. . .. '�'.�c�yL�.9� � i �.�,�. <br /> - . . . , . ,�(J• � .;TM, . -4.� )i.�. <br /> I� . . vq}• '1M r�vdM�MN��1�'•Z���yI7 <br /> � I�`�' ' , .... ' .+ . ._. . "_ <br /> I .' � ` . .._.._ � -- .�.- <br /> ` . _....'.�," r�. . . _ _ —_— ____.—_ —�c.�_--_.-__�.....4."__ <br /> pr*__— <br /> ;` 91--� 1 UB�b� _'--:-_ <br /> •. ! -'� � �. �.. applicoMe luw may �pecily li►r min�:�airmeml Ixfun wlc ul'the Pn►�xny pur,uam w +m)• �x�wer of ,rlr cnntuined io thir �";;�:;��:--�- <br /> .s,_,� ';��',[.:o; Sccurily Ins�rument;ur lbl cmry ul'u judgmcm cnli�rcing Ihi,Seruriiy In.�rumcnl. 11�o.r condniun.ure�hul Hunuw�r: lul �'_`_:�.�_�,_,�: <br /> `, � payr Lender ull hum� which �hcn wuuld tu duc undcr ihi. SerurHy In�trumrm und Ih� Nut� u► if nu u�cclerutiun huJ -- — <br /> .��r.'t , � B Y .�:•-�:_� <br /> ., acurreJ;lbl cur�w uny defuuU of uny��1hrr cnvenun��or ugr�enum.;lr 1 puy�ull ex{xnK.inrurrrd in enli�rcln �hi.S�curit <br /> . . °r•,' In,tn�mcnl. inciuding.hul aot limited w. na���nablc auurncy,'I're�: a�xl Idl wlr. .urh urti�Hi u.Lrn�lrr mary reu+onahly �_._�-_�---�- <br /> �° reyuim�n u,�urc thut�hc licn of ihi,S�tiuriiy Imiromrm,l.cndrr',right,in thc Hru�xny und H��r�'�►wrr:�►hliku�ian to ruy Ihc ="-� '-_= <br /> . :h' . � �_.v ___-._"- -" <br /> ' �umti u:cund by thi. Security In+uumem .huU con�inur unchanged. U�xm rrin��ulrmrnt hy Burruwer. �hi+ Srruriiy -- <br /> 1 .. � ' In.trumcnl und�hc oblig:niun..rrurcd her�by ,hull rcmuin 1'u�ly eftirtivc in il'nu urrrlera�ian huQ�kcuRC�l. Hawever.�hi� `„.,p,._, _� <br /> •� �. right tu rein.iate+hall nut apply in�hc cu,a uf urccic�utinn unJ�r paragra� I1. �.:;;.�-=-___=�- : <br /> , ' t9. S�le oi Note; Ch�nge uf L�n Servicer. Thr Nute ur u purtis�l Inicrc.t in�hr Nuir�togrther wi�h thi+ Srcurity ---_ <br />_ .; � In�trumentl mu��Ix w►Id onc or mora iimcs wilhoul prior n�riirr to Burtoucr. A ,u14 ma�• rc.ult iu :�chungr in thc crnity ,r�r.�W--��- <br /> Iknown a+Ihe "Luun Scrvircr"11hut collcc�,monlhly paymrnt.dur un�kr tlk N�Nc and�hi� S�wuriry In�trumem. Thcrc ul+�� ����- <br /> ,�.�?3i��_j=`°g_— <br /> . , may he on4 or murc chungc�of�hc Luan Scrvircr unr�lutrd tu u+ulc ol'�h�N�i�r. It'lhcrc i.u rl�angr ol Ihc Loan Scrvircr. �;�-:..�.._...�.,�_�. <br /> • Burn►wcr will tx givcn wrinen nutice��f the change in urrurdanrc wilh puragraph 14 uhaac:���u�ni���ni� luw. The nu�ire V JTY•. <br /> . �,.�-�l,•-.l�if-r.'. <br /> � will s�mc�he numc t�nd u�klre,.oi thc new Luan Srrvicer und thc adJre�.ai a�hich puym�m��hauld i+c mudr. 91ie n�Hicr will =_ <br /> � alra c�mtain uny uihcr informution rcyuirrd by applicaMc luw. '•t� •_ `w;"'�� <br /> 20. Ha�.urdous Substuncaw. Burcowcr shall n��t cuuu�►r p►:rmi� �hc pre+rn�:r.u+o.Ji.�x�.al,+�ur+i�:c.��r rrlco.c ot�uny `-`= <br /> � Hat:�rJou� Sub.tancc��m��r in thc Pm�rty. Norn►wcr�hutl not�k�. m►r ull�►w unyunr cl��tn d�►. unylhing uQ'erlin�e ih� ' .� �. _ � <br /> Pmperty�hat iti in viulation of uny Environmenlul Luw. The preceJin�t iwc�+cntenc���h:+ll nui upply to Ihe prr.cnr�,u�c.or ,."���,�,�_ <br /> � titoragc an Ihc Pruperty of smull yuumi�ir.��f HururJou.Substunc�+ih:�t urc gencrully rcc��gnircJ io tx�uppro�xiatc tu normul ��•�: <br /> residentiul use�and to muinlenuncr of the Pn►Fxny. '�`'�� - <br /> ��'� Burn�wrr rhall prumpUy givc Lendcr wriucn noticr of uny invcstigu�ion.rluim.d�mund,luw,uit or o�hrr uriion hy uny ���;�° " <br /> " " govcmmcnlul u�rc�ulutury agrncy or privatc pany imolving the Propcny and uny Huinnl�nu Suh��.mrr or Envirunmenlal `- <br /> � :.�:���.- <br /> �� Luw af whirh Barrawcr ha. actuul {,nowkdgc. If Rurruwcr Icam+, or ix n�xilicd by uny guvcrnmontul ��r rcgulutory � ,��,�...o,. <br /> � � � authority.that Uny removul or���he�remediution�it'any H:uar�Mu�5ubstunr�aifer�ing the Propeny is ncces.ury. Bom�wer ,.rr��,� ; �-�— <br /> •�' �� chull promptly takr ull necr,wry remeJiul arlion�in arrordanrc with EnvinMmemul Luw. : <br /> . � ";'�:�; _ <br /> j., ,��;.�, ;, A+uxed in this p•rri�g�uph 211,.•H•rzardou,Sub+�unces"urc thuse�uh.tanres d�tined u�toxir iir haru�duu.+ub,uuxr,hy : ,,,•.•''.' __� <br /> ;- Em•ironmemul� und ihr followiny+ub�iamc.: ga.olinc, hemunc,nthcr Ilammable or toxic{►etrolcum pri�luct+.toxir ;�.,_ <br /> •� � pesticidcy und hcrbiride�, volulilc sulvent�,maicrial�comaining ushcr.u�� or fomiuldehydr, und radiu�n•livc maieriuls. A. �,,�„� <br /> ';���f,. uu:d in this parugraph 2Q,.,�nvia�nmcnlul Lnw�"m�un�Icder.�l luwti and law�ot'Uk jurisdictinn whcrc�hc Pruperly ix bx:u�eJ ,T,;•.,,• -. <br /> „ ,:�i ;�•" that relate to heulth,xafety or environnxntul p�otcction. "'`.�':�� .'- _ <br /> � �''�'� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr und Lendcr Punher covenunt und u�rre a�li►Il�iw,; � �� R= <br /> ' .':'•�,i;:.,��' 21. Acceleratinn: Remedles. Lender shall �i��e nuUce to Borruwer prinr 1��accele�utlon fullowinR Ba��mver'c �.�.:�;�1 <br /> : �' ; ' breach uP any covenant or a�reemenl in thi�Securitv Instrument Ibut nat prior to acceleratinn ender paragraph 17 • . �r <br /> unless applirable IAw�provldes otherwLsel. The notice shall�peciiy�: la 11he defaull:lbl Ihe�clinn reyuired to cure the ',•r.��.,.,,•+�.��� <br /> _�`": ---,- defaull:lcl a date.pnt le�s than i0 duyx i'rom the daie ii�e ooiicr i�Ki�rn iu Sor+�o�er.b3 KhicB ihe drfault mu�!�r ..�- „=�4� <br /> "'�; cured:end Id)that failure to rure the dePuult un o�befare the dute specliied in thr nalice may re.sult in ucreleration oi' r:;�.'� <br /> i� ':',,'�. ,, Ihe sum�secured bv thls Securhy In�trumeM�nd sale oP the Property. The notice shull Purlhrr infi►rm Hurrow�er uf '� <br /> � Ihe ri�ht tu reinstate u�ter acceler�tN�n and the ri�qht to brinR u courl ucUon!o a�..erl lhe nun•existence of u defuuU ar <br /> any other dePen�oP Borruwer lo ucceleratiun und sule. If the defvult Ix not cured un or bei'i�re Ihe dute cpecifkd in <br /> �, _._ th.�nntirP.1 xndPr Ht ifs ogtinn mxy reiluire immediule puymem in iuU��'ull sums xrrured bv Ihiz tirrurily Intitrumcnt ,. E��.+��d�' <br /> � � � wilhnut furthe�demund and muy invokc the pm�•er oP suule und un�•ather remedfeti permlttrd by appllcable law�. �• �,�� <br /> I.ender shall he enlilled tu collect ull ezpences imurrrd in purzuin�;Ihe remedies pro�•ided in thi!�pura�raph 21. ;�.,� <br /> inrludM�.but nnt limited lo.reasonublr uttorne�•x'tees und coslx oY tNle evidrnce. �� • � <br /> If'1he pow•er uP zale is invuked,'Ilrustee shull record u nutkr ot dePault in each rountv in which un� part nP the �•� ;T+� <br /> Property ix located und hhull muil capieti of xucb nulice in thr munner pnhrribed bv upplicuble lu�v to Hnrrower aad tn r"�;�,: '.._�'� <br /> Ihe uther persoas pr�cribed by uppliruhle lua•. ,��ter Ihe lime required b��upplicable luw,T�uxtee +holl pi�•e pubflc �, . -� <br /> , notice of wle to the peryons and in the munner preyrrihed by vppUrable lu�s. '1'ru�tee.wilhaut demund un Rorroa•er, , <br /> , shall sell the Properly ut public aucliun to the hi�hetit hidder al the lin�r and pluce und under thr lerms desi�nated in i, �`.�" �_ <br /> t � the notice uf sulc in one or more panel�and in am order'frutilec dcle�minr+. Trustee mu� po+tpone sulr uf uU or any • - <br /> ; � ,'�" parcel oP the Pmperly by publk�mnouncemrnt ut Ihe Umr and place uP um•pre�•i�iusl�•schrdWed sale. I.ender or ilx , <br /> t de!�ignee muy purchusr thc Propert�al uny sule. .�� <br /> • � Upon recefpt of puvmeM oP the prlce bid.'I'ru�tee�hull deliver to thc purchs��er 71ruslrN'x dred cam�e��in�G the . ,., <br /> Propertv. '1'he reciluls in Ihe 7Yustce'x deed�hull bc prima iucie evidence of the Iruth of�he+Iutements mude therein. � .��}�•;. <br /> Truslee shall upply Ihe prvkeeds of'thr xule in Ihc fallu��•in�n�dcr: lal tn ull co+t+and c�penxcx of esercisink the po��er <br /> ; . <br /> , F��nn YISB Y�WI ��uier<„/n����a•�� <br /> ;, �. <br /> •� <br /> � <br /> t' 1 <br /> t <br /> � <br /> i <br /> � � ' � --- � - -. . _ . ------- - - . _. <br />