,� ,. _--
<br /> � 9�., ���-
<br /> , �aMbu+r o��Nn�aoui
<br /> if�p
<br /> �THI�Al�iONMENY OR RENTB RIDER I�mad�and�x�out�d this g�� d�y of�UEf�ER ��� g3���
<br /> Inoorpor�t�d Inlo�nd�It b�dNm�d to anNnd�nd tuppt�rtMnt 1tM MoKp�a Dwd nf Tru�t,h�nlnaN�r rN�rnd to a tM
<br /> ' ,"S�curiiy in�iPtlmini"�pt Ei�wrtN dat�piwn by titr ut�rsipn�d�FNI�I`IMn�<<GrR�wI tO QA tfso"C��s�"�tcr�pi� -
<br /> �arow�rr ind�blednMa,heNn�fhr nl�nd to u th�"Not�"�to HtlME FEDERAL sAVft�K#d AND�OAN AddOCIATION OI�
<br /> �MND i�LAND,h�inaft�►nfand to�s th�"1.�e�",of tM am+d+�t��nd oowrinp tM propKty dNOMbb in th�NowHy
<br /> IMtrYnNnt Iuid looat�d�t:
<br /> 5i)6 W. 11TH� GRANQ TSLANO. NEBRASKA 68801
<br /> (�aM„Y Addr�) �
<br /> � YVITNE3dEYM:
<br /> WHEREAS,BorrowK and Undu h�w�OrNd th�t any nnt��nd p�oflts attrlbutabl�to th�prop�►ty should oonstitut�
<br /> addltlonal s�ourity to ttw I.�nd�r ta tt►�paym�nt of tM Not�;
<br /> NOW.TMEREFORE,it Is�prNd that th�8�ouriry Instrum�nt shalt b�atn�nd�d M��by and dNm�d to Inoiud�tM tollowinp
<br /> proviNom; -
<br /> 1. A�alpnrrMnt of R�nts a�d L�ndar Rantal Celtection qiphte.Bo�rowsr hN�by libaolutdy and unaonditionally atslpns all
<br /> nnt�, Istua and profitt of th* prop�rty to 8ansfbiuy. L�ndsr �hail haw th� rbht, pow�r and authority durina tf►�
<br /> continu�nc�of th�S�cuMty I�itrument to coil�ct th�nnts,issuea and profits of th�props�ty and of any p�rsonat propsrty
<br /> ° tocat�d th�non with or without takinp posseesion of th�property�tfectod hsreby.Lender,however,hersby conseMs to °
<br /> Bonower'�colt�ction and��tsntion of auch rsnts,issues and proflta as they accrus and Maom�payable,so lonp as Borrow�r
<br /> is not,at such tlms,In d�fault with nspect to payrn�nt ot any Indebt�dn�ss secur�d h�r�by,or In th�p�rforma�ot�ny
<br /> � �pn�rt�nt Mr�und�r.
<br /> Z. A000tntment of Receiver. If any svsnt of defauit in reapect to the Security Inatrument shail have xcurred �nd bs
<br /> Continui�p. Lendsr,aa a matter of ripht and without notice to Borrower or anyone claimfnp und�r Borrower,and wlthout
<br /> rpard to th�valw of tha truat eetat�or the interast of th�Borrowpr th�nin�ehatl hava th�ri�ht to apply to any court h�vinp
<br /> — Juriadiotion to appolnt a recsiver of the p►ope�ty.
<br /> 3. �iaht to Ponsasaion.In oass of def�utt in the payment of tha said principal Nots or intersst,or any part tMreof,as it
<br /> shatl m�tu�e,a in ths oaae ot f�ilure to ke�p or perform any of the core�ants or apreemsnta cont�ined in tt►�Securfty inatru•
<br /> rtwnt.then th� Lsndsr, its auccsesore or assipns, shalt be and is hereby authorized and empowe��d to take tmm�diate
<br /> posse�sion of the a�td premisos th�r�in d��orib�d and to coli�ct tha�nti tharsfrom,�nd to appty tt�prxesds th�reof to th�
<br /> ptym�nt ot th�Note.
<br /> 4. Aoolication of R�nts.lssuea and P�afits.Ait renta coliected by Lende�or the�ecelver ahati be apptied ffrst to payment
<br /> ° �S ti-�aa�is ai m�na�ement a=the praperiy and catta�iian af renis,inaludln�,bui ri�i iimiiaci ta,reueivsr'�1aes,�rremlums ai
<br /> -__ �eceiver's bonda and naao�abie attorney's feea,and then to the aums aeourvd by the S�ourity i�atrument.Lend�r and th�
<br /> -- reaNwr shall be tiabis to account onty for thoae rents actualiy recelved.
<br /> _:;'� S. ConatruotloR of Provisions.Ench of the provisiona contained in thia Assipnment of Rents Rider and the Security inst�u�
<br /> ,;� ment shall. unfess otherwise apectNcat►y required, be conatrued in accordence with Nebraeka �aw,and in the evsnt eny
<br /> ��� provi�lon heroin or thereM coMained sha�l be determined by a court of competent Juriediotion to be unonforcaabie,the samo —
<br /> N::;� stwll bs construed as thouqh such unentorceable provfaion were not a p4n hereof or thereof. r,.
<br /> ;_-�-� 8. Effeot ot Rider.Except as apeclflcaily moditied by or inconsistent with thfs Asaignment of Rents Rider or by any other .._
<br /> .�ail appl(cable rider,ati of the terms and provlsfons contained In the Security Instrument ahnil continus in full forco and effact. —
<br />�� .a -
<br /> -���� IN WITNE83 WHEREOF,8orrower has executed this Assipnment of Aents Rider on the dat�firat noted above. `�
<br /> _,,, / � _.
<br /> ��� f�,y,� �
<br />'`L` ��"�r� r� /e�r-,------
<br />, MARUIN C. mENO�
<br /> _ � o ,., i, (1 r
<br /> '' v, c-t V I�Q�+-��. L.
<br />._'`,�� -( � � '.
<br /> {�
<br /> JER LYNNE 1'QEN�1�I�°WBf
<br /> 4"`3� (ss:
<br />=``=�' COUNTY OF HA6L )
<br /> `�`" On this 8TH day of NOUE(�BER 19 93 bef�qre me,the un ersl n� a No��r P bIfcd �y c m on d
<br />`�-`_',� f�ARUIN �. Is7ENQYK AND �ER� I.Y�1NE I+'IENDI�K, Hl�S8A�1� b� �
<br /> qualifi�d for said county,personalty cemo
<br /> ,to be the identicai person(s)whose name(s)is7are aubtulbed
<br />'-'�_�� to tht forpoinp instrument,and he/ahe/thsy acknowledpe the executlon thereof to be hislherlthoir votuntary act and deed.
<br /> = Witn�s�my hand and Notarial Seai at GRANO ISLAND, NEBRASKA
<br />-__ in aaid cou ,the t�ore id. � _
<br /> 9GFNEAAI Ik7TAlIY SIi!t Ol Nllfitk� .
<br /> r�„ LOIS J.F�EOMAN NOta P IfC
<br /> �a,,.My� ,.•, f rp MAY�I�4 �'
<br /> My Commiwlon�xpirea: Y
<br /> �r�o�oo�oa
<br /> r
<br />