�- `.�'�.:I . . . _ ....
<br /> ...� . �,* . _ _�_.
<br /> -�-� - --_._._._.,� _ - --- - -----
<br /> I��7'00�'fHER W1TH dl the improvementc now or hereaRer uoctod on the property,ux!dl oa�p�j�ut�u�.a.and
<br /> Cxwrn now ar I�rreaRer a p�ut uf the propeny. All rcpl�cements and �dditian� �lull dfa be coverad by thi� Secvrlty
<br /> ___ l�Wrumant.AU uf thc ibre�olnQ is rcfcrrai ta in thir Sauriry In�trumrnt�.the'Pruperty."
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is l�wfully seisad uf thc estnte hercby rnnveyed�r�d Iwc thc ri�ht to Qrant�nd
<br /> oonvey the Prc►perty and ttut the Pn�perty is unencumberod.except for cr�cun�:u�M reconl. Borrower wurat�ts and wlli
<br /> ciefad genenlly the tiUe to tlie Property ag�nst all cl�iiru and dcnwnci►,rwbjat tn any encumbr�rkex of rat�rd.
<br /> THIS S�CURITY INSTRUM�NT cambine�unifi�rtn cave�w�u� fur�atianai u�:,a►�non-uniform uove�ntr with limitod
<br /> __ - variwions by jurlsdiction ro con�tiwte a uniform socvrity i�trument cnvcring rc�l pn►perty.
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bornnwer and L.endcr coverwnt and agrtx us fotiow�:
<br /> - - ---- 1. i'ayment ot Prb�cipal �nd Interat; Pre�Ymeot aad Iate CharRa. Bortowcr shail pnHnptly pYy when duo the
<br /> princip�l of�nd intercst on the debt cvidcnced by thc Nute and any prcpayment und lato chugcs Juc under the Notc.
<br /> 2.F'und�[or Taxes aad I�uranca Subjxt to s�pplicable Iww or to u written waiver by I.cixkr, Borrower xhall pry to
<br /> -- l.ender an thc day manthly paymonts arc due under thc Note.until thc Notc is�uid in full,a tium('�unds"►for.(a)yr,►rly taxes
<br /> and assessments which may attain priarity over this Security Instrumcnt ac a licn on thc Propeny;�b)yc�rty Icaschold pxyments
<br /> " = or ground cents on thc Propeny,if any:(c)yearly hazard or propeny insurancc premiums;(d)ycYrly fla�d inse►rance prcmiums,
<br /> if any;(e)yexrly mortgage insurance premiums, if any:and(� any sutns puyablc by Burrower ta l.encicr, in acrordancc with
<br /> the provisions af paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insuran�.�e premiums.These itenu am called'B�crow Itcros.'
<br /> Lender mAy, s►t any time, collect and hold Funds in an umount not to exceod the maximum amount a lernler for a foderally
<br /> ---- related mongage loan may roquire for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Setdement Pm�edutrs Act of
<br />-- - - - 1974 as arnendat from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ('RESPA"),unless bnother luw that upplfes to the Funds
<br /> ``* sets a lesse�amount. If so. Leader may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an cunount not ta ezceed[he Iesscr unxwnt.
<br /> Lender may estimate the anwunt of Funds due on thc basis of currcnt data rnd masonable estimues of ezpcnditures of futuro
<br />_ ' Ecerow Items or aherwise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> '� ' � ,.�,;�_..:, , ��; The Funds shall be heid in an institution whose deposits am insured by a federal agency, instrumentulity, or entity
<br /> � '�f (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home l.oan Bank.Lender shali upply the Funds to pay the
<br /> �„�.
<br /> � �scrt�w Items. i.ender may not charge Borrawer for holding and applying the Funcis,�nnually analy�ing the e.r•craw•rrcount,or
<br /> `,`•" * verifyfng the Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Horrower interest on the Funds wxi a�+�+licuble law pern►its l.ender ta make such
<br />-"��.''�':: a chuge. However. I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time ctwrFe far an independent real estute taz rcpurting scrvice
<br />����''- • �� used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides atherwise. Unless an agrcement is mude or
<br />;-,<: applicabte law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Bomower any interest ar eamings on[he Fwuis.
<br /> �• Boa+ower and Lender may agree in writing,however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrawer,
<br />`f"� without charge, an annual accounting af the Funds, showing credits aixi debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> debit to the Funds was msde.The Funds are pledged a�additional security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> `�"''��.'`'r'° If thc Funds held b
<br />:�;,,`:,�:� �.;�• ;;+,,,h;� y Ixnder exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law.Lender shall uccount to&�rrower
<br />;`•,'�;;`•� {����•��+••�°:.'� for the exeess Funds in accordar�ce with the requirementc of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by l.ender at any
<br /> , + r..: r ti;•_-+� ;
<br /> "'•+�•� �� �� � x time is not sufficient to a the Escraw items when due,Lender ma so nc�tif Borro�cee in writin and, in such cax&�rrower
<br />:<;:, � i;. � �';';:'��t`�.::•.e 4 P Y Y Y F•
<br /> t��::,•.-. :.. ,
<br /> �:�,�..,. .. �, .. ahaU pay to Lender the wnount necessary to muke up ihe deficiency. Bor►ower shall make up the daficiency in no more thon
<br /> '"�"''"``�"- � '� '' twelve monthly payments,at l.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> - � '•ta•' •�. .� '�'`�:
<br /> - ;�'��,,....; �_.;_� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security In,trument, Lender xhall promptly refund to &irruwcr uny
<br /> ' � '� � Funds held by L.ender. If,under paragraph Z 1, L�:nder shaU acquire or seU the Propeny,Lender,prior to the acyuisition or xale
<br /> �'?�_ ,:�_'�:.: .
<br /> I
<br />,_y
<br /> of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a crodit ag�i�u the sums wcured by
<br /> — Wis Security Instrumcnt.
<br /> ���,,y: ' �v: .�.'�Yi•�• PP� Y PP P P' Y P' F P
<br /> .; i,�.•,;,.�., 3.A lcation of Pa ments.Unless a licable law rovides otherwise,all aynxntx rcceived b Lender under aru ra hs
<br /> i,•. �`t`""" 1 and 2 shall be appiied: first, to any prepayment churges due uncier the Nate: second,to anxwnts payable under pacagrapli 2;
<br /> _. ��M :.M'1� .
<br /> '�' >.w`:�,.:�....----� third.to interest due;fourth,ta principal due:and la�t,to any Iute charges due under the Note.
<br /> � **•�"-W�•;� . 4.Chatges; Llens. Bcxrower ahall pay all taxes, assessments,ch•rrgex, fines and im�sitions aUributable to the Property
<br /> -- �:�.:+.;- � which may attain priority over lhis Security Instrument,atxl leascholc! E�a;titents rr gro�nd rent�, if any. Borrower tihall pay
<br /> �' � ��� these obligations in thc manner providecl in par�graph 2.or if not paid in that manner, &�rrower shull pay them on time directly
<br /> � to the person owed payment.Borrower tihall prompdy fumish to Lender all notice.of umoum.to be paid undcr this purugraph.
<br /> �..�� ��.,�'.�" If Botrower makes thcsc a ments dir��cN Borrower shall ram tl furnish to Lendcr rcrci tc evidencin thc r menth.
<br /> �;.Y
<br /> "�''�J' P'Y Y• P P Y P F P'Y
<br /> _ Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which hae priority over this Security Instru►nrnt unless Bc�rrower: (a)agrees in
<br /> �•--� writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in u m�nner acceptahie to Lender:tb)r�>ntc�ts in gocxi faith the lien
<br /> J ' .
<br /> - ' � , by, or defends against enforcemcnt of the lien in. Icgal proceeciings whirh in thc Ixnder's opinion operutc a� pmvcnt thc
<br />-- �',•f'�,V,,,'? enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder cif the lien:u�agreement wtisfactury t�i I.ender�ubonlinuting the lien to �
<br /> •_'� ,�.�• ��.. ;- this Security Instrument. If Lender detern�incr tl�at any part of thr Pr.�xriy is suhject to a lirn which m•ry attain priurity over _
<br />=--=� this Security Instniment,Lender may give Bc�rrower a notice identif}ing the li�n. &irrower shall.;iti�fy the lien or t�ke one ur
<br /> � more of the xtions set forth above within 10 days of thc giving uf nutire.
<br /> ;;�•,# Fum 3028 9/90
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