.j u ;;r.
<br />..� � .V��M��I s� ,.._ ----
<br /> i •-•T�
<br /> �
<br /> ' �n�rusT�� �� �w�x 93r lo��o
<br /> r� • .., t uY..rr+.�ru�ee�-�twaou
<br /> - - • 1N1�AAJWTA�1.�RKIS R1DiR��Y�W �?TH "�`•W kDUEMBER 1� 93. ... --
<br /> �d M�ox�e�w�iw�ri Mr M�M a w�ad r0�wt tMr 1�IatMM.DMi ot i'ew1�ar Ma�rler D�M UM"Marity 4Nn�w�M"1�f.
<br /> IM�iw�Iwr b�M�i�i1M�ltb,•iertowK'7 to�wrt ferrewa'�AdM��1M RM�NoM!tM"NM�")�����IL�W�
<br /> ��Q.dM"LAdu'7 ot tr wn dY�rd oorwM�{IM Oro/�r iMaiMd i�tM l�aritr LMi�at n/boYd at
<br /> PARCE� 1s 411 N. CUSTER, GRAND ISLAWD. t�BRASKA 68803
<br /> PARCEL 2: 321 E. 6TH ST., GRANO ISLAND. NEBRASKA 68801
<br /> - _ - (lraput�Addr�)
<br /> TW Mlt aMM�M�'�rw�w tM�MMM M �hlwwl fW r/ �qr �M1�4r
<br /> wr..b.7'W..�..ti.M■Iw tb....�t.r vMwt nM a.a1�.�.a w•••M.e.�i
<br /> .w w.w.�.■..+w..�a...�n.l�t�q.
<br /> A�QnYONA1.COVEI'IAI'Tr$.IA��1�01t t01�N OOYYI�t���{i�MMlfi�t�II tb��pl�ity�OptY��o0f(Ow'/�#�l.�Q
<br /> MYK OOYrYR��fM Y�OIIOM�:
<br /> '[3�NoN Pra'Ww[a aa idtW Wtr�a rat�ot [�_R7� �.Se�don 4 ot tbe Nae provWa[a clwa�ia tbe isurrrl nM a�d IMe
<br /> - �opWy pywMltti at tallow�:
<br /> _ (AJ t1�rMD�M� .
<br /> -- rb.ia�e rus t ww aay mar a,.nte oa�he nnc a.y ot OECE(r18ER ,t9 94 ..aa aa��Mr s�
<br /> moatlu thaea!'ta.Ba�h dau oa which my lataat rate oouW dnnte i�c�lbd s'•C1ytue D�te.��
<br /> (q ?M Ubt
<br /> Bqiaato�wkh the ttnt Chan�e Due.my lataat rate w(II be based on�n Indeu.Tbe"todex"i�the wecklY aver�e yidd on Uritad Su1M
<br /> - Tr�y�ewritis ad3uaad w a cautu►t maturity o[I yar,as mado avuUtWe by the Faiad itae�ve Bo�rd.Tbe mat nant[ndaR llprcs
<br /> av�il�Eie a�of tbe dW 43 dayi bs[are a�c6 Ch�n�e Due is called tbe"Current IMex.••
<br /> -� If tL�Iodac 4 ao la�er av�ii�ble.the Note Holda wW ehoau a uew iadas whieh i�bned upon eompuabk intormWaa.1'Ye Not�
<br /> � � Rd01r wiU iivt ve notioe o[t13t choio�.
<br /> - - — ---_ (Cl Cre�iMiwKCi�M
<br /> -` 1i�fom aci t�Oao�e D.1e.iiis�:�;to Hoi3a witl:3k-u�ce�y�-w trsccrcu riu trt:dQits� T11lQ AND QNE-HA�F �s� .
<br /> pp�q�t ?.S qb)w t6e Glurent iadac u�d ra+tbin�w the nareu 1/Bth of l�lb.subject w the Ilmiu suued in Sertioo�(Al bebw.
<br /> 'If�rouaded amount wUt be my aew intaat rate uadl the neat Clw�e D�te.
<br /> Tde lYote Haider vrfll then determine the smwnt ot the monthly p�yrtunt that would be sufficimt to repay in full the p�c)pl L ua
<br /> ' t ' •`+���: acpecud to owe aa th�t Cluaje Date in:ubstanWllY eqwl payaKUts by t6e maturiey date u my new interat au.The rault at tAis aia�l�tion
<br /> z ,. �, 4' �„ w1II bc tUt qew amouat af my monthlY WY�nt.
<br /> .�.y���
<br /> p1) L�i�N Ltawt W1e GLKes
<br /> '��"�`°' '"• Tde i n t a e s t c a t e I am roQ u l c a d t o pay a t t h e fl r s t C h a n 4 e D t t e w i l l n o t b e Y r a t e r t h a n 6.8?5 � � � �
<br /> �x��.�4� � 2.875 �
<br />- 4b.7lurafter,my lnurat r�te wiU never be incrascd ar decreased on tny sin�le Clwnae Date by mare thw
<br /> • .,•':�;�.�'' _.(,2..�_trom the nte of tnterat 1 have Goen payinQ far the precedina twelve monthc.The mintmum interat r�k on thb lan wiU aeva be
<br /> .a"a:.;�.a"'' {�� 2.87S 1�and the m�dmum interat rau will neva be�rquet t6att 9.875 !Y.
<br /> ..G[•�. LLMj-. �:, ...
<br /> ;1,5�"�t.;:.: ('� ��tNYf�ff O��!{
<br /> ``'"'r"� �W My oew intaat tate wUl bxome effative on ach Chanae Date.I will pay the amount of my new monthty payment be�innin�oa the first
<br /> 1�,,.�.._�.... ;�,,..
<br /> qwptAly paymeat date afur the Chac�e Date until the uaount ot my monthly payment chan�es�ain. -
<br /> --- �:.....,.. ".'..,.
<br /> w:�.•' .- , �. (� NolloeotCY��t
<br /> =A,yj�r.;.
<br /> ,_„w_,:` Tbe Note Hdder wUl m�il or deliver to me a notta before each Chw�e Due.The nottce will�dv1u ms of;
<br /> �r"";-,�.� _ (i) the new intaat nte on my lan as of the Chanae Uxte;
<br /> T •'�.�,�^'" , (ii) tde amount of my moathly qyment fdlowlna the Ctuinye Date;
<br /> � .�r
<br /> _ (Ui) any addidau)tn�tten which the Note Hdder is required to dlulae:and
<br /> :�� � (iv) ehe sddreu ot tbe as�ociadon yw eonid contacc re�ardinQ any questions about the adjustment notice.
<br /> ���
<br />-� '�y� s. CHARGFS:LIENS
<br /> �'� Unifarm Coven�nt 4 ot the Security instru:nent is�mendod to read as fdlows:
<br /> .-����-�
<br /> o���»,;� 1, q��ti[jw,Horrowa shatl pay all taza,a�sasments,and otha chu�a,tina,and impo:itiau attributable to the Propatr.1dd�ta�r
<br /> - �ttdo a priodty over tbt�Secudty[nsuumrnt,and tasd►oW payraena of around�cnu,if any,in che manna provided unda p�ratraph t t�abof
<br />-a� oe.it not pdd in iuch m�nna,by Bortower m�kin�payment,whea due,direcdy to the qya thereof.Bonowu shall promptty funoish L.mdrr
<br /> �Il uotioa of amounts due under thls para�raph.and in the event Bonower�haU make payment diuctly,Borrowa shW proeaptlY fumish to
<br />-'��"'��`� L,eader nodpts evWen��ia�such p�ya�mu. Borrower:hall prompety dischsc�e any lim which has priority over thls SecuritY L�swma�t;
<br />,�� pa�rerer,Bwrower sh�U aot bo requind to dischar�e any such lien so bn�u Horrower(y sh�ll�{roe in wridn�to the p�yaxat of the
<br /> _� �� obliqHon sxvred by wch Ua►in the rtumner�coeptabk to[.enda;(b)�ali in jood fdth oontest such Iim bY,oc defad apinst eaforament o[
<br /> wcp Iien in.iqal prooeedin�t whkh in the apieion of La�der opente to prevent the mforcanent of the Uen or forfeoro o!the Propatr a aay
<br /> p�t t6e�at;or(c)�b�L�ecure from the 6oider of�uch Uaf�n a�reemeot in a fota�Wtitfactory to l.a�der w�bordinYi��wc0 Ika to t1�it
<br /> 3�ppity In�ttunotot.
<br /> [f i�wMr durmiaes tbat�ll or aay p�rt ot the Propacy is�u�jxt to a Iim which taay attain a prioBty ovar thts Secutity Lo�tr�ment.
<br /> �r�._� ���i�.ta.tY�..��t.� o .I.�tt.��i.f.......1.It�...�.L.............w nf�1.�.nL�wt rr/�rY�Ww+
<br /> - - - iww�`w i��Wvs..w.v.... .........�..�................... .....�...�....�.�..•....._..�..�_�_..____.....�_.....�._�,.^_._
<br /> M�IYO p��0�L�1!jIYI1�6�tslAOHOf.
<br /> c. nancs
<br /> IJ�ifoe�Co��t 11 ot tlK SKwitY ia�trumest it�mended to red�t fal{owi:
<br /> I�.NNiN.�oapt ta�ry waioe nquired u�dx appikaEie Iaw to be�iven ia aoot6a m�aner.(y�ay naka to Sorto+var prov(ded tor in tbit
<br /> 3aYity Irft�Nt�11 be{iva�b7�ddlw�i�tt a by m�flio�it�y tint dus nufl to Bonower u tAe PropeKY Jlddroa ar at such otlNr addrss�
<br /> �1or:owa�pr d�t�by notke w LeadK a�provW�d hetdu.�sd(b)�ny ooda w t.eoder�11 be�ivea b�r tirtt d�u aWl to l.ende�':
<br /> �ddtMa NM�d Mrir ar to t�a1Y�r addrou r Lrader maY dailMte bY aotioe W Horro�rer as provided bereia.Any natks provid�d tor ia tl�h
<br /> �atiqr LMe�rt tW10sd�e�d to Mave b�m�[rt�to Horrowa ar L.�oder wY�o�ivea i�tb�m�ar dNi{�o�d IMnia.
<br />