:-�- -_ :��;{ `,I, - -
<br /> ____ ,_ -� •
<br /> 93� ���_�_ �Q
<br /> applic�ble 4w mtY �pecifY(a rein�Manent)beforo sde ot the Prope�tY lwnuaot w anY owe�of1N�°c�.a"�°°in thit
<br /> __ -- ' ��-itp l�st�:or(b)- of n k�_�n!�t�for�in�d�i,�Socu��ky Ia�u�ent. Tbo�e oa�adi�o�ace d�t Ho�rt�wer: (a�
<br /> l�Y; L,a�da dl wnu which�at wauld be due w�dar thi�Secwity Jn�trumait�nd d�e Na1e u if�eo�aeMMio�Mid
<br /> occun�ed:(b)curea�ny det�ult ot any od�a cova�anu or qreana�w;tc)PaYs dl expan�inc�ured iu a►tarcin j tbi�Securlry
<br /> Inununa�t,ir�cludit�.but not Wnited to�►enonabk�pameyn'teat w!(d)niw wch action�t l.cnda mty n+MOtu�blY
<br /> t+�tite w tswr�e tbat the lie+�of thi�Securiry imtrument�Laider�d�hts in the Pnopaty�nd Bort�ower7�obii�,�tion w pay the
<br /> ruau �ecund by thlt Secutity Imtiurtie�t �11 oontiaue unchn�ed. Upon r�Gat�wana�t bY Hamowa. �his Securiry
<br /> : ���.. lnetrumau md the oWlgatio�securod hauby slu�ll ran�ln fully e[kedve a�if no�ocelerat�o�had occurrod. However.this
<br />- ri�ht to rcinw�e fhW rwt apply in tUe cue of aooela�Nun under para�r�ph 17.
<br /> 1!. S�le of Nak;Cl�e d LoM Srvlo�: 'l7�e Note or a p�ctid intereat in the Note(to�dha wlth thit Secw�Ity
<br /> In�auma�t)may be sold oee a mo�+e tima widaut prior notkx w Borcowrr. A s�te may Kwlt in�chmge in the a�ry
<br /> (Imown u the"l.an Secvia�")th�t collect�monthlY WY�u due w�der the Note and thi�Secunty(nucumerit. 1'here�lso
<br /> mty 6e one a mare changes of the Lan Savica w�e+el�tod w a a�le of the Note. If tt�ere is a ch�e of the l.o�r►Suvka.
<br /> Barower wlll be�iven wriueai notice of the chmge in accoid�t�ce w[t6 pan�aph 14 above�nd applicabk law. 'IUe ratia
<br /> will wte the nnme ud�dd�eas of the new L,oan Servica uid the�ddr�et�W which payments:LouW be nade. 1Le notice wlll
<br /> also cauain erty other Wortrwtlao roqu�ed by�pplicabk law.
<br /> ZI. Hatsrdow Subt�nces. Bamwer:hall not cause ac permit the poesence.use.djsPos�l��torn8e.a relesie of�ny
<br /> HwNous Sub�w�ca on a in the Property. Bamwct siWi not do,nor�llow�nyone elsc to do.�nydiing atfectina d�e
<br /> Pro�eRY thit Is in violatio�of any EnvironmenW Law. 11u peceding two srntencxs slu�ll not�pp1y w the p�esa�cx,we,or
<br /> stora�e on�he P�operty of smatl quandties of Hrra�dous Substanoes ttwt are�enecsUy t�eco�nizad to be sppcoprWe w aanW
<br /> — - — raldenUal uses�nd w mainunance of the Peoperty.
<br /> Barower shall P�I�Y Bive Lenda writta�notice of�ny investjgatioe.ciaim,demu�d,Iswtuit or od�er�ctjon by any
<br /> ---�----_-=-F-=-= govtmmental or�rgulatory aguxy a private party jnvolving the Propetty and�ny Hua�douc Subcw�ce ar Fnv�onmental
<br />.- Law of which Borrnwer has actusl IcnAwledg�. If Bamwe� launs. or is notified by any govenunental a ngulatay
<br /> authority.that any nmov�l or dher nmediarion of any Huudons Substance aYFecting the Propaty i=Mass�rY.8arowa
<br />- shat!promptlY take ail necessary rcanedlal�cuons in acco�e with Envimnmental L.s�w.
<br /> - �used in thic pr�agraph 20."Hazardous Subctences"are those substancxs defined as toxie a hwrdouc subst�n«s by
<br /> _ Enviroemental Iaw and the following substances: gasoline.kerasene,other flammable or toxk petrokum products.wxk
<br /> peuicides and herbicides,voladle solvents,materials conwilning asbesros or fomnldehyde.u�d cadioactive muerl�ls. As
<br /> - -- used in this pvagraph 20."Environma�tal I.aw"me�ns federal iaw:and lawc of the juricdiction where the Propaty i�loat�.d
<br />_- = tt�t relue to IKalth.s�fety or environmental protectlon.
<br />=�_���� NON-UNIFORM COVENANI'S. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agroe as follows:
<br /> 21. Anxkntion; Re�aediw. Leader sh�ll�ive notice w Borrovra�prior to scoderation fdbwiut Borrower*s
<br />__- M+e�ch of�y ooven�nt a+r agreemeat ia this Security Iastrumeat(but aot prior to socekralioa u�der p�ra�apr 17
<br /> _— uoles��pplia6k law provWes otherwise). The noNoe s6a11 specif�: (a)the detault;(b)the actioa neqvired to cure the
<br /> _ -_ - --- defiuitt(c)a daie,riat iess thsa 38 Jnys iraa�t6e�ir ii�uutk�i�gi�en ta S�'��e:,bs��ich t3s:.dcta:s!!tas�t� -
<br /> cured;�nd(d)tlu�t t�ilure to cure the detauft on or befare the d�te specilkd in the aotke may result in acceleratio�ot
<br /> �;r,:, the sunts secured by this Security Irstrument and sak ot the Property. The notke sh�U fi�rthei'intorm Borrow�a at
<br /> r;_;�}t,�� the right to rcinsts�te atlter accekration and the right to brtag A couR action to assert the na��existence of a default or
<br /> �-.,.;s�+•;�;' any other defense ot Borrower to accekration and sak. If the default is not cured on or betoce the date spedfkd in
<br /> �.1 .s.�.��, the notice�Lender at its option may rcquire immediate payment in full of All sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> ;:y�. .y{;,�•• .�� •� without turther demAnd nnd may (nvoke the power ot sak and any other remedies permithd by applicabk 4w .
<br /> - �','r' '� Lender sFwll be entitled to cotlect all expenses incurred in pursutng the remedies provided ia this p�rasraph 21,
<br /> '� , ,�..�;::,; �� iaciudiag,but not limited to�reasonable Attorneys'fees and casts of title evldence.
<br /> , • It the power of sale is invoked,lrustee shall record a noNce ot detault in each county in w6kh any part ot the
<br />- �t a,�,;r Property is IocAted s�ad shall rrwil copies of sach notice in the manner prescribed by applicable Ixw to Borrower aad to
<br />� ; ; =:r"a,�•�';�. , t4e otrer persoas prescribed by Applicable I�w. Atiter the time required by applicable law,'lirustee shall�ive publk
<br />� ����.;�; notice oP sak to the persons and in the mAnner prescribed by s►pplicable law 1�ustce,without demand on Borrower,
<br /> ��;:.,�'�,+�;�•,.r� �., stwll sell the PropeHy s�t publk auctbn to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desi�nated ia
<br /> �.c�--N; r��•..,.;� � the notice ot sale in one or more parcels and in ar�y order 1�ustee determines. 1Yustee may postpone ssk ot sll or nny
<br /> ��►�►�;�.-:;•:;';,•,.��.r.:: parcel of the Praperty by public announcement at the time s�nd ptace of any previously schedukd sale. I.eader or its
<br /> `. ..*�vi::�•°�••���:=-�� designcc may purcha.sc the Property at�ny sale.
<br /> ..?ft.h ��; �:.- ..��.�a_ , -
<br /> 3, :�.�''� Upon receipt of payment oP the price bid.7lrustee shylt deliver to the purchpser 1Yustee s decd cunveying the
<br /> t�'":a�`'�-;�'�� • Property. The recitais in the'IYustee's deed shall be prlma fACie evidence of the truth utthe stAtements made thercia.
<br /> ������`:�..:�.�, .. 'iYustce shal!ppply the proceeds of the swle in the followinR order: (a)to Ali cosfs and expeeses of exercisia�the power
<br /> .t �:'�y �.i.
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