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<br /> _ 1-4 FAMILY RIDER -
<br /> A�si�nmeat oC Itents 002A02d767
<br /> TH(S 1-4 FAMILY RiDER is rnade this 15TH day of ���q .
<br /> and is incotporatad into rnd shalt be docmod to amend ntid supplement the MuNrtg�E C)oai uf 1'ruet or Sa9nty
<br /> Deed (the '•Security ltuttument") of the wune dsue Aiven by tha undersi�oed (the "Borrower") to �ecuro
<br /> Borrower's Note w
<br /> Th• Equltabl• Buildi�ng and Loan Assaciation of Orand island.
<br /> Nabraska� A F�d�ral Savinps Bank �che••�der••)
<br /> of the s�t�e due and covering the Prapetty describod in the Securiry Insuument and Icx:atod�t:
<br /> 1108-1108 1/2 N EDDY804 W 11TH, �RAND I3LAND. NEBRASKA a8801
<br /> I��m'�dd��l
<br /> 1-4 FAMII.Y COVENANTS.In addition ta the rnvenu�[s u�d agreements made i�the Scrurity Instmment.
<br /> Borrowcr ancl L.ender funher co��enant end agrce as follows:
<br /> Property described in the Sccurity Instrument,the following items are added to the Property clescription,end shall
<br /> also constitute the Property covered by the Security[nstrument:building materials,appliances and gaods of every
<br /> nature whatsoever now ar hereafter locatod in, on. ar used, or intended to be used fn connection with the
<br /> Properry, including, but not limited to, those for the purposes of supplying or distributing heating, caoling.
<br /> electricity, gas. water, air and light, fire prevention ancl extinguishing apparatus, security s�nd access control
<br /> appacatus. plumbing, bath tubs. water heaten, water closets. sinks. ranges. stoves. refrigeraturs, dishwashers.
<br /> disposals, washers, dryers, awnings, storm windows, uarm daors, xreens. blinds, Shades, curtains and curtain
<br /> �ods,attached mirrons,cabinets.panelling wid Attached floor coverings now or hereafter attached to the Propeny.
<br /> all of which, including replacements und additions thereto, shalt be deemed to be and remain a pan oF the
<br /> F'roperty covered by the 5ecurity Instrument. Aii of the forcgoing togcther with the Froprriy dc�iii�i in i3te
<br /> Security Instrument(or the leasehold estate if the Sccurity Instrument is on a Ieasehoid)are�eferced to in this 1-4
<br /> Family Ridcr and the Security Instrumcnt ati thc"Pmperty."
<br /> B, USE OF PROPERTY; COMPLIANCE WITH I.AVI'. Barmwer shall not scek, agrce to or make n
<br /> change In the use of the Property or its xo�ing clu�sitication, unlesc l.ender has agreed in writing to the change.
<br /> Boaower shall comply with all luws, ordinancex, regulations and requircments of any governmental body
<br /> Applicable to thc Proper[y.
<br /> C.SUBORDINATE LIENS.Exccpt•rti perniittt�i by federal luw.&�rrower shall not allow•rny lien inferior
<br /> to the 5ccurity Instrument to be perfcctc�i:�gainu thr Property without Lcixlcr's prior written pr.rtnission.
<br /> D.RENT LO.SS INSUItANCE.&�rrower shall m•rinrrin intiur:ance aFainst rent lass in addition ta the other
<br /> hazards for which insurance is required by Uniform Covenant S.
<br /> E.••BORROWER'S RIGHT TO REINSTATF."DEI.ETED. Unifurm Covenant l8 is dcleted.
<br /> F. BORROWER'S O('CUPANCY. Unlctiti L.cndcr and Borrnwer othcrwi.eu agree in writing, the first
<br /> sentence in Uniform Covenant G conrcrning &�rrowcr's �xrupancy of thc Property is deleted. All remaining
<br /> cuven:�n�r anJ ugreementy set fotth in Unifonn Covcuu��t b,huil rcuwin in cftect.
<br /> MUL7ISTATE 1-4 FAMILY BIDER•FMw�N M�IFr�ddi�Mao UnMorm Instrurrant Fotm 8770 3193
<br /> �O•6�IB30t1 VMP MORT6A6E FOHMS • 180015Y1 7281 �qmtuA on MCYtNtl PpN
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