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<br /> 17.Tn�d'�r at t!w Propwf or a B�+Ac41 INtea+t Ir aorruwa�.If all or any�pa�rt oP the Pn�peny or�ny intarst in it
<br /> I�wW or trw/errod(ar.if��lal lnien�t ln Bonuwer b sold or tntufen�ed aad Bocrower I�not s rbtur�l peaon)wltlx�t
<br /> - i,ende�'r yrlor wdlten.co�nt� l.�nder rtur. at it� option. �equire inunodiate payment in fuli of all aurr� eecurad by thle °
<br /> Security Iru�trun�nt. Hawova.thls option iFwll not bc ezrncl�ad by Lender if exerci�e i�prohibited by federal I�w�u ot tha date
<br /> ot thl�Socurity Inntrucnent.
<br /> If Laxier excrciros thi�i optbn,l.ender�tull Qive Aorrower naia of�coeteratian.The notia shall provide a period of not
<br /> lexa thAn 3p dxyw fn�m thG.date the ratia is deliverod or mailed within which Horrower must pay all sums securod by thia
<br /> Socurity Instn�ment. It 8armwer fnils ta p�y these:ums prior ro the cxpiratian af thic period,Lender may invoke ury rcmodia
<br /> �_ __ � permitted by thig Security Inrtrument wlttuwt t�rther nodce ar denwnd on Borcower. �
<br /> - - --- 18, Borrower'a Ri� to Reit�chte. If Bomuwer mats certain corxlitions. Borrower sh�ll have the right to huvo
<br /> _ enforocment of this Securiry inurument discontinued u any time prior to ttie earlier of: (a) S dayc(or such ather period ac
<br /> applicabk taw may apecify far. rcin�wtement) befare sale of the Property pursuAnt to any power of sxle containod in this
<br /> Socu�ity Instrumenr or(b)entry of a,jud�ment enfarcing this Securlty Insuvment.Those condhions are that Borrower.(a)pays
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be due under this Secudty instniment and the Nate�.s jf no acceleration had occurred; (b)
<br /> cures any default af eny ott�er covenants or agreements; (c)pays all expenses Incurred in enfarcing this Secu�ity lnstcument,
<br /> including,but not limited to, rensonabie attorneys' fas;and(d)takes such action as I.ender may reasoiwbly �equire to assure
<br /> _ :�__�e� �t the lien af this Secitrity Insttuioorsnt, Lendar's r�ghts in the Property and Borrower's obtigation to pay the sums secured by -
<br /> this Security Instrument shall contiaue unchanged. Upon ninstatecnent by Horrower, this Security Instn►ment and the
<br /> obligations securod hereby sluill.remain fully effective as if no acceleratiao had accurred. However. this fight to reiruuata ahall
<br /> iwt�pply in the cosa of accelerxtla►under paragraph 17.
<br /> --- 19. Ssk ot Note; Clta..�of I,oan Se�vlcer. The Note or a partial inte.rest in the Nate(together with this Sccurity =
<br /> — - lr►sttument)may be sc�ld ane or more tlmes without pcior notice to 8o�rower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> as the"Loan Servicer")that colkcts monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument. There also may be one
<br /> ;� or more ct�anycs of the I.oan Serviccr unrclatod to a salc of thc Nota If there is a change uf the I.oan Servicer,Borrower will be _ __
<br /> - given wdtten notice of the cluinge in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wiU state the name and
<br /> �: addr�s af the new L.oan Setvicar and the address to which paymenu ahould be made. The noticc will also rnntain any other
<br /> ,, x ,�„ infomsation requirod by applicabla law.
<br /> 20. ��rdous S�t1�atAaces. Bozrawer shall not cause or perntit the presence, use, disposal. storuge, or retease of any
<br /> Hexac+dous Subswnces on or In th¢ Property. Borrower shatl nat do, nor allow unyone else to do. anything affecting the
<br /> � Property that is in violaziaa of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or
<br /> ;�� stot�ge on the Praperty of sm�ll quantities of Ha�rdous Substances that are gencrally recognizod to be appropriatc to normal
<br />- naidential uses 4M ta m�intenance of the Property.
<br /> " Bormwer shall�promptly give Lender wdtten natice of any investigation,claim, demand, lawsuit or othar action by any
<br /> ;r: �' governmerNal or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental law
<br /> of which Hormwer has actual knowledge. If Bonower learns. or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authoriry,that �
<br />�:�.� any rermval or ottier remedlatton of any Harardous Substnnce affectins the Properry is necessary,Bnrrower shall prompcly tak�
<br /> '�-� all necessary rernedial actions in accordance with Environmental Luw.
<br /> :=-.,�,:.;
<br /> �r��.,� , ,:kN4��'�� � As asod in this p�tagraph 20, "Hazurdous Substances"are those substances defined ac toxic or ha7•rrdaus substunces by
<br /> �:t� . .� �� ,. Envfranmonm! [.aw and the fallowtng substunces: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable ar toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> • � pesticid¢s end herbicides,volatile solvents,materiuls containing asbestos or fortnnldehyde.and radioactive materials.As used in k,��,,,
<br /> �''�"i�''�'°°' ����:�'.':�.•: this pars�graph 20, "Enviranmental Law" me:ins federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property js located that =-
<br /> ,,,.:;,�
<br /> .�++�r�:5•:..ryF�r..•;:^.�..� relate to hes(th, safety or environmental protection.
<br /> �'��'?`'�-^�` ' '�` it`'�•�' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borcower und Lender furthcr covenant�►nd a grec ati fullows:
<br /> "�`�?�•"��'�'"=''' ' 21.Accelerationt Remedfes. I.ender shAll Rive notice to Rorrower prior to�ecelerntion followi»g Borniwer's breach
<br /> �j'°-"-'�"".Y.;,--;�^'�:: of any covenant or Agreement in this Securtty Inst�ument (but not prior to acceleration under paragrs�ph t7 unles�c
<br /> .;;�;;`;;�:„,,,..,,,;.', applknble law prnvides othenvisel. The notice shall specify: (a)the defAUlt; (b) the action required to cure the defoult;
<br /> `"`�° (c)a date, not less ttwn 30 da s from the date the notice ts iven to Borrower,b which the defuult must bc cured;�nd
<br /> " - w�` ����u (d) ths►t fAilure to cure the defuult on or before the dAte specified in the notice may cecalt in acceleratbn oi tMs sums
<br /> =�; �,,, ,: ,, "n:;`. �,� secured by this Security Instrument und sale of the Property. The natice shall further inform Borrower af th�dght to
<br />� ��;'r;'� �'�;,:'•�', .� reinstate aner acceleration and the ri�ht to bring a court Action to assert the non-existencr of a default or any otiksr �``�
<br /> � ':i;:�` `i' {'k•
<br /> , ,�k;ti:E�,_,.,,�„r�. defense of Borrower to aocelerAtio�Knd sale. IF the defAUlt is not curcd on or befo�the date spocitied in tiw notke, _
<br /> �,�,�,�....,, I.ender, at its option,ms►y requim immedis�te payment in iull of all sums secured by lhis Security Instrumant witMut
<br />.:;., ��„�,>,�,;.:',r�,. turther dem�nd and may invoke the power of sale and anS• other rem�di��s perniitted bc applicable law. Lender shuil bo �'=;�
<br /> ..:.,•�.: 4 entided to collect All expenses incurred in pursuinR the remedies provided in this paraRraph 21. including.but ni►t limited � -�
<br />- ^ "^ �-�"�_�• to,reasonpble attorneys'Pees and costs of tttle evidence.
<br /> ',�� �";�'-��- If the power of sale is invoked, Tructee shall rerord u aotice of default in each county• in which �nv purt of the -��;,_
<br /> ";Y��''., Property is located and shall mail copies of such nottce in the manner prescribed by upplicublc law to Borrower�►nd to �.
<br /> '?�',in'•L:.;;.,: . the other persons ptrscribed by s�pplic�ble law.At�ter the time reyutred by�pplic�ble law�.Trustee shall give public notice
<br /> =`° >°�'° � of sale to the persons and in the m�nner prescrlbed by applicable Inw�.Trustec. w•ithout demand on Borrower, shall sell
<br /> - �:, r,�;r.��;,..,...
<br /> ��.�• ':��,�•;`•.�..;• the Property at public suction to the highetit bidder pt the time and place and under thr terms desiRnAted in the noNce of ��_
<br /> "",;►,;�t;;�,;A sale in one or more pareels s►nd in s�ny ordcr Trustee detern�incs.Trustee mar� postponc sale of all or Any parccl ot the f-.,__
<br /> " "' "' � Property by publir pmwuncett�ent at the time �nd place c►f anv previuusly scheduled sale. I.endec or i�s designee may �• .
<br /> �6�srr:;
<br /> .,�.,�" ,,,°,� purcnas�che Propercy at any s�le.
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