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<br /> 'IO(3BTH8lt WI1H W the improvemeiu�now or tKxaRer erocxod on the ptopa�ty.tnd����iR�oca�and
<br /> A�turp now or heaafter � part af the Pmperry. All apl�cements uid ddidons dull alto be oovend by thft Secutity
<br /> � �� Inwnxnt.All of the foregoing ia rcf'orrod to in tMc Securiry Inununen[�s the"Fn�y,c�ty.'
<br /> HORROWER COVENANTS that Bomawer i:l�wfully�eited of the eshte hor�eby conveyed uid has the ri�ht to Qr+�nt and
<br /> oonvey the P[np�Ry�nd th�t the 1'rope�ty is unencumbered� excxpt for encumbru�ca of remrd. Horrower wuaat� and wW
<br /> defetd genenlly the dtle to the Pe+qxrty againct all doim��nd d�nds,subJect to nny encumbrar�ces of rdcocd.
<br /> TH[3 SECUWTY INS7'RUMENT oombina unifomt covcn�uus far nuiontl ucc uid non-uniform oovenmtc with limited
<br /> vufationr by ju�iWictian to mnuituro s uniform secudty inurument cuvecing r+e�l property.
<br /> -��r °��,�-�. �°— UNIFORM COVENAN7'S.Burruwcr�xi l.c�xicr cuvcmu�t sux!agrec:us fultows:
<br /> 1. Ryakat ot Priacipd u�d later+a�ti �P�Yniat �ad I.de CbarQa. Borrawer �hall P�P��Y WY when due tbe
<br /> pdnclpal af�nd interext oo Ihe debt evidencod by tha Nuto�nd�nY pneprYment�nd Iwte rtwrQcr due uiKler the Nate.
<br /> 2. 6Y�d�tor T�za snd Ia�unu�a. SubjaK tn�pplicabla Ixw or to a written wHiver by Len�k�. Borre�wer�II pwy to
<br /> t.emkr an thc day monthly pnymeota nre due under the Nwe.until the Notc is prW In full,�sum 1'Funcls')fiir:(�)yexrly tua
<br /> �nd�nents which may atwin pri�rity uvcr thix Saurity Inurument w��lien un�he Prapeny:Ib)yearly lweiu�ld p�yments
<br /> ur�nw�xf rcnt.��n tho Propcny.if any:lt 1 yc��ly hs�uinf or pre+peny insu�unce premiums;ld)Yeurty Qaxl�nwruxe premiurm,
<br /> if�u►y;(c)ycxrty nx�rtQage iis,w�nce prcmiums, if�ny: �ux1 1�pny xums p�y�blc by Borrower w Lcrnier,in Ktiordnnc�e with
<br /> the pravirl�►nr nf prr��niph 8, in lieu uf thr pryment uf nwrt�{r�e inwrynrc pr+cmiums. Thcsc itcmx Arc cnllod 'F.�crow Itcros.'
<br /> Lender nwy. �t�ny time, �bllat md hald Fwx1x in wn anxwnt iwt tn exceaci the maximum amoant a Icnder for a fodemlly
<br /> nl�tal n�urty��r I��w� nwy r�:yuire for Borrower's cr,crow arrount undtr the federss)Rcal Estate Senlement Procedurcs Act of
<br /> 1974 aw Atnendal from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Soctiun 2601 rt sty. ('RESP�'),unlesx w�wher law that applies to the Fundz
<br /> ats a lesser anwunt. If so, L.cndcr may.at �r►y tinx,rnllaK and t�id Funds in An amount not to exceed the lesser w�wunt.
<br /> - - " L.cnder nwy c►ti►nate thc amaunt oC Nunds duc cm thc basis ot'curnnt data uid rwsorwble c�tirrwtes of expenditures of fuare
<br /> Eccrow Items or otherwlse in�crnrdance with applicable law.
<br /> The Funds sfwll be held in �n institutio� whose deposit� arc insurcd by a faleral agancy, instniment�lity, or entity
<br /> (Including Lencier.if l.endcr is sucN an instiwtion)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. l.ender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borcower fnr holding and applying the Funds.annually analyzing the escrow wccount,or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such
<br /> a charga However,Lender may rcquire Borrower to pay a one-time charge far an independent real estate tax reporting service
<br /> usod by Lender jn connection with this Inan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agrcement is made or
<br /> applicablo law require.c interest to bc paid,L.endcr shell not be required to pay Borrower nny interest or eunings on the Funds.
<br /> -- —, Borrower and Lender may agree in wrhing. however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shali give to Borrower,
<br /> _ without charge. an annual accounting of the Fu�ds, showing credits and debits to the Funds und the purpose for which exh
<br /> ' — debic co the Fu�xis was made.'the�unds are piedged ac aciditionai security for aii sums xxured by this Security in�trument.
<br /> � — If the Funds held by I.ender exceed the amounts pern�itted to be held by applicable law, I.ender shall account to Borrower
<br /> ��'�;" for the excess Funds in accordance with the requinements of applicable law.If the amount af the Funds held by L.ender at any
<br /> time is nat sufficient tu pay the Escrow Items when due. Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,und, in such case Bonower
<br /> shall pay to L,ender the amount necessary to muke up the deficiency. Borrower shall meke up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> �` �';,f� ' twelve manthly payments,at L,ender's sole discretian.
<br /> :r �� �".:�r!'+'�i" Upon payment in full of all sums`ecured by this Scrurity Intitrument, Lender shall prompdy refund to Borcowcr any
<br /> ��' �r .
<br /> �`�,�'�`���,-���"" Funds held by l,endcr.If, under paragraph 21, Lxnder shall acyuirc or scll thc Property, Lcndcr, prior to thc acquisition or c�le
<br /> ' :L�`r ;"` of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition ar sate us u credit aguinst the sums secured by
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> �' �'<: 3.Application of Payments.Unlc+s applirublc law providr�othcrwisc,all payment,rcrcived by[.ender undcr paragraphs
<br /> �?� �Lt?�'�� • 1 and 2 shall be applied: fir�t, to any prepayment charges duc under the Note; secorni, to amounts payWble under parusraph 2;
<br /> � '�;�" �' �` third.to interest due; faurth,to principal due:und last,to uny lutc churges due under thc Note.
<br /> :«•; ,...a••••F:,� • I
<br /> �
<br /> ;,;�'� � � „�,,..,., ., , 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxcs,assesrmcnts,churge.s, fincs and impcnitionti attrihutable to the Property
<br /> ='�"`�"+�"`=�'•'•= � whicli may attnin priority over this Security Intitrument, and Icasehold payment+or grumiJ rents, if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> wwb�
<br /> �� .'.-��v`'•;. I these obligatiom in the manner providvd in purugraph 2,or if not p»id in that manner.Bormwcr�hall pay thcm on time directly
<br /> ���=%�"�;'••; i to the per.son owed payment. Borrowcr shall promptly furnish to I.endcr all nntices of amount+to lx paid undcr this paragraph.
<br /> '�"�"'-�L,:�•= If Borrower makes the,e a mentti direcQ &irruwer shall rum tl turnish tu I.endrr recei tti evidencin the r ments.
<br /> •n�.�.�:.,_��._,. P Y Y• p p Y � P• F p'Y
<br /> ---�`;i„� Borrowcr shull promptly dischurgc uny licn which hs►s prioriry�>ver thi+S�curity In,trumcnt unless Borrowcr: (u)ugrees in
<br /> -- _v=u�� writing to the paymcnt af the obligution scrurcd by thc lien in a mannrr ur�cptAblc to I.cndrr;Ib)contcxts in gixxi taith the lien
<br /> - -=�i;�-"•�• � b or defends a a�mt enfarcement of the lien in, le al rcxeeJin ti which in the [xnJer'+ u inion �i rate to revent the
<br /> ---,�_�� Y• R � •� R' p �� P P� P
<br /> -:=�-��' enfo�cement of the lien:or(r)xcumti from tl�e h�ildcr af the licn an agrcrment�ati,fartury tu L.�nJcr sulxmiinating thc lien to
<br /> +�_{�.�;�I this Securiry Instrument. If[.ender determine+that any part c�f'thr P�eiperty i�suhjict to a lien whirh may attuin prioriry over
<br /> ��z��� :
<br /> '*�'�-�.-�'-_- this Security In�ttvment, L.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying thr lien. B<�rr��ucr tihall .ati,l'y thr licn or tuke one or
<br /> ��.' i more of the actions set forth above within 10 days<�f thc givinF ot notice.
<br /> � �-� Fam 3028 91�0
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