r�v � QkAu��k*+�;fr•r,�• rc,«s .° . " _
<br /> . .!.(. ''_. � �V!fp(;PNiLynr...jyyew.y..[. .� ...
<br /> -<'t'!= . . • -._
<br /> , � • .
<br /> ...t wh::-- _ �. '_ ..—�_- _ . _ ___.
<br /> i. UNNa�ppMo�bl�I�w providn otMrwiM,�II WYrtNnb ao�iv�d by L�ndu und�r th�Not�M�d pwWaPM 1 �nd 4 Mt�ol�h�M b��PO��OY l�nd�r
<br /> =� ''�%+%��h'�y Rnt(n p�ym�nt of�nwunl�p�H�bt�to 4�t by YorrowK undK pWpnpb 4 iwrwt.tMn to Int�r��t p�y�bi�on tM NoN.tl�to ti�pkaip�l N
<br /> -_ �a�!?� �' tM Moa,ud th�n t�Int�t�I prinoi��oe��ny twtM��dv�naa ar othK ind�bt�dn�uound hW�by. `
<br /> � •::�.*.�^. -•.�*.
<br /> q {. Mr�pM�►��tM�ropkty in pood r�pdr�n0 M�M not aomNt wwt�w p�rmlt Irr�pairmmt a d�t�rlonUon of tM Prop�tty. G
<br /> • ,:•--. !,� 7. H tM ienoww f�to:�)mrnaln o►qy�M prunVu�w for th�wqulnd InwrN+o�01 th.kop�rty.or b)p�y hx��Mfa�ddinywnb o�oI p�1r�ny
<br /> ..�x,; ,'
<br /> + '.s_; 6:`� Mna�nt dw und�r�prior mortW�p�or ttwt dNd b�ta�d�linqu�nt.a d)rtufnt�in th�Prop�rty in pood r�p�k.or N M�o►m�^y of tl►�oownM�t�a
<br /> ''���,:f"."'`•�v'�,� pr��ot 1M�T�u�t DNd.tMn La�d�r may�t It�opdon p�y wah Inwano�pnn�ium�,t�x��,monO�W a tru■t d��d p�ynMnt�.a�*Nic�rp�in
<br /> � a �nd di�6un�woh�wrw and t�ic�wah soUon M It d��ms n�a���ary to probot it�Int�ntt without w�lvinp o�dbatlnp{u eipht to d�oIN10�Nfwalt
<br /> � . .. �nd�oo�Nr�b tM d�bt pound It�nby bwauN of�ny woh hllut�ot ih�oouow�r. Any Mnamt�so di�but4�d bY 1�L�^���W�tr ---
<br /> jr-+,'. ' . .� ��dditlon�ItNnp ooeain�d in thls P�r�praph shaM r�L�nd�r ot m�k�anyNi/u h`disbun�+n�M�ot tak��n�iopon w1uHw�wt�p�y�bM undN tM �--
<br /> . ,iiif"e.�:, .'. _-.,,�t ��. L�nde m�y m�k�a owu to W m�d�r�onabl�mtda upon�nd irup�oqon of tM Prap�rty.
<br /> h ik .
<br /> �_,�;� � . ;� 0�, TM proo��ds oi�r►y aw�rd ot W�Itn ta d�p��,dinat ur ao�i�qu�ntl�l,in aonMOtio�wlth My oond�mn�tion or athrr t�kinp ot tfN Prop�rty, �_-_
<br />-----_ � � . �or pwt tMnot,or fa oonwy�no�In Iisu of cond�nuwUon,a�h�nby���IpMd�od sh�U b�p�id to L�ndn to ti►�act�nt ot tM tuN rnouot of tM
<br /> _� : • nmdni�p urpdd Ind�bt�drNU aound by thl�Tru�t D��d.
<br /> — ' �B tM prop�rty 1��bandon�d by Dorrow�r,or If,�k�►►atio�by L�nd�r to Borrow�r th�t th�oond�mnor off�n to m+dn�n�ward or��ttl��otaim tu� ��
<br /> � �•�"!�' damap��.Borrowa fafl�to n�pond to Ls�d�r wltNn 30 d�ys aft�t tM dat�woh notio�i�m�ii�d.L�nd�t fs�uthmk�d to odl�at and app1Y tM Prno�d� ���++_
<br /> /��<, �to th��unw aouad by tN�Tn+�t DNd.
<br /> �•
<br /> Cond��don pronads ot�watd�sh�ll b ar�dit�d to tf►t Int matudnp Intt�ilm�nb of th�Ind�bbdnos ucurW �nd shall not�xoNd or pwtpoM _
<br /> tM du�dat�of tM iestaW►wnq af�n�d k In pupnpM i and 4 Mrwf or ohrnp�th�wnount ot�uoh in�tdk�w�n.
<br /> s --
<br /> � 10. It th�L�nd�r isw���p�uWl t�l�a��of tNt Tru�t O��d,th�proo��ds aa�Iv�d tF►�r�tw�h�li b�ondit�d to tM Int tn�tunnp instrM+rMnU of iM -
<br /> ind�bt�s�s�ound i»r�by.
<br /> i t. If L�nd�r�Ith�r vdunhtliy or in�oluMttily Mcom�s�p�rty to�ny ouit or i�pal proa��dinq��ini�p to tM Propsrty,Not�ut thia Truat ONd,thM �._..,_
<br /> s goaow�r will rNmbun�tM t�nd�r for wll eost�and,to th��xt�nt p�rmltt�d by Isw,reuor+sbl��ttorn�y t��s Incurnd by th�4e�d�r ret�Nnq to suft '
<br /> ' a I�p�i proo��dinps and s�W�um�shNl aonsdtut��dditiotni ind�bt�dn�tt o�cund by tN�Tru�t O��d�nd b��r intanst�t th�nt�p�y�bl�undW th� r'
<br /> .. Not�,untU pvd. �—
<br /> ,'',' ` � �;r 1�. As sddiUond s�curity Borrow�r does h�r�by�tolpn,tt�nsf�r end a�t ov�r ta L�nd�r,in ou�of d�t�ult In ih�p�rto�mano�of�ny of th�qrtns o� --_
<br /> ' �� conditions oi tNt Trust D��d,th�Nots,or tif�l�rmt of�ny Ind�btadnett V�cund h�nby,r!I of ths tentn, nvsnwo �nd�ny incam�of�ny typ�
<br /> wMt�a�v�r to 6�d�riv�d from th�Prop�rty, inoludlnp land oontr�ot psym�nt�. l�nda,in p�r�oo,by �p�nt or by ncdv�r,without rspud to tM
<br /> � �dw�oy or in�dv�noy of tM 8orrowir or th�v�u�of th�Prop�tty,thdl b��ntid�d to bla po�s�tNon o(,r�p�ir,nnt and ounap�tM P�op�►tV�nd
<br /> to aoH�ot tFN nntr.uwnw��rd inoome th�r�trom�nd It may p�y out of��id inoom��II�xp�ns��of npair aod oosts inaurnd in nntinp and m�►pinp
<br /> i � tM Propsrty�nd ooU�atlnp r�nt�l��nd fa p�ym�nt of inwr�no�pnmiunu with�ny nmaidnp b��no�to b�rppli�d to th�lat m�turi�p p�ym�ntr �,?
<br /> , of th�d�bt��cur�d Mnby. Upon pn�s�dnp�oopy of tW�Tru�t D��d�nd d�m�nd to�ny lu���,t�n�nt or aontr�ot puroh���r of iM Prqp�ety,�uoh
<br /> • � p�non thdl p�y all��nb,Paym�nt�afd proflt�aootwd or tMa�h�r�cctuinp to tM Ltnd�t until furtMr notla�from tF►�L�ndn.
<br /> - --------- -- !3. !t aN or an;part Qf ths P�grrty�r eny int«���tlw�fn b d��d�d,�dd by I�nd oantnnt or oth�twU�eonwV�d,sli�nu�d a furtMt�ncumb�r�d —
<br /> 1 �ItMr vduntarfly o�involunt��lly wlthout l�nd�r'�p�ior wtltt�n oom�nt,or ft ttw Tru�tor i��aorpontion�nd th�r�I��oh�r►p�1n own�nhip of 5096
<br /> I or mow of tM ooryor�UOn'��toak, ot it tiN Trwtot b�pwtn�nhlp�nd tMt�1��ohrnp��n th�mM»b�nMp or�diaoluqon of th�pMttNe�hip, ;°..;_
<br /> �xdudlrp(�)�tr�n�hr by op�r�don of uw upon tM duth of�jolnt t�t or tb)ttw pnnt of�ny I��uhold Intu���not aont�Inlrq�n optfon to '
<br /> , , puroh�s�wlth�I�M�ann of two yMr�or t�u,or(ol tM orNtl0lf of th�pu�o1M��n10My��ourlty Int�f��t 1�hou��hdd�pP�i�nOM,tMn l�nd�r mty. ---
<br /> �t Ib optlon,d�ol�n W�um���ouad bythls Ttu�t ONd to b�Imm�dl�t�ly du��nd pay�bl�. In th��wnt th�l�nd�r oon��nu to�ny woh oh�np� ��-�..
<br /> ' In awn�nMp,aont�al o�dluoluuon or tran�t�r ol all ot eny p�rt of th�P�oputy,th�n L�nd�r m�y at It�optlon rdw�t th�int�n�t r�t�to th�pnvdllnp
<br /> r�b of int�n�t th�c i�ol+�rp�d on n�w s�cur�d lo���ul ll��ty1►���ou��d oy tlu�Tru�t C��d�t th�um�of ti»ah�nos In own�nMp.aontrd,dludutbn
<br /> of tr�fa�nd m�y ahup��tnm(n f��
<br /> 1A.Upon fbrcow�r'sbn�ch o(�r+y oov�nnt ur�pr��m�nt of Barrow�r�othis Tru�t O��d,ioc�udlnp th�oovmant�to p�y wh�n dw�ny sums tKUnd �r;
<br /> - by thi�Tru�t O��d,L�nd�r�t 11�optlon m�y d�el�r��11 of th��umt s�cut�d by thls Trust D��d to b�imm�dl�tdy du��nd ptY�bl�without turtMr
<br /> % da+wd Md rn�y Invok�iM pow�r of��N�odlor�ny oth�r nm�dl��p�rmitt�d by�ppUoWl�I�w Ineludinp th�npht to foneto��thi�Tru�t DMd in
<br /> tM m�nmr ptovid�d by I�w for tM Io��clorun ot mortp�p�s on n�l�rut�. L�nd�r th��l b��ntitl�d to ooll�ot rII n��onabl�ao�t��nd�xpNM�� -
<br /> � inournd fn purwlop wah rxn�dl��includnp,but not Umlt�d to,�nd to th��xt�nt pamltt�d by I�w,n�son�W�atorn�y ho. �►-=
<br /> �".:•.,
<br /> • If tM pow�r of ul�it Invok�d,Ttu�tu shYl r�aord a notla�of d�fault fn�roh county in whlch th�Prop�rty or�ome pert th�not is locatsd andprovid� ,
<br /> " � nodo�th�r�of in th�rtM�rMr pa�arib�d bY qpllo�bl�law. Atter th�I�ps�ot suah tim���m�y b�nqufr�d by�ppliao6l�I�w.Tru�a��hall y1w public � __
<br /> notlo�of uI�to th�p�non��nd In tM mx�n�r pnscrib�d by�pplic�b��I�w. Trusb�,or th�rttornsy for ths Truou�,wfthout d�nd on Borrow�r, �`
<br /> ; �h�N�.M th�P�opsrty at publfa wotfon to th�hlph�st bidd�r rt ths time and pl�us�nd und�r th�tem�s d�9ipneted�n the notiso o!acle in ons or mo�a
<br /> l p�toNs snd In�uoh ord�r�s Ttusu�m�yd�t�rmin�. T►ust��may postpon�s�l�ot dI or�ny pyrod ot the Ptoperty by publfo�neounc��t�t tM Vr��•
<br /> tinN�nd plw�o}any pnviou�ly�cMduNd�aN. L�nd�t ot L�nd�t'�d�ofpn��m�y puroh�c�th�prop�rty�t eny sd�. p
<br /> I-�.�
<br /> Upon��oapt of p�ym�nt of th�prics bld,Tru sta sh�ll d�liv�r to th�purch�ser a 7ru�tes's Deed,without wa��nty,conv�yfnp th�PropatY sold• Th�
<br />_ y�;. - r�oltN�in tM Tru�ttN's De�d�hdl b�prlm�facl��vidmo�of th�truth of th�st�Hm�nt�made thenin. Truatan shuu wpply th�procNds ot tM sal�
<br /> • „ tn tM followinp otd�r: �1 to 111 qpon�W�ao�b�nd�xp�nt��of th�s�l�,lnctudinp,but not linutnd to,Truetee'n fes�ot not mor�than Flw Hundnd
<br /> ' and No1100 tt600.00)p�w 1/2 of 1%of th�amount��ound h�nby and nm�inlnp wipWd,�nd cocta oi t�tl��videna�;bl to all sum�t�ound by thi� . ,..
<br /> �r �.�.n,�+,,�},�. �„ Ttutt DNd:�nd c)th��xo�w,if�ny,to tM p�non or p�twm I�p�lly entitl�d th�nto. � �"
<br /> �.f.':
<br /> 9� �Y` ,
<br /> �r � ,�� 15. Any tot�W�nc�by L�nda In�x�rel�inp�ny rlyht or r�m�dy het�und�r,or othsrwl�e otforded by�pplio�bl�I�w,�hWl not b��w�iwr of w �,,;:,-
<br /> . pnck�d�th��x�rafs�of�ny�uoh ripht a r�mWy in tM�v�nt of oontinulnp or futun br�ach��by th�9orrowa.
<br /> . < , r
<br /> 10.AN ntnW(��provldrd In thl�Tru�t�Nd en dlatinot and Cumul�tiv�to�ny othor riyht or nmady under thiv Trust Deed or atford�d by law or�quity,
<br /> '�� andtn�yb��x�role�d eonoutnntly,indepmdently or suac���ivNy. If Borrower h�s piv�n Londer e chsttel mort�epe,or aecurity�pr��nt on p�nonN
<br /> !� prap�tty N�ddidotNl security fot th�d�bt s�cursd Mnby,In the�wnt of d�fwlt her�und�r or th�nund�r,L�nder�hall hsv�ti»riyht and oprion to
<br /> - , Hnt fono�on on sdd p�rwnd prop�rty wlthout projudio�to its dpht to tMn�tt�r�d!w tor�clop tM ProDsrty or ro punw MI��cudty�t tM s�
<br /> r Ny�,.rt- • �Y drrM or to pursw th�p�nonat prop�rty+Rer tM��t�o�fonclooun ot th�P�op�rty.
<br /> �,�';�• � � 17. Upon prymsnt of aq sum�t�curd by thl�Tru�t D��d,Lendn�hWl nqu�st Tru�t��to nconv�y th�Property und shYt�urr�nd��tht Tru�t D��d
<br /> �°'�•-- •� � �nd�N not�a�vid�nclnp Ind�bt�dn��t s�cured by thlt Tru�t O�d to Trwt��. Trwb��h�l�nconwy the Prop�ny wlthout wunnty to th1 p�ioun a
<br /> ;i ,r>.'_. : '
<br /> -- • �:,�:; pe�ar bp�UY�ntitlrd ttwr�to. Suoh p�rton ot p�rwna�hdl p�y�II ooitt ot noord�don,If�ny.
<br /> � +�w.i.. .
<br /> __ �a�.' 1�. L�ndM,at l�nd�r'�opUon,m�y t�om tinw to tlm�nmov�Trunn�md�ppolnt�wac��sor tru�t��to �ny Tru�b�ppdnt�d 1»rwnd�t py an
<br /> - ' � Inrtrutmnt aoord�d in tM County In whkh tNt Trust D��d I�r�nord�d. Without oonv�y�na ot ths Prop�rty,th�suoaowr trustN�hW wocMd to ..
<br /> dt YtN,pow�►�nd dutlw oonf�nd upon th�T�u�tN Mr�In�nd by�ppllc�bl�I�w. l�.
<br /> �., .
<br /> : �- -'--'-- �--:...
<br /> �� 19.Eltapt}01 M1y I10tioM.dNn�nd�,t�qu�st�ot otMt CO�m1uWc�ti�na nquin0 unG�t ppllo�Dl�uw to o�pvm in�noin�r mmr�r,w:w.-.:::.....w., ...
<br /> ' 'ii��; Yorrow�r or TrustN ptw�or arv�e�nY nouc� (includlnp, without limit�tion, notio�ot d�f�ult�nd notio�of o�l�). d�rnuids.nqu��t� or otMr i
<br /> -'v � oqnewNaatton with np�ot to thk Tru�t D��d,��ah wch notia�,dwnard,t�qu��t or otha communlcatfon�hell b�in wriNnp u+d strN b��tt�atiw
<br /> .,;'�� ody B tM��i�d�liv�nd by p�nonN wrvio�ot m�N�d by o�rtiffsd mall,po�tap�pnp�id,nturo na�ipt nquuted.�ddn�ad to tl»�ddns��s Nt
<br /> -,_,,; fo�th�t 1M bpinnlns!ot tM Tru�t O��d, A oopy ot�ny ratlo�of d�f�ult,any noUo�of���,rtquind ot p�mYttad to b�qlv�n Mrw�r,�h�N b�
<br /> 5 n�d to NOhp�non who(��putyhento at tM addr�a��t tonh�t thr b�Qlnninp of thls Tru�t O�W. Any put�r m�y�t�ny tim�oh�np�la addrNs
<br /> fa woh notk�s by o�lfvwirp or m�INnp to tM otMr p�tl�s Mnto,��sfonnlJ,�twtlo�of tuah oh�np�. Any notio�Mnund�r ahW W dw►wd to ;-.
<br /> h�w�to bwn plwn to Borcow�r or 4�ndK,wMn piwn in th�em�r dulpnat�d Mnln, �'>�'
<br /> 20.TM oown�na�rMapnMn�nb Mr�ln oont�In�d shall bind,uid th��Iphts hrnunder�h�U Inur�to tM n�p�ctivs MUa,tpr��rnbtlws,wco�sson •-
<br /> i:'' wl w1pM ot th�p�rW�. AM oovarnU�nd pr�srn�nts of ths Bnrraw�r�hdl W jolnt�nd s�wnl. WMn�w►nt�r�na�it rtwG to th�W�pul�r
<br /> R�,'
<br /> Iw�wb�►.i!�h�M MaNrdr tM plunl�rd th�purM�h�M inak+d�th�dnputu. �.��
<br /> � �r
<br /> i.-
<br />