. , .... ,. ._� ',H:� ri'i.{;byn� '7i:,'}Sjif:r�� . ., ' . �iµ :��t�_��I • � . ''tJSmVD�ldc4� t'Jilx- --- __.._
<br /> �' t _ . - � . . �ir�ti.y •I .� l: -' .
<br /> . -,"�� `���. ., - . .. ���-. FI ' . .. ,��y���.�..,
<br /> ...�,t . }�5� 0 • '- . ...c • � ' .• . X..n:r•. . . ...
<br /> '.� _ . • *µ�4a,_ � � if�1L ' . :'J!FaiiM.�JdiF•v.sr=• r- �i��.. _:—
<br /> .. -�?i't t 4i `•�x. �
<br /> ek?�' �
<br /> .�.�.rr...t' rt_ __
<br /> �.i v� ,!�[!I��,P;'��+�T^,� .. , ... . n�jAr� � .
<br /> 4 �'�L�J.� _ _._�......_.- . 1 _��_,_'�..........�,. - ri���i ��-n�.`..'_—..._-�`-. __...—
<br /> Y[l��'i_,..� --
<br /> � -- � 1U8G3� ��s��=�_- ��
<br /> : ��� _ ,��L.,1 91-•-- �;:�,i:,�pa��_
<br /> �'� _ �'+. . . •. ,t�' '�' "_ '._.
<br /> ' ,� r•, •��A •;,•;, ,,,., T(xiGTHER WITH all Ih� impmvemrnt.nuw or herealecr crcricd �,n the pru�xn�•.;md all ra,cmrn� .;��run�n�►�,,� . :q•,. _ • ,;T•=LL^
<br /> ,�. . , ;,,�,�' ,-,: und fixiure.n��w or hrrcuftrr u pun��f ihe pru�ny. All replucemenl�and uddilion.�hall ul.a ix:rovrn�t hy thi�Securily ,-°,
<br /> r�Y°�:�.;, ' Insuument. All of the fam itin i+refrrred a�inihi�Srrurit In.irumcr�u,�hr"Pru n : ;}.P��
<br /> �±� R t� � Y fx' y,.�
<br /> .�Ait.`.. ' ;'. .,'.�, . _L�__
<br /> , • BORROWER COVENANTS Ih;�l BoR�iwrr i+Isiw•fully.�i�cd af�hc c+tutc hr��by cunvcycd und ha��hr riFht to grant • �• ���•-_
<br /> , �,,, and ronvcy the Propert��und ihu�thr Pra�xny i,unrnrumlx red.c�c.�p�ti�r cncumBranrc,oi rrrard. H��RU�v�r�.•aRants und ,. .a;;;���«t
<br /> wi0 defend grner�lly�he�itle�o Ihe Prop�rty uguin.�aQ rlAimx and�temunds�.�ubjecl t��un�•encumhruncr,�if rcrurd. � � .,::•,.�x�-,y
<br /> ; TIIIS SF.CURITY INSTRUI+1GIvT cumbinc� unifnmi crn•enant� for �iati�mal u,r and nun-unifom� rovrn.�nt. wi�h ••. _ ��;��r,;�;���;:r�
<br /> ! limiled vuriutians by jumdic�ion io cantilitwc u uniti�rm kcu�ity in.trumcn�coverin�m�l propeny. .?:`—_
<br /> -F r"'������.�
<br /> � � . UNIFORNE�'UV�NANTS. Borcow•cr uad Lrndcr«�vcn�uil nnd agrcr aa follow,: !:' �a��'-�--..
<br />- ;, ,. l. P�r�aeM4 aP Principal und Interesti Prep�yment nnd I.ute ChnrRes. Bo�ruwcr.h�dl promplly pu��whcn duc Ihc ��4l1�;,'�_
<br /> ,.i �.. f�.'��.,.. -_
<br /> .. ' principat uf att�f iatrn:.t on the cleM evidrnreJ by thc Nute a�d.my pr�payment und lutc rhur�:e.due undcr�hr Nu�r. ;'f�•.,� ;+.F�..«.:.
<br /> • � 2. FY�1ds Pu�Tttxes a�d�w+Y�uOCe. sun�«����unrn�uhi�i�w or tu a wriurn wui�•cr by l.endcr.Rurrow�r.hnl l pay a� , . . ,,.;.�.:. .
<br /> �- " � • Lrndcr oi�thr day mvRthty paya�knts ure duc und�r�hc Nutc. umil thc Nuir i,puid in Ibll.�i,um 1'Tu�xl,"1 for;U�)ye�irly ;;c• ,
<br /> . r • � tu��.und asrc���men�s���hirh ma��altuin priority over�hiti ticruri�y Imirumen� us u lien on thr I'rn�xhy:Ibl)�curly Irutichnld . ; �.
<br /> ' u mcnt. or n�uieci rcnlx on thc Pru rt il'un Icl ♦url haranl ur ru n in+urrnrc r�miums; fdl �url Ilixid ����`��:�•'
<br /> F' Y K_ 1k Y• Y� Y' Y P Ix' Y P ' Y' Y . . , .� ('�`-'.. .
<br /> r • � intiurance pmmium:, if any: lel ycarly mun�u��• in.uranrr pnniium�. if aay: und ifl uny +umx p�►yubk hy R�xn�wcr to .�r...>,��y.;.�.�,
<br /> '' I Lrndc�,in arrurdance wi�h the pruvi.ium of parugrnph x, m li:cu�,f thc ��ment of'man�ugr m.urunre prcmium�. 7'he�c . ;.
<br /> �p � itrm.:+n callyd"�,cn�w hrm,.' Lendrr may.:Il AOY(lph,r��l f::l und huld Fund�in un amuunt not w cxr�cd thr muaimum
<br /> • ., umount a Irnder fi�r u fedrrally rcluicJ nwnLage luun mu� nyuirc ti�r Bur�uwcr: e.cruw ucci�un� under thr fcJcral R�al """��
<br /> 1' . . ,' . a�.�nin�
<br /> � E�lute Setdemc nt Pnxedurr+Acl ot'1974 u.;�meoded from time�a tim�. 13 U.S.C.§2(�II I ��►�ry.�"RfSF�"1.unlc+�anathcr � z�r
<br /> .t,,�:
<br /> • luw thul upplir�Io�hc FunJs x:�s u Ic.+cr um���ona. le',i�.LcnJcr m•rv.at aa��t9nx.rullcrt•rnd huld Fun•,7,m:►t►umounl rn�t to _ ���•-�`�.
<br /> • rxcced thc Irs+er umoum. Lenckr muy r.�im,ue th� i�mounl i�f Fund. �!u� on the ba.i. �N'run�n� d.��:� imd rcu�onable r !��-��� � •
<br /> ^ cslimut�x of rx�xndilurc�of futum E�cruw Acm�ar othen�i.�•i n a;<<,rdancc�ti•i�h upplirahl.la��. � , . .`;j `�'�,:'`%f
<br /> �• � Thc Fund.,hall lk hrlJ in un im�ituiiun wfx,sc d�r.�+it,am insured hy a I'rdrral :i_rn.•y. inylrumcnlulily.or cnlil�� , .w: �':4-.;='�='.
<br /> ' lincluding Lcndcr. if I.cnJrr i+.uch•rn in,iiw�ii,nl�►r in am F�dcr:il Homc L�,an Bank, l.��nd�r.hall apply�hc Fun�h a�pny °° `�{:(,���'
<br /> �hc E,rrow I�rms. Lendcr muy ncH churgc Borrowcr litt holdinF iind ;�ppl}•ing thr FunJ.. unnuaU�• nn:�lyaing Ihc c.crow � ':;;�;.,.;r��i��t�+C;,:
<br /> � acrounl. or vcrif in� thr E,rrow hcm,. unlr�s LcnJ�r � . Barn,ucr inlcrest on thr Fund+ anJ u li.ahlr law rniit, , •�;;'��i'• .
<br /> Y 6 P�Y �'P Ik . .,�:r•,)s,i;r��•r���l�''
<br /> � • Lcndcr to mukr,uch t�rhurgc. Howevcr. L�n�kr muy rcyuirr Bnrrou•cr i�,puy a onc-�ink rharFr fi�r an indc�xndent Rul ; �' ;,, . .+sn,;_
<br /> �.tutc tux re{xmin�.crvirc u�rd by Lrndcr in conncction wilh thi�1„an,unl�,ti appliruhlr la��•pn►vidr,�ahcru•i��. Unlc.ti an ..��. ,
<br /> , uFrccmcm i.mudr or uppliruMr law myuirr�imeresi tu Ix�aid.l.end�r:hall nol hc rcquircd lo puy Burtnw�r•rny imcrc,i or � ,;��•,' •, �"u
<br /> cuming.on�hr Fund+. Borr��wrr and I.rndcr muy ugrrr in«•ritinF,ha�eever.tha�imrr�.r�,hull Ix�paid�n Ihe Fund+. Lcnder f � �F���'��;
<br /> shull give to Borrower,without rhur�r. un annual :iccoun�i�g�(�hc Fund..+howing credi��und dchit. a�ihc FunJ� :�nd�hr � �.��J�
<br /> pu��+e for N�hirh rach debit to thc Funds wa.mudc. Thc fiundx are pledged u.additinnul.ccurity ti�r all tiwn�ticcured hy v� ���f
<br /> = thi.Security lnti�rumcnt. � .__ �l:z
<br /> If thc Fund+ held by Lender cxcrcd thr umoun�. prrmincd to IH• hcld by applic:�hlc luw. Lcndcr �hall urrount Io f �;.•.:'�� ' '�'�j�;
<br /> I �•'1 Borrowcr tiir thc rxrc�+ FunJ. in acrorJunrr wiih �hc rcyuinrnems of upplicuhlc luw. If�hr amount of thc FunJ� tx�IJ by • � �^'� • �4�
<br /> � L.endcr u�uny �imr ic n��t�uffiricnt tu pay Ihc Euruw Itrmti�vhcn duc, Lcixi�r muy +u n���ify Burruti•rr in wri�ing. aud,in ( . .'� �;•?;`�:
<br /> '• ., .ruch cuse Borro���cr shall p•ry u� l.cndrr�hr amuunt nccc,.ary�o mal,r up thc dcficicixy. liurrow•rr�h:dl makr up thc � •� r
<br /> Jeticirncy in nu mure thsm I��elve momhly p:iynxnt+,u� Lender:,ule Ji.crrliun. ; ��',
<br /> r�:� , ' ,::,, Z;Nuu Naywc��l iu i�uii ui aii�wu� x�u�cii I�y Il�i+ S�Cttfl(}'In'.[i'11I11�Ill.�.rDJ�I +It�tl �lfulll(lll) Il'f�Ull�l Gl nU1R�wc� ,Uly ' +`
<br /> Fund�hcld by Lender. If.undrr p:u.��raph 21.Lrndrr,hall uryuirr ��r.ell�h�Pr��peri��. l.rndcr.prior lo thc ucyuitiitii►n ur �.
<br /> +alc ol'�hr F'roperty.�hull upply any Fund�hrlJ t►y LenJrr at ihc timc of nryuisi�ion or.ulr az.�rredi� u�ain+t ihr.um. i ,
<br /> ' sccured by this Scruriry In�irumrn�.
<br /> • �;ti. " 3. Appllcutlon of 1'aymentr. Unle,. applicahlr I:aw prnei.k. �itlxrwise, ull pupmrnt� recrived by LenJcr undcr
<br /> , y ;... pur•rFr•rph.r• I und 3�hall he applicd:lirti�.a►any prepaynunt rltar�r.Jur unJcr thr Nutr:,crimd.tu iunounta payuble under , : �r.`
<br /> para�traph 2:�hird.to inierest dur:f�xirlh.w principal du�::md la�i.►c►•rm• laie churge.r dur under thr N�ne. •
<br /> � a. CharRes: Liens. RuRUwcr ,h�►11 pay all la���,. a,.r,�me�u., rhar�!�., finc, and mi�Hi,itiun. unrihutahlr i�� tlx ,
<br /> ' Property��vhich ma)�attuin priuril� u�•er thi,tirrurity In.Inim�nl.and Ica.chul�l p;iymrnt,ur�rrnmd rrnt.. it'am. Bittrux�er � �
<br /> � •'�r.i,;,. �.• sh.ill pay�hc�e ohligalion,in Ihr manncr pruvided in para�raph'.ur il nul paid in Ihal mannrr.Fi��rra��cr,h:dl pa�•INcnt�m � .
<br /> .. ' timc dircctly�o�hc per.�►n�iwcd p�i�•menl. Horruwrr.hall pram�wl�•1'urni.h w Lendrr ull nulicc,uf amuunt,tu Ix paiJ unJrr
<br /> .; � thi+parugruph. li BorroN�cr makr. ihr.r p:i�mcnt�dircrdy. H��RUwrr�hull p�omplly furni+h �u Lrn�kr rcrcipt.rvidcncin�
<br /> � the puymcn�s.
<br /> , �„�,W«,i,���r�„�»r��y��•,�,:���•an� lirn«•hirh ha,��ri��rily�►�•�r thiti ti�ru�ily In.trument unle.,Burrowrr:Ia1 a�;mc.
<br /> in�criting to thc p:rymcnt nf�hr abligauuu,rrurcJ h�•ih�•lirn in a mannrr arrrpiahlc t��l.rnd�r.�b1 cunt�.t.in g�n�J I'aith Ihr
<br /> lirn hy.or drf�nJs;�gainsl entimrmenl ol Ihr licn in.Il'�!:II ��f�1C�C1I111�:�Wllll'Il 10(Ill'Lrndrrl upinion a�xr.�tr Io prevrnt ttx
<br /> cnf'orcement i�t'�he licn:or(rl�crurc.t'rum ihr h��IJ�r��I ihe lirn nn aFrremcnt.ati.l'artury to l.�ndcr+ulxirdinating thc licn
<br /> ;: _� lo�hir Securil�• In.Irumcnt. If Lcndcr Jr�ernunc.that:�ny pan uf th�����ny�,.�n��.•� a�a lirn whirh muy attuin priarity
<br /> ' ovcr�hir Security ln.trunxnl.LrnJcr may pivr H��rn�arr•r niHirr id�nht:�ing thc lirn. Borrow•rr.hull.ati.l'y tlk licn cx�ukr
<br /> unc or morc ot'thr ac�iun+.rt(��nh alxivr w�ithin 1(►dnys ul'ihe gi�•ing ul nulirr. : �
<br /> 5. Hazard or Properl}� Inxurance. Hntt����er tihall I�rrp thr inq�r���rrncm.nu�+ rti.un�ur hrrrat'trr errri►d �m th.
<br /> Property in,ured a�ain.t lu,�hp(irc.h:v;rcd.inclu�kJ�ciUiin ihr�rmi°.xlcndrJ�u�rri�r":uid any ulhrr haiurd..inclu�lin�;
<br /> �
<br /> ticxxl, ur tla�din�!. lur whirh Lcndcr rrquirr, in,uranr�. I hn in.uranrr .hall hr m;mu;iinrJ in �hc :imuum+ :uKl li�r ihc
<br /> Fnrm MI:S 4411 �p��pr.,�l n�a�eru
<br /> � I
<br /> . /
<br /> f
<br /> {
<br /> �
<br /> • S ' _. . _ . �1 __ - . -_ — '
<br />