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<br /> � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borcawer and l.ender funhcr covenum und agree ag folk�wK: ��_,
<br /> 17. Foreclosure Procedu�e. If Lendcrn,yuirc+immedfatc poyment In full undcr puro�truph d.lxndcr muy invukc Ihe
<br /> Ipa wer af cale und uny dhe�mmedie.r�crn�iucd by upplicuble luw. Lcnder shall be cmiU��d to coUccl ull ex�xn.cs incurrcd �'!'=-=.
<br /> ,, ;;,� in pursuing Ihe remedicx pmv�ded in�hi.+parugruph 17,�n��t Nmited�o,nuu�nuhle Wlomcys'fce�anJ cacts��f
<br /> • ,`;;' tille cvidcoce.
<br /> ' '�' u°'• I11he power af sale is invuked.'I�ustee sh�ll recurd A nolice of defoult In eac6 caunty In which�ny pwrt of Ihe
<br /> '�'��`'�' Pra rty ia lacated ar�d shall mpil rnpie�+uf s�uch nutice in the manne�presc�fbed by�p Icable Iww ta Horrower�nd ,�,� _
<br /> .. .,.,�. . � y cAble low.7Fuxlec xhall give --
<br /> � to 1 e other pe�uns prescribed by s�ppIicable law Ai�er the Iime required b pppl� �,,;:;=:°�_
<br /> • , • public notke of ra�le to the perFOns And in Ihe mAnner preticribed by upplicable law 7Yuslee,wlthaul demAnd an ��-�__
<br /> ... -�_;�.
<br /> ..:.�.� .. ' Horruwcr.rhvll srll lhe Property•ut public nuction to!he highesl bidder af Ihe fime ond pWce And under the Ic�my r••:,. •:�=v�_--- __
<br /> � ^' ° � designpted in the nodce ot�ale in ono ar more parcele and io woy nrder 7Yuxtee determines. 7tu�tee may pu�tpone .:'-�a�---
<br /> � ' • � sale af All or any pprcel of lhe Prape�ly by public anoouacement at Ihe tima�nd ploce ot ony prevlouxly�eheduled �_�._
<br /> . '•• , ;�•.,��fti �•• rwle. Lender ar it�designee muyp urchore tho Property at any swle. � " + K,.-----�-
<br />: r:., ., • �*•'�'• � . � U p o n r e c e i p t o P pw y m e n l�F t h r P r i c e b i d.7 l r u a t e e 4 h a 1 1 d e l h•e r l o I h e p u r c h us er 7lrustee s deed canve yfn g the
<br /> ni..t �,..-.
<br /> �x����,;;��,. •,�� Propeny. The recilu l s In Ihe 7Yustee R deed shall be prima facie evideoce oP truth ot Ihe statementA mpde therein. , ,�•��-`���
<br /> `� � "" • � � 'I Y u s t e e A h a l l a p p l y t h a r o c e e d s o P i h e s u l e I n t b e f o l l o w i n a r d e r: I A 1 l o a l l atiwt� and ex ores ot exercisinR Ihe -�.,, , ti,-
<br /> , 1, , ,,,,, •, '' p . Y.,.-�;.�`�,�'`���
<br /> pawer of sale.nnd Ihe sale.includin�the puyment u P t he 7 Fustec's fees Ac tua l ly lncu�re d.n a t l o e+c c e e d '� . ,; �����'
<br /> ;,. .,i.�' . ' of imil ted byi law;b)lo all srmr�`ecur e d by�t h is 3 e c u r i t y I°I R i u�m o l f�n d(c lt p n y e z c e s.t a h e p e�i�s o p or p erso�s `'.'..°.,���° -=
<br /> . . ., � , pe�
<br /> � el �11y entillcd ta i� '��r''��i
<br /> '%;};. a,;r r,°...���
<br /> 1B. Reconveyanee, l��rm pnyment of ull tiumx�ecured by�hi+5ecurity In:+tn�m�m, Leixtrr�hall rcqueu liru�t�ti lu , :,;;#..,����
<br /> � " •• � , �, ; nconvey�he Propeny und.Fw90�oRCnJer tnis Sccuriry Imtrument und ull nutes evidcncin�t dcM u�und by thi+Srcurity . • _
<br /> :: „ .. ln�trumcnt w'Itus[ce. 7iu.t�e shaU r..��,n�t�the Propeny withou� wurranty und wi�huu�rhargc to tFk penan or penons .. R;.,-r,=-�..�..-
<br /> .. ' � `',''' 1cgaUy cntitled�a it. 3uch persan o�pr�.uns.hall puy uny ruordauun cu.l+. :•�t;'":` .--
<br /> ,,. � " . ^ , 19. Substitule 71ru�tee. Lrnder,ut iis op�ion,muy fmm timc�o timc remuvr Trustc� :md oppoint a wcccsw�tru��cc
<br /> t��;�ny 71v.�ce uppoimed hcrcunder b} an inzlTUmrrn rcci�rJed in�hc coumy in which l6�ix Scruriry Inslru�mnt is recordeJ. u;�,�;�,___ _
<br /> � •• '' V4'iihout conveyunre of ihe R����t��.th�:ucces+or w.tee +hull succ«d ta ull ih�ai�le.��wer and Jwir.cunfcrreJ u�n • ..:.r:� _
<br /> � `` '�SUStee hcrein und by app�licuhle la��. � . `�--
<br /> ' � 20. Request for Noticea. Bo►rnuer requesls thut copiex of the mruiceg oP defuull unJ.ale he xenl to Borrawer's �i� .,�, 'a:°;,
<br /> � , t. � Atldres.r•which is thc Propeny Addr�.•. 1� • .�. •-��__�-.--
<br /> � �: , . �-:. --.-_.
<br /> Riderg W this 5ecurity I�slrumeol. li anc or m��re rf,)rrs s�n cxccu�ed by Biircowcr und rec.►rJcd tugMhrr«nh this ":�-_-
<br /> ' . Sccurity In�trumcnl, thc covcnums aP cach such ridrr.hall t+c incor�x�ratcd into and shull •rmenJ und surQf�mrn! Ihc ' •�•% �- -
<br /> �'�}�i�:{:'��;�?
<br /> " � cavenunt,and ugreemem.oCthis Securm fn.irumunt ux if the ridrr(��urre In u pun of thi�Securny In+trument. � ;;:�.
<br /> (Check upplicuhlc hnxlc�l�. •�"
<br /> . ��;�����.`
<br /> , , ,.,;;� _ �, 1 .
<br /> ' •����-.c�; � �`� �ConJ�minium RiJcr �Graduutcd Puyment RiJrr �Growing Equity Ridcr �, `�.�, �
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<br /> p � •,•� �.�.��°
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<br /> , � Un lhiti 23r d `I:'•`01 December, 1991 .h�•I��rr mr,thc urnkr.ignrJ.a Nutary : •'.,
<br /> , ti . Publir duly rnmmi„ionrd and qu:ilih.•d lur,aid ru�uil�.p�•r.unalh :amc
<br /> � � '''• ' MARTY W PISTl1LKA ANI� .7]1.L M PIST[II�KA 11U5AANU ANU WIh'F '
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<br /> � , t hei r ���hinl�+rr:�cl and d�•c�l.
<br /> '' ''',,. H'itrm„my h�uid und nnianal���al al GRAN[) ISI,ANA m ,aid rnum�. Ihr .
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