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<br /> • F i. PwymeM oP P�Incipal�Interest�nd Lote Churqe. BoROwc�tihall pay when dur�he principul 01,und intere��on. ., , ..+_��►„�,�
<br /> • ;�� " �he deM cvidemed by Ihc Notr und lute chur e.duc undeRihe Nute. °�'�~`'''''^"'� =°
<br /> �� ' 2. MoMhly pAymenta of 7i�xex.lnsur�nce And Other Lhwr�e�. Ii��n��N•�r�hull inrludr in cuch monlhly payment. , : "�'"`�
<br /> "�' ' � tugelher with�he princfpul and interex� u� �et fonh in�he Notc and any lu�e rh�uge+.un im�ullmrm nf uny Iu1 wx��und ,-. .F.�'v —
<br /> ..,.__.�.�._�
<br /> , � � ,. spccial u��++ment.Ievie d or to t x�Icvie d u g u m+t t h c P n�p e d y.l h 1 I c u x r h�d d p u y m e n�y�,r�:ru u nd ren��on ihc Pro p rn y.und . , �. �x,� !
<br /> Icl premium�for insurunce requircd hy Purugmph 4. �=�Jf''-
<br /> Fauh monthly im�ullmem li�r i�em� lul, lb1 und lc1+hull cquul one•�walf�h ot'�hr nnnuad umnunt., u* reu�onnbly '� �-•
<br /> , � estimnted by Lendcr, plu� un mm�unt suftirirnt �u muintuin :u► udditiunul halancc c�f nat morc th�m �me-.iK�h uf �hr . . , .
<br /> estimuted umauntti. The full unnuul umounl fur curh item�hull tx arcumululcd hy Lendcr wiihin u �ri�xt enJing onc •
<br /> man�h Nef�re un itcm would becom�d�li�qucnt. Lender+hull hold the umoums a�llecied in trus�to piry nam.1u1,lbl unJ ,,;�;,�.;,.,.�;,.,r�t.,;��
<br /> j (c)before they hecome delinyuen�. ,
<br /> If at any time the towl of the puymcm+held by l.�nder tiir itrmz lul. Ih)und 1�1.u►gethcr with �h� fulure mumhly . . . .
<br /> � !' paymem+ f'ur ,uch item� puyuble u� Lender prior to th� Juc dotc,�►f.uch rtcm+, rxrcrd, by more thun �me•.ixth the ,
<br /> c�timnted um�unt M'puyments required to puy�uch ilrms whrn dur,unJ if puymenl�on thc N�►tr ure currenl,then Lcndcr
<br /> �. shnll either refund thr excc,.uver one-aix�h of the c,timuted puymrnt,��r rrcdq Ihe rxcc..nvcr one-sit�h ul'thc e.�imuted
<br /> ' � puymentn to suh�equent puyment,by Bnra�wer.ut thc optinn of Bnrrower. If thr�otul af thc puym�nt.madc by Borrowcr
<br /> k • for item lul,lh),or(cl i�m.ufficient to puy thc itcm when Juc,then Hurrowrr.hull pay t��Len�r:ui�amuunt n�re.�ury to
<br /> 4 make up Ihe drlicicncy on or t+cfbrc Ihe dute!he itrm F+cr��me.dur_ '
<br /> Ax uxed in thi.Seru�it� Ins�rumeM."Secrc�ury..mran,the Serr�taq uf Hou�ing und Urban Dr�elupnxnt�,r hi.ar her . .
<br /> �., designee. In uny yrar in ahi�F.tf:e Lcnde�mu.�pay a ou�ngagr inwrance prrmium�o the Secrrwn.ruch manthl�Fa�mcnt 4.�. •.
<br /> . t, tihall ulno include rith�r: �i� nn inxtal'.r���m of the annual mongagr imur:mcc prcmium tu Ix paid b�• Lrndr� to the ' ; 1.,,. jr.
<br /> .. t'� Secretury. ��r lii►a montfil} charFe instead of a m�mgug�in.urance �remium il'ihis Securny Imtrumrn� is held h�• thr ; ' ,�e'�i����.
<br /> SeeretAry. �ach mumhl� installm�nt of tre mnngage in+urancc prcmium sh�►II ix�in un umount,uftiricnt t��arrumul:n�the
<br /> full unnuul mnnga�r insurancr prrmium �uth Lender i�nc m�m�f� prirr tn the dutr the full unnual m��ngaFe insuTanrr 1 i '
<br /> � r prcmium iti due tn the Sccretary:or it'thi.Seruritr lnstrumcnt i.hrld h}��he Sernlury,curh monthl�•chargr.hall tx in un �
<br /> I umuunt eyual tu nne-tw•rlfth c,f ane-hali'�xrrcnl i,t`thr��ut,t.inding rrinripal h:dunre dur on ihe N�itc. ` . ; �,,,P
<br /> If Bormwer tender+to Lender the full paymern��I:�u.un,..�.��r�a ny�n�.Srcuri�y In+�rumcm. B��rrawrr'�;+rcount �,�:•.
<br /> ; tihull t+e credited with�he hrlancr remuininF ior ull m:tallmenl� i��r ium+ lul. (hl anJ Icl und uny murlg:�Ec in.uranc► ; .:i,�
<br /> premium intitallment that Lrnder ha.n��i Ix•rome uhli�ated a�pay Ir the Srrre�ury.and Lendcr.hall pr��mptly refund��m� �
<br /> excess fund�tn Bnrrower. Immediutely priar to a li,reclo.rure suk��i'the Property or m aryuisition hy Lender. B��rrawNrx i
<br /> uccount tihull Ix credited wiih;u�y halunrc rcmuining for ull in.tullments f��r irem�(a1,lh1 und lcl. -"�
<br /> 3. Ap Ikadon of Pay�ments. All puymcni.under Pu�u�ruph+ I und 2 shall Fx:►pplicd hy l.cnJrr u.fulluw�: i " ,�.
<br /> �lo the mon�tuge in�uranrc prcmium to tx puiJ hy l.endrr i��ihr Serrcian���r tu Ihr mun�hly chargc M thr
<br /> �Secrctu in+tcuJ i�f thc monthly mongaEc imuruncc prcmium: I .
<br /> ,tu uny�uxc..s�xriul u.+r.+mcnt..Icu.rholJ paymcna��r gn,und reiu..and tirr.tl�xx!and othcr hazurJ . A�.
<br /> inwruncc{+r�miom.:,�c rcywreJ: � ' .-
<br /> I THIRD.to intrrc+�duc undrr thr Notr; ' ; ` � -
<br /> � � FOUR7'N.a�umoniiatiun uf�hc principul uf�hr N��tc: � �'
<br /> I FIFI'H.lo(ulr rh.irgc�dur undcr Ihc Nulc. , .
<br /> , 4. Hire,l�Inod and OIher Hur.urd Insuranre. H��rro«cr.hall imurr all�mprovemrnt�on�h�1 ri�Exrty,«hclhrr n���� I �'. •�'�+
<br /> in ezititence��r .ubscyuenUy errrl.J. ugain.i :in)• huiard.,.cu�w�ltic.. an�l runtin�!en:ic.. including tirc,for«•hirh l.end�r . , , �.�;+
<br /> � rcyuirex in.urancc. Thi�in.urunrc,hsdl tx maintuincd in thr umuunt.:md liir Ihr peri�xlti Ihul l.rndcr rcyuirr�. H��rti�wrr , �
<br /> tihull altiu�n.urr ull�mpruvrmcnt.un thc��ruprny.Nhrii�c�u��w u��.,�•����.�,��.uL."{ucndy �r.:�t.J..�tu���.s l,.,,`y tlnad�.
<br /> tu the rxtcnt rcyuircJ by thc ticrrc�ary. All in,ur:uirc.hull Ixx rxrncd��nh rumpunic,:ipprovrd by Lrndrr. Th.imuranrr
<br /> policira und uny rcncwul� .h+dl Fx hcld h�• l.rnd�•r and.h:►II includc Ir.. pu�•:iblr clau.c, in fuvor i�f. ;md in •r fami � .
<br /> ucreplubl�lo.Lcndcr.
<br /> In the evrm u1'lo,.. tiurru�+er,h.dl �i�•r I.rndrr imm�Jialr uut�rr h�• mail. Lrndrr may m:�kr prool ul'los.if nut
<br /> madc pr�►mpdy by Hunu�vrr. fi•rch in.ur��ncr comp:m� :un�cmc4i i.h�rrM :iwhurvrd and din��cd�o mukr payment fi►r
<br /> �uch li�+.Jirec�ly 1��Lrndrr.imtc.�J ul'lu HuRUwrr:�nd lu Li nJcr juinll). r�ll ur:m� pa�n��f thr io,ur:mcc pnx�eJ�muy Ix
<br /> ' � upplicd by Lender.at il�oplion.rilher lul lo thr ndurtion u1�hr iiul.hlednc..undrr Ihr Notc anJ Ihi,5ecurily In.trunt�nl.
<br /> t tirxt to uny dclinqucnl um��unl+ :�r�i�«i in Ihr urder m I':�raEr:�ph �. :md �hrn ta prrp:q�mrni ai'prinripaL ix Ih► lu tlx
<br /> re�torution ar repair uf thr d:im:i�rd pruperh. :\ny ap��lirauun��I Uie�,r�k«<i.����n.����,��r:�l.h:�ll n�►1 rxtend��r pu.t�x�nr
<br /> the Jue datr ot Ihr monthl► ra�mrn��whir���rr retern�d w in P:u;�t�r:�ph'.ur rhan�:�Ihe amuunt��f wrh paynum.. Am ;
<br /> exce.�imur:inrc���x��a.�,���an:�muunl rrquir�d In�.n all uu�,ianJm� inJrh�rdne.. undrr the hu�e :md thi, Seruritp � , • .
<br /> � Instrumcnt sh;ill fx puid tn�hc.ntiiy Ic�:,�ll}enud�d ihrnu�. . � , ',
<br /> �tl I�ll`CVC01 ��f lol'CC���+Ufc i�l�Ihl•1�CUTiI) Ill�lilltllril� or u�lirr tr.�lhla•�u��h�le���IIIC ��f�����11} Ih:1I CSIIIIFIIItih��IhC
<br /> . indchtcJnc�..all right.liNr:uid imrrr.t ul liurru��•r� m and i„in,ur.mcc p��lirir,in I�•rcr�h�dl ru.,�n�hc purrha+cr. �
<br /> • 5. Occupunr�. Prexcrcutiun. 1luinlcnunre und Prutectiun oP thc Pr�ipertc: Hor�o�vcr'.r I.oan Application;
<br /> Lcasehnld+. Hurruurr +h:ill�kcup�•. c,tahli,h.��nJ u,r Ihr Piu�Km u• li��rr�»�cr, �innripal rc,idenrc ��iihin ,ixry day.
<br /> uftcr thc exrruhun��f Ihi.tirrurilr Intilnun�nt�ind +haU rununur i����r.up) ihr I'mprn� u. H„rrrn�rr'•prin.i��:d rr�idenrc
<br /> • fiir at Icuti�unr��ur aftrr thr d,n�ul'��iru�.mr}.unl��,.th.tiei irl:�n dra•mime.ihf.rrquimnxnt��ill r;�u+r undue harJ�hip
<br /> � � � � for Burtuwcr. ur unlr�ti cxlrnuaun�: rirruni,t:mrr+ rxi,i ���luch arr Fx•�und I��,m,��er'. r�mir„I. l�air����rr tih:dl nuuty
<br /> �� l.enJcrs ol�any extrnuatin�circum.�:mrr.. liarm�<<•r�h,dl nui rummi���a.ir�u�d.•�irm.d.nna�e�,r,ul„�anti;dh rhun�:e
<br /> , � thc f'r��(xrly ur:dlu��•�hr Pru�rlp In d��cri�,r;U��,r�:i.�,n:ihk��r:�r.md�r.0 r�rrp�rd. LriiJr� ma� in�p.���h�1 rnprrty il th�•
<br /> � R���xtty ic�•aranl ur ab;uiduncJ ur Ihr In:in�,in.Irt;ndl. L.•n�lrr m;�� i.i6r rra.un.ih)r:icuan I��rn�I��rt.uid�,�c,rr«•uch
<br /> ' . varant ur aih;indunrd 1'ru�rl��. Rurm��r� .h;ill:d.n tx• m Jrl:wl� d lioiru��rt. durm�: Ihr I�,:in .ip�,hr:�liun �n�Nr". g:i�r
<br /> ' t11:11CC1UII� I:I��I' Uf IIIi1CCU�:dt• Itl�i�flll.11lull t�f �I:dCI11C111. 1�� �.�Il��il Int I�II�i'�� lu ��fu11i��' �CIIi�CI 1�11�1 :111\ Itl:lfl'1'I:1�
<br /> infnnnutiunl in cunnr:ti�m«i1h Ihr (uan r�idrnrcd h� ih�� \�qr. iarludmi�.hut nu� I�mnrd H+. r.•�,rcum:uian.iunr�•rnm�
<br /> Hurruucr:��rrup:�nc��uf thr 1'ru�xm a.:�pnn.q,,il rr,iJ��n�r II thi.S�•.wu� In.lnnnriu i.un.�Ir:i.rhulil.I��,rru�►cr.h:ill
<br /> rnmply wilh Iltr pnni.i�m�nl Ihr Ir:�,r. II li�ni„��rr :i.��un.•�Irr i�tlr w�hr Ih����rrt�.th�•b�.n.•h�d�f.md Irr Inlc,hall n�,l
<br /> Fm mcrgrd unlr„Lrnd.•i :i�rrr,t�,ihr mrig�r m�•nti��L.
<br /> 6. ('hur�;e�to N�irru��er and Prute�dnn ut'Lendvr'. Ri�;lil.in Ihe I'roperl�. li��rn,���•� �h.�ll p.i� all��nrnunrnlal
<br /> or municipal rl�:irgr..I�nc�and �inpi��m�m,Ih:n e�r n��l m�hiJ�•J ui I`.u.n�i.�ph _'. li��rn,��ri .h.ill��.i� tlir.r„hh}.iuun•�m
<br /> time dirrrtly 1��Ih� cnut� ���hi�h i. �,��rd Ihr p.i�mrnt II I.ulu�r �,� p:�� ���nilJ .id�.��•.�1� .iUcci Lrndri'• in1.u•,1 m Ihr
<br /> ' 1'ro�xrty.upun I.cndcr',rcquc,t liorr„��r� ,h.ill prnnq�ll� hirni,h t��LrnJr� ir�r��,t..��idcnrin�Ihr,�•��a�nunl..
<br /> ' ` II HoRU��cr I:uh �n m��Ar �hr,r pa�mcni, �n ihr p.i��urui. rc���mrJ h� I::r:i�i.iph ' ui t.iih i�� �x•rl�,rm .m� �qhrr
<br /> rnv.•nunl�:�nd,wl'Pi•Ol!911\l'Utl1:1111C1� 1111�11��x'l'UI'll\ �I1�1711111t'lll.��1"I�ll'fl' 1�.1�N�':1��'fl�iC�'l�lll�'1�1:11 Ill.l� til�lll�li8111�\ i11�1'il
<br /> � Luid�•1'ti �i�h1,iu fhi I'ru(:�tl•, t�u:lt .t•:i �•tu�c:c!�n� !n P.tnF.tu�•1��. Ir� irr.dt•tnr.ui„n ��t���rntnn,• i.��«rn iri•ni��n�m.�. _.
<br /> then Lcndrr m;n du and pa� uh.�ir�rr i.n���•r•,,u� i���n��ir:� ihr �,dur ul ihr Pm�,.•n� and L��nJ��r',n�•hi•in ib�• I'ru�x�r��.
<br /> mcludinF p;�tm.nl ut taxc�.hai.ird ui,ur:in.r and��Ihci i�rm.mrnuanrd m I:u.�ira��h�
<br /> Am umuum•ditihunrd h� Lrnd��r unJcr ih�. P.n.i�:r;q,h.liall hr.uiur:ui.idd�twn;il drhi nl li��rn�urr:ind hr ��•��nr�1
<br /> h�. Ihi,S��curi�} )n,�rumrm. Thr,r :�m�nnn� +h.�ll Ixar inlrtr•i Inm� Ihr d:ur�•f di,hut.cmrm..0 Ihr �uir rat��..ind.d th.• `
<br /> � opt�un nf I.rndcr.���:ill In•mUUt•u�.uri}�iuc�u�ii�r,i�ai�ic.
<br /> � 7. l'�ndemnation. 'i hi�rrucrrd���t �m� a��ard�,� rl.nni���r.I.unn�r�,din•ri ur:un,cyurnu.�l.in���i�n��ru��u��dh.m�
<br /> � cunJrmnutiun ur othrr t;iking uf :u�t �:in„t tlic I'r���x•�t�.u� tur.ui»r�.inrr m{�lair�,t.��nJrnm.wnn.are h�vrh� .��.i�nc�l
<br /> � und.hall tx paid tu Lrndrr lu Ihr c�t�:nl��I ih�lull anwunl��I Ihr mJrMrdnc••ihai n m.un.un��.u�l undri �hr ti��lr ,nx1�h��
<br /> I ticcurit) In�trumrnt. L�iiJrr,hall ap��h.�rch pr�,.rrd.l��thr irdu:u�m nl thr mJrhir�lnr..undri ihr 1���r:uu!Ilu.ti��.uiit�
<br /> � Imtrumrnt, lir.t lu um drlini�uem ,uii��unh :ip�,lir�l m ih�• oiJri �,�o�i�lyd in I';u,�}�r:q+h i. .mJ ihrn �,, �,rrp,n nirni ut
<br /> �,��n��r,�i. n�,� ;�rri�.�:�u�,�, ��r �i,� prurr�J, 1�� �hr punry,:d .h:dl nni r�irnJ ��r pu.tpunr thc Ju:• d:itr ni tlh m�milil�
<br /> i��
<br /> fj ����,.�. ,•��r��io,�
<br /> S�
<br /> , � i
<br /> �' I
<br /> . t;
<br />