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<br /> TiWiTOR READ THIB BEFORE 8K3NIN0: �3" �0�8
<br /> - T���qpW�1h�t tl►�doaumMt ih�t Trusia i�about to�x�auM t��Orid ol TruW and�i4���rt�:.rsd�t ths power `-
<br /> - of uN provld�d lor In th�DMd ot Tru�l provld�wb�MnWlly dlfNnnt rlphts and ablip�Mon�b Trw�or th�n a mortpap�In th�w�nt
<br /> of s dN�ult or bn�ah of obilp�tlo�untN►th�OMd of Trusf,inatwrlinp,but not iimlbd to,th�L.�nd�r's ripht b h�w f!�Prop�rry wW
<br /> ' by th�TrwtM wNhout any Judfol�i procNdlnp,Trwtor r�uM�nq tnd w�rrsnb thd thl�aoknowl�dp�+l'Nnt wy�x�ouMd by
<br /> :,'
<br /> Trwlor bNor�th��x�cutlon ot tlw DNd of Trwt
<br /> . �, it t A So• a t�ko�rD�r Hu�b�nd �
<br /> �� �
<br /> ___�—',�,�.,.���„�,:,-,.�:�� c k C
<br /> _ � _ - - bary a h�artzkopiTr Mit�
<br /> -�— �.
<br /> ' �� .:•,::, - DEED OF TRUBT WITN FUTURE ADVANCES �
<br /> ;�; .,,� a _ .
<br /> --:-�, .
<br />___ � �� � THIS DE&D OF TRUBT.i�m�ds a of the_.1Sth.daY c� Ito° ,18�3.,by and amonp __
<br /> - �_� `='�f�'��*`�,-',��?�: So6�rt A SehrartsJcnR� � Narrr G S�ririzlcnni . hu��and and rif� ,
<br /> ' . �.r,�� . th�Trustor, --
<br /> --�� ""• „� :r ' ' WhQM�11111ung sddross i� 205 H�aaArood Dr f3rand Ialan�ereln^Tru��f"�i��r b�r�i�r mon), G _
<br /> ,"""'ro,-��::'"•3+p 7:'?`;`.
<br /> .a t. Fiv� Pcint� S nk a �l�braaka CorAq��*ioa , -°--
<br /> �,�•��.. _ .. the TrustN�
<br /> �? ' P.O. 8ox 13�7 Graad Island. ME 68882 �'
<br /> �+:•_. . • . . . ..
<br /> whow mailinp addre�s Is. - (herein"Trua»s"),�nd �;;;_
<br /> . �'�' the 8aneticiary, Fiv� Pofntr Bank , - ,�
<br /> . ��
<br /> r�..;;.: � . . ti•` 2015 1L flreir�i l Grand I�Lnd 11 ._ A2-1!S07 (FN��111"Uf1d�f").
<br /> � � whos�maiUnp addreas is • ---
<br /> � � FOR VALUABLH CONSIDERATION,inaiudlnp Lender's ext�n�lon of credit IdonUffod harefn toRob�rt A Sahrartzko�i �ft�
<br /> ' � ° � ■rv t3 Schre�tZJcp.pf theretn"Borrower",whether one or more)and the trust her�in creat�d, __
<br /> � • � � ' '�. the rec�ipt ot which i�hereby aoknowiedped,T�uator hereby irrerocebly pranta,tranatera,conveya and a�ipn�to Trustea,IN =_-
<br /> ' TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,for the benetit end securiry of Lendar,under and eubject to the terms and conditions horeirwfter�t _
<br /> � ,,,�� forth,tht reai prop�rly.described As toltowe:
<br /> . . _"�=`�`-' -'=_'�---' iA7 TCfiilTY-Tl�O �!2??, POTA54! S4l9DIYISIOk, liA1,l1 GLllNTY, W��.BRASKA
<br /> ' r _
<br /> Topether with all bulidinys,improvemanta,fixtures,atreets,alleys,passa�eways,easementa, �iphta,pr(vlleyes and appurte- ��_�_
<br /> . nances loaated thereon or fn anywise pertalninp thereto,and the renta,lssues and profits,reversions and remainders thereof,and , .
<br />,� '� ` � ' � � � � zucn pa:sans��raparty teat is attachcd ta tha improvomsnts so as to constitute e tixture,fnciuding,but not Ilmited to,heaUng and �x.-
<br /> cooitnq equipmant;and together wlth the homeatead or marital interesta,if any,which Interests are hereby released and waived;ait ,
<br /> � of whfch,inatudiny replacoments and addltiona thereto,is hereby declared to be a part of the real estate teoured by the Iien of this �
<br /> ;, . ,,, ONd ot Truat and all of the forepofnp behp re(erred to hereln ae the"Prope►ty".
<br />, r� This D�d of Truat ahali secure(a)the payment of the principal sum and fnterest evidenced by a promisaory note or Credit �
<br /> r
<br /> Y
<br /> �"` apreement datad ,having a maturlty date of paT-i5th i944 � 8 "
<br /> ;� •
<br /> � in the oripinai pri�clpai amaunt of S � 100_AR ,and any and ail modiflcationa,extensiona and renewals C„ -
<br /> • thereoi or thereto and any and all tuture advances and readvances to Borrower(pr any of them It more than one)hereunder `;;'.
<br /> � pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credit ayreements(I�erein ca{led"Note"y;(b)ths paymant of plhpr�ums edvenced by h '
<br /> � Lender to protect the aeourity of the Note;(c)the pe�tormance of all covenants and ayreements of Truator set farth hereln;and(d)ait � _
<br /> S'. � ' present and future Indebtedness and obUgations of Borrower(or any ot them if more than one)to l.endar whether dfrect,fndlreot, �
<br /> - absoiute or continyent and whether arisfnp by note,yuaranty,overdraft or otherwiae.The Note,this Deed of Trust and any and ail
<br />- • other docuents that aecure tha Note or otherwise executed m connection therewith,inc�udiny without Ilmitation 9uarantees,security
<br /> ` ayreements and aaiignments of ieassa and renls,ahalt be referred to hereln as the"LOan Inatruments". �:.• �
<br />;'��,,. ��.' . Truator covenents and apree�wlth Lender as followa: '
<br /> 1. Pay�f ot Ind�bbdn�ss.Atl indebtedness secured hereby shail be pald when due. � ,�
<br /> '�'�" , r 2, 7Mb.Trustor is the owner of the Property, haa the riflht and authorlty to convey the Property,and wartanta that the Iien
<br /> �' created hereby is a ffrst and prlor Ifen on the Property.except tor fiens and encum brances set fo r t h by Trua tor in wr l t lnq an d
<br /> � � deilvered to Lender before executlon ot thia Oeod of Trust,and the exeeutfon and delivery of thla Deed of Trust does not vlolate any ,
<br /> contract or other obligeUon to whlch 7rustor fs subject. ,
<br /> 'f�; � � ' . 3. Tax�s.A�sMSm�nb.To pay betore deilnquency all taxes,special assessments end al�other charyes apalnst the Prope►ty
<br /> _, �:; now or hereaRer Ievied. . •
<br /> __,., � ;' 4. Inwnnc�.To keep the Property fnsured against damage by fire.hazards fncluded within the term"extended coverage",and
<br /> �s-. . � wch oth�r hazards as Lender may require,In amounts and wlth Companies acceptable to Lender,naminp Lender ea an additbrtai .
<br /> •� ��;;�... • nam�d In�urod,with lo�s payable W th�Lender.In cese ot loss under auch poiicie�,the tender Is authorized to adJust,coileot and
<br />- �,ti ; ,. . . compromi=s,sii clsims thereunder end ahail have the option of applyfng ali or part ot the Inauranc�procs�ds(i)to any IndeDtbdness .
<br /> , °��� -:�- ' secured hsreby and in such ordar�s Lender may determine,pq to the Trustor to be usad for tAe ropafr or restoratfon of the Property
<br /> ' or(tit)tor any other purpose or object setisf�ctory ta Lender without effecting the ifen of thls Desd of Truat tor the tutt amount secuted
<br /> � h�r�by b�tore euch payment ever took ptace.Any appUcation of proceeds to indebtedness shall not extend ar po�tpono the due , '
<br /> —�� �• � dN�of any paym�nts undar the Note,or aure eny detault thereunde►or heraunder. "
<br /> '+. b. 6crow.Upon writtsn demand by lender,Trustor�hali pay to lendor,in such manner as Lender msy design�ts,suHicient
<br /> wms to�rMbt�Lsnde►to PaY a+tMY bscame due one or more of tha toilowinp:(i)all tax�s,assesunenta and other charqes ayafnst ��..
<br /> . .. . --- �--��-----
<br /> _,__-----�---.--•- tM Propwly.(iq th�pnmiums on tn�propsrry msuranc�requtno ner�unaor,end(iiij iit�premiuru�6n Nnr munyaye a�s�r�n�wr .•-•
<br /> -�� f�QY�bY LMI�f. ,•
<br /> •..�; 6, M�YM�anq,p�paks and CompWnpwith I.aw�.Trustor shoN kaep the Proparty In yood Condltion and repair,ahall ,,,,
<br /> - prpmptly npNr,or npi�c�any improwm�nt which m�y b�damay�d or datroyed;�h�ll not commit or permlt any waste or
<br /> dNKiontlon ot 1M PropKty;th�ll not remove,demdleh a oubsG�ntially ait�r any ot th�improwmsnts on tho Proporty;sh�tl not
<br /> commlR sufk►or Mrmit any�ct to b�don�In a upon th�PropKty in violaGon of any taw,ordlnenc�,or roputadon;end sh�ll pay and
<br /> prompqy di�oAvps at Truttor'�cos!md�xpenw all�irru,rncumb►ana�s�nd charyes��vi�d,impw�d or aES��d�pafnu tho
<br /> , Prap�tly or�ny p�rt tMnof.
<br /> 7, En�y�nf ppNdn.L�nd�r b h�eby�ssipn�d all compmsaUOn,�wards,d�may�s and otMr paymNtb or n11N(herefnafb►
<br /> "procMds'�In coon�ctlon with cond�n�ation or oth�r takinp of th�Prop�►ty or part th�rwf,or ta oonv�yr�nc�In Iiw of cond�mna- ��
<br /> qon,LK�shdl b��ntltl�d�t{b optlon to comm�nc�,app�ar in�nd proMCUt�In fb own nam�any aatio�a proc�dfny�,and
<br /> sh�N�p 1��ntltl�d to mik�any¢ompranlst or sN�mnt In conn�otlon wlth such Wcinp or d�msps.M tM w�nt�ny po�tton of � .
<br /> wcswswM.rwwro.a���on�
<br /> o twwrww�wwc...w+.nw�.�+�.w��wM►Wwr►w.ww
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