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<br /> _ L��er��l�' f � of tYe prfoe 6{i� Tru�t�e �11 ddirer to tbe pu�a�Trvrt�e'� deed c�oaveylu� tMe _
<br /> lropwty. '['we wdt�Y 1�e4 Trwbe's deed�11 be pri�na fack eridence o�tbe trWb ol tLe stabwieat�m�d�tl�a+eb.
<br /> - - -- 7�He ir�N ap�iy tht ptioad�o�tire nie ia tbe fofidwin�ondnY(�)to di owts�ad expnMra�ui e�ni�iil�tbo�o! -
<br /> �Ye�ud tb�le.lactudla�d�e p�ya�aM ot t6c Trtrtee'��as actwlly incurred,aot W exceed 'X
<br /> ol tbe pi�dpd�uNt at the�ote at tl�e time of t6e dedaratloM of defiult,aad r+auoo�6le attonKy�•taa ss paialtted
<br /> bY lawi tb)b�II w�w�ecue�d by tl�Sec�eity I�trurneati and(c)aay ezcas to the penou ot rer�oa�la�lly edttkd b
<br /> �
<br /> 22. ReooNVey�na. Upon p�yment of dl sumc socurod by this Socurity Insttument, L.ender siwll roqutst Trusta w
<br /> -_ -- -_ �' rxonvey the Propetty And stull wrra�de� this Secudty lnstmment and sll rates evidencing debt saura! by thic Sexvri�y
<br /> l�ntrument w Trustoe.Trusta siWl r+a�onvey the fh+nperty without watr�uy ud without cfwrQe to 1he persoa or persons Iqjally
<br /> aatitiad w it.Such perwn or persoro sludl pay any recardation oosts.
<br /> 23.S��6dipke 71ru�tse.Luder.at its optjon� may from time to time rcrtave Tntsta and appoint a suvoessor uustee to
<br /> any Tcuetoe appointod t�er�eunder by an fnattutncru recorded iu thc oounty in which this Secur�t�Irtunrma�t ic r000rded.WiUsout
<br /> oonveyanoe of the Propaty.the wxawr uuatee slwll u�cceed to dl the title.power and duba conferred upon Trurtee hercJn
<br /> and by�pplicable tavr.
<br /> -- � � 24. Reqaat[or Notka. Borrowu noquests ttat oopiec of the naloes of defwit ud sale be sent w Borrower'�rddrcss
<br /> which is the Property Addrcst.
<br /> 2S.ItWets to tbb Security Iwtruateot.[f onc or mone dders ai+e exavted by Bomower aM neoordad tagether with this
<br /> Securiry in�tiument.the oovenants and agroemasu of each wch rider shsll be incarporau�d into and shall s�nxnd ud supplement
<br /> the eovawnt:and a�teane�xs of triic Sa�trity Inst�tu as if tLee ridec(s)were a p�ut of thts Security Insttuma�t.
<br /> - [t7wsic�ppti�i►ic ix,x(es)j �
<br /> _- - Adjuctsble Rata Rider Cordominium Ridu 1-4 Fnmily Rider --
<br /> --- Graduatod payrtkru Rider Planned Unit Development Ridu Biweekly Paymrnt Rider
<br /> - B�Iloun Rida Rate Improvement Rider Seoond Home Ridtr
<br /> V.A.RWu Other(s)(speclfy]
<br /> :��
<br /> —
<br />-�_�.� BY S[OMNG BELOW,Bomawer aoc�pts and agrees to the te�ms co ooruainod in this Securiry Incwmeru and
<br /> _- in any rider(s)exocutod by Born�wer�md rxarded with it.
<br />._�;�� = Witnasa: /�i� 1Sal)
<br /> ' '� OGE� F M E -e«+o��
<br /> .,���r.:=
<br /> '�� Y.�'�rKi
<br /> • ���ti ���
<br /> " ' SARBARA N� N+ C� -��
<br /> = m*�-�< :�;.� -
<br /> = o. y; _ .
<br /> - �• �.�'`, , (Seal) (�)
<br /> -Horrorver -Borrowu
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<br /> 7�•�`.v}r::y`._':. �A��F�'B�.S�� N pl�L COIIIIty S6:
<br /> •'�``t°��"'" �• The forcgoing insaument was�cknowledgod before me this 1 L rN day of NuVEM$ER. 1993
<br /> -�� ,�v.�.� �t�-
<br /> �:�� •^ '!�•�• bY Roger P. and Barbara M. Mace, Husband and Wife •
<br /> .•�. ::• • Whnesc my hand and notari�t seal at GRA;�D I S�AiJli NEi� �;' in ' C .thedat oresajd. _
<br /> - .�= , �; � i,
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