"_'���� ' ��i�'' �t__
<br /> ___.__ _ ylt�Y� . . . -__ _--."i :r�4����._.`:_
<br /> �1 ���
<br /> � �
<br /> StICHl1i�D 1�. l�IL11Y at� JESSICII 8. D�N1►Y, husband and wits,
<br /> -- - -" Gr�ntors, in oon�idsra�ion o! th� sua o! One Hu�ds��d 1'iltY bix
<br /> ��� Thousand �ollar� (�156,000.00j and othar good a�d valuabla
<br /> - aonsid�ration, r�asipt o! which i� b�r�by aoknorri�dq�d, aonvwy to
<br /> TIlfOTHY J. O'CONN,aR and C1ITHERINS L. O'COPTtiOA, husband end wit�, as
<br /> t�nants in ao�c►n, Grants��, th� loilowinq desarib�d raal �sta�t�
<br /> (as d�lin�d in Nab. R�v. Stat. S�a. 76-701j in Hall County,
<br /> N�braskas
<br /> Sast Halt (�1/Zj o! Lot 8�v�n (7) , and all ot Lot Eiqht (8) ,
<br /> and W��t�rly Forty-Four (N44) la�t o! Lot Nin4 (9) , in Hlock
<br /> Fifty (S4� Charlas Wasa�ra Third 1Wdition to th� City oP Grand
<br /> islend, Hall County, N�braska.
<br /> . Gran�ors oov�nant with th� Grantssa that Grantors:
<br /> 1. ar� lawtully ��iz4d o! auah raal aatata and that it is
<br /> tr�e fxoa� �ncuabranc�s axc�pt easenent4, aov�nants, and
<br /> r�atriations o! racordj
<br /> 2. bave laqal powar and lawtul authority ta conv4y the a�Q;
<br /> and
<br /> 3. wArrAnt and will dstond tho titl� to tha rQal asta�te
<br /> ag�nins�t th� lawful alai�s ot all peraons.
<br /> ' DAT�u thxa ioth day of Noveab�r 3993.
<br /> :�
<br /> I��d+� � �,
<br /> --;�r=�= ichard F. DeMay
<br /> ��
<br /> �_^ . � _
<br /> ,�;,.k::`.� Je ica S. DeMay
<br /> j, r.
<br /> '�` STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ��`���
<br /> • ,,�r'-•h �Fi�N.�NE NIETfEIOT
<br /> f�. � ss.
<br /> . '`� � COUN'1'Y OF HALL ) IA►Or�aE�.wrcM1,i995
<br /> ,�� �:
<br /> '�
<br /> The foregning instrument was acknowledged before me on this
<br /> ��- h ',�.;�`- 25th aay of November, 1993, by Richard F. DeMay and Jossica S.
<br /> �,��� Dol+iay, hueband and wife. ,
<br /> _�_��r,�
<br /> — .---.����,.J���
<br /> —..,__ ._� i� vl�n> ��.��',�'
<br /> -�==-=� Notary Public
<br /> - -:�:x��
<br /> -�.:�.� Re�ueat��acom.�.�ra
<br /> �� ri
<br /> :iy!;fi..
<br /> ._..� . .,,.---.__—�—'^^'�._.- - ...w+�w+�wa.� -- - - . -
<br /> - .��i� -T . + � . ....�.A`y 4 . ti • 1•... L,.S.�.'-11011I�� 1., y.�.�1'+.iJ' .�^�:. �-.,
<br /> d�f.�'U�i.��..�.1 i.���.:.�� ' . .•�.
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<br /> --"�yr.a. '►�iaiin..::nasaTY..'.twd.aa.t.+.1.;��..�.•.��n6_i��f�'...:1�:. . S.eitl.`.YS4�������'��,i•�_.
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<br /> - _'_ -TKi:r�q': _r, pw :�. 7i.�. '•:✓ . -`vaa. �F' .. '
<br /> •� �.
<br /> — - -s.S.'r�i1-•.�i._ �i�:��'":`- ,..y<.� r� �,ji, - - .� � .
<br /> _� v-- __ .,:.u�ie�:.�'�e,aw.v. :G •.�� , p �c3�rae�,; . .�<.n S-> .i_ .
<br /> ' �y�':y:,° t ip ' �^ ��� � .9..
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