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<br /> � � - FRASER,STRYKER LAW FIRM � � �, � � �, �„ �
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<br /> Thirt Spacs Rasorvod !or R4cordinq Purposss _
<br /> � ��— '�3 j�, ��� SIiERIFF�S DEED /
<br /> — THAT W�IEREAS, in a� aation in the Distriat Court o! �
<br />=_ — HAll County, Nebraska, wherein Dov�nauohl� 1[ortgaqe, ina.,
<br /> Plaintitt, and Bruce Lynn Lundy a/k/a Brucs L. Lundy, a ainqle
<br /> psr�on, and Northwestern Publia Serviae Co., Dstondants, at th�
<br /> 1►uqus� 1993, tera of safd Court, Dovana�u�hle Kortgage, Ina., did
<br /> obtai� a Decree findinq that there ia dus lrom Bruce Lynn Lundy
<br /> - ° a/k/n Bruce L. Lundy to Dovenmuehle ![ortqaqe, Zna. the sum o!
<br />. Sixty-Two Thousand Nine Hundred Ten Dollara and Twenty-NinQ Cants
<br /> ($62,910.29) and costs of suit, and
<br /> ' ��t:. � WHEREAS, it was then and there further order�cl in the
<br />-, said aa�ion that in dsfault of the pay�ptent o! the eum so found
<br /> �� - due by the said 8ruce Lynx� Lundy a/k/a Brucss L. Lundy, that the
<br /> __ ., °�s4�-,• °° S�ii�it��ii ��ui Hnll Cour«y, sh�u13 aau�a th� �ands and taner,a:,�s
<br /> ,,,�„'��y,�;,r�.� hereinafter described to be advertised and sold accordinq to law
<br /> �. .:,�;�.. ,>�.�- to pay the eame, and
<br /> � �i1 :T��;ti,�si�,„3:�
<br /> �' ;, t`': d,,��. WHEREAS, default havinq been made therein, th� said
<br /> ���;��?�;�' � '�i_, F�nmett C. Arnett, Sheriff of said County, under and by virtue of
<br />, ,�����,,� the said DeCree and the vrder of Sale to him duly directed, did
<br /> :�•��,;:�;,.,�,.v�:,,,.�:, on October 14, 1993, at the Hall County Courthouse in the City of
<br /> ,.,,,►,�,��,�;�, Grand Island, in said County of Hall, having lirst given due and
<br />'�- ' ����°��� . •. � legal notice of the tf�ae and place oP said sale by publication
<br /> ,"+• -:. ,'
<br /> ;:,�°., : . once in each week for four successive weeks in a newspaper
<br /> �••�_ :••�,.•, printed and in general circulation in said County oP Hall, sell
<br /> �'�' �' �' said premises at public auct�on to Dovenmuehle Mortqage, Inc.,
<br /> .,:: :;�. .
<br /> �•� � '� ��''" � for the stua of Forty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Filty-Eiqht
<br /> '. �µ.y,����,..w rr D�l l�r�
<br /> ;�;,..,.:.;.. .. ($47,858.00) which sale was afterward on November 7,
<br /> '.,��;� '�• ; . 1993, examined and conf irmed and the said Emmett C. Arnett as
<br /> '"�-'��:• �•� �":;>;; such Sheriff, ordered to convey said premises in fee simple title
<br /> "'�,,,�„�. �`"����. to the assignee of purchaser, to wit: The Secretary of Veterans
<br /> _�'� �.:;.�_� :�. Affairs, his successors and assiqns.
<br /> ;,: �..
<br /> - - ��r"^' NOW, THEREFORE, I, Emmett C. Arnett, Sheriff of the
<br /> "���1� County of Hall, as aforesaid, fn considernt3on of the premises
<br /> _.1,.�KI:�.��
<br /> �"`` �� ";�� . '- and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law and the Decree of _
<br /> �._:�. �_''"',�''��� � said Court, do hereby give, grant, and convey to The Secretary of �
<br /> �" V�terans Affairs, his successors and assigns, the premises so as _
<br /> ,I1��:.tfYrr►r �`�+y -
<br /> �.. {7 ''Sv��� �
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