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<br /> - -- _ cx�laiu�aNan a aN�a Wdng of�ny part of the PropenY,or for ca�veyuioo�n lieu�i ca�nnatioa.�r�e henby wi,�md�nd
<br /> �hall be paid to Lende�.
<br /> In the evcnt of a totAl t�kin�of the f'i�operty. the pmceedR sh�ll be sppUed to the sums r�ecured by this Socu�ity
<br /> Instrumeni,whe�her or not t)xn due,with any excesa Mid to Barruwer. ln thc ev�nt of a piutial t�kina of the Pr+operty in
<br /> which the fair mx�ket value of ifie Propeny lmmediately beforc the tnlcing ls oqual to or grerter thon the unount of the sum�
<br /> secuted by this Security Instiument immediately before the takin�,unless Borrower�nd i.ender otherwise a�nee in writfnq,
<br /> the sums secu�ed by this Secudty Gutrument ahall be reduced by the�mount of the prnceeds muldplied by the P�Ilowin�
<br /> --�— � fracdon: (a)the Wta!amount of the sums secured immediately t+efo�e the teking,divided by(b)the fair muket vrlue of the
<br /> Pr�nperty immediately beforo the telcing. Any balance ahall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the
<br /> Property In which the fair market value of the Property immedietcly bcfon the talcing is less than the umount of thc xums
<br /> securcd immediately before the taking, unless Borrower and Lcndcr othetwise agree in writing or unless applicable !aw
<br /> otherwise provida�,the procads shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Inshument whether or not the sums are
<br /> Rpw due.
<br /> If the Prope»y is aba�datted by Borrower,or if.uftcr Andce by I.endcr to Borrower that thc condemnor offers to make
<br /> -- • ��°g— an award or settic a clalm for damuges,Botrawar fAils to res}wnd to Lender wlthin 3Q day�s after the datc the notice is givcn,
<br /> Lender is authorized to collect and apply tho praceeds.at its option,eUhar ta restoratfon or repuir of!he I'ropetty ar to the
<br /> sums secured by this Security Insuument,whothar ar not then due.
<br /> ; Untess Lender and Boaower othorwise agree in writtng,any appltcation af ptoceeds to principal shall not extend or ,
<br /> postpono the due date of the manthly.paymeqts referrcd to in paragraphs 1 And 2 ar changa the amount of auch payments.
<br /> _ - __� -- II. 8o��i�owe�� Not Releasetl; Farbcarance Hy Lender Not a Walver. �xtension of the time f�r �ueyrrKnt or
<br /> -- - � modiflcatian af amortization of the sums secured by this Security[nsuument granted by Lender to any successor ln intercst
<br /> ---- of Borrower shall not operate to nelease the liabiliry of the original Boaower or Bomowerl�successors in interest.l.ender
<br /> � - --T��� shall not be requirad to commence proceedings aguinst any successor in interrst ur refuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> - ,-- odxrwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by rcuson of ony demand made by the or��inol
<br /> - Borrower or Bornower�successorc in interest. Any forbearanco by l.cnder in exercirinY any ri�ht or remaly ztwll not be�
<br />-- waiver of or preclude the excrcisc of uny right or rcmedy.
<br /> = 12. Succersors And Acd�ns Bound;Joiat wnd Several I.inbNttyi('wsiKaer�. 'I7�e cuvenuntN wid u�rcenkntx uf thfN
<br />_`�� Sesurity [nstniment shull bind und bcne�t thc zucccs►on�und u,�ign�of Lender unJ H��Rawcr,KuhJcct a►thx pn►vihlnn.uf
<br /> ..t paragraph 17. Bocrawerk cavenunt�and vgrc.rment.stwlt be joint und M:veral.Any Hcxruwrr wh��cu•xiyny this Securlty
<br /> i Instniment but does not execute thc Nate: i+�)i+co•tiigning thix Securlty in�irunxnt�►nly tu nHmguyc,y�runt aid c�x�vey Ih�t
<br /> ,� Bormwerk intercyt in thc Prapeny unckr thc trmi.nt'thin Sccurity Instrumrm: (bl i��x►t�xrw�nully ubliy�trd t��puy the xwn�
<br /> '''- �cccu�+ed by this Security Inst�ument:und(c►u�treer:thut l.�:nJrr uncl uny�xher Horruwcr may+��r�ti to extend,mcxlify,furt��r
<br /> ar make any accommodationx with mgurJ tu the termx uf thi� Security Instrument or the Not¢ withewt thut B�rrowerS�
<br />.�r+,`\- COfI$CI11.
<br /> °- _ 13. Los�n Chargea. [f the loun secured by this Security Inrtrument is subject to u luw which nets maximum loun
<br /> charges,and that law is finully interpreted tio thut the intere�t or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connection
<br /> ,�w•s.�,. with the loan exceed the permitted limitx,then: (u>uny such loan churge shall be reduced by the umount nececcury to reduce
<br /> • ��<:;,��.;, the charge to the permitted limit;und(b)uny xum�ulready wllected from Borrower which excceded pean[tted limits will be
<br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender muy choo�c to muke this re6und by mducing thc principal owed under thc Note ur by making u
<br />__ ' .�� i direct payment to BoROwer. {f u refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated ac a partial prepay►nent without any
<br />- � �����:�!+ orep�yment chur�e under the Nate.
<br /> � '.;''� ..� "� "` � 14. Notices. Any natice cn Borrower providcci far in this Security Instrument shalt be given by deiivering it or by
<br /> � •�";tt�f'r';;•', � :*•� mailing it by�rst class muil unlesti upplicablc lnw reyuires uxe of unother method.The notice shall be directed to the Property
<br /> -^�^�+ �� :;, •- ' Address or any ocher address Barrower dcsi�!ni►tes by natice to Lendor. Any notice to Lender sh•rll be given by fi�at class
<br /> �- x� r���'�^:�,•--�'{�• mail to Lender's address stuted hcrein or any othcr uddress Lender designutes by notice to Bonower. Any notice provided for
<br />�'. �.a�as'�rireriiis
<br /> , in this Security Instrument shull lx deemed to have bcen given to Borcower ar Lender when given as providcd in this
<br />-� ..'�G.,`0tr`P:��.:?,:.•,��i.�,�d�r:.r .
<br /> ��>;;?:•.,.,.:. , .�:�, Paragraph.
<br /> . �;..��:;;.,.. I5. Governing Ls�w; Severability. This Security lnstrument zhull bc govemcd by fcderal Iaw and the law of the
<br /> ,;; ,.�.
<br /> `• � �'�• ,�� . jurisdiction in which the Property is Icx:uted. In the event thnt uny prrni.ion or clause of thi�Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> ' '�`'.�'. " � canflicts with applirable law,such contlict shall not affect other provisions of this Security ln.r•trument or the Note whieh eun
<br /> '���� � 7��: � be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this cnd the provisions of this Security Instrnment and the Note nre
<br /> �'�`+�'�%�•"'•' � � � declared to be severable.
<br /> , �, "��..:
<br /> ,�,r;.:��,:,4 16. Borrower's Copy. 6orrowcr tihull tx givcn onc ccmformcd copy af thc Note and uf this Security Instrument.
<br />- �, �,., 17. 11�ansfer oF the Property or u Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If ult or imy part of thc Property or any interest in
<br /> '�.���'�".:`�`� it is sold or transfeaed (ar if a txneficial interctit in Borrow�cr is snld or uaml'erred and Borrower is not a nutural person)
<br /> �� ;'.'-" without Lender�prior written conscnt. Lcndcr m.ty.at itx c�ption,reyuirc immediutr payment in full of ull rums secured by __
<br /> • %; :, k this Security Instrument. Howevcr,this option shull not be cxerci.ed by Lender i1 cxerci+c ix prohibited by federul luw w of
<br />_ -^-• � the date of this Security Instrument. •
<br /> �� - � � ,, If Lender exercixex this option,LenJer shall give Borrowcr notice of:tccelrrution. The nntice xhall provide u periad of _
<br /> •=z. �---�• ' � not less thAn 30 dnys from the dute thc noticc iz dclivered or muilcd within which Borrower must puy ull sums secured by this
<br /> �:'.. � ..... .•..
<br /> ,�T �iy Securiry Instrument. If Borrowcr fails to pay thc+r sums prior tu the rxpirntion of this �xriod, Lender may invoke any
<br /> �=Kr'•�;' ' •• remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without funher noticc or drmanJ on Bi�rruwrr.
<br /> �'-` �'• °r' .' :r;:�.. 18. Borrower's RI ht to Reinstatc. If Borrowcr mcets rcrtain runditi�ms, Bom�wrr shall havc thc right to havc
<br />- "._� �� ' � ''��'� enforcement of this Secu�ty Inwtrument di�continucd ut imy timc prior tc� thc earlier af: (a)5 days(or such cxher period as
<br /> - .�,;..5.:�, --
<br />._.�.n. �!A.�...��.i:ti+ ' _.
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